Gina O'Connor, Energy Healer

Gina O'Connor, Energy Healer

I am a healer and artist trained in traditional Andean healing as a pampamesayoq earth healer; a Reiki master teacher and gemstone specialist.

I use universal methods helpful for everyone regardless of religion. I also love to help animals and all nature. Energy Healing- Q'ero and Chinchero Inca Shamanism (Pampamesayoq, Earth Healer), Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Deeksha Oneness Giver, Gems and Crystals, Meditation, and communication with Nature. Academic background: Archaeology, Anthropology, Comparative Religions, Art, Education, and Gem


This was a Summer Solstice Sun Despacho I made last year. Today, I will make another one. I am looking forward to it and the yellow tiger lilies are blooming right now too :) I will see how I make it. Every time, it is different :) Despachos are basically flower mandalas with prayers for every petal and ingredient. They are often made just to give thanks and reciprocity to Mother Earth and all the powers of nature and the Divine that exist to sustain and support us. Here is more about them.

Photos from Gina O'Connor, Energy Healer's post 01/12/2023

Axolotls are like Peter Pan, They Never Grow Old! Let's Save Them and Maybe They Will Save Us


Help Save and Heal the Axolotls and their Natural Habitat and They Can Help Save Us in Many Ways!

Two nights ago, the Axolotls came into my dream and I had no idea what they were or their importance to the world. I was amazed to find out more about them when I searched the internet to find a creature that looked like the ones in my dream. The dream showed some hatching, some made it, some didn't, but it told me to make friends with them. They are very important for helping the world. It turns out to be true. And in the last 3 days, there is a worldwide initiative to help save them. They reached out in my dream to me, so now I am doing something about it.

Read Below about the Axolotl and why they are important. Share the text, far and wide. Hashtag If you are a social influencer, you know you can reach many people. Just do it ❤
Axolotls are fascinating creatures that are critically endangered in the wild. They are well-known for their remarkable regenerative abilities, which allow them to regrow lost limbs and even parts of their spinal cord and brain! There are no other animals like these on this planet and they can help to save us, if we care to help and save them.

These creatures are an important part of the ecosystem and play a vital role in maintaining the balance of their habitat. In addition to their ecological significance, axolotls have also been studied for their potential to cure many illnesses. Their unique ability to regenerate tissues has made them a valuable model organism for studying tissue regeneration and stem cell biology.
Axolotls are also known for being eternally young and never getting cancer, making them a true treasure and “fountain of youth” like no other being on this planet . Since Axolotls are known for their ability to regenerate limbs, they are also important for scientific research, as they may hold the key to tissue repair and cancer recovery!

By supporting conservation efforts, we can help protect these amazing creatures and their habitat, and potentially unlock new medical treatments that could benefit humans and the environment.

There is ongoing research on axolotls that could lead to groundbreaking discoveries. For example, researchers have shown that a protein called transforming growth factor-β is key both in axolotl regeneration and in preventing scar tissue in injured human embryos during the first trimester

In addition, scientists are studying the axolotl genome to better understand the mechanisms of tissue regeneration and stem cell biology Axolotls are also being studied for their potential to cure many illnesses. Their unique ability to regenerate tissues has made them a valuable model organism for countless forms of healing.
Axolotls are absolutely a symbol of healing and regeneration, and they have much to teach us about the power of resilience and adaptation. By supporting conservation efforts, we can help protect these amazing creatures and their habitat, and potentially unlock new medical treatments that could benefit humans and the environment in ways no other creatures can!

There is an initiative called “Adoptaxolotl” in Mexico that raises funds for the conservation of the native axolotl and its natural habitat in the canals of Xochimilco, south of Mexico City. This campaign allows people to virtually adopt one of the tiny “water dogs” for as little as 600 pesos (about $35) and receive live updates on their axolotl’s health. Visit their website at Adoptaxolotl. Axolotl lovers can also buy one of the salamanders a dinner or purchase axolotl-themed t-shirts, bandannas, and mugs. Supporting this campaign can help raise awareness and funds for the conservation of these amazing creatures and their habitat.

One way you can raise awareness about the axolotl and its plight is to share information about it on social media. You can use hashtags like , , and to help spread the word.

Together, we can make a difference!

This is the Adoptaxolotl website page and it is in Spanish. To read it in English, you can click on the top and the English version of the page.
Feel free to share on all your social networks! I made these images today with Bing to illustrate the Axolotl as a healer of the world, which it is!


sending love and light...❤️🙏❤️


"For the ancient Celts, all boundaries were liminal, magical places; whether the boundaries between day and night (dawn, dusk), between the water and the land, or the portals between summer and winter (Beltaine and Samhain). The same applied to boundaries in the landscape. Offerings such as bog butter were often left for the Spirits of Place, at the spot where two landholdings meet.

In Scottish tradition, it was important to saine (sanctify or purify) the boundaries of your land yearly, by 'walking the bounds' with a flaming torch, making a sun-wise circuit. The house, the barn, the herds and the land could also be sained with salt or salt water, especially water taken from the ninth wave of the sea.

According to ancient Irish Brehon laws, a boundary could be marked by a standing stone, or large natural rock, a ditch, a tree, water or a roadway. Another sturdy boundary marker was the living hedge or hedgerow." (1)

"The name, Hedge Witch, comes from days of old when villages were separated by forests. The edge of a village where the forest began was called the hedge. In most villages there was an herbal practitioner, who lived in the forest or near the edge of the forest. This was the person the villagers appealed to when there was no doctor, or the doctor couldn't cure them. The practitioner who lived by the hedge and practiced herbal arts was called a Hedge Witch." (2)

"The word hedge witch is a direct translation from the Saxon word 'haegtessa' which means hedge-rider. Now many people seem to think that the 'hedge' in hedge witch means a 'fence' of plants and forrests. This is not what is meant. In those days wise women or healers lived inside a forrest or just before a forrest. Forrests were considered the 'unknown' because they contained all the spirirts and creatures in them. Thus it was meant that the witch or hedge witch is on the border of both worlds (Physical realm and the realm of the Fae, the mythical creatures, etc.). Hedge witches were said to be able to communicate and interact with both worlds.

Hedge witches would enter a trance by either hallucinogens, meditation, dancing, chanting. When they enter this trance they are able to communicate with the spirirts and other beings, where they would obtain information from. When they go about entering this trance, it was called 'hedge riding' simply meaning travelling in the other world.

They would then use this information to heal others or become closer to nature and make brews or potions. Hedge witches generally practiced shamanism and herbalism. They knew about nature, the cycles of nature, the moon phases, etc." (3)

(1) The Witches' Almanac, Issue 34, Spring 2015-Spring 2016: Fire: The Transformer
Spring 2015-Spring 2016 ed.
Edited by Theitic


(3) Article by LadyFury; Introduction to Hedge-witchery;

Photography by Camilla Jørvad


The way we treat others is never forgotten!


True ❤️


Done with shells and rocks found on the beach. Pretty awesome!

Timeline photos 22/07/2023