YAHUAH/Yahusha God of Israel.

YAHUAH/Yahusha God of Israel.

A dedicated page to my Lord God Yahuah/Yahusha. To share the journey I have with the Lord. Yahuah Bless!


Happy Shavuot!

Shavuot is one of the most overlooked of Feasts as it is one of the most important which modern Rabbis have no clue. That is what happens when a paradigm wallows in ignorance while pretending to know things they are responsible for losing in the first place. The Pharisees (modern Rabbis) claim this was the day Moses received Torah yet that is ridiculous as we all know the Exodus account has Moses on Mt. Sinai the day after Shavuot and for 40 days, not one. It is sad Rabbis cannot count to 40 but worse is the notion that we should ever listen to one who cannot follow very basic foundations. This is the Day of Covenant Renewal which only lost when a paradigm makes themselves stupid and then pretends to educate. Yahusha addressed this of Pharisees many times which we cover often. Watch our Shavuot video as well as When Was Jesus Born Series which will blow the minds of many. Yahusha was born on this very day, never in December which is the birth of the sun god, Mithra and whatever name one calls him. He was never Yahusha and perhaps we should refrain from celebrating his birthday and calling it Messiah's the opposite time of year.

Watch our videos fro full details on this Feast Sabbath which represents the Day of Covenant Renewal Rabbis forgot. This is one of the most important days of the year and it began at Creation, was kept by Adam, Noah, Abraham, Messiah and the Apostles even after Yahusha's ascension according to abundant scripture. As it is Yahusha's birth, it cannot pass away as He does not pass away.

The Restoration of SHAVUOT:

When Was Jesus Born? Series:

Feasts of YHWH Series:

Enjoy this Feast Sabbath with your friends and family. It is a dinner and the menu is any clean foods. We do not sacrifice animals any more as Yahusha's blood was, is and always will be sufficient (Heb. 10). That includes for the Beast's 3rd Temple being propagating in modern Israel right now. The fact they think they should sacrifice animals is an abomination. We do continue to offer spice offerings such as frankincense or similar in any form whether rock over charcoal, incense sticks or even oil. All are acceptable as it is the smell Yahuah loves. Then, we pour our drink offering over the altar (we don't drink it). Finally we share the scriptures of the Mt. Sinai encounter all found in our Shavuot video. We also share scriptures of Yahusha's birth as it occurred on this day and not the birth of the sun god, His enemy, on Dec. 25th.

Indeed this begins at sunrise to sunrise as the Bible Day begins. Watch When Does the Bible Day Begin? Series. Have a different date, that's fine. Keep the Feast! For our Feast Calendar based on Zadok Way's:

Zadok Way's Qumran Calendar:

Enjoy the Feast Everyone! Yah Bless.


Gratitude in Every Season: Acknowledging Elohim Yahuah's Blessings.

In the ongoing saga of our lives, the essence of gratitude transforms the mundane into the sacred and the ordinary into the extraordinary. It is a conscious choice to see the hand of Elohim Yahuah not only in extraordinary moments but also in the simplicity of daily existence. From the gentle caress of a breeze to the rhythmic beating of our hearts, every detail is an invitation to be thankful.

In the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:18, we are beckoned to give thanks in all circumstances. This isn't a directive to deny the reality of pain or trivialize hardship, but an invitation to find beauty amid the chaos. Through gratitude, we transcend the limitations of our circumstances, acknowledging the divine hand that guides us through the labyrinth of life.

Our Creator's faithfulness and mercy, enduring forever, are the pillars upon which we build our spiritual foundation. Gratitude is the mortar that binds these pillars, creating a resilient structure that stands tall even in the face of life's tempests. It is a testimony to the unshakeable truth that, regardless of our transient struggles, Elohim Yahuah's love remains a constant, unwavering force.

As we navigate the chapters of our lives, gratitude becomes an empowering force, allowing us to reclaim agency over our narrative. It is a shield against bitterness, a salve for wounds, and a beacon that lights our path even in the darkest nights. In acknowledging the blessings bestowed upon us, we become co-authors of a story woven with threads of gratitude, compassion, and humility.

