Academy of Oracle Arts

Academy of Oracle Arts

We seek to connect ourselves to this string of pearls across time and space in order to participate in shaping the pathway moving forward.

Academy of Oracle Arts is a school of Sacred Sciences, Mystical Arts, and Mystery Studies for all people that are called to be of benefit and service to the web of relations. A place of higher-learning for esoteric studies and sacred sciences including divination technologies, ritual & temple arts, astrology, egyptian cosmology, embodiment practices, herbalism and more. This is an invitation to jo


The Academy of Oracle Arts and The International Q’eros Foundation (IQF) are honored to present:


Welcoming Grandfather Kuraq Allkueq Don Humberto Soncco

October 11-13, 2024
Nevada City, CA.
We are grateful, excited, and honored to welcome Don Humberto Soncco and the Q’eros, an indigenous lineage of healers, mystics, and oracles descended from the bloodline of the Inka of the Andes Mountains.

The Q’eros will be traveling down from the high peaks, across land and sea, to join us here in Nevada City, California, to share their powerful practices and offerings with our community.

This is a very special gift and opportunity to receive blessings for your life in an authentic spiritual and cultural practice which is rarely shared with those outside of their immediate culture. The work of the Q’eros deeply aligns with the oracular current, as they consciously attune with the solar transmissions of both the Sun and Sirius (the star system), infusing Light into our realm to assist and support in the ascension in consciousness of all beings here on Planet Earth.

This is a great honor that we have to participate in these ancient and indigenous spiritual technologies with the Q’eros, while also supporting their community through the practice of ayni (reciprocity.)

— space is very limited for this special in-person gathering, head to our bio to register. —



The Moon, queen of the heavens, is being fully illuminated by the Sun in Aquarius. Full moons mark the culmination of the lunar cycle, where the themes and lessons reach their peak as the seeds sown during the new moon come to fruition. As the Moon begins to wane after this peak, we too can release what no longer serves us. The Sun’s light on the Moon mirrors our opportunity to reveal and heal unconscious patterns through awareness.

This full moon occurs in Aquarius, a sign ruled by Saturn, the god of death, darkness, and time. Aquarius is linked to objectivity, cutting-edge ideas, and universal principles, often associated with the lofty realm of the fixed stars and the Star card in Tarot. Imagine viewing the world from the vantage point of the stars above, and you’ll grasp the Aquarian vision.

As the Moon opposes the Sun in Leo, we see a contrast between Aquarius and Leo. While Aquarius values detachment and universal truths, Leo embodies wisdom through individual experience and presence. Aquarius idealizes where we should be; Leo celebrates where we are. This full moon illuminates the shadow side of Aquarius: abstract ideals that have become disconnected from lived experience.

Under this influence, we are invited to recognize and release unhealthy, abstract principles that have conditioned us. Imbalanced moralities and thought patterns that no longer serve us may surface, offering a chance for liberation. Aquarius’ wisdom lies in its hope for a bright future, yet universal principles often fail to accommodate the complexity of individual experiences.

This full moon encourages us to shed perspectives and behaviors conditioned by ideals that obscure our true nature. Like the lion in the Zen story raised by sheep, it’s time to see our true reflection and reconnect with our authentic selves.

Prayer: May we all awaken to the divine lions within us.

Artwork: Marcia Perry

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 14/08/2024

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and discover how you can serve humanity during this time of great transformation?

Join us in September for

— Portals of Light —
Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts
and Embrace Your Sacred Calling

a live online course with

Marza Millar
(Grandmother Two Clouds)
Renowned Healer, Medicine Woman, Elder and Teacher
Starting September 12, 2024
6:30- 8:30pm PST

6 Months | 13 Two-Hour Classes over Zoom

The world needs healers, visionaries, and light-bearers like you to see us through these times of shifting realities.

Explore your soul’s gifts for six illuminating months with elder and medicine woman Marza Millar. This comprehensive program will immerse you in metaphysical disciplines ranging from energy reading and plant medicine to cosmic communication, whether you go on to prepare for ordination or wish to elevate your daily spiritual practice.

Hone your innate psychic abilities, master diverse oracular techniques, and unearth your unique spiritual gifts alongside fellow seekers.

Emerge ready to navigate life’s challenges with newfound clarity and purpose, equipped to play your part in humanity’s awakening.

Whether you’re drawn to a vocation such as spiritual counseling, energy healing, or ceremonial leadership or simply looking to live a more awakened life, this course will help you find your path and equip you with tools to walk it with confidence.

