

Right treatment of psoriasis. Right psoriasis treatment


A brand new thought about psoriasis

Dear psoriasis patients, if you want to find some special but effective medicine like creams or drugs somewhere, I am afraid you will be disappointed, the last result will be the same as what you did in your place. If somebody told you that his creams and drugs are made from Chinese herbs (or natural plants) and there is no side-effect, do you think it is credible? What's the exact difference if all the creams and drugs are made based on WM (western medicine) mechanism and theory? I suppose you need to change a way to think about psoriasis and its treatment.

If you want to find some different but effective treatments of psoriasis in China, that will be Ok, we could have a talk and discuss, I am sure you will obtain a lot but not just a big surprise.

Simply put, psoriasis=p+soriasis, "p" means the gene of psoriasis , and "soriasis" means (unbalanced) internal environment, or we say Yin and Yang/body resistance/physical quality/immunity or whatever...The two parts of "p" and "soriasis" will cause psoriasis, so get rid of any one of them will cure psoriasis. Now we can see that WM focus on "p", they find T cells proliferation, they used to apply immune system suppressing medications, steroid creams, keratin solution (emollients), PUVA and so on, but they misunderstand the relationship between "p" and "soriasis", if the "soriasis" (internal environment) is keeping in a balanced condition, "p" will not act, as there are no stimulating factors. So "p" just means a seed, it will keep sleeping and not grow if there is no appropriate environment, "soriasis" is just the environment. TCM focus on "soriasis", they try to find out the exact and original reason of breaking the balance. So the treatment is to recover internal environment. This is the big direction of psoriasis treatment. By this way, we have to check the exact reasons, mostly there are five internal factors: wind(风), hot(热), wet(湿), dry(燥), cold(寒)----the exact toxins (they exist in the state of qi, qi of wind, qi of hot, qi of wet, qi of dry, qi of cold, qi is the origin of the universe, qi cannot be seen under a microscope as it is invisible; or here we can try to understand them in another way: wind/ hot/ wet/ dry/ cold don’t refer to entities, but functions). Any one of them will break the internal balance and influence the distribution of body fluid (and others), this will stimulate "p" gene to act no matter in what way, then psoriasis-----a dry skin disease---- happens. For better understanding( in case that you have no any sense about TCM) , although it is a kind of dry, we still have to distinguish whether it is hot and dry (like desert) or cold and dry (like polar region) , the treatment for these two types of dries are totally different. So if you use medicine, no one can fit all psoriasis, neither does acupuncture (acupoints and meridians have to be changed depends on different individuals' "soriasis", so the thinking of syndrome differientiation in TCM is the most important). All treatments with dependency are wrong. If the situation of unbalanced internal environment is very heavy and bad, we have to work more. Actually, all of the original TCM treatments including herb medicine/ acupuncture and moxibustion/ massage/ qigong/ or others are to recover internal environment (means to activate and recover the immune system, but not suppress or interrupt). Now we can see that the treatment of TCM is completely opposite to WM. If we could notice a general relief happens along with the changes in seasons and climate (many people note a worsening of their symptoms in the colder winter months, but get a remission in warmer summer months), why don't we simulate and create that kind of external environment and extend it? Maybe the continuous relief will become a complete rehabilitation. That's a brand new thought.

Change your thought and adjust the direction, you will get the right treatment. For most of psoriasis patients, there is a simple but ancient physiotherapy to recover unbalanced "soriasis", you can treat (or cure) your psoriasis at home, it is a 100% healthy and natural method. Generally speaking, scales can be controlled in around one month, complete cure will take several months depends on different situations.