Moreover, wearing a grateful heart is an act of profound humility. It is an acknowledgment that, despite our limited understanding, there is a divine intelligence at play in the symphony of our lives. Gratitude is an offering—a humble surrender to the mystery and majesty of our existence, a recognition that, in the grand tapestry of creation, each of us plays a unique and purposeful part.

In conclusion, let our journey be a testament to the transformative power of gratitude. In embracing a spirit of thankfulness, we open our hearts to the extraordinary beauty woven into the fabric of our everyday lives. May our words echo with gratitude, our actions resonate with kindness, and our lives be a hymn of appreciation to Elohim Yahuah—the source of all blessings, the orchestrator of our journey, and the wellspring of eternal love.

Happy Sabbath!!
Yah Bless!



Apocrypha Test: Part 3: Extreme Myth of the Origin of the Greek Septuagint. EXPOSED!

What about the Greek Septuagint? Does it represent Bible Canon? Let's go right to it's origin story and this claim falls apart very quickly. Did 72 translators, 6 from each of the 12 tribes translate the Torah into Greek in Egypt? Wait til you see just how out of touch and illiterate this claim is. Watch, test and learn. Yah Bless.

Now Available in Podcast Audio Format Internationally:

(Includes Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and many more platforms. Free on our website.)

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Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheGodCulture

Playeur (Utreon): https://utreon.com/c/TheGodCulture
Odysee: https://odysee.com/:c

For Our Books in eBook (Free) or Print:
The Search For King Solomon’s Treasure, Ophir Philippines Coffee Table Book, The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar, 2nd Esdras: The Hidden Book of Prophecy, REST: The Case For Sabbath:
(All Books. Links to Amazon and Shopee PH for your area.)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-God-Culture-Original-376627072897316
FB Alternatives:
Website: thegodculture.com

For the many that are having difficulty with YouTube working properly, here are Series' Playlists:

Solomon’s Gold Series Playlist:


Restoring Creation Playlist:

Answers In Jubilees Playlist:

Answers In 2nd Esdras Playlist:


Flood Series Playlist:

Lost Tribes Series Playlist:


Original Canon Series Playlist:

Sabbath Series Playlist:

RESOLVED: Doctrines of Men Playlist:


Feasts of YHWH Playlist:


The Name of God Series Playlist:

100 Clues The Philippines Is Ophir:


Find The Garden of Eden Playlist:

Rivers from Eden Theory Playlist:

Revelation Series Playlist:

Prophetic Warning Playlist:


When Was Jesus Born Playlist:

Commandments of the New Testament Playlist:


All Tagalog Videos Playlist:


All Spanish Narrated Videos Playlist:


ALSO, Watch "Where Did Noah's Ark Land?": https://youtu.be/48-XtI0JAIs


Apocrypha Test: Part 1: The Hidden Books of Apocrypha. Who Changed the Bible?


Apocrypha Test: Part 1: The Hidden Books of Apocrypha. Who Changed the Bible?

Our Groundbreaking New 52-Week Series begins... Who changed the Bible and removed books called Apocrypha which test as inspired scripture? no, not all the books as some fail the test but this is revealing. What is the history and meaning of this category "Apocrypha." Does it even make sense? Let's get right down to it and expose them now. Watch, test and learn. Yah Bless.

Now Available in Podcast Audio Format Internationally:

(Includes Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and many more platforms. Free on our website.)

