Anothermother Pécs
Cleaning and laundry services, temporary storage and moving in / out service provided in Pécs area Who can use AnotherMotherPécs? What services do we provide?
Our keystone is to provide services for students who are far from their families. But we really appreciate if your parents order services for you, as they just want to free up time for you, instead doing laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping, you can rather relax a little and have fun. We can clean your apartment, dishes and takeout containers. We offer a wash, dry and fold laundry service and c
do you wanna wait for it?
Tudta valaki , hogy miből készül a dinnye?
Old style Pécs
Sokszor "érdekes" helyen találhatunk régi felvételeket városunkról. Pár évvel ezelőtt egy konténer mellé kidobott katalógust találtam, benne vannak a mellékelt képek. - írta Palády Zoltán a képek küldője. A fényképek 1981. évben Pécsett tartott Építőgépész kollokvium kiadványából származnak. Zoltán nemcsak a "Régi Pécs" de a régi reklámok kedvelője is. Kivételesen - bár az oldalon nem szokás - mindenki figyelmébe ajánlom a "Régi reklámok" facebook oldalt. Itt találod:égi-reklámok-363641310674834/ A kis füzetecske képeiből - egy albumba gyüjtve - rendszeresen posztolok.
A fényképeket Palády Zoltánnak köszönjük!
Az első képen a Széchenyi tér (1981 Építőgépész kollokvium kiadványából)
beautifull spring -Pécs
Tavaszi betekintés - Spring Introspection
Rendelhető vászonkép, méret: 600 x 900 mm
Unique wallprints from Pécs, Printed on Canvas
Be carefull nowadays!
but in case any issue with cleaning , just call us .
Hangover snowman
Would have been surprised if that is in Japan.
though there are some useful usage - you send pictures about your apartment and we can virtually clean it.
Sounds a joke?! No. a robot cleaning lady virtually controlled.
just do it !
Would it be good business in Pécs?
For those who like cooking - I can produce custimizable cookie form , can produce ones as attached. The head is changeble. costs 10€
AI calles engineer as doctor
Engineer calls human doctor
completion of missing information about Hungarian wines
Hungary: The best-kept secret of the old wine world. Learn all about its most intriguing wine regions.
how the hell he could do?!
hey , how easy to learn from now on and more importantly make an real patient exam !
Trend cycle
Still in summer holiday mode, but get up soon
just for fun
I wish all of my consumers an enjoyable summer holidays!
genius !
what a hell!
Do not forget - BB is watching
sooner or later who has money can live "longer"
he has tonsitilitis, can not you see?
symptom: white pus-filled spots on the tonsils
I will start lobbying at local authorithy!! we need one here in Pécs !!
Spring - enjoy the never-ending life - revitalizing
the marketing is not all
sg interesting to support learning
Our Story
Who can use AnotherMotherPécs?
Our principal is to provide services for students who are far from their families. But we really appreciate if your parents order services for you, as they just want to free up time for you, instead doing laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping, you can rather relax a little and have fun.
What services do we provide?
We can clean your apartment, dishes and takeout containers. We offer a wash, dry and fold laundry service and can extend it with ironing accordign to your need.
We also make moving of your stuf when exchanging apartments or location.
We do not really do grocery shopping as become complecated and malls can provide such a service themselves.