TrueWellness Nutrition - Functional Nutrition Coaching

TrueWellness Nutrition - Functional Nutrition Coaching

TrueWellness Nutrition focuses on holistic nutrition and supplementation for those who are looking to improve their health and well-being.

At TrueWellness Nutrition, we believe that food, as Nature intended, is a form of medicine that has the ability to heal, nourish, protect and support good health. As the famous Hippocrates, founder of Western medicine, once said, "Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." When given the proper raw materials, the body has an amazing ability to heal from "dis-ease" and to restore prope


Great idea for a quick and easy breakfast or mid-morning snack!!!


Your physical health is a reflection of your mental/emotional health. Be careful with your thoughts, your body may just take them seriously!

Free Viewing 23/08/2017

Please watch this if you have time. Incredible information!

Free Viewing The 9 part docu-series goes live on August 22nd! Watch all 9 episodes LIVE. FREE. ONLINE. Click to reserve your seat and be prepared to learn the truth about the food you eat.


This is hilarious!

Home Sweet Home 18/07/2017

Home Sweet Home “Don’t wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life.” Joyce Meyer

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Bars 21/05/2017

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Bars A yummy gluten-free and dairy-free dessert for your Memorial Day BBQs!

Dairy-Free Vanilla Cashew Creamer Recipe 05/05/2017

Coco-not-so-much. Try this cashew creamer instead. :)

Dairy-Free Vanilla Cashew Creamer Recipe Are you working to eliminate dairy from your diet and in need of a creamy 'milk' to add to your morning coffee or tea? I've been making t...


This is SOOOO true for me! Trees bring me such calm and peace when I am in nature. You too?

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Recipe 27/03/2017

Craving something sweet? Try these yummy cookies!

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Recipe These delicious chocolate chip oatmeal cookies are naturally sweetened with Lakanto, making them sugar-free.

Timeline photos 05/03/2017

The easiest and quickest way to get veggies in your diet is to prepare and chop them ahead of time. Then store them in glass containers in your fridge for convenience! Here is a pic of my refrigerator with veggies at the ready! Roast, steam, boil, and saute them. Go Veggies!

The Thyroid Secret Documentary Series 02/03/2017

The secret is out........Are you missing out? Don't wait another second to get life-changing information. Watch The Thyroid Secret absolutely FREE.

The Thyroid Secret Documentary Series An exclusive invitation to our free premiere screening of The Thyroid Secret. Discover how you can prevent and overcome thyroid disease. Watch The Thyroid Secret absolutely FREE.

15 Easy Ways To Practice Self-Care - You can Do Them Right Now! 27/02/2017

Great tips for loving on yourself!

15 Easy Ways To Practice Self-Care - You can Do Them Right Now! Taking care of yourself isn't always easy. But when you do, everyone benefits! Click here for fifteen easy ways to practice self-care, from Dr. Christiane Northrup.

Timeline photos 10/02/2017

Very recently, I have been reading Louise Hay's books on how to heal. We all have areas in our lives that need healing. I loved what she said about this topic, "If you want to clean your house, you have to see the dirt." In other words, if you are wanting to "heal" something in your life then you need to address the dirty places. I work with lots of clients that want physical healing. However, sometimes the most critical part of actually healing their physical body is to bring up and be aware of the "emotional dirt" in their life. How do you talk to yourself everyday? According to Hay, the best place to start healing is by looking at yourself in the mirror and saying "I love you. I love you very much." Try it everyday over the next week and see how much of the negative self-talk goes away. And if you ever want help walking down this path of self-healing, please reach out and let me walk by your side and help you get to where you want to go. Set up a free consultation at

Make Your Health A Priority Today!

What's Your Gut Got To Do With It (Your Thyroid)? 06/02/2017

What's Your Gut Got To Do With It (Your Thyroid)? Take this quiz to determine if you have leaky gut.

Timeline photos 27/01/2017

A very common symptom of Hashimoto's is feeling BRAIN FOG, (like your brain isn't working quite right or that your thinking is not as sharp as it used to be). The GUT and BRAIN are intimately connected. Heal your gut and the brain will follow! If you are experiencing this in your life and you want your brain back, then help is just around the corner for you. Go to and sign up for a free consultation to discuss how to reverse thyroid symptoms and get on with your life!