Alternative Video Platforms Now Available:
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheGodCulture

Playeur (Utreon): https://utreon.com/c/TheGodCulture
Odysee: https://odysee.com/:c

For Our Books in eBook (Free) or Print:
The Search For King Solomon’s Treasure, Ophir Philippines Coffee Table Book, The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar, 2nd Esdras: The Hidden Book of Prophecy, REST: The Case For Sabbath:
(All Books. Links to Amazon and Shopee PH for your area.)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-God-Culture-Original-376627072897316
FB Alternatives:
Website: thegodculture.com

For the many that are having difficulty with YouTube working properly, here are Series' Playlists:

Solomon’s Gold Series Playlist:


Restoring Creation Playlist:

Answers In Jubilees Playlist:

Answers In 2nd Esdras Playlist:


Flood Series Playlist:

Lost Tribes Series Playlist:


Original Canon Series Playlist:

Sabbath Series Playlist:

RESOLVED: Doctrines of Men Playlist:


Feasts of YHWH Playlist:


The Name of God Series Playlist:

100 Clues The Philippines Is Ophir:


Find The Garden of Eden Playlist:

Rivers from Eden Theory Playlist:

Revelation Series Playlist:

Prophetic Warning Playlist:


When Was Jesus Born Playlist:

Commandments of the New Testament Playlist:


All Tagalog Videos Playlist:


All Spanish Narrated Videos Playlist:


ALSO, Watch "Where Did Noah's Ark Land?": https://youtu.be/48-XtI0JAIs


Starting With a Bang on the Initial Amazon Best Seller List for Its Category!!! Thank You Everyone!

Launching Now! Apocrypha Scrolls Found In Qumran And Those Not Present: Vol. 2.

320 Pages of Groundbreaking content completing our 1611 KJV Apocrypha research with Restored Name of Yahuah. Not only do we test books that vet as inspired scripture restoring the Word curated by the true Temple Priests of Bethabara where Yahusha launched His ministry, but we provide a detailed testing of the four books that fail – Esther, 1-2 Maccabees, and Judith. Those occult failures prove to embody the origins of the Synagogue of Satan's infiltration confusing themselves as Israel when they never were and still are not. Want to know what is going on in Modern Israel today? This will expose that too along with The True Biblical Israel Series and Answers In 2nd Esdras Series.

Be sure to download your free copy in eBook and prepare for our new 52-Week Series about to begin. You may also purchase in Print on Amazon internationally and Shopee Philippines.

All Links Available At:


That's 9 Books in under 3 years. Wow!!!

Thank you everyone for watching, reading and purchasing all our books. All books available at:



Yah Bless!

Beginning tomorrow and for the next 8 days on the calendar we are following, is Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles. We realize some follow different calendars and the one we follow is not perfect either. The important thing is to keep the Feasts. We are confident the Holy Spirit will restore this soon.

Yes, those on higher floors and even rooftops have celebrated this Feast. One does not need a yard. Some have health issues and cannot sleep outside for different reasons, but we can all still set up a temporary shelter even inside our homes to keep this Feast. Tabernacles begins at sunrise today. We sleep and even eat in our booth/tent/tabernacle/sukkot for 7 days and the still celebrate the 8th as well. Some construct multiple structures for such and that is fine. This is a Feast Sabbath today and again on the 8th Day with a regular Weekly Sabbath in between. Cooking is necessary for these Feast Sabbaths as we are to cook and Feast together. Notice, the Bible day has always been set on the sun and never the moon which is Babylonian and occult. We cover the details in our Feast Series.

For those thinking this foreshadowing of a future event can pass away, teach your pastor the definition of the word fulfill which never means passed away, the meaning of the word shadow as in order for something to cast a shadow, it's still there, and Matt. 5:17-20 is Messiah's affirmation that all Feasts and Sabbaths are still with us and do not pass away to at least the Day of Judgment.

For details on these Feasts, watch our Feasts of YHWH Series:


For our 2023 Feast Calendar:


Enjoy this time with the Father and the Son celebrating their Holy Days instead of the occult ones most churches choose to observe in counterfeit. Yah Bless.


Day of Atonement 2023

Today, on the calendar we are following, is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. We realize some follow different calendars and the one we follow is not perfect either. The important thing is to keep the Feasts. We are confident the Holy Spirit will restore this soon.

