Pure and True Crystalline Aquarian Astrology Education

Pure and True Crystalline Aquarian Astrology Education

Innovative & MOST accurate techniques, guidance, & corrective delineations for this new epochal age



Zodiac Star Constellation Sign where ecliptic in the East is ASC.

Leo ♌ enjoyment, expression, energy, creativity, influence, charisma, arts, new life, enthusiasm, being, gifts, generosity, entertainment, glee, leadership, role modeling, positivity, monarch, authority, romance, cherishing, emotional self-reliance

Cancer ♋ family, home, ones' own children, security, stability, clan, elders, traditions, ancestral and biological genetic folk culture(s), supporting, farm, livestock and agriculture, growth and flourishment, nurturing, children, moods, feelings, personal decor, general folk customs, reflectivity, sentiment, privacy, cleansing, purifying, space, sanctuary, personalization, emotional empathy, instincts, Moon lunar phases, regular inner nature cycles, survival adaptation, transformational self-reliance

Gemini ♊ distinctions, twins, ethnicity, neighbors, local peers, local education K-12 particularly all before the ages of 15-18, spectra measures and ranges, numeracy, contemplation, language, multilingualism, phonetic norms, rationality, levels, time, free thought, variety, reading, writing, abstract learning, basic symbology (sign), rumination, communication, conversation, subtlety, refinements, freely observing, perspectives, conscience, objection, abstract self-reliance

Ta**us ♉ resiliency, earthly delights, clever techniques, steadiness, patient activity, gradual genetic folk affinities, luxury, beauty in possessions, accepting, demonstratively adoring, curating, preserving, arts tech individuated collaborating, moderation, craftsmanship, tinkering, tweaking, solidarity, feeling independently enabled, logical self-reliance

Aries ♈ initiative, promotion, sustaining, vital exertion, cheer, celebrations, festivities, exuberance, identity themes, action, hierarchies, principles, holidays and festivals, perseverance, energetic activity, ones physical body wellness, personal strength, autonomy, self interest, self-directedness

Pisces ♓ inspiration, trust, devotion, submission, putting oneself aside to discover beyond self, platonic love, service, tranquility, absorption, faith, idealism, interpretation, visual motifs, visual esotericism, intuition, conceptual polarity, self-discipline, performance, belief, conceptual focus, theory, images, universal, morality, mercy, almsgiving, visualizing, discretion

Aquarius ♒ knowledge, hope, functionality, calculating, applying active symbolic interpretation such as playing from sheet music, multiphase intelligence applications per unique form of talentedness, computing, systems, networks, productivity, usefulness, improvement, humanitarianism, charity, instruction, optimization, fraternity, goodwill, objectivity, work teams, personal ingenuity, mental empathy, achievement, loyalty, freedom, responsibility, release, teleology, natural law, imagination, passion, definitions, realism, limits, propulsion, mobility, success, technology, effectiveness, group zen, equanimity (authentic peace of mind), bliss

Capricorn ♑ virtuosity, management, recognition, harvest, performance arts, gentle and free cognitive states of invention or dalliance (daydreaming), multitasking, delegating, sharing, perfecting, excellence, heavenly aspirations, public life, ambition, affirmations, awards, ethos, moral character, recognizing the spiralling layers of constructive temporal illusions (such as theatre), indwelling two realms of being

Sagittarius ♐ resourcefulness, virtue, retreat, quietness, hermit, missions, traderoutes, procurement, off the beaten path, rare commodities, space, travel, protecting, healing, restoring, physical-material prowess, respecting fragility of life, wise peace in action between different realms of nature while violating no one, broadening horizons, commerce and trade, adventures, optimism, engineering or devising robustness solutions in decay states back to full vitality and function of living beings or systems, sensitivity other-reliance, offering selfless reverence, challenge, brief but profound realization, zeal expression, open-mindedness balanced with realism and noninvasiveness, coexistence, listening, unobtrusively being there, holding safe space steadily for others to freely dwell in, the gentle giant

