The Life Of Riley

The Life Of Riley

RiLéY - The Wheaten Terrier. Get ReadY...iam about to have a greenie! that means Like mY page bitches!¡!

mY name is RiLeY, i'm a soft coaTed WHeaten teRRieR, so they say...but i'm noT from a towN of wHeat, I don't like anything WHeAT! I think they mispeLed the word 'teRRieR' should've been TERROR! I live in a nice home with a wiNdow, theY ReallY tReat me well...speaking of tReats...aNEone have aNy? I tinK these people heRe R out of shape, don't get me Rong theY LooK good But thEy can neveR keep up wi

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that's RIght, I smILE 😬foR  🐶 t R E a t s¡ #wouldntyou #thelifeofriley #wheatensofinstagram #doglife #wheatenlife #wheat...
MY 'human' Is a pRoducER In tv & fILm, thIs Is a cLIp fRom #chicagopd #actorslife #chicagoactors #cinespacechicago #dogs...
what¿ Im not tIREd¡
Its #vaLEntInEs daY¡
watchIng #puppYbowLXII
mY cousIn LucKY doEsnt LIkE mY toY¡
pLaYIng wIth mY cousIn LuckY
