Search Dogs Sydney

Search Dogs Sydney

SDS are a specialist team with specially trained Canines to find "live" and "deceased" humans. Availa

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 29/11/2023

We need your help!!!

Adrian Banciu has been missing since Monday 13 November in the Galston Gorge area. His concerned family are arranging for a search to be carried out out on Thursday 30 November.

If you are experienced in the Aussie bush and some rough terrain, have long pants and gators, able to track your efforts via GPS, we are asking you to meet at the staging location at

Rofe Park
Galston Rd
Hornsby Heights
Time : 08:00hrs

If you have any further information relating to Adrian’s whereabouts we ask you to call Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000

Feel free to pm the page if you require further information.

Jenny Ware MP - Federal Member for Hughes
Nathan Hagarty MP
Anne Stanley MP
Yasmin Catley MP
Jihad Dib MP
Mark Speakman
Clr Karress Rhodes
Leave A Light On Inc
Shine The Light "Missing Persons"Australia
Ned Mannoun - Mayor of Liverpool
Deputy Mayor Fiona Macnaught - Liverpool NSW

Photos from Liverpool City Council Australia's post 15/11/2023

We would like to take the time to congratulate Adele for her unwavering support in bringing home missing loved ones when they need specialist assistance.

We would also like to thank Liverpool City Council Australia for their unwavering support of volunteers in their community.

Jenny Ware MP - Federal Member for Hughes
Anne Stanley MP
Nathan Hagarty MP
Ned Mannoun - Mayor of Liverpool
Deputy Mayor Fiona Macnaught - Liverpool NSW

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 11/11/2023

On the 11th Day
Of the 11th Month
At the 11th Hour

In the morning
And at the going down of the sun
We will remember them.
Lest we forget.

Thank you Liverpool RSL for a very respectful service.

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 04/11/2023

Today saw the team take a step away from training to help celebrate the achievements of one of our founders, Adele Jago, and to assist Liverpool City Council Australia celebrate their 213th birthday.

We are proud to announce that Adele was awarded the very prestigious Officer of the Order of Liverpool achievement for her selfless contribution to not only the community of Liverpool but around this great nation.

Please take the time to help us celebrate the amazing work Adele has undertaken over the past 12 years. You can read more in Pic 3. Well done.

Ned Mannoun - Mayor of Liverpool
Deputy Mayor Fiona Macnaught - Liverpool NSW
Clr Karress Rhodes
Yasmin Catley MP
Mark Speakman
Anne Stanley MP
Jenny Ware MP - Federal Member for Hughes
Jihad Dib MP
Nathan Hagarty MP

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 31/10/2023

When we where given the keys to our new training grounds I think Liverpool City Council Australia forgot to tell us it was on haunted grounds.

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 28/10/2023

Did you know that we can have a qualified search dog anywhere in NSW within 3hrs.

How? With the assistance of the wonderful volunteers from Australian Civil Air Patrol - AusCAP.

Today saw our volunteers undertake their annual working with aircraft safety training. This ensures that all our volunteers are aware of aircraft and aerodrome safety.

This is what is possible when organisations work together to assist our community.

Jenny Ware MP - Federal Member for Hughes
Anne Stanley MP
Nathan Hagarty MP
Yasmin Catley MP
Jihad Dib MP
Mark Speakman
Ned Mannoun - Mayor of Liverpool
Deputy Mayor Fiona Macnaught - Liverpool NSW

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 21/10/2023

Tonight we will be leaving a light on to shine brightly to assist all those missing to see their way home. This is an amazing initiative that Leave A Light On Inc have developed and Search Dogs Sydney are very proud to support.

Due to personal illness, our Leave A Light On function had to be cancelled this year, and sadly I have not been able to publicize our event like I have in previous years...

However, our missing loved ones still deserved to be remembered, so I am asking people across Australia to please show your support by lighting up your home or business, on October 21st.

The following excerpt is from a story I did 6 years ago with the amazing Chris Cinotta, from Humans in Melbourne.

Fast forward 6 years and Australia has at least 2,600 missing persons - that is at least 2,600 families who need support in ensuring their loved ones are never forgotten. Please, help us to help them. Leave a light on, a porch light, indoor light, lamp or candle (never leave a candle unattended) brighten their paths home.

From Humans in Melbourne page...

"My older sister, Joanne, was kidnapped when she was 11 years old…
It changed my life forever even though I wasn’t even born at the time.