Scorpio ♏ attunement, choosing an energy flow, emotional habits, affinity, desires habitually met, distinction/clannishness, social emotional subculture, etiquette/customs/trends, inheriting/receiving material inclusionism, marketing, belonging, folk style, preferences, following, continuing, desiring, emotionally demanding, emotional fellowship, social predictability and assuming by believed norms, emotional rejection/discrimination/discernment, aesthetic patterns, dependency

Libra ♎ relationships, pleasantness, graciousness, friendliness, admiring, design, applied intelligence, astuteness, advising, intimacy, marriage, beauty, balance, elegance, broad socializing, diplomacy, tact, fairness, psychism, awareness, curiosity, allurement, excitement, alchemy, transformations, priorities other-reliance to gain own perspective in relation (wants and needs intimacy 1st not self 1st especially partnership), holography, natural numerical vibrational aethetics, broadening contexts for multilevel harmonious understanding awareness, poetry, romantic mood inner states, affection, alleviating pining such as in artistry as outlets for inexpressible grief of blocked devotion, beloved, special unique idyllic bonds, appreciation especially of anothers' specialness, consecration

Virgo ♍ nature, surveying/engrg, tilling, caution, prudence, efficiency, accounting, memories, preservation, conservation, habits, rhythmn, sensory self-reliance, regularly checking in on other wellbeing, physical senses, eating, sleeping, comfort, regularity remembering, sensory detail duty serving habits, stewardship



BIRTHDAY SUN SIGN : Moderate usefulness.

NATAL CHART : Strong usefulness as astrology traditionally has intended for a few thousand years while updating; life path potentialities and personality theme for new opportunities and contributing experience.

SYNASTRY : Minor relevance; often strongest parallels manifest in immediate family and soul relation ties for current life path and these are strong but more elusive dynamics better known in the actual relationship than speculation.

RELATIONSHIP COMPOSITE : Moderate relevance more applicable in most close relationships of curiosity than synastry methods.

RELATIONSHIP COMPOSITE with TRANSITS for timing the beginnings or endings of functional unions : Strong if not unavoidable relevance in intimate relationship(s).

HORARY CHART : Moderate significance for next step.

DAILY PERSONAL HOROSCOPES : Mostly mild to negligible compared to energy needed to interpret compared to innately known patterned ways of living. Many such writers are elusive in content to inspire insead, but not all such writers verse are overgeneralized.

NATAL CHART TRANSITS : From outer planets (beyond Mars), sometimes predictable yet for many individuals these long-term influences might be vague in meaning but compelling as one strives through. Very time consuming to discover reliable merit and usually a very rare supernaturally gifted specialist is only able to forecast if meant to.

SPECIAL EVENT CHARTS : Strong relevance, in retrospect, in effort to learn from the past and how to learn from the new pattern.

AURA COLORS : Strong usefulness especially regarding vocation, relationship tendencies with others, and sense of personal purpose.



# Degrees of Planar Separation:
0°+/-6,8° orb
# Aspect Name:
# Meaning:
Strong Enduring Talent Fusion and good vocational indicator of indwelling resourcefulness in abilities

Vague Recognition; Slippery Mild Relation; Slight ethereal flow between them

40+/-1° and integer increments thereof (80, (120), 160)
Rare Remarkable Hidden/Nonobvious Strength for Hopeful Endurance for better future condition

Irritability to avoid; Universe says not this mix or try another variant via other chart factors

Exciting Talent when limitedly applied in the mood for it; often in hobbies and secondary more than primary quality of career in 19th and 20th century social era

Strainingly poignant yet minor rare and subtle awareness of an excessively past suffered tension no need to repeat; seems protected against yet past awareness is still hurtful and sad in memory when regarded by oneself

Challenging aspect of stressful outer competition seeking conjunction unity and when rarely if ever edified soon a backlash of excessive suffering often follows; is said if the challenges are endured with right virtues then become merits after proving character especially building up personal virtue for ones next life and future lives than the present