You will cultivate a deep connection with the natural world and elemental forces, and you will enhance your intuitive abilities to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease.

🔗 in bye-oh to learn more.


Join us this week for an enlightening FREE Webinar! 💫

••• Healing Through the Birth Chart:
3 Keys to Transforming Your Life with Astrology •••

a live conversation with

Matthew “Merlin” Kenney
{Classical Astrologer & Ceremonial Magician}

Wednesday, August 14, 2024
12:30pm - 2:00pm PT

🔗 in bye-oh to register. A recorded replay will be sent out to all who sign up!

Just as the stars above helped ancient peoples navigate their journeys with precision and peaceful clarity, so too can the stars in your birth chart help you navigate your life, stay true to your purpose, and prepare you for the encounters you’ll face on the way.

It’s time to align with your stars. ✨

In this 60-minute complimentary webinar, Matthew Merlin brings the vision of the ancient astrologers to life in a clear, practical way. Drawing on his expertise as a practicing traditional astrologer, ceremonial magician, and translator of ancient Greek and Sanskrit, he’ll show you how you can utilize your natal chart the way it was originally meant to be used: as a tool for knowing your destiny, healing your psyche, and manifesting the life your spirit is aiming for.

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 09/08/2024

Ancient lineages that are still alive today all have a similar message — it is time for humanity to awaken and remember how to hear the wisdom of the ancestors, and Mother Earth.

🌳 What if the trees could talk? (Psst… they do!)

💧 What if the rivers could sing the songs of our Grandmothers? (Listen closely…)

🔥 What if you could deepen in Council to learn from wisdom keepers, lineage holders, and ancestral storytellers from cultures all over the world?

You’re invited to join us for Ancestral Wisdom Council, a FREE live event! 🧬🌎🌿
Join us from anywhere in the world. It’s all held on Zoom in a deep ceremonial space by our sister Torie 😍

Wisdom keepers from around the world are assembling now to share their messages. This is a unique opportunity to learn from elders and lineage holders all over the world.

It’s time to remember, reclaim, and return to our roots — made of the earth and stars.

You’re invited to join us!

Join us for the FREE Online event, Ancestral Wisdom Council.

Link in bio! ✨

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 05/08/2024

“Yesterday the Moon was reborn in the fiery, fixed sign of Leo, where the Sun has rulership and the luminous radiance of the spirit shines most clearly.

As the Moon is reborn in the fires of her consort, the Sun, The whole world is reborn as well.

For this reason, wise people throughout all ages have used new moons as a time for purifying the psyche of unwanted old habits, setting new, uplifting intentions for the next cycle, and reinvigorating ourselves with enthusiasm for life.

In Leo, the New Moon provides us with an excited passionate energetic, that restores the connection of all things to their heart, and remember their deepest, most essential self.

Leo is ruled by the Sun, the lord of Spirit, destiny, and the absolute self. Of the seven classical planets, the Sun is closest in essence to the stars in the heavens from which our spirits descended into the material world. As such, the Sun holds the keys to our core, original spirit, as well as the desires intentions that this spirit wishes to fulfill on the earth.

Because of this strong associated with the Sun, Leonine people have the easiest connection to their own absolute spirit and its intentions. The integrity of Leo’s actions is never in question, either from others or from within. Thus aligned with absolute spirit, Leonine people have unshakeable resolve, and often unwavering loyalty.

This New Moon, your connection to your own highest self, as well as its desires and drives, will see renewal and restoration. We all have the opportunity now to receive the gift of Leonine clarity and self-assuredness.
It will be easier to know your truest motivations and truest intentions. You will feel more clarity on what truly drives and motivates you, and feel more enthusiasm to align your life with this newfound inspiration.” - Mathew Merlin

Join us for A Live Online Course: GNOSIS

A FOUR-MONTH intensive in predictive astrology, magical development, and astrological magic led by Matthew “Merlin” Kenney

August 23, 2024 to December 30, 2024
(Lifetime access to replays will be available)

🔗 in bio to register.
 Art by Briton Rivière


We had such a beautiful ritual last week honoring Mary Magdalene on her Feast Day. 🌹As the grips of the archaic, oppressive patriarchal structures try to tighten around us all, it is such an especially important time to gather, pray, honor and reclaim the divine feminine in our lives and in ourselves.

If you are interested in diving deeper into Magdalene studies, this new course with Aude Barras is for you!

