Create Health and Happiness

Create Health and Happiness

In partnership with a world leading health and wellness company I am helping others to create a life of great health and wealth.

Mobile uploads 22/04/2015

So true! Glad we are taking steps now to look after our health. Sometimes it seems expensive but being unwell would cost a lot more.

Mobile uploads 08/04/2015

After a great Easter break and over indulging Andrew and I are doing a 30 day cleanse. Who wants to join us?

Mobile uploads 03/04/2015

Having fun in the rain!

Mobile uploads 29/03/2015


If you're working toward your weight loss and fitness goals, it requires the right nutrition, starting with PROTEIN!
Did you know that our WHEY PROTEIN repairs body cells, builds and repairs muscles and bones, provides a valuable source of energy, curbs cravings, has all the essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, EFA's, enzymes and controls many of the important processes in the body including immune system support?
The whey protein found in our Nutritional Superfoods is UNDENATURED, cold-pressed, and sourced from grass fed cows only milked in season not treated with hormones, steroids, or antibiotics. Our shakes make healthy living CONVENIENT, DELICIOUS & EASY.

Mobile uploads 25/03/2015
Mobile uploads 24/03/2015

Gem squash filled with bacon and egg, the kids loved them...winning!! 😊

Mobile uploads 21/03/2015

Herbicide, pesticide, cide means death, death of the vitamins and minerals in the soil giving us under nourished food. Glad my diet includes nutritional superfoods free from chemicals, GMO foods, hormones and antibiotics πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Mobile uploads 17/03/2015

Morning inspiration from the gorgeous Brooke Rose :)

"Have to say... 2 years in and still amazed I could stick to this lifestyle.
Considering how many I had 'failed' in the past. The difference is the culture, the support, the friendships, the studies, the RESULTS! Still smiling!"

Mobile uploads 16/03/2015


Our whey protein is from grass fed New Zealand cows which are milked according to season, contains no steroids or antibiotics and is undenatured unlike many others where cows are confined, fed on a diet of grains, byproducts and pesticide-laden corn, injected with growth hormones and antibiotics and is denatured.

Mobile uploads 15/03/2015

Y E S - I T - D O E S !

Mobile uploads 14/03/2015

Perfect way to start my Sunday, 10km run with friends followed by coffee!

Mobile uploads 14/03/2015

W O W !

Well done to our beautiful Heidi who has lost 14kg using our nutritional super foods. Like many others Heidi was struggling to lose her post baby weight, she did the usual thing and started eating right and got a personal trainer, she lost 10kg but then plateaued. Heidi was introduced to our system and lost 6kg in her first 30 days and has continued to lose another 8kg. Well done beautiful lady! 😊

Mobile uploads 13/03/2015

A U S K I C K - F R I D A Y ' S 😊

Mobile uploads 12/03/2015


Imagine for ONE MONTH you decided that you would feed your body perfectly. You went to the grocery store and loaded up your trolley with all the HIGHEST QUALITY nutrients. Everything you chose was organic, all your protein was grass-fed, your carbs were all slow-release, your fats were all good omega 3's in abundant supply. You had plenty of fresh, LIVE food with enzymes & probiotics that made it 96% absorbable and useable by your body. Then you went home and PREPARED everything perfectly, with the right proportions of protein, good fats, and carbs. CAN YOU IMAGINE what your body would do?! How fast it would release fat, how quickly it would build lean, dense muscle and rid itself of toxins? And how incredibly great you would feel!! This is what our 30 day cleanse does. You will be blown away……. And it’s all done for you….Too easy!!!

Timeline photos 08/03/2015

A R E - Y O U - A C I D I C ?

It is so important to keep our body in the healthy pH range, I love that it's so easy to keep track of your pH levels with this great little kit, I will be buying one today!

ARE YOU ACIDIC? Have you ever checked your body's pH levels? I do this every few days & whenever something does not feel right in my body the first thing I will do is check my pH.

This is my own pH kit - it's just a little strip of paper - and it's so easy to test with either saliva or urine. It takes about 10 seconds. Every person should have one of these kits in their home and you buy from a health food shop or sometimes a pharmacy.

Did you know that every single thing you eat or drink is either acid forming or alkalising? If your pH is below 7 it's acidic. Above 7 it's alkaline.

Did you also know that EVERY person who has CANCER, DISEASE or INFLAMMATION in their body has a pH that is too ACIDIC? An acidic body is like a sickness magnet.

Diet & lifestyle affect your pH and stress, lack of quality sleep, pollution and even too much exercise can be acid forming and cause all sorts of problems within your body. The biggest acid forming foods are sugar, coffee, white bread, white pasta, alcohol & meat.

The best foods to help your body become more alkaline is veggie juices, green smoothies, cucumber, broccoli, spinach, berries, apples, almonds, pumpkin seeds, coconut oil and water.

I read in the paper today that Elle Macpherson keeps her diet at 80% alkaline and credits it for helping her overcome depression.

So after a few weeks back having too much coffee and a couple of red wines I checked my pH just now and it was 6.8 which is acidic. That means a day of juicing for me is on the way tomorrow as that is a really quick way to alkalise your body again. I will keep juicing until my body is alkaline again. If you are fighting any kind of infection or virus alkalising your body is the way to go.

My 4 year old twins love juices as well and sometimes I will add some spinach or kale in also to get some more alkalising greens into them.

This is one of my favourite juices!

The best kind of juice to drink is 'cold pressed juice' which means that the enzymes remain in the juice which helps to alkalise your body. Sometimes the way veggies and fruit is juiced can cause it to oxidise very fast which means you don't get the full benefit of the juice.

Check your pH!! It's ESSENTIAL for your health!!

If this info could be useful to someone please feel free to TAG them in or SHARE.

Alisa :-)

Don't forget to join our newsletter list for lots of free alkalising recipes!

Mobile uploads 08/03/2015

Loved coming home to these characters this afternoon ❀️

Mobile uploads 07/03/2015

M A K I N G - A - C H A N G E

I love that I am immersing myself with 6500 inspirational people who are making a positive change to their lives and the lives of others.

Mobile uploads 06/03/2015

L O V I N G - L I F E

Mobile uploads 03/03/2015

Not long now until our girls start laying 😊 Did you know eggs from naturally raised chickens contain more omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin E and Vitamin D than store-bought eggs. We also love that we are eliminating the added hormones, anti-biotics, preservatives, other medications and pesticides that can be found in store-bought eggs😊

Mobile uploads 22/02/2015


I love when this dude helps in the kitchen!! Baking a carrot cake using almond meal perfect for freezing so it's ready for after school snacks. Almond meal is full of protein to help your body repair and makes the cake so delicious and moist 😊

Mobile uploads 20/02/2015

Lucky it only takes a few weeks to feel and see the benefits of the nutritional cleansing program I use πŸ˜‰. Would you like to make a change? Ask me how?

Mobile uploads 14/02/2015


I am so grateful to have this guy as my valentine!! Thank you Andrew for always supporting me, loving me, giving me the ultimate friendship and 3 gorgeous kids. I love you ❀️❀️

Mobile uploads 14/02/2015


This chocolate is specially formulated with green tea extract, amino acids, antioxidants and B vitamins and minerals. Who said chocolate couldn't be healthy!!

Photos from Create Health and Happiness's post 12/02/2015

Let the good this roll πŸ˜ƒ. We are going to be doing this a lot more often

Mobile uploads 09/02/2015

Stop making excuses, make something happen! I am so greatful I have found a way to get me to where I want to be 😊


Want to change something in your life? Let's do it! If not now, when? It takes courage but it's the best feeling. β€οΈπŸ˜€

