Naked Neurons

Naked Neurons

Naked Neurons is the page for the homonym blog

Goodbye Naked Neurons! 06/06/2018


Goodbye Naked Neurons! This is the hardest post to make, but a very needed one. From the beginning of Naked Neurons, I have shared my motivations to be in this space: sharing everything I can about mental health and well…

Timeline photos 04/06/2018

Giveaway time!

Earlier in the month, I saw an alert that said it had been my 4 year anniversary for Naked Neurons. While completely astonished that it had been so long, it made me feel a sense of gratitude to this space I come to when I need to write and express myself.

For that, and to end May, which is Mental Health Awareness Month, I am doing a giveaway! I have two stickers from my Society6 store for two lucky winners!

To participate:

1. Follow the blog via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Wordpress.
2. Share this post publicly.
3. Tag Naked Neurons in the post!

Participate before June 14. Winners will be announced on June 15!

Good luck and thanks so much!

Blog anniversary and giveaway! 29/05/2018


Blog anniversary and giveaway! Earlier in the month, I saw an alert that said it had been my 4 year anniversary in Wordpress. While completely astonished that it had been so long, it made me feel a sense of gratitude to this spa…

Timeline photos 16/05/2018

Physical touch.
Research has shown the positive effects that touching has on our psyches and mood. when we are feeling low, we tend to be more disconnected from our loved ones, but it is then when we need them the most! Try and have one long hug with your partner, friend or family member. Let those happy hormones flow!😍🌸

It is not for everyone, so please don't go touching people without their consent.🙃


Breathing technique 3♥️


Breathing technique 2♥️


Today, quick breathing techniques

Timeline photos 07/05/2018

This is just some old school advice for relaxation and mental health. But it is still one of the most successful techniques to change our mental status.

Check out my stories if you want to see a couple of breathing exercises. 😊

Job searching in Chicago, for therapists 18/04/2018

If you or someone you know is looking for therapy jobs, read on!

Job searching in Chicago, for therapists



Types of therapies: Family Systems Therapy 16/03/2018

Welcome to another exciting !

Types of therapies: Family Systems Therapy Welcome to another exciting ! Briefly The most important thing I know about family therapy is that working in therapy with a family does not mean you are having family therapy. The …

Pi Day! 14/03/2018

π Today is Pi Day! π Whether you celebrate it for its numeral significance, or to get yourself a good piece of dessert, I wish you a happy Pi Day! It is also my brother’s birthday, who is a mathematician, so it has always been a great celebration in my family. Maybe because of them as well, I have grown valuing science in its many fields. [ 109 more words ]

Pi Day! Whether you celebrate it for its numeral significance, or to get yourself a good piece of dessert, I wish you a happy Pi Day!

Timeline photos 09/03/2018

What a beautiful quote...💔❤️


Happy Women’s Day 08/03/2018

Happy International Women's Day!! To all the women, women identifying and femmes out there: thanks for fighting the good fight! I want to take a little bit of space to express how encouraged I am by all women back in my home country, and I will do so in Spanish. Me siento muy orgullosa de mis compatriotas por todos los movimientos feministas que han salido en los últimos años. [ 82 more words ]

Happy Women’s Day Happy International Women’s Day!! To all the women, women identifying and femmes out there: thanks for fighting the good fight! I want to take a little bit of space to express how encouraged …

Timeline photos 04/03/2018

Sunday blues... 🎷
Sometimes Sundays are as hard as Mondays for me. Just the idea of Monday stops me from enjoying a big part of the weekend.
Because I am aware of it I try to do something about it. 👊Today I did extra chores during my day so that I could spend the night relaxing and re-energizing for the new week.
I'll try to take a nice bath, listen to an audiobook and probably eat something tasty for dinner. ❤️

How about you, do you ever get the Sunday blues?


Types of therapies: Postmodernism 02/03/2018

Welcome to ! Continuing with my long-awaited series on theoretical orientations, I wanted to follow up with some generalizations about what is considered postmodern theories of psychotherapy. Briefly I believe that essentially all that came after humanism is considered postmodern, although the approaches may differ greatly from one another and shouldn't be put together (as I am about to do now). [ 272 more words ]

Types of therapies: Postmodernism Welcome to ! Continuing with my long-awaited series on theoretical orientations, I wanted to follow up with some generalizations about what is considered postmodern theories of psyc…

Photos from Naked Neurons's post 28/02/2018

Today only! 30% discount on all apparel items on the store.

Visit for more😍

✔️Tote bags

Safety Plans 27/02/2018

Through my work as a therapist, I have often encountered the need to discuss and develop safety plans with my clients. ..
Read more and download these materials! 😊

Safety Plans Through my work as a therapist, I have often encountered the need to discuss and develop safety plans with my clients. Safety plans are more commonly used with people that have suicidal ideation, s…


Hello! :D
I am trying to create a fun-filled post that gathers some experiences that people have had with therapy. I am looking for experiences of people who have gone to therapy.
If you would like to share anything, please reach me privately. All comments or experiences would be kept anonymous. Please share, and thank you! :)

Timeline photos 24/02/2018

Today, my self-care is: drinking a nice cup of tea, cuddling my cat, and saying no to doing extra errands.