Correct some misunderstandings as below:
1, Is there a cure for psoriasis?
The usual and "scientific" answer is no, but treatments are available only. If we clearly understand the cause of psoriasis: psoriasis = p + soriasis, we will get the right answer: yes, psoriasis is curable. Getting rid of each part of “p” and “soriasis” means a complete cure. The problem is which part we should work on, “p” or “soriasis”.
2, Is psoriasis hereditary?
The normal answer is yes, there is a known hereditary tendency (psoriasis has a strong hereditary component, and many genes are associated with it, but it is unclear how those genes work together. Most of the identified genes relate to the immune system). But the strict scientific and right answer is no. Psoriasis has no hereditary tendency, but “p” (psoriasis gene) has, “p” is just one component of psoriasis but not equal to psoriasis. Only when “p” is activated by “soriasis” produces psoriasis. The family life style is easy to affect the next generation's way of life. Life style is the main reason to cause the unbalanced internal environment (Low immunity). Lifestyle is the ultimate factor of treatment and preventment of recurrence of psoriasis. Similar lifestyle has tendency to lead “soriasis” to be high or low (strong or weak).
3, What’s the management of psoriasis?
(From Wikipedia) While no cure is available for psoriasis, many treatment options exist. Topical agents are typically used for mild disease, phototherapy for moderate disease, and systemic agents for severe disease.
Let’s check all the WM treatments one by one, we are so sorry to see most of them are wrong.
3-1, (from website) topical corticosteroids (steroids, such as hydrocortisone) are very useful and often the first-line treatment for limited or small areas of psoriasis.-----But this is an illusion, we could know from the side-effects: overuse or prolonged use may cause problems, including potential permanent skin thinning and damage called atrophy.
3-2, (from website) calcitriol cream is useful in psoriasis because of its effect on calcium metabolism. The advantage of calcitriol is that it is not known to thin the skin like topical steroids. A similar drug, calcipotriene, may be used in combination with topical steroids for better results. There is a newer combination preparation of calcipotriene and a topical steroid called Taclonex. Not all patients may respond to calcipotriene. ------but check the side-effects: prolonged use of these types of medications on more than 20% of the skin surface can produce a abnormal rise in body calcium levels.
3-3, (from website) immunomodulators (tacrolimus and pimecrolimus) have also been used with some limited success in mild psoriasis. These have the advantage of not causing skin thinning. -----They may have other potential side effects, including skin infections and possible malignancies (cancers). The exact association of these immunomodulator creams and cancer is controversial.
3-4, (from website) coal tar(and other keratolytic or emollients like pine tar, soybean tar)may help reduce the appearance and decrease the flakes in psoriasis. The odor, staining, and overall messiness with coal tar may make less desirable than other therapies. These help reduce the scales that impede the movement of topical medications into the deeper layers of the skin. A major advantage with tar is lack of skin thinning.-----but all those tars have toxic and side effects. Some other emollients such as salicylic acid and urea just can reduce scales temporarily, but can not solve the deeper problem: why do scales come out? So scales appear again when the application stops. Besides the side effect of keratolytic and emollients is the destruction of the topical environment.
3-5, (from Wikipedia) Light therapy is also called phototherapy. There are several types of medical light therapies which include PUVA (an acronym for psoralen + UVA), UVB, and narrow-band UVB.----- The mechanism of action of PUVA is unknown, but probably involves activation of psoralen by UVA light, which inhibits the abnormally rapid production of the cells in psoriatic skin. There are multiple mechanisms of action associated with PUVA, including effects on the skin's immune system. PUVA is associated with nausea, headache, fatigue, burning, and itching. Long-term treatment is associated with squamous cell carcinoma (but not with melanoma).
3-6, (from website) systemic agents:
Acitretin (Soriatane) is an oral drug used for certain types of psoriasis. It is not effective in all types of the disease. It may be used in males and females who are not pregnant and not planning to become pregnant for at least three years. -----Can you imagine the major side effects? Acitretin use has been associated with birth defects and liver damage.
Cyclosporine is a potent immunosuppressive drug used for other medical uses, including organ transplantation. It may be used for severe, difficult-to-treat cases of widespread psoriasis. Improvement and results may be very rapid in onset. -----It may be hard to get someone off of cyclosporine without flaring their psoriasis. Because of the potential cumulative toxicity, cyclosporine should not be used for more than one to two years for most psoriasis patients. Major possible side effects include kidney and blood-pressure problems.
Methotrexate is a common drug used for rheumatoid arthritis, and it has been used effectively for many years in psoriasis. It is usually given in small weekly doses (5 mg-25 mg), either orally or by injection. Blood tests are required before and during therapy. ----The drug may cause liver and lung damage. Close physician monitoring and monthly to quarterly visits and labs are generally required.
Biologics are manufactured proteins that interrupt the immune process involved in psoriasis. Unlike generalised immunosuppressive drug therapies such as methotrexate, biologics target specific aspects of the immune system contributing to psoriasis. These medications are generally well-tolerated and limited long-term outcome data have demonstrated biologics to be safe for long-term use in moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. However, due to their immunosuppressive actions, biologics have been associated with a small increase in the risk for infection