On 25th August 1973 my parents took my sister and brother to a SANFL match in Adelaide. It was just like any other Saturday at the footy, my family often went to games and were sitting in their usual area. One of the ladies who sat near them had her granddaughter, Kirste, at the game that day.

During the second quarter Kirste wanted to go to the toilet. My sister offered to take her and my parents said that was fine, but just to be back before half time to avoid the rush. They returned and continued to watch the game.

During the third quarter Kirste once again had to use the bathroom, once again Joanne offered to take her and off they went. When three quarter time came and the girls weren’t back my mum went looking for them but couldn’t find them. Mum ran back to the rest of the family and they all started frantically searching for the girls.

After scouring the area they went and asked if an announcement could be made over the PA to alert the crowd that the two girls were missing. They were told no and to go back to their seats and to wait for the end of the game. If the girls weren’t back by the end of the game they told them to call the police…

My family continued to search but couldn’t find the girls anywhere.
The girls were reported missing at 5.12 p.m.
By that stage the girls had been missing for one and a half hours.
There was no social media back then and not everyone had a tv or radio so it was much harder to get the word out.
We would later find out that in the one and a half hours between the girls leaving and the official report being made that there were four sightings of them.
There was a young man selling lollies at the game who had a crush on my sister. He reported seeing them walking together.
The curator of the oval reported seeing two girls and a stooped man trying to coax kittens out from under the grandstand. My mum and dad knew it was Joanne because my sister was a terror when it came to strays. She would take them all home if she could.

There was also a reported sighting of a man carrying a little girl and another girl pulling at his arm. The man who saw this thought it must have just been a dad and his kids so he didn’t think too much of it until he heard that the girls were missing.
There was a massive search for the girls. They searched the River Torrens and there was so much media surrounding them… But nothing.
Now 44 years later we are no closer to finding them.

I wasn’t born when Jo went missing. My mum calls me the miracle child…
The docs had put her on so much Va**um to keep her calm under such stress and the fact that she fell pregnant was considered very unlikely.

I now have a daughter of my own who is 11. I can’t bear the thought of her being alone without supervision. Tamara, my daughter, says she knows what to do if something happens, “Kick them in the nuts and run!”.

About three years ago, a friend of mine who is a journalist, approached me about creating a memorial day for the girls. I thought that was a great idea, but I wanted to do something for all the missing loved ones.
This got me thinking, one of my biggest fears is that with time the girls will be forgotten.
My mum used to leave the front light on each night, so that if case Jo come home, she would see that someone was waiting for her and that she wasn’t forgotten.
This inspired me to create Leave A Light On in February 2015. Our aim is to raise awareness of long term missing persons.
We ask people to leave their front porch light on, on 21st October. Just for one night to show that these people are not forgotten.
Also to raise awareness and to give ongoing support for the people left behind. Once the media and police move onto the next case, which they inevitably will, the families feel forgotten.
There are close to 2000 long term missing people in Australia.
Leave A Light On reinforces that and that all missing loved ones need to be remembered.
These people are someone’s mum, dad, brother, sister or friend.

So on October 21st, please Leave A Light On. Whether it be a porch light or a light in the house or even a candle… as a symbol of hope.
We’d love to have whole streets all over Australia lit up to light their path home."

Ned Mannoun - Mayor of Liverpool we ask that you shine the brightest lights of Liverpool to assist those missing loved ones.

Jenny Ware MP - Federal Member for Hughes
Anne Stanley MP
Nathan Hagarty MP
Jihad Dib MP
Yasmin Catley MP

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 21/10/2023

Come on down to the Bunnings Kids day in conjunction with Liverpool City Council Australia adoption drive for their dogs. All adoption fees are just $50.

Meet our team, let the kids collect their passport stamps from all the stall holders and receive a special gift. We are here until 2pm.

Photos from Liverpool City Council Australia's post 21/10/2023
Photos from Australian Civil Air Patrol - AusCAP's post 24/09/2023

Great work Australian Civil Air Patrol - AusCAP.

At 4500 feet our 87ha looks rather small.

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 10/09/2023

Today is International Su***de Prevention day and to help raise awareness for this important matter we are down at the Overlander Hotel Motel in Penrith.

We are here with YAMHS to support a cause very close to our hearts at their Su***de Prevention fun day.

SDS have been friends and have worked closely with this amazing organisation since 2019 when we located the Presidents autistic son after being missing for over 32hrs.

If you can, please jump on their page and purchase a raffle ticket to assist them to support the youth of Western and South Western Sydney.