Graceful Natural Continuous Flow in its joined Abilities as a beneficent luck

Oppressive Stress Aspect to avoid aggravating in approach; universe says try using your experience another way to alleviate this needless pain if too direct and limited

Whimsically Genius Rare Talent Expression Perhaps Appreciatedly Recognized more only by fellow Afficionados for its Substantial Value and seemingly Supernatural or Otherworldly because high quality

Inconjunct aka Quincunx
Out-of-joint aspect that indicates stressful tension and need for adjusting to coexist; if chart conditions enable rapport via other ethereal paths, can enable resonances that once seemed stifled as disability to instead reveal tremendous ingenuity of fusion expressions more profound than even conjunctions and more rare in initial occurrence yet level of cosmic importance in yielding a future.

Limited correlation then release in tiredness of all involved because was already fulfilled in max in the past beyond present value; something aware of yet not trying to meld with much. Alternatively, if higher awareness is involved, the oppositions can signify a new perhaps expansive or innovative and more exalted pathway of fusion between tensioned entities seeking expressed fulfillment.

0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 degree aspects are also natural numerical degrees of relations among the many assorted qualities inherent among Zodiac Signs and Houses themselves, for ruling, easier, exalted, moderate or more challenged affinity relations. For example, Libra is naturally 90 square to Cancer, and Capricorn and the 10th House are naturally 180 in opposition to Cancer. The Moon naturally has a 0 conjunct in rule relation with the 4th House and Cancer, as does the Sun with Leo and the 5th House. Et cetera.


The Zodiac is the constellated star sky path of the Sun, the light of consciousness and being, whether day or night. Each constellation along this ancient path of 12 fixed star patterns indicates a mode of the human mind in its evolved experience in how it processes experiences and makes sense of its life in a Realm that is in fact greater than what the limited human mind is capable of fully grasping by words alone.

At the moment of the Sun's rising, one begins experiencing the effects of transitioning from the 1st House in the Sky to the 12th House, the public collective call to begin to rise and shine and start ones' participation in the day. When the Sun has set and the sky colors in the West are shifting from day hues to the darkness of the night sky, that Twilight is the transition from the 7th House of precise sifting to the 6th House of conservation to begin another rest phase throughout the night (lower hemisphere houses). When the Sun is at its Zenith height at midday, it is at the MC Midheaven point of a zodiac chart, passing from the 10th House partition into the 9th House. When the Sun is at the lowest nadir IC Imum Colei point below the visible horizon, one is experiencing the secure transition from the 4th House to the 3rd House of Being usually when a person is gaining its deepest needs in deep sleep and dreamtime rest and hidden or reflective renewal energy provisions while settled in at home.

Whether describing the 12 months and 4 seasons of a year over time, or the hours partitioned in the 24 hour day and night period, how do your daily priorities and values and sense of obligations compare to living amid the cycles in nature in your niche? You can start by looking at the zodiac circle wheel in its "2 hour" House partitions and consider what areas of life does each generally support. You might also reflect on what does this mean for your budget, and what about the average budget in a more idealized society on how much of funds are spent on what desirable and good and needed commodity resource and service?!??

Here is a neat study: design your idealized personal week schedule in what areas of life you would like to budget your time resources values and energy. Ask yourself, how does this compare to your personal nativity chart of life purpose potentiality, and how does it compare to the 12 houses of the zodiac wheel in form considering the variety and subtlety of natural person needs? If there were areas of your past where you felt stress from overextension, how can you allow yourself to get the breathers you need to regain healing wholeness and a nice balance back into your life course again? Good wishes.


A Typological reminder of the biological materiality of life, too,


Does ones' Sun sign indicate ones' lifelong personality Aura Color?