The key words above are side effects, temporary and relapse, but more valuable words are: suppress, inhibit, interrupt and block----we call this kind of treatment simple, crude and savage machinery repair (even the word of mechanism is coming from machine, but human body is not machine, physical activity is not mechanical movement). Actually, what do cause so many side effects in the treatment of psoriasis? It is the wrong treatment, it is wrong from the source and the beginning. But terribly few people (especially for the people educated by WM) has realized and acknowledged the mistake. To reduce and minimize the side-effect, biologics is placed with high expectations, but what’s the difference with other systemic treatments? A small mistake or big mistake? IMHO the hopeful and expensive biologics will bring another disaster. Actually the following statement (from Wikipedia) can also explain the wrong treatment of WM: drug-induced psoriasis may occur with beta blockers, lithium, antimalarial medications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, terbinafine, calcium channel blockers, captopril, glyburide, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, interleukins, interferons, lipid-lowering drugs and paradoxically TNF inhibitors such as infliximab or adalimumab. Withdrawal of corticosteroids (topical steroid cream) can aggravate psoriasis due to the rebound effect of corticosteroids. ----In one word, the wrong treatment will cause a worse “soriasis”, this is the truth of side-effects, this is the truth of the all the wrong treatments, not just for psoriasis. People should realize that psoriasis (including cell proliferation) is a physiological reaction because of stimulations, so the reasonable diagnosis and treatment is to find out the original stimulations and treat them appropriately. The mistake of suppressive therapies exhibit suppressing, inhibiting, interrupting and blocking of immune system----which definitely become new stimulations to living body (physiology), then more serious situation and side effects occur. The treatments of target block work only when strong pathogenic microorganism exists, as it is a kind of emergency and the block targets are available. Then in other situations, this kind of treatment is supposed not be adopted as the block of target is not available, unbalanced "soriasis" is the main reason to cause disease, but the unbalance of internal environment is a physiological reaction which process can not be suppressed, inhibited, interrupted and blocked, or else all the results will be incurable, all the treatments will exhibit dependence. Hepatitis b, hypertension, diabetes, uremia, leukemia, different cancers and so on are all incurable base on WM treatments. This is a thought-provoking problem, isn't it? The immunosuppressive therapy is just like to use drugs (such as he**in) to control the drug addiction and there is no way back.