🌹The Way of the Rose: Walk in the Footsteps of Magdalene 🌹

a live online course with

Aude Barras
{Ta***ic Lineage Practitioner, Pilgrimage Guide, Devotee of the Rose}
Supported by Marcus Reicher
On Wednesdays, beginning October 2, 2024
6- 7:30pm Pacific Time
11 Live Sessions over Zoom

Over eleven weeks, journey with Aude Barras & Marcus Reicher, Devotees of the Rose, along the footsteps of Mary Magdalene inviting the rose in your heart to bloom as we sunrise into Her Great mystery.

The Rose, a symbol of the divine feminine, represents a lost wisdom that is now resurfacing. Following Mary Magdalene, we become vessels of this essential remembrance, restoring balance through the sacred medicine of beauty and devotion.

🔗in bye-oh to learn more

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 25/07/2024

Psychedelics in Africa: The Untold Story
with Darren Le Baron

Join us for our new course that delves into the ancient and powerful use of psychedelic fungi and plants in African cultures. This comprehensive series will reveal how these sacred substances have been integral to spiritual, personal, and community development for millennia.

Date: Starting August 4, 2024 for four Sundays over Zoom
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM PST

Course Highlights 🍄‍🟫

🍄 Historical Insights: Understand the rich history and ancient use of psychedelics in African rituals, healing practices, and communication with ancestral spirits.

🍄 Rites of Passage: Learn about the significance of entheogenic plants in rites of passage and initiation ceremonies.

🍄 Healing Modalities: Discover traditional African approaches to healing and the transformative potential of these ancient practices in modern contexts.
Entheogenic Empowerment: Explore concepts of empowerment, sovereignty, and liberation through the use of sacred plants.

Led by Darren Le Baron, an esteemed educator and researcher specializing in mycology and psychedelic studies, this course offers a rare opportunity to gain deep insights from a leading expert in the field. Darren’s extensive research and dynamic teaching style will guide you through the historical, mythological, and scientific aspects of African psychedelics.

About Darren Le Baron:

Darren Le Baron is a sought-after Speaker and world-renowned Researcher, Educator, and Organic Horticulturist who brings forward this wisdom to help people around the world to learn and use psychedelics consciously.

With over a decade of experience in cultivating and researching medicinal mushrooms, his work has been featured at international conferences and festivals, where he shares his profound understanding of ancient African plant medicines and their applications.

Enroll now to secure your place and gain lifetime access to all course materials. Visit the 🔗 in our bio to register.

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 24/07/2024

“The luminous, life-giving Sun passed from Cancer, the dominion of the Moon, into his own realm in the sign of Leo on July 22nd at 3:44 am. This is the Sun’s rulership, and where we see the expression of the pure solar archetype - generosity, spontaneity, and legacy.
But as the Sun has continued to fall from its zodiacal zenith at the summer solstice, the days have slowly been diminishing in length. Against the backdrop of Leonine enthusiasm is the lingering feeling that Summer won’t last forever, that the current reign of the Sun King will one day end.

This slow, background intimation that the summer won’t last forever doesn’t dampen Leo. On the contrary
- the spirit of Leo understands that the transience of the light, warmth, and joy of summer helps us to enjoy it all the more - the possibility of an absence of summer helps Leo to appreciate it while it’s still here.
This is a good time to practice spontaneity, keeping your agendas more open-ended, and being present.
Learn from Leo’s penchant to lose itself in the truth of the here and now. Let the wisdom of the heart - which can only be heard in the here and now - dictate your actions. Allow the old husks and shells of your personality and behaviors to be consumed in the fire of authenticity.

Stir yourself and others out of their monotony. Shake free of established norms and stand for what truly matters. Dance in a fountain you’re not supposed to swim in. Recite long passages of erudite, soulful poetry when people least expect it. Be unpredictable.

Prayer: May we love life, the light, and the magic of the present moment. May its transience help us love it even more.” -Mathew Merlin

This is the last week to pre-enroll for GNOSIS: A four-month intensive in predictive astrology, magical development, and astrological magic
a live online course with Matthew “Merlin” Kenney {Classical Astrologer, Trained Philosopher, Translator of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit, Herbalist, and Energy

Receive 11% off when you register for the course by July 28, 2024 with the code: GNOSIS2024

🔗 in bio.

Image - Vedute von Delphi mit einer Opferprozession
by Claude Lorrain

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 22/07/2024

🌹 Celebrating Mary Magdalene Feast Day: A Day of Honor and Revelation 🌹

On this special day, we honor Mary Magdalene, a symbol of profound spiritual wisdom and feminine strength. On this day in 2016, Pope Francis recognized her rightful place as the “Apostle to the Apostles.”

