Heemstra Hall Wrestling

Heemstra Hall Wrestling

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Only 1 episode of Raw and 1 episode of SmackDown left before Extreme Rules!


Uncle Joe comes to the ring and calls out Baby Pooch.
-BP says Joe is making to many mistakes.
- UJ says he's been getting screwed over, not making mistakes
- BP says UJ has to go through him to be the best in WWE
- UJ says BP hasn't earned the right to face him
- UJ says BP hasn't earned the right to face him and they won't have a match anytime soon.
Not sure what this means......they didn't schedule a match, so we'll see what happens at Extreme Rules


Sweaterback hits the F5 for the win and after the match shakes hands with Hook


Senpai hits a Bulldog Facebuster on Douglas for the win


Jefferson hits a knee to the face and pins Jarvis, that had to be one of the fastest matches we've had so far. Jarvis didn't have a chance


Pinky hits the Kinshasa and gets the win. Post Match Navigator is wheeled out on a stretcher, but Pinky attacks him and throws him to the ground.


Navigator vs. Pinky
Jefferson vs. Jarvis
Douglas vs. Senpai
Hook vs. Sweaterback
Uncle Joe promo


Somehow Angus lifts Yee up for the Attitude Adjustment and gets the pinfall victory


Time for the Main Event: Angus vs. Yee the Tree


After the attack before the bell it didn't take Sniffs long to hit the 5 Star Frogsplash and pin Thewbert easily


Sniffs attacks Thewbert from behind before the match begins, giving him a tremendous advantage before the match even begins


Up next is the biggest rivalry in the whole series: Thewbert vs. Sniffs


Swift hits a Big Splash off the top rope and gets the win


Up next: Universal Champion, Swift vs. The Great Poochini


Cujo hits the 450 Splash on Benson and gets the pinfall victory


Up next: Leader of the "Benson Club" Alex Benson vs. Cujo


Society makes Juice tap to his submission hold


Match can't even get started and Society slams Juice into the ring apron and a brawl outside the ring begins, ref finally pulls them apart and the match can begin


The rivalry between Juicy Juice and Society continues as they have the first match on Raw.


Baby Pooch hits the Piledriver for the win. Post match sign of respect as Hook and Baby Pooch shake hands.


Sweaterback hits Douglas with the F5 and gets the pinfall victory


Navigator hits the Figure 4 on Jarvis for the Tap Out victory


Karl comes in with a chair but Jefferson stops him mid-swing, throws the chair down, knees Karl in the face and gets the pinfall victory


Oh my goodness! Hook's music starts up in the middle of the Jefferson/Karl match, which causes Karl to look down the ramp to see what's up. From behind Hook enters the ring and hits a Super Kick on Karl. Jefferson went for the cover but Karl kicked out at 2....


Uncle Joe hits the Styles Clash on Fuzz and earns the victory


SmackDown Card:
Triple Threat- Uncle Joe vs. Dundee vs. Fuzz
One on One: Jefferson vs. Karl
One on One: Jarvis vs. Navigator
One on One: Douglas vs. Sweaterback
One on One: Hook vs. Baby Pooch


So I've decided to add another show, which includes 2 new titles. The show is called 3 Star Wrestling because that's the best ring I could find that actually looks legit, and there was a 3 Star Championship that was also made for it. So there is going to be 3 Star Wrestling (everyone is on that show), and the titles are the 3 Star Championship and 3 Star TV Championship. I'm going to decide the champions in random matches. Uncle Joe, Swift, Jefferson, and Juicy Juice aren't going to be involved since they already have championships


Angus hits the Attitude Adjustment off the 2nd rope and pins Yee.


Angus vs. (everyone's favorite) Yee the Tree


Thewbert wasn't enough to put down Sniffs as he hits the Moonsault on Swift for the win.
