Algae Press

Algae Press

Algae Press is a fun and exciting way to engage students of all ages with marine science and conserv

Pressing algae connects people to history, the ocean, and science. Many people in the 1800s, including Ellen Browning Scripps, would search the beaches of San Diego for new exciting species of algae to add to their collections. Today, algae plays an important roll in many research projects at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from studying small single celled algae to the giant kelp forests

Monterey Bay Seaweeds brings seaweed superpowers to plates. 23/06/2016

Algae is coming to a plate near you!

Monterey Bay Seaweeds brings seaweed superpowers to plates. Monterey Bay Seaweeds leads the charge to incorporate the superpowers of seaweed into what we eat.


Check out this incredible application of algae, invented from a 17-year-old!!

Biodegradable algae water bottles provide a green alternative to plastic 25/03/2016

Biodegradable algae water bottles provide a green alternative to plastic Iceland Academy of the Arts student Ari Jónsson premiered an algae water bottle made from agar at DesignMarch. The bottle biodegrades when the user is finished, minimizing plastic pollution.

Living Ink | Time-lapse Bio-ink 08/12/2015

Now this is some serious algae art! Drawing living images with algae ink! SO COOL!

Living Ink | Time-lapse Bio-ink The world’s first ink that grows—revealing what you write, sketch, or paint over several days.


Have y'all heard about this awesome company?! They make edible, flavored cups out of algae! Way to reduce consumer waste in a sustainable and tasty fashion!

LOLIWARE We’re working towards a plastic-free future — join us!

Seaweed products Designed to Disappear™.

Ryan Bethencourt on Twitter 24/09/2015

Algae Press will be decorating wall space at Indie Bio for the next six months! Exclusive pieces to inspire world changing ideas!

Ryan Bethencourt on Twitter “Amazing Art with cofounder of ”

An Ocean Mystery in the Trillions 29/06/2015

An Ocean Mystery in the Trillions Much is still not known about the bristlemouth, the planet’s most plentiful vertebrate. What’s more, the ocean, making up 99 percent of the biosphere, may hold untold undiscovered species.

Photos from Algae Press's post 29/06/2015

Many thanks to Maitreyi for organizing a fantastic ! We had so much fun collecting marine microbes on the Scripps Pier and pressing algae with San Diego Girl Scouts!

Timeline photos 22/06/2015

I delivered this piece on Friday as well as the big Nereo/Hallosaccion triptcyh to the Bedford Gallery for their upcoming show titled Botanica: all things plant life:

Photos from Josie Iselin's post 10/06/2015

How beautiful all the colors and textures!

Timeline photos 08/06/2015

Happy !

Happy World Oceans Day. Don't forget, Earth=Ocean. Pass it on.

Timeline photos 02/06/2015

Fun! Relax in a bath of seaweed whilst reading about the secret life of seaweed!

It’s time! 5 lucky winners will receive our Whole Seaweed Detox Bath and a copy of this gorgeous book, An Ocean Garden: The Secret Life of Seaweed. An Ocean Garden celebrates the unexpected beauty of seaweed with Josie Iselin's stunning portraits of ocean flora.

To enter the giveaway, simply follow us on Instagram at and like our photo. Tag a friend for an extra entry! We will announce the 5 winners (chosen at random) on Monday, June 1. Head over to Instagram to enter:


Microscopic algae (along with other microscopic organisms) are setting the stage for our future!

Mobile uploads 12/05/2015

New Installation of artwork in a fabulous house renovation in Berkeley. Thank you Michael Friedes Design Associates who designed the interiors.

Timeline photos 07/05/2015

اول قبة طحلبية في العالم المكوّنة من مزارع الطحالب المجهرية تنتج أكسجين يعادل انتاج غابة صغيرة" 4 هكتار" بالاضافة إلى الكتلة الحيوية المنتجة يومياً.
The world’s 1st bio-digital, interactive Urban Algae Canopy produces a small forest's worth of oxygen. To be displayed at Expo Milano 2015, the structure is able to control the flow of energy, water and carbon dioxide based on weather patterns, visitor's movements, and other environmental variables. It's the first of its kind in the world, and once fully completed, the canopy will be able to produce the oxygen equivalent of four hectares of woodland, along with nearly 330 pounds of biomass per day.

