Help Yourself Bloom

Help Yourself Bloom

Practical advice to improve your well-being

Corona Virus and how I’m Coping 13/04/2020

wrote a blog post about corona and how I am coping, I hope this is helpful to someone

Corona Virus and how I’m Coping It’s been a little while since I’ve posted and I wanted to talk about the current situation and how I’m coping, so I can hopefully give you some ideas about how to help your own m…

Valentine's Day Doesn't Have to be S**t 08/02/2020*t/

Valentine's Day Doesn't Have to be S**t Hello, I’m back! I haven’t been posting on here very much because I’ve been really busy with music stuff which has been AMAZING, and loads of cool stuff has been happening. My sin…

2020: A Year of Authenticity 02/01/2020

happy 2020 x

2020: A Year of Authenticity I want to begin by saying thank you so much to anyone that has read and/or sent me a message on my blog since I started it last year. I still write this blog as a way of documenting my own methods …

Christmas Is A Great Excuse to be Kind to Yourself (and Everyone Else) 22/12/2019

wrote a post about crimbo

Christmas Is A Great Excuse to be Kind to Yourself (and Everyone Else) The meaning and essence of Christmas has changed a lot over the years, and is celebrated for a number of different reasons by many people of different faiths, and even by those who aren’t rel…

Don't Lose Hope 15/12/2019

I don't know much about politics but I live and breathe peace n love stuff. So yeah a little write up on the recent election and where we can go from here

Don't Lose Hope I can honestly say I don’t know very much about politics. Not because I don’t care, but just because no matter how much I look into it, I find it very difficult to understand. However, …

Do What You Love 10/11/2019

Do What You Love Over the past year, and particularly over the past couple months, I’ve truly realised how important it is to do what you love no matter what. Moving to Brighton and being surrounded by incred…

Having A Routine Will Change Your Life 30/09/2019

I start uni tomorrow and also figured it was time for a new post x

Having A Routine Will Change Your Life Moving to a brand new place, with brand new people, to study my greatest passion has filled me with so much gratitude it’s unreal. However, when moving into your halls/student house there& #82…

Self-care Is Really F*ckin Important 01/09/2019

Self-care Is Really F*ckin Important I’ve been reminded quite recently through friends and through myself, that when times are hard or you’re having a stressful time, people tend to beat themselves up for feeling bad; and …

A Poem – It Is What It Is 22/07/2019

Just a lil poem 'bout life

A Poem – It Is What It Is Hello hello. Still in California because I am blessed so thought I would post something small, and something representing some of how life has felt for me recently. I’ll have a (hopefully) ve…

Meditation Through Music 11/07/2019

New blog post!

Meditation Through Music Music has played a significant role in making me happy and keeping me present (even if I didn’t realise that part until recently!) from a really young age. I’ve been singing since befor…

Living in Gratitude 15/06/2019

New post: Living in Gratitude

Living in Gratitude Whenever you are moving through difficult transitions in life, I find through personal experience that it’s very easy to get lost in a negative spiral and go into complete panic mode. Things …

Meditation Through Movement 04/06/2019

new blog post!!

Meditation Through Movement The more I submerge myself into meditation practices, the more I come to realise that the body and mind are far more connected than I ever considered. Movement is just as important for your mind as…

Meditation: Breathe, Focus on Five Things and Surrender 16/05/2019

new post

Meditation: Breathe, Focus on Five Things and Surrender I wanted to start off this series with the simplest, easiest and often most helpful method I use to be present in my very busy life. I hope by explaining how I do this I can assist someone. It almo…

Anyone Can Meditate – A Series 25/04/2019

decided to start a series on meditation and how anyone (literally anyone) can benefit from it

Anyone Can Meditate – A Series (Yes. Even you!) Taken from the Oxford English Dictionary; to Meditate. ‘To think deeply, usually in silence, especially for religious reasons or in order to make your mind calm’ I want…

Mental Health experiences & Embracing change 17/04/2019

Mental Health experiences & Embracing change Before I begin this post, I would like to start off by saying that as someone who has suffered from various problems and mental illnesses from a young age, I am aware that dealing with them and fin…

This is my Wellness Blog (I hope it helps someone) 17/04/2019

This is my Wellness Blog (I hope it helps someone) Hi lovely people. I decided a couple of months ago that I really wanted to start a wellness blog…so here it is! I’m the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been in my life, and ther…