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 08/09/2023

The suns gone down and it’s a perfect night for a pizza or three. Annnnnd. As an added bonus $1.00 from every sale is donated to Search Dogs Sydney Inc.

The pizzas are flying out the door but there’s extra staff tonight so there’s no wait for your piping hot pizza.

Only available from Domino's Pizza Carnes Hill


How’s your Friday going? Are you ok.

How about coming down to the Hope 4 U 5th Annual Mental Health and Su***de Awareness day at Richmond Park. March

Many searches involve suffers of mental health and these days allow us to network with fellow providers to support those when they go missing, as well as providing us with up to date training on dealing with menatal health matters, including the mental health and welfare of our first responders.

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 08/09/2023
Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 07/09/2023

What perfect weather to stay at work today with your colleagues and get pizzas delivered for lunch.

Even better, enjoy family night at home with piping hot pizzas delivered as you listen to the rain outside.

Every pizza ordered today helps raise vital funds for Search Dogs Sydney to provide our valuable service to the community.

All orders must be from Domino’s Pizza Carnes Hill store for your donation to count.

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 06/09/2023

This Friday is your chance to support an amazing charity that supports all of our community.

Just purchase any large pizza from Dominos Carnes Hill store this Friday from 11am til late and $1.00 from every sale assists this amazing charity supporting missing persons.

Please share this with all your friends and family and enjoy a Pizza night this Friday from Carnes Hill.

Photos from NSW Police Force's post 03/09/2023

Gary Raymond APM OAM is our Patron and we are very blessed to have his amazing experience and expertise to call upon.

Thank you Gary for your years of dedicated service to the community in your many many roles.


Our thoughts go out to Suzie Ratcliffe today. No family should ever have to wait this long for answers. We can, should and need to do better.

Please leave a light on tonight to show them there way home.


The disappearance of 11-year old Joanne Ratcliffe and 4-year old Kirste Gordon still remains unsolved.

Exactly what happened to the pair on 25 August 1973, when they had attended a football match at the Adelaide Oval, is not known.

There was a substantial crowd in attendance when the girls left the Edwin Smith stand to go to the toilet. A short time later when they had not returned Mr Ratcliffe went looking for them.

Witnesses reported the girls may have been seen later with an unknown man near Port Road at Thebarton.

The investigation identified that the girls may have been forcibly removed from the Oval by a man thought to be aged in his 40s.

Since that day more than 2000 lines of inquiry have been followed by investigators.

Detectives have previously searched Yatina sites – including two wells in the mid-north region on several occasions for clues – as a result of a call to Crime Stoppers and the culmination of information gathered over time.

A reward of up to $1,000,000 remains on offer to anyone who either provides information leading to the recovery of their remains or information leading to a conviction in the case.

Anyone with information is asked to anonymously contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or at

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 23/08/2023

After our recent deployment to FNQ, we would like to extend our gratitude to the Queensland Police Service, Queensland National Parks and Townsville Water and Magnetic Island Ferries for there invaluable assistance.

Great things can be achieved when agencies with differing skill sets work together for one outcome.

Please note we will not be providing any further information about our operations whilst this matter is before the QLD Coroner.

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 18/08/2023

5099 km travelled
16 days
3 missing persons investigations
1 report to the coroner

When your dog earns his rewards - priceless.

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 09/08/2023

When we undertake search operations it is critical that we have all of our logistics supplies with us. That being:
📌Critical Safety gear
📌IT and associated infrastructure
📌Communications equipment
📌and most importantly our Search Techs and dogs

We would like to give a massive shout out to Magnetic Island Ferries for there amazing support in arranging to transport all of our equipment to and from the magnificent Magnetic Island.

We would also like to thank the wonderful Christina who has made this a seemless transition from mainland to island and back again.

Thank you for all your support we have certainly appreciated you valued sponsorship and if your heading over to Magnetic Island please reach out to this amazing team that supports the valuable work of volunteers.

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 01/08/2023

Hey everyone.

Friday 04 August 2023.

From 11 am come on down to Domino's Pizza Preston’s and buy as many pizzas as you and your family can eat. The restaurant has dine in, as well as take away or delivery. And best of all. $1.00 from every pizza goes to supporting our day to day operations.

Hey fellas, wanna impress your better half. Date night to support search. You’ll be forever a legend and helping a great cause.

So please order from Dominos Preston’s NSW Australia store and help if you can this coming Friday.

P.S you can buy a few extras and freeze them. Genius idea hey.

P.S. S. Your all legends for following our page.


Today sees the launch of National Missing Persons week. We at SDS are resolute at continuing the search until those loved ones are located.

