Student midwives in Darwin

Student midwives in Darwin

Student Midwives in Darwin (SMID) aims to provide support, encouragement and a social network to Charles Darwin University Bachelor of Midwifery students.

Midwifery Beginnings; Inaugural Workshop 08/02/2022

A message from the amazing Claire below.


Hey lovely oxytocin warriors, my name is Claire and I'm so excited to be sharing my knowledge and passion for all things midwifery in my inaugural workshop in Darwin. This workshop is aimed for students (but open to all) who are interested in developing their skills and knowledge as well as being surrounded with other like minded, women-centered midwives (to be!) In this first workshop we are going to deep dive into using touch, massage and positioning in labour, supporting women who use epidurals, understanding and sharing the BRAIN acronym for vitamin K and even doing a simulation for cord prolapse. Join me in using the link below! xx

Midwifery Beginnings; Inaugural Workshop A supportive approach to developing midwifery skills, understanding the evidence and gaining confidence in providing woman centred care