Along with the development of technology, it seems WM could do a lot and have endless work to do, but they have never touched the original pathogenic factor except for some diseases caused by microorganisms. Take psoriasis for example, what does lead to cell hyperplasia? Even if we could find the exact “p”, psoriasis genes, in the future, but why could “p” act? What are the original factors to stimulate “p” then? There are plenty of questions to ask. WM seem to work on “soriasis” hardly, but in fact they are confined within “p” always, it’s hard for them to jump out of the cage. Present an image of the metaphor, WM could find different mosquitoes (like different diseases with different names), they used to directly kill mosquitoes one by one, or they were keen on the research of gene and DNA, and try to do something on them to kill mosquitoes. The problem is there would be countless jobs to do, as those mosquitoes are physiological responses of human body in a certain situation, new mosquitoes (like severer diseases and side-effects) would appear as the actions to gene are new stimulations to human body. The last result is that the former is not cured but the new one is coming. TCM will not directly focus on mosquitoes, they would like to trace back to the source of water where mosquitoes hatched. To kill mosquitoes (means to cure diseases) is to control the source of water (the original stimulations may include the amount of water, temperature, air pressure, and so on), methods of controlling are different based on different situations. In the same source of water, different mosquitoes could be hatched (means different WM diseases with different names, names could be countless), but the way to control the source of water could be the same (means the same way to cure different diseases). I hope the above statement is helpful for you to understand the general difference between WM and real TCM. It is also the difference between the theory of target block and the theory of true systemic treatment. Actually, no matter how technology development, technology is technology but not science, even people could find DNA by micro-segments, DNA is still in the level of molecular but not in the level of qi, qi is the origin of everything (that’s why WM will have endless job to do, pitifully they will never find it in laboratory. On the contrary, they have to face a sea of troubles as they are in the wrong direction). It is that the movement of qi is the physiological activities of human body. Yin means the downward (rotating) movement of qi, Yang means the upward (rotating) movement of qi, Yin and Yang constitute a circular movement. The circular movement of qi made the whole universe. Human body is just a small universe. The small universe must conform to the changes in the great universe. This is the so called unity of people and nature.
4, Are all the existed treatments wrong? What’s the right treatment?
No, the right one is available but is easy to be ignored and misunderstood. Let’s check the following statement (from Wikipedia): Another topical therapy used to treat psoriasis is a form of balneotherapy, which involves daily baths in the Dead Sea. This is usually done for four weeks and with varying amounts of sun exposure. This is cost-effective and it has been propagated as an effective way to treat psoriasis without medication. Decreases of PASI scores greater than 75% and remission for several months have commonly been observed. Most of the benefits and side-effects of this therapy are attributed to the effects of the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Side-effects may be mild such as itchiness, folliculitis, sunburn, poikiloderma, and a theoretical risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer or melanoma has been suggested. However, more recent studies have determined that there does not appear to be increased risk of melanoma in the long-term. Data are inconclusive with respect to nonmelanoma skin cancer risk, but support the idea that the therapy is associated with an increased risk of benign forms of sun-induced skin damage such as, but not limited to, actinic elastosis or liver spots. Dead Sea balneotherapy is also effective for psoriatic arthritis.

Dead Sea balneotherapy includes bathing in Dead Sea and exposure to sunlight. Sun exposure is similar with UVA treatment, people used to think it works because of UVA, as UVA can inhibit the abnormally rapid production of the cells in psoriatic skin. But this understanding is wrong. It is that UVA ----the so called destruction light causes so many side-effects including skin cancer. Actually the effective factor of sun light playing a positive and constructive role is IR (infrared ray) ----the so called growth light. The similarity between bath and IR is the temperature, an appropriate temperature can lead to light sweat but not heavy sweat. Actually all the right physiotherapies like exercise, Yoga, sauna, hydrotherapy and so on are supposed to produce light sweat. Among those, bath (hydrotherapy) is the best. It is the easiest one to be controlled and applied, it is the most cost effective one as well. Taking a bath at home and you needn’t look it as a treatment at all, it could just be a life style. The special material in water (such as salt in Dead Sea and minerals in hot spring) is not the key point, only water temperature around 37℃ is. Hydrotherapy is to simulate and create an external environment (like summer climate with certain temperature and humidity) which leads to remission of psoriasis, and hydrotherapy is also to simulate an environment with amniotic fluid----the source of life. Now we can have a look at the mechanism of hydrotherapy. The stimulation of peripheral nerve from water temperature can affect the central nervous system and the function of internal organs, achieve a result of antiphlogistic, acetanilide, analgesic, sedative, hypnotic, excitement, sweating and diuresis, reduce muscle ligament tension, relieve spasm, promote metabolism, improve the function of the nervous system regulation and so on. Obviously the suitable hydrotherapy is far from the action of outside, but inside, in general it is the adjustment and rebalance of the internal environment, or says it can reset the immune system. All useful treatments include medications should follow the same direction----recovering, rebalancing and improving the immune system, but not suppressing, inhibiting, interrupting and blocking.