Answer: the method for recognizing aura colors, as consistently seen by accurate clairvoyants (as in the direct perception traditions such as independently and corroboratedly known by the late author Barbara Bowers, active intuitive professional Pamala Oslie, and D. S. Sauter), is not usually only and simply an equivocation of Sun sign to designated hue. There exists a method in more advanced astrological practice to discern life aura colors by the active natal chart when timed to the minute. However, the designated colors to every sign planet and house do have significance in various ways.


Great Professional Activity Themes Generalized by each of the 12 Zodiac Signs for Your Purposeful Edification

ARIES the Ram : enthusiastic energetic promotions and overabundant strength through an individual identification theme to focus flow.
Constellation Star Sign Quality : Cardinal
Element : Fire
House : 1 of Body, Face, Self, Motivation, Will to Live, Zest for Life
Hemisphere: Personal-Introverted
Cognitive Function : Oi
Planet : Mars
Aura Color : Red

TA**US the Bull : sweet moderation and aesthetic modulations of sensory techniques and steadfast logic to harness practical resourcefulness from within.
Constellation Star Sign Quality : Fixed
Element : Earth
House : 2
Hemisphere : Personal-Introverted
Cognitive Function : Ti (Thinking)
Planet : Venus
Aura Color : Orange to Pink-Orange, Pink (classical)

GEMINI the Twins : conscientious polar intellectual sensitivity or loosening of observational discretion and discernment for instructive rationality, verbal communications, details, times, and small change gradients.
Constellation Star Sign Quality: Mutable
Element : Air
House : 3
Hemisphere : Personal-Introverted
Cognitive Function : Ni (Intuition)
Planet : Mercury
Aura Color : Yellow-Orange, Yellow (classical)

CANCER the Crab : sensitivity to long regular natural seasons of moods and rhythms in the personal life, experiencing the full emotional spectrum, needing, clinging, imaginatively life-infusing, nurturing, caring for goodness reflections, and cultivation that enables both growth and cleansing for life to be private, homey, fertility, to produce crops, more family, clean and sustainably edifying, personalized, and enabling private cleansing space within too without unnatural interferences.
Constellation Star Sign Quality : Cardinal
Element : Water
House : 4
Hemisphere : Personal-Introverted
Cognitive Function : Xi
Planet : the Moon with Lunar phases
Aura Color : Silvery-Aqua

LEO the Lion : exuberantly generous outpouring of the celebratory life essence leading and ruling by personal values, life known of course as given by Divine Source Creator Ruler.
Constellation Star Sign Quality : Fixed
Element : Fire
House : 5
Hemisphere : Personal-Introverted
Cognitive Function : Fi (Feeling)
Planet : the Sun
Aura Color : Gold, Yellow

VIRGO the Virgin : elastic relative physical sensory awareness of efficient practical routines, regulated chores such as laundry washing and pulling weeds, fine motor skills such as handicrafts, goodness preservation, ornamental gardening, memory, earthly regularity and rhythm, recordkeeping, physical measurement, and environmental nurturance.
Constellation Star Sign Quality : Mutable
Element : Earth
House : 6
Hemisphere : Personal-Introverted
Cognitive Function : Si (Sensing)
Planet : Black Moon Lilith (new age), Lilith (new age), Mercury (classical)
Aura Color : Yellow-Green, Dark Blue-Silver (classical)

LIBRA the Scales : the refined twilight sunset deep intimate awareness of universal and relational conditions in any realm examined with talent for recognizing, revealing, designing, or alchemically healing compositions of beauty, balance and order overcoming excessive negativity in creative approaches, bringing diplomacy, peace, fairness, and variety in types of mutually beneficial relationships without and diminishing any toxicity build-up.
Constellation Star Sign Quality : Cardinal
Element : Air
House : 7
Hemisphere : Visible-Extroverted
Cognitive Function : Xe
Planet : Pluto (new age, corrected), Venus (classical)
Aura Color : Green, Pink and Blue (classical)