Many of us are gathering all over the world to align in ritual and acknowledgment for the Feminine Christ Remembrance & Revival.

Mary Magdalene’s identity is multifaceted, seen differently through historical records, myths, and spiritual archetypes.

Historically, she has been mischaracterized as a pr******te, a label corrected when Pope Francis acknowledged her true spiritual importance. Mythically, she embodies the Sacred Feminine, representing the Chalice, the Holy Grail, and the Vessel for the Divine.

Many view her as not only a close disciple of Jesus but also as his spiritual and intimate partner, a high priestess of profound wisdom and healing. Her legacy reminds us of our innate feminine beauty and power, our inner divinity, and compassionate and passionate love.

Join Our Ritual Tonight!

🌹 REVELATION: A Free Online Ritual in Honor of Mary Magdalene 🌹

Date: Monday, July 22, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PT

Come together with us in a sacred virtual space, led by dedicated facilitators, to honor Mary Magdalene’s teachings through prayer, intention, and exploration of divine feminine energy.

Isis Indriya
Rachel Rossitto
Baelyn Elspeth
Rose Heartsong
Wencke Braathen
Luna Battalia
Aude Barras
Scarlett De La Torre .delatorre

Register via the 🔗 in our bio.

🌹 Let us unite in celebration of Mary Magdalene’s wisdom and love. 🌹

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 16/07/2024

Please join us for a transformative online gathering to honor Mary Magdalene on her Feast Day! 🌹🌹🌹

• REVELATION: A FREE Online Ritual Gathering in Honor of Mary Magdalene Feast Day •

facilitated by

Isis Indriya, Rachel Rossitto, Baelyn Elspeth, Rose Heartsong, Wencke Braathen, Luna Battalia, Aude Barras & Scarlett De La Torre
{Tenders of the Magdalene Revival}

Monday, July 22 2024
from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PT
———— •••••————
This gathering will guide you through her story, clear up common misconceptions, and explore her profound teachings.

We’ll start with an opening prayer to set the sacred space and intentions. Through our time together we will dive into the Spirit of her connection to Venus, the Myrrophores, & the lineage by communing in practice to strengthen our connection to the Holy Feminine.

This gathering is designed to help us tap into the field of inspiration and remembrance that lies within each and every one of us. Through these offerings, may we cultivate the beauty we wish to see in the world.

We hope you can join us in the virtual space for this sacred moment! 🔗 in bio to register.


We are very excited to announce a new upcoming course with Astrologer Matthew Merlin! 💫

— GNOSIS: A four-month intensive in predictive astrology, magical development, and astrological magic

a live online course with Matthew “Merlin” Kenney
{Classical Astrologer, Trained Philosopher, Translator of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit, Herbalist, and Energy Healer}

August 23, 2024 to December 30, 2024
Welcome to GNOSIS~ a focused class on predictive astrology, ritual magic, and magical cultivation according to the teachings of the ancients.

In GNOSIS, you’ll discover ancient methods of magic and astrology that have been proven to fill people’s lives with power and prosperity, as well as initiate them into the inner mysteries of spirituality they’ve always wanted to master.

You won’t just learn pop psychology, you’ll learn predictive astrology. You’ll learn how to use your chart to understand your destiny and future in concrete terms, preparing for everything life will throw at you.

You won’t just learn a static, fatalistic form of astrology, you’ll learn magical methods to transmute the pain and challenges of your life into a thriving abundant life.

You won’t just learn abstract symbols and keywords for interpreting natal charts, you will learn ancient techniques for astrological magic, forming relationships and working partnerships with the celestial deities of the planets.

You won’t just learn how to read your chart, you’ll learn how to use the power of the stars to fill your life with flourishing abundance, and power.

The stars are welcoming you home...
Will you answer their call? 💫

Receive 11% off when you register for the course by July 28, 2024 with the code: GNOSIS2024

🔗 in bye-oh for more info

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 08/07/2024

We are honored to have world-renowned Hawaiian elder, speaker, and cultural advisor, Kumu Ramsay Taum back with us again this weekend! 🌺

Join us July 12-14 for an online weekend immersion:

— Finding Peace with Ho’oponopono
The Way of the Hawaiian Warrior Priest/ess —

This special 3-day immersion online, offers a rare opportunity to learn directly from respected Hawaiian elder Kumu Ramsay Taum. Kumu Ramsay was personally trained by revered elders in the sacred traditions of ho’oponopono, lomilomi, and lua.

