MatrixMeditationz Videos

Videos by MatrixMeditationz. MatrixMeditationz is about guided meditations for relaxation, energy and ridding the body of emotional sucking vampires.

Heart Meditation - Sending Out Love to the Multiverse :)

Unscripted raw

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Heart Meditation - Sending Out Love to the Multiverse :)
Unscripted raw

Amygdala Hijack
So let's break down the Amygdala a little more...and remember you can let go negative stories from the past without reliving the past :) #amygdalahijack #rapidresultshypnosis #unconscious #contentfreehypnosis

Words Matter Wednesday
How do you talk to yourself?

I messed up
So I just spent the last 20 minutes recording a meditation to release shame only to find my microphone settings were incorrect.. so will do again later today. The learning - make sure you reset up properly :)

Releasing Grief
In this hypno-meditation we are going to release grief. I have noticed grief is different fore everyone and there are many reasons for grief. In this hypno-mediation we are letting go a less than positive feeling and replacing it with a feeling you want. I guess the question is, is the thought of grief serving you now or is it getting in the way of what you need to do. Also this for education purposes. If you needing help now here are a few resources

Releasing Sadness
Today we are going to release sadness. Imagine how much more energy you will have after this process๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Releasing Fear
todays short hypno-meditation is to release. to do this we are going to fly on the wings time to a time your unconscious knows about the first event. and only knows the time and take the learnings moving forward๐Ÿ˜

Releasing Anger
Emotions are neither good or bad depending to who you speak to. I guess the questions are:1. is it useful? 2. Is it appropriate?: Hanging to anger fora long time in my experience has served no purpose and negatively affected my health. clearing it has been a "God: send. More relaxed, decreased blood pressure and nicer to be around. Noe let's clear anger :)

Intro to Matrix Hypnosis
Brief introduction to Matrix Hypnosis and who this is or isn't for :)๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Elevator Meditation
Imagine an elevator revealing to you the past present and future. THat's right ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Main Frame - Rewire your Unconscious
Eliminating the Less Than Positive Situations or Feelings

Feel Good
This is a non scripted feel meditation. It's been while since I have done anything and it is chance to brush off the cob webs and help you (who's kidding here... me too) feel good!๐Ÿ˜

Did you that going through the world being playful helps become more successful. Just think of the positive energy you can carry when you are in this mindset. The majotity of manifesting "guru's" say the same thing in different ways. In the end if you truly want something - 1. Act as if you already have it 2. Be in a positive vibe or feel good :). I will tell you this had made my life so much better each I embody ths "driver state of PLAYfulness. I hope you enjoy and makes for you abetter day!

Working through being depressed
Disclaimer - this is for educational purposes - this is not a medical prescription - Please, please please please get the appropriate help you need outside of this meditation if you need to. I am sharing from my heart something I have gone through and a tool I use from time to time when I get depressed.. I may shed a tear or to; however at the end I hope to be laughing with you :)

Welcome to the Matrix
We are going to journey into the future to learn how need to be now to be who we want to be in the future. In other words live the way now you want to be in the future. :).

Multiple Step Meditation
In this meditation you will taken on a unique journey. for it to work for you 1. be focused 2. get absorbed in the process. :)

Safe Place and - The Matrix
This is a raw unscripted unique meditation bout a safe Place and the Matrix. To get the most out of this Meditation you need to be focused and absorbed in the process. Namaste :)

Colour Meditation for Pain Relief :)
Unique meditation to help you relieve pain. The amount of pain relieved will vary from person to person. :).

Plugging into playfulness
In this spur of the moment meditation we are going to do a raw unscripted meditation on playfulness. S๐Ÿ˜metimes with all of life's stresses we need to sit back and have some fun๐Ÿ˜.

Control Room Meditation
Ever notice how you can delete files from a computer? Imagine if you had a super computer and could delete all the negative files hiding inside your mind outside of your awareness. Well let's play and see what we can achieve with this evenings meditation. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ฅโค