Apple Pecan Sausage and Cabbage Saute 25/01/2017

Apple Pecan Sausage and Cabbage Saute Yummy breakfast for the whole family!


Can't have a healthy body without a strong, clear mind! My husband can help you build your 'mental muscle'. Do something you've never done before in 2017!


Advice from some old people 05/01/2017

Advice from some old people 1. The most important person in your life is the person who agreed to share their life with you. Treat them as such. 2. You might live a long life, or you might live a short one — who knows. But either way, trust me when I say that you’re going to wish you took better care of yourself in your youth....

Timeline photos 02/01/2017

Are you with me? This year, my focus is on RESILIENCE. Resilience is "the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness; to spring back into shape". Hashimoto's can try to knock you down, but are you ready to fight and overcome your current situation? I am and I am here to do it WITH you! Here is a beautiful excerpt from the book, Resilience by Eric Greitens, that I absolutely LOVE:

"You don't have to push yourself to a new max every day. That's recipe for injury. But you do have to push yourself. You do have to step beyond the boundary of your past experience. You do have to regularly and consistently pursue excellence at the edge. And you especially have to do it when you find that the world is giving you excuses to sit and do nothing."

AMAZING!!! Have you accepted your Hashimoto's diagnosis as a life sentence in which you will just have to "deal" with the struggles and live your life feeling less than your best? Do you know how to eat for good health, but you are just not doing it?

Are you PUSHING for excellence or settling for MEDIOCRE? Let's consistently pursue greater health together! You deserve it and you can achieve it!

Comment below where you are stuck and needing some help. How can I best help you?

Make Your Health A Priority Today!

How To Avoid the Cold, Flu and Other Yucky Bugs This Winter 14/12/2016

How To Avoid the Cold, Flu and Other Yucky Bugs This Winter How to keep your body strong and healthy over the winter months

Timeline photos 06/12/2016

Want to know the secret to a delicious green smoothie????

Add 1/2 a lemon to your smoothie (rind and all!) It cuts out the bitter taste of the vegetables and adds a refreshing flavor. Try it and see for yourself! Be sure to let me know how you like it.

If I Knew 03/12/2016

If I Knew Beautiful poem about life and loved ones

Hashimoto’s & Stress Don’t Mix! 30/11/2016

Hashimoto’s & Stress Don’t Mix! How to relieve stress over the holiday season

Tangy & Sweet Pecan Pear Salad 23/11/2016

Happy Thanksgiving! Here's a tasty salad for your next social gathering!

Tangy & Sweet Pecan Pear Salad Gluten-free salad for the holidays!

Timeline photos 18/10/2016

I have a very exciting and special announcement..............

For all of you who so generously "liked" my TrueWellness Nutrition page and have been following my posts over the last year, I want to say THANK YOU!!!!! Eating well and living a healthy life is one of my biggest passions in life and that is why I went back to nutrition school so I could make an impact in other's lives. Life is so short, so let's live it in the best way possible!

As some of you may or may not know, I began my own health journey after being diagnosed with Hashimoto's. For the last seven years, I have been on a mission to reverse my autoimmune thyroid disease and take back control of my life. There have been many ups and downs along the way, but I have finally arrived at a place in my life where Hashimoto's doesn't rule my every thought and/or slow me down from living a vibrant, full life.

Women who struggle with Hashimoto's (especially mothers) have a very special place in my heart because I know their struggles and I understand how it can deeply affect your life. Therefore, several months ago, I made the decision to switch the direction of my business and to specialize in helping women with Hashimoto's to restore their thyroid health naturally and reverse their autoimmune symptoms.

Sadly, I will no longer be posting things to the TrueWellness Nutrition page, so if you would like to stay connected with me please "like" my Solving Hashimotos page.

If you know of anyone who struggles with this condition or you have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's, please visit my new website,, to learn more about how you can heal and get back to living the life God meant for you with energy, passion and excitement. There is hope. There are ways to heal. Let's do it together!

And as I always say....."Make your health a priority today!"


What is the #1 risk factor for disease?
Some of you may be thinking poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, obesity, lack of sleep, too much stress, etc (the list can go on and on). All of these things may be contributing factors, but the answer according to this doctor will SURPRISE you!
Go to this TEDx Talk link to find out more:


This looks super delicious and nutritious! I am definitely making this for dinner sometime next week. If you want a healthier substitute for the refined brown sugar, try coconut sugar instead. Bon Apetit!