World’s first algae-powered building set to open 07/05/2015

World’s first algae-powered building set to open A unique algae-powered building is to be officially unveiled on Saturday at the International Building Exhibition in Hamburg.

Timeline photos 15/04/2015

Algae to the rescue!

Seaweed in the Spotlight - A project led by Puget Sound Restoration Fund in conjunction with NOAA and partners was just awarded $1.5M by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation to tackle ocean acidification. The unlikely hero? Seaweed! Learn more here:

Timeline photos 08/04/2015

purple porphyra dancers

The Story of a Bizarre Deep-sea Bone Worm Takes an Unexpected Twist 12/12/2014

The Story of a Bizarre Deep-sea Bone Worm Takes an Unexpected Twist Evolutionary reversal previously unseen in the animal kingdom

Photos from Algae Press's post 24/10/2014

Algae Press had its very first in-class event yesterday! Thanks to Ms. Delucia and her awesome 7th graders from the Escondido Christian School for a fun morning filled with algae science, art, and video games! PS- it was wacky hair day. All the more fun!

San Diego Solution Series - "Our Future, Our 2050" 11/08/2014

A special thanks to Dana for running the Algae Press booth at The San Diego Foundation Solution Series event last week!


Hey all you algae fans! Algae Press is excited and honored to be presenting at The San Diego Foundation Civic Leadership Fund Second Solution Series event tonight. The focus of the event is the San Diego 2050 report which illustrates how the San Diego community is preparing for the changes in climate we will experience now and in the future. Check out the report below.
Tonight we will get San Diego leaders hands-on with local algae as they create art and learn about the important roles algae play in our local environment and industries!
We will also debut our multiplayer video game with iPad minis, thanks to the awesome SIOGames team!


Fancy site, long web address. Once Algae Press gets a little funding, one of the first things on the To-Do List is to secure the domain www.algae!

Algae Press Algae Press is a hands on classroom activity teaching students about ocean science through art

Handmade Seaweed Silkscreen Totes by phoTOTEsynthesis on Etsy 31/07/2014

Want to show your love for algae to the world? Check out these awesome totes by phoTOTEsynthesis (get it?). With images inspired by algae pressings, these totes take algae art to the next level!

Handmade Seaweed Silkscreen Totes by phoTOTEsynthesis on Etsy phoTOTEsynthesis on Etsy


Algae Press now has 101 likes!! Thanks everyone for the support and spreading the word!

Scripps Institution of Oceanography Games: Home 30/07/2014

Getting ready to get back to school, but not ready to open a boring textbook? Why not learn science while playing video games? Check out the amazing science video games at There's even a multi-player game for Algae Press!

Scripps Institution of Oceanography Games: Home SIO Games hosted high school students in the San Diego based Intertribal Youth Group program. During the visit, five new highscores were made in the DEEP game and students helped design computerized music with help from SIO games new collaborator Sebastian Le Bras from Stanford.

Photos from Monterey Bay Aquarium's post 24/07/2014

Did you know a pressing of giant kelp inspired the Monterey Bay Aquarium's iconic logo? I wonder what else algae pressings will inspire!


Algae Press is now on the SPLASSH website! Check out this new site aimed to protect our most precious resource, water!

SPLASSH Crowdsourcing condition of waterways through citizen science.

STEM vs. STEAM Infographic 20/07/2014

An excellent graphic illustrating the importance of incorporating arts in education.

STEM vs. STEAM Infographic Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are the center of attention in most US public schools today. The focus on STEM fields was initiated to increase global competitiveness and the project does have its merits. However, it has left the arts languishing far off in the periphery. This is qu…

Timeline photos 01/07/2014

The algae pressings are ready to be shipped! If you participated in the Scripps Family Day event keep an eye out for your pressing in the mail! PS- Don't they look great?

Photos from Algae Press's post 25/06/2014

Scripps Family Day was such a blast! I am so impressed with the creativity and excitement the Scripps Family brought to the Algae Press booth!

Photos from Algae Press's post 22/06/2014

Collecting algae for Scripps Family Day was lots of fun! Thanks for the help guys!