SCORPIO the Scorpion : the ever desirous and nebulously dreamy flowing, judging, emotional nature of known affinities and shared preferences which are expressed in lifestyle to cling to subcultural favorite values or desire to be aloof to what is not selected, to reinforce favorite chosen team themes, unless new appealing enough to include into the social group of customs while giving back good in the true spirit of sharing and the defined schtick of subcultural coexistence, retaining the old while embracing the relevantly worthwhile and genuinely joyful new, and enabling the social future.
Star Sign Quality : Fixed
Element : Water
House : 8
Hemisphere : Visible-Extroverted
Cognitive Function : Fe (Feeling)
Planet : Neptune (new age, corrected), Mars (classical)
Aura Color : Blue, Dark Red (classical)

SAGITTARIUS the Archer : oscillating between physical vitality restorative activity and hermit mode as a compassionate one known for travel, open-minded philosophy, tolerance, and or accomodating physical safety in wholesome goodness as needed, adventurous yet safe and actively doing constructive physical work and or engineering etc to ensure physical wellness for all living beings; quiet protection in being there; listening; edifying material errands.
Star Sign Quality : Mutable
Element : Fire
House : 9
Hemisphere : Visible-Extroverted
Cognitive Function : Se (Sensing)
Planet : Chiron (new age), Jupiter (classical)
Aura Color : Indigo-Blue

CAPRICORN the Goat : the performing artist wearing many hats to manage and arrange conditions that inspire and propogate truth and usefulness including good harvests with fame and needed public recognition to champion assorted heavenly ideals and ideas on Earth; awaiting talents of interests; a raw sign of the future Age, yet to be perfected, if it comes.
Star Sign Quality : Cardinal
Element : Earth
House : 10
Hemisphere : Visible-Extroverted
Cognitive Function : Oe
Planet : Uranus (new age, corrected), Saturn (classical)
Current Usual Planetary Status (except for rare true talent evolving) : Malefic
Aura Color : Blue-Violet, "Lavender," Navy Blue (classical)

AQUARIUS the Water (or Light) Bearer : the intelligent use of knowing that enables the celebratory life energies of Leo to reign in good measure according to universal and natural laws to support the good and protect its parameters against any decaying or detrimental falsehoods; good definitions and good innocent awareness; being responsible, sober, productively useful in ways genuinely edifying to others and ones own; study and applied intelligence in optimizing design for relatively scalable local groups in right ecology within the humane whole, all genuine natural life rights support.
Star Sign Quality : Fixed
Element : Air
House : 11
Hemisphere : Visible-Extraverted
Cognitive Function : Te (Thinking)
Planet : Saturn (both classical and new age corrected)
Planetary Status : Benefic, not Malefic anymore for about 80-200 years
Aura Color : Violet, Electric Blue (classical)

PISCES the Fish : focus in meditation and belief that enables understanding of abstract, visual and symbolic phenomena to better the whole in a devoted attitude of submission, recognizing distinction of contrary polarity; emotional eclectic awareness that perceives all universal love and compassion and healing with the resurrection renewal for the sunrise promise each day for ultimate Good.
Star Sign Quality : Mutable
Element : Water
House : 12
Hemisphere : Visible-Extraverted
Cognitive Function : Ne (Intuition)
Planet : Jupiter (classical and new age corrected)
Aura Color : Magenta, Violet or Teal (classical)


✨ Happy Pluto in Aquarius ✨

Welcome to the start of a new era.


Please notice the Page name change today, from

Avant Garde Astrology


Pure and True Crystalline Aquarian Astrology Education

Thank you.