You will learn the significance of the Hawaiian words and sounds used in ho’oponopono and engage the practice on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels to:

• Identify and release the thoughts, beliefs, and inherited patterns that are blocking your path forward.

• Make amends and bring harmony into your relationships.

• Reconnect with your personal truth and sense of purpose.

• Establish a foundation of clarity and balance to navigate life’s challenges.

Whether you are new to Kumu Ramsay’s teachings or a returning student, this immersion will take you deeper into living and embodying these principles.

🔗 in bio

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 04/07/2024

Some more LIB Recaps ⚡️

It’s always a special experience to co-create the Compass at Lightning in a Bottle Festival, a place where we gather for various intentional workshops, talks, performances, yoga classes, rituals, and incredible music and fun. ⚡️

Thank you for capturing these moments at the Compass 🧭

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 02/07/2024

“You are a mushroom having a human experience!” 🍄

We are SO excited to announce a new course next month with world-renowned researcher, educator, and organic horticulturist, Darren Le Baron!

— Psychedelics in Africa
The Untold Story: Revisited —

with Darren Le Baron
Starting August 4, 2024
11:00am - 1:00pm PST
—— ••• ——
Are you interested in how psychedelics have been used for tens of thousands of years on the African continent, and how they continue to support societies today?

As the topic of psychedelics and plant medicine are gaining more attention, it’s more important than ever to honor their roots and lineages including their vital role in ancient African traditions.

This 4-part live online course is a chronological journey and historical dive into the sacred use of psychedelics in Africa and the diaspora.

Darren Le Baron is bringing forward this wisdom to help people around the world to learn and use psychedelics consciously.

His mission is to supercharge this already powerful experience while incorporating extensive research on the indigenous usage of psychedelic plants that are used in rituals and ceremonies on the African continent.

During this course he will lay the foundations, set the record straight, and plug the gaps in the current psychedelic narrative.

🔗 in bye-oh for more info.


We are honored to have world-renowned Hawaiian elder, speaker, and cultural advisor, Kumu Ramsay Taum back with us again this month! 🌺

Join us July 12-14 for an online weekend immersion:

— Finding Peace with Ho’oponopono
The Way of the Hawaiian Warrior Priest/ess —

This special 3-day immersion online, offers a rare opportunity to learn directly from respected Hawaiian elder Kumu Ramsay Taum. Kumu Ramsay was personally trained by revered elders in the sacred traditions of ho’oponopono, lomilomi, and lua.

You will learn the significance of the Hawaiian words and sounds used in ho’oponopono and engage the practice on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels to:

• Identify and release the thoughts, beliefs, and inherited patterns that are blocking your path forward.

• Make amends and bring harmony into your relationships.

• Reconnect with your personal truth and sense of purpose.

• Establish a foundation of clarity and balance to navigate life’s challenges.

Whether you are new to Kumu Ramsay’s teachings or a returning student, this immersion will take you deeper into living and embodying these principles.

🔗 in bye-oh to learn more!

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 26/06/2024

It’s the last few days of our SUMMER SOLSTICE SALE! ✨ Enjoy 20% off all previously recorded classes in the library from June 18 through June 28! From introductory ritual and divination classes, to Egyptian cosmology and ascension teachings, there is something sure to ignite your spirit and inspire more learning.

All of these courses are pre-recorded and you can take them at your own pace. If you’ve ever been curious about our classes, now is the time to dive in! Scroll through for a few of our favorite courses,✨ and browse more in our On-Demand Learning Library!

Use the code SOLSTICE2024 at checkout to redeem.

*Sale is not applicable to current or upcoming 2024 classes, or the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship.


Join us this weekend for a complimentary live webinar!

〰️ Discover Ho’oponopono
A Journey of Forgiveness and Healing 〰️

a live conversation with Kumu Ramsay Taum
Saturday, June 29, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT

Join us for an exclusive LIVE online event where esteemed Hawaiian wisdom carrier and elder, Kumu Ramsay Taum, will share his wisdom and guide you through the teachings of Ho’oponopono, an ancient process of reconciliation, forgiveness, and peacemaking.

Ho’oponopono is known to help release, cleanse, and transmute barriers and obstacles to peace, love, and prosperity rooted in ancestral memory.

In this online event, you’ll have the opportunity to meet Kumu Ramsay who will be interviewed by Isis Indriya, founder of the Academy of Oracle Arts, as he shares his experience and the ancient wisdom that was taught to him by his elders.