I think the Mayor was excited!!




With over 53,000 people reported missing nationally and over 2800 Long Term Missing Persons we would like to announce Search Dogs Sydney Inc are resolute in assisting in bringing these numbers down.
For the past 7 years, Search Dogs Sydney Inc have been based in Kemps Creek. This week, that will change thanks to the bi partisan support of the Mayor, Ned Mannoun and Councillors at Liverpool City Council.
As of 04 August 2023, Search Dogs Sydney will have their new headquarters and training academy in Rossmore Grange. This multi million dollar facility (subject to DA consent) will see Search Dogs Sydney increase its canine capability on its completion to be able to provide not only Liverpool but all of Australia a search capability to be revered internationally.
This state of the art facility will include a canine wellness and wellbeing centre, veterinary and human first aid and include realistic USAR and LandSAR facilities to train handlers and canines from across Australia utilising both local and international instructors.
At this time Search Dogs Sydney are the only Lost Persons Behaviour Instructors and this facility will enable us to expand this specialist training to Emergency Services nationally. “Once completed it is envisioned SDS will be able to provide over 40 Human Remains dogs across the country, a massive upgrade to the current capability” Chris D’Arcy was quoted as saying.
Liverpool Mayor, Ned Mannoun said “the work of Search Dogs Sydney was incredibly important and they provide a valuable service to the community and also police. We at Liverpool City Council are pleased to help Search Dogs Sydney in any way we can. “

Chris D’Arcy
Search Dogs Sydney Inc

Liverpool City Council Australia
Ned Mannoun - Mayor of Liverpool
Jihad Dib MP
Yasmin Catley MP
Anne Stanley MP
Jenny Ware MP - Federal Member for Hughes
Nathan Hagarty MP
Clr Karress Rhodes


Families like the Meyers should never have to endure this grief and heartache. With National Missing Persons Week upon us from this Sunday I once again implore Nathan Hagarty, Anne Stanley MP, Jenny Ware MP - Federal Member for Hughes, Colin J. Fitzpatrick - Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party RCC13 to actually look into this matter and not assume that Law Enforcement has this completely under control. We will never stop until there is Independant oversight into missing persons investigations across Australia. You have been given a roadmap on where we can start. It’s time to show meaningful change.


Have you heard the news yet?

Looks like K9 Jazz is watching the wrong channel in anticipation.

Not heard yet. That’s because you’ll have to switch on here next Sunday 30 July for a massive announcement. Hint. Missing persons deserve better, and better is what we will be providing.

Map reveals dire fate of 2600 Aussies 21/07/2023

It’s a terrible number that I implore every single politician we know to stand up and make a concerted effort to change these statistics. Every single missing has a family and friends that are suffering through the ambiguity of having a missing loved one.

We can all do our bit to make the necessary changes. We have provided you with a roadmap to change. Please please please act on those recommendations now because this problem continues to escalate every single day.

Anne Stanley MP
Jenny Ware MP - Federal Member for Hughes
Nathan Hagarty MP
Colin J. Fitzpatrick - Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party RCC13
Ned Mannoun - Mayor of Liverpool
Clr Karress Rhodes

Map reveals dire fate of 2600 Aussies Tens of thousands of people go missing in Australia every year and although most are found, thousands more have not been seen since.

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 16/07/2023

What a weekend. The team would like to extend their extreme gratitude to the teams from Australian Civil Air Patrol - AusCAP and to members from CREST NSW Volunteers Providing Communications to the Community for your out standing assistance at our Training Academy working bee.

We can’t show you the results fully yet but with such dedicated volunteers coming together with one vision, so much can be achieved. It was an amazing effort in the lead up to National Missing Persons week. The awesome effort by all participants will ensure that our canines and search technicians will have the best facilities in the country, together with uncompromising training and support from other organisations to ensure that persons are located faster and safer.

Photos from Help find Ray Speechley's post 07/07/2023
Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 20/06/2023

Vale K9 Boof.

Stand down sir your watch is over.

Boof was one of those special dogs that SAR handlers across the world aspire to own. He had a unique ability to adapt to any and all situations and undertook them with the class of a true professional. His nose was always on point, always finding what he was looking for if it was there to be found.

Having undertaken over 130 operational searches in his career, he has several finds of missing persons under his collar, Boof can now rest easy. Whether it be Townsville, Bathurst, South Australia or Victoria or anywhere his Handlers took him, whether it be via road, air, UTV or boat, Boof always worked with the highest ethics and diligence to bring home the missing.