This is the only Fast of the year beginning at sunset tonight to sunset tomorrow night. For those thinking that somehow changing the start of the day on the Bible calendar, watch our Day of Atonement video as well as When Does the Bible Day Begin? Series. It begins on Ethanim 9 at sundown and ends Ethanim 10 at sundown demonstrating the day changed within and never at sunset. The Bible day has always been set on the sun and never the moon which is Babylonian and occult. We cover the details in our Feast Series.

Some question, if they can have water and the answer is yes. Others have medical situations that they should not jeopardize but they can still keep the Feast to the best of their ability. Yes, we have forgiveness everyday but there is only 1 day of the year where we set aside the time, fast and atone as a conscious effort. No, this cannot pass away as it is foreshadowing of a future event. Paul and Hebrews tell us these Feasts are a shadow of heavenly things to come yet somehow, most pastors are teaching the wrong definition of a shadow. They think shadows pass away when their origin has not. Heaven is still there. Yahusha is still there and He still keeps the Feasts and Sabbaths which He said He is Lord of (Mark 2:27-28). If you have never fasted before, give it your best effort the first year. If you fail in some area, work on that the next year. This is not about condemnation nor sacrifice but obedience.

For details on these Feasts, watch our Feasts of YHWH Series:


For our 2023 Feast Calendar:


Enjoy this time with the Father and the Son celebrating their Holy Days instead of the occult ones most churches choose to observe in counterfeit. Yah Bless.


Peace to all.
Another year to prepare for the Fall Feast season in 2023

It is time to prepare for the Fall Feast Season for 2023. We realize some follow different calendars and the one we follow is not perfect either. The important thing is to keep the Feasts. We are confident the Holy Spirit will restore this soon.

For details on these Feasts, watch our Feasts of YHWH Series:


For our 2023 Feast Calendar:


Enjoy this time with the Father and the Son celebrating their Holy Days instead of the occult ones most churches choose to observe in counterfeit. Yah Bless.


Happy Birthday Yahusha! Shavuot/Pentecost 2023!

The 15th Day of the Third Hebrew Month correlates to June 4th, 2023 on the calendar we are using currently. It is coming fast and it is time to prepare for Shavuot. This is a one day event beginning at Sunrise. It is a Feast Sabbath in which we can cook and work for the Feast to serve but all other Sabbath rules apply. Plan to attend or host a Dinner for your family and friends and teach them about the real Birthday of our Messiah modeled in our Shavuot video. There is no special menu other than clean foods and though we no longer sacrifice animals as Hebrews 10 is clear Yahusha is the sacrificial lamb for ALL 52 Sabbaths and 7 Feasts every year forever. It has always been a mischaracterization to only refer to Him as the Passover Lamb. He is the Passover, as the entire event is about Him, not just the Lamb. All Feasts are and this day is super special as the Day of Covenant Renewal. Wow!!! Yep, there's a day for that every year.

This is the day Adam formed the first covenant, Noah waited about 2 extra weeks in the ark to renew covenant on this day, Abraham entered covenant on this day, Moses and Israel renewed covenant on this day, Isaac was born as the promised son of covenant on this day and Yahusha followed his example in covenant as well born on this day, not December, the birth of His enemy, the sun god. The Holy Spirit also came to the Apostles on this day. Forget Christmas, this is the most important day of the year. It also, has a double nature according to Jubilees in which this serves as the Feast of First Fruits whereas on Abib 26, we celebrated the First Fruit Offering and began the countdown of 50 days to Shavuot.

Watch our precious teaching, The Restoration of Shavuot as well as the When Was Jesus (Yahusha) Born Series:

Shavuot: https://youtu.be/WADvZtuv5gs

When Was Jesus Born Series:

For those who have been taught that Pentecost is somehow separated, this has always been erroneous as there are only 7 Feasts, not 8. Watch our Pentecost video for more:

For our 2023 Feast Calendar, you can download and print at: https://www.thegodculture.com/_files/ugd/e23929_1a323120873a4f54b260046ec43343c4.pdf

Again, if you have another date, the important thing is to keep the Feast. We are following the Zadok Way Qumran Calendar which you can download at:

If blocked, thank you Facebook!, you may also download at: https://www.thegodculture.com/_files/ugd/e23929_8dbbafdf7e414e5fb5edbdecc678d2f2.pdf

Learn about all 7 Feasts and restore them in your life and you will be so blessed. Watch the Feasts of YHWH Series:

Learn about His Sabbath as well at:

Also, review our full position on the Sabbath and Feasts with over 1,000 scriptural references and hundreds of historic quotes at:

REST: The Case For Sabbath: https://www.restsabbath.org/

Enjoy the Feast and bless others. Yah Bless to everyone.


Happy Passover!
Pilipinas 6:09pm

Shalom All! Happy Passover 2023!

Many have requested that we offer some more detail for keeping the Passover. We have covered this in portions in the Feast Series especially our most recent 2023 Feast Calendar:


You can also download a PDF of the 2023 Feast Calendar in the description box there. Also, for those wishing to have the full 2023-24 Hebrew Year Calendar, we are following the Zadok Way Qumran Calendar and you can download at:


There is detail in scripture about the Passover that everyone should keep in mind in planning their celebrations. The calendar we use from Zadok Way is good, better than most, and has precedence in the Qumran Scrolls in basis, but is not perfect. We love and appreciate those guys and what an effort they have made over the years. Anyone on a different calendar, that’s fine, none are perfect that we have fully reviewed. We do believe, however, in these coming days of increasing knowledge that the Holy Spirit is going to reveal this to several and it will become evident. Until then, keep the Feast, that’s the point no matter which calendar you use.

Feasts of YHWH Series:


The Passover Meal:

Many have asked exactly what and how to serve the Passover. It begins at sundown and we do not serve prior. Remember, the main course was the sacrifice, the Passover Lamb especially which was roasted with bitter herbs. However, Hebrews 10 clarifies Yahusha’s blood was sufficient for all sacrifices for all Sabbaths and Feasts forever. We have well-covered that in our Feast Series. Though most Feasts do not have such detail, Passover does have some but still is rather vague on things like what to serve as it is not about legalism, nor should be.


For meat, you can really serve any clean meat you wish. Many try to serve lamb or goat which is an appropriate tradition but since we no longer sacrifice animals, this is no longer a necessity. In some countries in fact, it is difficult to acquire lamb. Again, you do not have to. Generally, for the meal, there are 2 things that remain spelled out for Passover – bitter herbs and unleavened bread as well as a communion in the middle or toward the end of the meal which is when Messiah offered such. Of all days of the year, this is the exact one in which communion is commanded specifically.

Bitter Herbs:

There is no specificity regarding which bitter herbs to serve. One should not eat them raw nor boil them in the passage but roast them. They were roasted with the lamb which would be the appropriate method, though lamb is optional. Indeed, the Jews have an entire special plate which is never fond in scripture, with bitter herbs in which some are not even in qualification. Horseradish is never even a Bible resource nor word and not Israelite. Most of us would not call lettuce bitter either. Fruit and nuts are not bitter herbs and not in the passages for Passover. The chicken neck is absolutely unnecessary. This is leaven added to the days of Unleavened Bread. These originate in the Mishnah except as Pharisees do, they add to that too even in recent years. Frankly, even the matzah of the Jews is questionably Hebrew as is the challah bread which is clearly Russian just like the music they claim is Hebrew yet is that of Russian Gypsies really in sound to most of us who know a little about music. There is no edict to eat these twice during the meal either which is leavened ritual and no dipping is necessary.

The point of the bitter herbs goes with the Unleavened Bread in concept. It is a symbol of our keeping our spiritual diet pure removing exactly this kind of Pharisee leaven which is useless. Simply throw out any Jewish tradition as the Rabbis very stupidly also added the fertility symbol of the egg in Ishtar worship infusing Babylon once again as they have done so many ways. No such exists in the Passover Celebration period. So they leaven the Feast of Unleavened Bread, imagine that. Just serve bitter herbs of any sort with your meal. There is no detail otherwise as to what. In the Philippines, we have bitter melon or ampalaya which is about as bitter as it gets. However, any bitter herb works and regional ones are fine with no set number of how many to serve either. Just do so with the meal as a side. Roasted is best and you can do so with your meat.