The specific method and attention of hydrotherapy:
I, keep water temperature is around 37℃ and feel comfortable during bath, this is to control and lead to light sweat, all the right treatments including run/ walk/ sun light / sauna/and others must be controlled in a light sweat condition, too high temperature and heavy sweat will lead to reaction. Light sweat makes sure that hydrotherapy fits for all psoriasis (not just for different psoriasis types, but also for different internal environments).
II, 30-40 minutes a time, one time a day, continue several months. There are three principles to judge the recovering: scales are reducing, bumps are thinning, red or pink spots are becoming shallow.
III, apply pure moisturizers after bath, such as Vaseline. Just apply onto scales directly, no tearing, rubbing and scraping. This is to prevent and reduce the skin moisture loss. Keratolytic and emollients are the same with tearing, rubbing and scraping which will lead to reaction as they cause a worse topical stimulated environment.
IV, drink enough water in time before/during/after bath, your bath experience will be more comfortable and enjoyable. What does it mean by enough? It means enough if you don’t feel thirsty. You needn’t drink too much (as much as possible) water, you need to believe the feeling of thirsty is a normal physiological response, it is also the measuring standard to take water. Actually the absorption and use (such as transpiration and gasification) of water is more difficult than the other things, otherwise just drinking water can cure all kinds of disease, do you think it is possible?
By this way, most of psoriasis can be cured, for some others who have heavy unbalanced internal environment have to combine herb medicine/ acupuncture and moxibustion and others. Of course, people have to stop all the western medicines. From the experience, the one who had taken western medicines for long time or has heavier psychological problems will take more time to recover.
5, Can tonsillitis cause psoriasis?
No, it can not. Tonsillitis is a different symptom but has the same original reason with psoriasis (tonsillitis and psoriasis just like different mosquitoes but hatched from the same source of water) for an individual. Removal of the tonsils is totally wrong, which has no difference with resection of psoriatic patches (bumps).
6, Does it need a special treatment if psoriasis appears on head, face and other private places?
No, it doesn’t. Hydrotherapy is an integrated treatment which leads to light sweat of whole body, including the above areas mentioned. Hydrotherapy is the main and effective treatment for all types of psoriasis, eczema, excessive fat dermatitis, neurodermatitis and some other skin diseases. What you need is patience and perseverance. Time itself is the method. For psoriatic arthritis, besides hydrotherapy, smoked plum (dark plum) soup (smoked plum is boiled with sugar) is recommended.
7, Is there a psoriasis diet?
It depends. Different individuals have different internal conditions. Most of the people needn’t diet. If there are many sensitive foods which affect your psoriasis, a nichetargeting diet is suggested (which means the diet to different individuals are different), and the treatment should be focus on the conditioning of spleen and stomach. How to judge your spleen and stomach conditions? Mainly check your tongue and the tongue coating, check the shape and color of the stool, check your appetite and feeling, and so on, to see whether they are normal.
8, What are the main unhealthy lifestyles?
Taking cold drink and cold food, overeating, taking too much oil and fat food, staying with cold AC, damp and cold living environment, staying up too late, lack of exercise, too much s*x, high pressure of work, depressed and nervous mood, and so on.

Change your thought and adjust the direction of treatment, you will witness the miracle happening. Good luck to you. I am the author of Crazy Imagination on Psoriasis, please feel free to contact me via: [email protected].