Planet: Uranus

Year of Discovery: 1781
By: William Herschel

Initial Zodiac Sign Rulership Popularly Theorized & Promoted, but is INACCURATE: Aquarius

REAL Planetary Ruler of the Zodiac Sign: Capricorn ♑

House Ruler: 10th/MC Midheaven

Uranus, Phonetics

Pronounced: (oor AH nuss) or (Ehrr AH nuhss), after the Greek mythology of Ouranus
Incorrect Pronounciation: (yer-AY-nuhss)

Meaning: Visual Multitasking & Harvest Management, Truthful Teleological Functionality (as we see in efforts of Engineering and Performing Arts), themes of Public Life and Discretion, the innate fluidity of Group Consciousness

Age of Capricorn: future, approximately 2,000 theoretical/symbolic years from now in the next Age

Implication: The present global state of humanity is mostly immature regarding Uranus and has NOT yet mastered the consciousness energies of what we consider forms of collective management and its related themes at optimal peace with universal Divine law, love, peace and order yet. It is in the new Age of Aquarius of most humans still yet trying to learn the challenges of Saturn (extraverted thinking of objective data and natural responsibility), while needing to honor the lessons of past Ages of Pisces, Aries, Ta**us, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo (creation).

NOTES: Until newer planets began being discovered, the 7 classical Light Entities governed all 12 zodiacal constellations of the Sun's direct cyclical path in both an orderly and mirrored relationship as occurs in nature. Until later, Capricorn and Aquarius were both ruled by Saturn, and Pisces of the previous universal Divine Age was ruled by Jupiter. When Uranus was discovered, later some astrologers popularized the hypothesis of it ruling 11th House sign Aquarius among so-called nonmainstream occultic groups. When Neptune was next discovered, it was assigned, by these unorthodox and experimental astrology practitioners, in reverse to the 12th House sign Pisces. Not only were discoveries out of sequence in time but also space compared to the natural order of previous thousands of evolved years of tradition. Explore content here more to discover the updated corrections to modern astrology which restore accuracy and validity to this ancient tradition as previously revered by scholars among the ancient Zoroastrians, Jews, Arabs, Greeks, Essenes, early Christians and on.


Contemplate the Clarity of Planets in Rule!

What collective themes come to mind for you during these influences?

Saturn in rule in Aquarius: 1932-1935 & 1962-1964 & 1991-1994 & 2020-2023
Air/Fixed/Te: Extraverted Thinking

Uranus in rule in Capricorn: 1904-1912 & 1988-1996
Earth/Cardinal/Ae: Extraverted Adjustment

Chiron in rule in Sagittarius: 1948-1951 & 1999-2001
Fire/Mutable/Se: Extraverted Sensing

Neptune in rule in Scorpio: 1956-1970
Water/Fixed/Fe: Extraverted Feeling

Pluto in rule in Libra: 1971-1984
Air/Cardinal/Ce: Extraverted Cultivation

VesselizsaSuzanne on TikTok 25/04/2022


VesselizsaSuzanne on TikTok VesselizsaSuzanne's short video with ♬ Eclipse


ASCENDANT~ this zodiacal rising point on the eastern horizon at the time of nativity represents ones general outlook and motivation.

Whereas the Sun sign represents ones' sense of conscious being, especially by others, and in prospects of success in expansive Beingness, the Ascendant sign represents ones' inward sense of essence life orientation and drive.


1st discovered in 1930, understanding true Pluto astrological influences in this cosmic New Age gives immense insights into Generations & relationships - from intimacy to diplomacy & transformational trends - with its lights & shadows through the Zodiac.


Believing that Pluto rules Scorpio? Not so. That trial offer collective thought experiment was recalled from the Cosmos. Too nebulous. Too mass-promoted. Yet too wrong.

Planet was demoted.

Think again.

The contemporary astrological practices by which planets rule which zodiac signs are being updated per cosmic truth for the new universal age we are now in. For example,

Neptune rules Scorpio. Jupiter still rules Pisces. And Pluto rules Libra. & more.

Libra ~ representing the west sunset horizon & Autumnal Equinox ~ isn't a "shallow lightweight," but penetratingly SCALES things with intellectual and transformational relating perspective ... yet the subtleties which Pluto/Libra knows how to handle with required care, nebulous Neptune in search of simplistic yet strong matches, blurs as badly as the ill-qualified recruiter who can only match for jobs by simple historical keywords ...