As NSW’s first ever certified operational canine for both Urban Search and Rescue and Land Search, K9 Boof trained many Search Technicians and set the benchmark for what an operational search dog should look like.

K9 Boofs legacy will live on forever as the beginning of K9 SAR in NSW. Having served in the NSW SES for 5 years, then in 2016 starting his own NGO, Search Dogs Sydney Inc so that he could continue to provide his services to the people of Australia.

Whilst Boof may have hung up the search collar to allow the younger pups the opportunity to succeed, he still continued to attend community education events with clubs, groups and shows across NSW in order to educate us all about the importance of a search dog in missing persons investigations.

If you have a personal story of your encounter with Boof, we’d love to have you share it below.

Stand down Boof. You may now have the forever tennis ball. Love x

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 06/06/2023

At 1521hrs Wednesday 31 May 2023 Search Dogs Sydney where tasked by NSW Police Force State Crime Command to attend the potentially fatal building fire in Surry Hills.

Teams attended on both 01 and 05 June undertaking aerial drone mapping of the site and gathering of evidentiary photographs, as well as gaining a first hand view of how the buildings where going to be required to be searched.

K9 Rufus remained on standby for this deployment whilst the teams undertook briefings and important safety briefings.

As at 11:15 the teams have stood down however will remain on standby if requested for further activation. We are thinking of those involved in this tragedy.

Please be advised that we will not be providing any further commentary of this ongoing investigation and will be monitoring all comments closely. Any found to be in breach will be deleted.

Jenny Ware MP - Federal Member for Hughes
Nathan Hagarty MP
Anne Stanley MP
Ned Mannoun - Mayor of Liverpool
Australian Search Dog Federation

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 25/05/2023

Today is International Missing Children’s day. And to remind us of all those children missing here in Australia, we host the castlehill kellyville mixed probus club.

With the visit being to learn about how our dogs and handlers undergo strict training criteria to locate endangered missing persons and to view the Academy that these teams train at.

It was a pleasure to demonstrate and answer questions with all things missing persons.

Jenny Ware MP - Federal Member for Hughes
Ned Mannoun - Mayor of Liverpool
Nathan Hagarty MP
Anne Stanley MP
Australian Federal Police

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 18/05/2023

This years Volunteers week is all about “Change Makers”. We believe that the most important change makers are YOU! Your one of the many thousands of people that have attended our Pat’n’Chats this past year, enjoyed learning the truth about canine search and recovery and the facts associated with missing persons. Dispelling the myths being spread when a person is reported missing.

Your the change makers that have written to MP’s, donated to assist our operations, supported our teams and most importantly given your time so generously.

Whether your from

Probus, Inner Wheel, Rotary, Church groups, CWA, retirement villages or the like,
You’ve given your time over this past year so very generously.

Thank you. Unless you seek, you’ll never find.

Photos from Search Dogs Sydney's post 13/05/2023

There’s something special about capturing the proud dad moment watching their puppies progress.

The future of SAR is looking bright with this one.


It was a pleasure to host Jenny Ware MP - Federal Member for Hughes at our specialised Search and Recovery training centre. We certainly appreciate your support of missing persons not only in your electorate but right across Australia.

Missing persons, no matter where you live, no matter the health concerns, no matter the socio economic stature in society, deserve to have the best resources available to ensure they are located and brought home to their loved ones as soon as practicable.

There are more than 38,000 people reported missing every year in Australia.

Search Dogs Sydney is a specialist team with canines uniquely trained to support NSW Police in the Search, Rescue and Recovery operations to find live and deceased missing people. These dogs are trained to search both wilderness and urban settings, as well as locating live victims after a man-made or natural disaster.

There are currently 7 missing people in Hughes whose families are seeking Search Dogs Sydney’s help to investigate their cases further.


Videos (show all)

A beautiful day for flying.
It’s pizza night
How’s your Friday going? Are you ok. How about coming down to the Hope 4 U 5th Annual Mental Health and Suicide Awarenes...
This past weekend some of our dogs had boat familiarisation training. Everyone had a great time on the water, both human...
As the years draws to a close, we thought you would like to see what our team has been  up to in 2022.From our team to y...
With all the rain that is floating around we thought we would share an important reminder as to why you should never dri...
Volunteers Week 2022 - Day 2Today we would like to recognise and celebrate our dedicated handlers and their special dogs...
As we commence the start of Volunteers Week 2022, we would like to extend our gratitude to Antinol RAPID EAB-277 (Enhanc...