Unleavened Bread:

First, the entire 7-day period, we are to refrain from eating any leaven. This is yeast or any leavening agent even baking soda and powder. We are to remove them from our homes before sundown on the 14th of Abib (April 4, 2023 on our calendar). We eat unleavened bread for the full 7 days including Passover as it starts on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread at the same time. There are many options today. You can bake your own and for those in the Philippines, you do not need an oven to do so. You can even make bread in a rice cooker. There are tons of recipes for such. However, it is probable that you can find tortilla shells, pitas, etc. that do not contain leaven but check the label because even some of those do. Sometimes, even crackers such as Skyflakes contain yeast so double check your labels. We rid our homes of leaven for 7 days. The reason Passover includes Unleavened bread as well is because it is part of the 7-day count and the 2 cannot be separated nor can the count though some try.

Watch Unleavening the 7 Days of Unleavened Bread:


Since Yahusha, the Unleavened Bread can be served as a side but also, it is more importantly a communion offered in the middle or at the end of the meal. That is when He offered what they call communion which is 1 sacrament, never 7 which is an occult practice.


With Yahusha, the bread and wine really become a communion. That is very specific to Passover of all the days of the year. That is when Yahusha offered such. Do not pay attention when you hear of multiple wine courses for Passover as that is Pharisee additives, not Bible. Again, this is not about legalism and the important thing is to incorporate Yahusha’s practice set in His last Passover meal which most certainly was a Passover meal as He was crucified on Abib 15 during the day and captured after He ate the Passover with His disciples according to Him.

Suggested Service Order For Passover (Our Basic Recommendation):

April 4, 2023, Sundown: 1st Feast Sabbath of 24-hours Begins:
If you are using a different calendar, that is fine, ours is not perfected yet either but the important thing is the keep the Feast regardless.

Passover is very specific that it does not begin until sundown on the 14th of Abib which is April 4, 2023 on the calendar we are using. The reason it is the exception to the Bible Day which still remains at sunrise in beginning, is it was historically an evening event. The Passover Lamb was not to be killed until after sundown so anyone thinking Messiah was crucified during that day is mistaken as scripture is very clear.

Watch When Does the Bible Day Begin? Series for evidence and chart:


He followed Isaac’s Sacrifice to be which was during the daytime on the 15th of Abib which is the First Day of Unleavened Bread still and the timeframe in which Israel left Egypt that next morning in the exodus.

Watch Isaac’s Sacrifice:


The Passover/Unleavened Bread Season is a 7-day period begin Abib 14 at sundown to Abib 21 at sundown. We lay down this timeline very well with chart:

Watch Removing the Leaven from the 7 Days of Unleavened Bread:


This first day (Abib 14/April 4, 2023) is a Feast Sabbath beginning at sundown to sundown the next day (Abib 15/April 5, 2023). Messiah was crucified Abib 15 during the day which was His matching the day Isaac was to be sacrificed. He did not come to match the Passover Lamb in prophetic timeline but Isaac, the son of promise. He ate Passover and was captured later that evening. We cover this in:

Sabbath Series 6B: https://youtu.be/fNozoANey-o
Sabbath Series 6C: https://youtu.be/ewYUZW27MBQ

Traditionally, we begin with a spice and drink offering which is merely a lighting of incense and pouring of wine on an altar. You do not have to have an altar of hewn stone for this. Keep the Feast.

Then, we read the Passover Account (Exodus 12) followed by the Last Supper account (Matthew 26:17-30 or parallel) which is Passover. The key is Messiah embedded Himself in this Feast and it is tomorrow that He would be crucified same as Israel left Egypt in the Exodus the “selfsame day” (Exo 12:51, meaning the Feast Sabbath). He would rise on Saturday, the Weekly Sabbath according to abundant scripture from the Gospels. Those not understanding the Bible day begins at sunrise have lost that simple truth unfortunately. Watch When Does The Bible Day Begin? Series.