If you want to read more about self-care you can check my blog post on the topic. Link in bio :) Comment below with your self-care strategies!

Timeline photos 19/02/2018

On Staying Grounded 🌱

Check out my latest post about difficulties to stay grounded and some ideas. Link in bio 😊

On Staying Grounded 19/02/2018

Lately, I’ve been finding it harder to be present. When stress hits me, my tendency is to stay in the past or the future.

On Staying Grounded Lately, I’ve been finding it harder to be present. When stress hits me, my tendency is to stay in the past or the future. I get stuck in the past by overthinking what I have done recently, these pa…

Timeline photos 17/01/2018

I often see posts, specially on Instagram, that may read something along the lines of “running is my therapy” or “hot chocolate is my therapy". While it is true that a nice cup of hot chocolate and a workout we enjoy may have a positive impact on our mood, it’s not all there is.

If the activity you are doing is therapeutic for you, very possibly is part of your self-care. 💜 And that is great, but it’s not a substitute of therapeutic treatment for the millions of people who need it.

These kind of posts may feel like “therapy-shaming” to those who do seek therapy or psychopharmacology. Since I believe mental health is stigmatized enough as is, let’s try and be supportive and compassionate of those who seek mental health treatment!

Now, I do understand sometimes all you wanted was just a funny joke, or a silly mug. While the Instagram community may be great for a lot of things, we need to stay critical of the advice we follow, even if it comes from someone we trust or admire. (yes, even me 😜)

Oh and don’t get me started on phrases like “Problems? No, I’ve got alcohol” and the likes…😒

Timeline photos 03/01/2018

Reminder to give yourselves a little more space these days.

Many of us may be experiencing some seasonal depression due to getting back to work or class after the holidays as well as being more affected by the cold weather and dark days. That is okay. With a little bit of time, we settle back into routine. Make sure to include a little extra of that which makes you happy on your daily life. 💜💚💛
Take your favorite chocolates to have at work, study while having a good cup of tea, or call your loved ones more often. If you are feeling more down than usual, think about getting a check up with your family doctor so that your hormones, vitamin-D and other chemicals are also at a good level.

And seek therapy if you need to!💜

Timeline photos 31/12/2017

I used to make strong resolutions yearly not only for New year's but for my birthday as well, which is in January. I used to love making a list of goals to accomplish and then scratch them off of my list on the following year. But for those of us with too much perfectionism and a tendency to feel pressured by "shoulds", a good resolution may be not making any (which actually makes it one🤔).
Then, for this year I'll try to be more accepting of what comes with it, external factors, internal states, and failed resolutions included. 💜

🎊🍾What are your resolutions, if you have any? Are you able to create them true to your hopes and not those of others?

Timeline photos 28/12/2017

When not being happy is also allowed.
Many of you may not enjoy the New Year's celebration for many reasons. You may not enjoy the crowds due to anxiety. You may not have much friends to go out with. You may not want or cannot drink alcohol due to recovery or taking medication. You may not even celebrate the end of the year in this date.

Contrary to what we are told, it’s okay not to celebrate. It’s also okay to celebrate on your own way. So, if being compassionate with yourself is one of your goals for next year, a reminder that new year resolutions can start before the end of 2017. !

✨Going through an anxious state + you'll be in cozy pj's and asleep before midnight? That’s great.

✨Don’t have family or friends nearby + you will be spending the night at work? Thank you for that.

✨Going through recovery + you have volunteered as designated driver? That is awesome!

Timeline photos 27/12/2017

A little late for the holidays, but wanting to share some compassion with everyone struggling on these days. Weather it’s your parents being unsupportive, feeling forced to be happy, or being shamed by your body and what you eat: know that you matter. You have value regardless of your current emotions; you have value beyond your family; you matter much more than your size.

If you can’t find much compassion these days, take a little bit of what I’m giving you. Force yourself to feel it even if it’s for brief moments at a time.

Photos from Naked Neurons's post 27/12/2017

New products on the website + 25%off!

Society6 | Affordable Art Prints, iPhone Cases and T-shirts 17/11/2017

Today I bring you something new! After some time working on it, I'm happy to show you THERAPISTRY! I've just opened my shop on Society6. The illustrations have a therapy vibe and I hope you all will like these products as much as I enjoyed creating them. 😍

Society6 | Affordable Art Prints, iPhone Cases and T-shirts

Videos (show all)

Breathing technique 3♥️
Breathing technique 2♥️
Today, quick breathing techniques