When Pluto was in rule in Libra approximately 1972-1983, pop culture reached new heights in intricately soaring arts/music virtuosity, peaceful diplomacy began to flourish around the globe to extinguish decades of ongoing warfare, true romance and sexuality bloomed with false gender stereotypes discarded, techno & synth music was born, and new perceptual and careful advances being made in science and technology began to highlight the practical needs and policies for natural resource and energy conservation, including the more precise nuclear resource management which had become an essentially paramount global matter of concern for planetary survival. What happened when Pluto entered Scorpio in 1983? 1983, the song "Total Eclipse of the Heart" reaches an epic #1 on pop charts with its enduring legacy, January 1986 Challenger explosion, April 1986 Cherynobyl nuclear disaster, March 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill ... Clearly, Pluto is awkward and clunky in Scorpio at handling the delicate yet powerful energy transformational matters which are the domain of intellectually sensitive Libra, than functioning well in the simpler yet strongly resonant Neptune-seeking fixed emotional sign of Scorpio.

So why is this important? Due to past misconceptions based on popular yet wrong teachings about claiming Pluto ruling Scorpio, too many Millenials have collectively been on a rampage believing they are the new generational authorities over any previously dubbed Plutonic or Scorpio matters like sexuality in social values - another natural power resource - yet THIS metaphorical collective "oil tanker spill" over the masses has been paraded with too much (yet not all) Millenial false confidence while sticking flags in their damaging piles of wreckage. Not true of all ~ but do not underestimate the power of wrong data leading the masses astray. As I said, TOO MANY are doing this, but a few don't. This is why Fe (extraverted feeling) Neptune/Scorpio, archetypally speaking, has a sheep-like character which struggles with objectivity Saturn/Aquarius and internal values Sun/Leo. Neptune ruling Scorpio is about known fixed emotional values. It struggles terribly by contrast with judging the intellectual and overall humane aspects of objective truth and situations. It can enable someone instead tell you what it already subjectively emotionally knows and prefers and feels a quick affinity or aversion to. Its consciousness delights in the social symbols including brands that enable one to ... NOT have to think more, but simply assume role with meanings (whether pure or corrupted).

Correct data matters over false data, especially when social groups are relying on it. Given the natural weakness and tensions amid both topics, neither should give too much importance to what either perceives - e.g., public records reflecting erroneously compiled or sociopolitically-skewed "data" which gives a false impression of functional truth, etc. How accurate is your credit score? Have you ever been a victim of identity theft? Are your health records on file truly accurate, or botched opinions for the floodgates of destructive malpractice? Do your educational records reflect your character? Is your insurance quote based on real events or misreported accusations, crossed data with others and the like? Are you frustrated by IT account security questions that ask you about topics which anyone who is casually familiar with you can easily know the answer to, as well? Exactly. The right rulerships and many problems inherent in square angles (Aquarius/Leo) are quite evident upon lucid examination.

When Neptune was in rule in Scorpio over the world, consider the preponderance of talented pop musicians enjoyed by so many subcultures amid the masses who were born during the era 1956-1970 of when Fe reigned strong! Resonance. "Good vibes," "get with it" peer pressure & later, "catching the wave." Pop music. Branding. Subcultures. Emotional agreements & social affinities. Dependent alliances. Regional etiquette ... "Is this 'IN' or is it 'OUT'?" most would typically say regarding matters of fashion style and so on. Themes of inheritance & other people's values/resources combined with ones own whether collections or charity etc (Scorpio naturally ruling the 8th house of: other people's possessions). And what do YOU crave? Remember, this Great Attuner rules the sign of external emotional fixations.

So yes, natal astrological inquiry based on correct core definitions to build up solid interpretations, matters. Not nebulous ones.

For more insights on the updated planetary zodiac rulerships and getting an accurate authentic natal chart interpretation updated for the new era now: message/text to NOVASANCTUS SPIRITUALITY to receive a professional consultation from lifelong Mystic Danielle Suzanne Sauter.