The meal is then served with the bitter herbs as sides and wine and bread if you wish though optional to accompany the entire meal. We use the wine and bread specifically for the communion toward the end of the meal in which we reread Matthew 26:26-30. Notice they sung a hymn at this point not with a track but simply as a group unaccompanied by music. So, we end with a song. We complete the meal and wrap up the time together with prayer but this is really the basic Passover. You may find scriptures that are close to your heart to share and family traditions are a nice touch. One thing of note is Israel knew this was their final night in Egypt as Moses told them to dress ready to journey. This was not a mystery to them. Some have suggested the children dress in travel clothing costumes and that is a nice tradition, though only that.

However, most importantly, keep the Feast. It’s not about legalism and getting every detail right especially the first year. It is a learning and growing process where we all draw closer to Yahusha and Yahuah and that is what matters. There is no instance in which Easter ever replaces nor accompanies this Feast as it is an occult practice of the fertility goddess Ishtar (pronounced East-star even). Holy Week is an abomination as is the practice of the Passover of the unbelieving Jews. We refrain from any involvement in any of these.
Weekly Sabbath (Abib 18/ April 8, 2023 on our calendar):

Remember, there is a weekly Sabbath in between within this 7-day period which remains a typical Sabbath as usual. Nothing changes except we eat unleavened bread and no products containing yeast or leavening agents.

7th Day (Abib 20 at sundown to 21 at sundown/ April 10-11, 2023 on our calendar):

This is another gathering with meal as a Feast Sabbath. We again can cook on a Feast Sabbath in which especially Passover demands it as you cannot prepare the Passover Lamb, not even kill it until the sun goes down in scripture.

Who Is To Keep the Passover? ALL Believers!

Let’s be clear the Bible is NOT Jewish, Yahusha wasn’t a Jew and the religion of Judaism is not the Biblical relationship. No one needs to be Jewish to do anything in the Bible as the word is fraud, watch Origin of the Word Jew:


However, there are several passages in which Moses makes it very clear, or really Yahuah speaking to Moses understand that, that there is one law for you who are native born Israel from Jacob which Jews generally are not, and one for the stranger among you or Gentile (Exo 12:49, Num 15:16, Num 15:29, Lev 24:22, etc.). The law always applied to Gentiles as well as Hebrews and Jews are Pharisees not even Hebrew and strangers in Israel since 165 BC when they conquered it, stole the Temple and usurped the Priesthood.

Watch Who Defiled the Temple?:

That is super well documented. They not only do not own any Feast, they defile every one unless they are one of the very, very few, in Modern Israel less than 2% in fact, who even accept Yahusha as the Son of Yahuah as their savior. That is no people of any Biblical example generally anyway and they are the continuation of Pharisaism even according to the Jewish Encyclopedia. Gentiles are to keep the Passover if they are believers. Passover is specific to believers however (Exo 12:43, note these strangers are foreigners who are unbelievers, not the strangers who live among you who are grafted as Israelites though Gentile. Jews are strangers in that sense and should partake of the Passover unless they accept Yahusha.). It is not for the unsaved generally. Understand that when you are inviting people for this event. This is not intended to be a massive event, though if a congregation does so, that is great. Most would not do this at the Temple in scripture but in their homes. We are to also eat where we cook (Exo 12:46).

The Second Passover:

In scripture, there is a makeup Passover for those who are unclean or defiled such as touching a dead body or similar during that time. These unique group was given an alternative date to keep Passover. You will find this on the Zadok Way Calendar and that is what it represents. There is not another new celebration for all of us but only for those very rare specific cases.

Finally, may you enjoy this Feast not getting entangled in legalism. Keep the Feast and it will be a blessing to you and those with you. Yah Bless.

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But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.Wherefore he...