We invite you to take a seat at this virtual gathering, where you can ask questions, shape the conversation, and explore the realms of healing, forgiveness, and the traditional sacred practice of Ho’oponopono, just as our ancestors did when sitting at the feet of their revered elders.

🔗 in bio to register

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 20/06/2024

Blessed Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere ☀️

As the longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice has been celebrated for millennia, marking a powerful moment in the Earth’s annual journey around the sun. This year in the northern hemisphere, on June 20th, we recognize this powerful day with deep reverence for its ancient significance and the opportunity to honor the sun’s light in its fullest force.

Across cultures, the solstice has been a time of grand celebration and ritual. The Celts celebrated Litha, a festival of light and fire. In ancient Egypt, it marked the start of the Nile’s flooding, ensuring fertile lands and abundant harvests. It also marked the heliacal rising of Sirius in ancient Egypt. In England, Stonehenge aligns with the solstice sunrise, symbolizing renewal, fertility, and the triumph of light over darkness.

The Summer Solstice is a beautiful time for self-reflection, purification, celebration, renewal, and counting your blessing.

Ways to honor the Summer Solstice:

🔸 Create an altar to honor the return of fullness of the light.
🔸 Spend time in nature and connect with the power of the sun.
🔸Light a candle and make a prayer for this next cycle.

🔸Make a genuine offering from the heart.

In honor of the Summer Solstice, we are offering 20% off all previous courses between June 18th - June 28th.

Use the code SOLSTICE2024 at checkout to redeem.

Sales are not applicable to current classes or the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship.

Head to the link in our bio to browse our On-Demand Learning Library.

Photos found on Pinterest. Source unknown. Please tag if you know the source.

Classes and Courses 18/06/2024

In honor of the upcoming solstice, we wanted to shine a light on our On-Demand Learning Library of classes with a ☀️ SUMMER SOLSTICE SALE! ☀️

Enjoy 20% off all previously recorded classes in the library from June 18 through June 28! From introductory ritual and divination classes, to norse mythology, hieroglyphics and archetypal astrology, there is something in there sure to ignite your spirit and inspire more learning.

All of these courses are pre-recorded and you can take them at your own pace. If you’ve ever been curious about our classes, now is the time to dive in!

Use the code SOLSTICE2024 at checkout to redeem.

Sale not applicable to current classes or the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship.

Head to the 🔗 in our b i o to browse our On-Demand Learning Library.

Classes and Courses Classes + Courses Studies in Mystical Arts, Sacred Sciences and Earth Wisdom Traditions Upcoming Courses for Spring + Summer 2024 Sign-Up Sign-Up Sign-Up Sign-Up Sign-Up Sign-Up Online Self-study LEARNING LIBRARY (Or Waitlist List) Isis Indriya Sign-Up Sign-Up Sign-Up

Photos from Academy of Oracle Arts's post 17/06/2024

As we get closer to the apex point of summer solstice, we are brimming with an abundance of new offerings and pathways into deeper learning and transformative healing work here at the Academy of Oracle Arts. ✨

• This evening, June 17, “Animist Daoism: The Way of the Mythic Purpose” a new six-module course with beloved educator, artist and oracular practitioner, Eve Bradford begins.

• Ta***ic practioner Aude Barras has another opportunity to further enrich practices with her, “Navadurgā: A Journey of Empowerment” begins July 6th.

• We are ever so fortunate to have Hawaiian elder and educator, Kumu Ramsay Taum, back with us this summer for another potent immersion, July 12-14.

• We also just announced a much anticipated course with world renowned researcher, educator & organic horticulturist, Darren Le Baron. His four month course, “Psychedelics in Africa | The Untold Story: Revisited” is a chronological journey and historical dive into the sacred use of psychedelics in Africa and the diaspora. Starts August 4th.

• There is also a summer cohort of Indigo Donaldson’s Herbal Arts Apprenticeship, “Wisdom of the Sierras,” beginning July 23.

— Head to the 🔗 in our b i o to learn more about all of these inspiring courses! —

Videos (show all)

EARTH WISDOM with Marza Millar ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Earth Wisdom is a 3-part Clinical Herbalist certificati...
Building a Relationship with the Neteru | Join us for a conversation with @isis_indriya  on her upcoming 5 week class wi...
Oracle Convo with Normandi Ellis
We had the pleasure of speaking with Normandi Ellis the other week about her new course— Creating + Initiations in the I...