Nicole Jolene LLC

Nicole Jolene LLC

I am an Online Business Manager | Specializing in project management and team management.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 09/09/2022

If you like mindset then know I snagged this gem from .rapley

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 30/08/2022

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Heck if you want to create 2 ways to achieve the goal or stick to the habit. One way is how you will do it on a good day and one for how you can do it on a bad day.

S*t days happen sometimes more than we want them to happen so prepare yourself for it. My goal for you is to never go backward….. positive momentum no matter how small it is.


Follow for daily budgeting planning tips

A form of self care is budgeting each month (for some it is each week).

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 28/08/2022

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Feel free to keep your list on your frig and please by all means update your list every month (or week) if need be.

Share this with anyone you think needs this insight.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 25/08/2022

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Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 23/08/2022

Follow for daily budgeting planning tips

A budget is only as good as the follow through. Read that again.


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Also understanding why you did it is helpful. Don't waste the experience.

Or better yet… learn from someone else’s mistakes!!

One thing I learned from other mistakes is to never buy a timeshare even if they give you a free breakfast.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 21/08/2022

Follow for daily money mindset and budgeting planning tips

Ya got other tips that worked for you? Let me, I’m always up for learning different ways!

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 18/08/2022

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What other credits score questions do you have? I will answer them for you in the comments section.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 16/08/2022

Follow for daily money mindset and budgeting planning tips

Getting good with money is a lot easier than you think it is. It's amazing just how little math has to do with money wellness (and how rarely people realize this).


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Nothing much more I need to say here. .moves.hq cut right to it.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 14/08/2022

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I will go to the grave on this one….Emotional spending is the leading cause of overspending.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 11/08/2022

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I do not know what you are running from but you need to stop and take inventory of yourself.

Have you ever thought about taking things away to make your situation better?

Stop thinking that you need to add things into your life to make it better….

Start by removing things instead…

DM me when you are ready to stop running on the hamster wheel of negative budgeting thoughts. you're bad with money.

That is negative thinking, and to be honest, you probably haven’t been taught how to budget in a way that works for you yet so don’t be hard on yourself for what you don’t know.

DM me when you are ready to stop running on the hampster wheel of negative budgeting thoughts.

You can control your money and I can help you do it!


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Ya got other tips that worked for you? Let me, I’m always up for learning different ways!


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The take away I want for you on this one is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

So many struggle with the same things you do.

Remember that just because something is common doesn’’t mean it is normal and OK to do.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 02/08/2022

In a perfect world, we would have money for every single thing we need and want but in the real world that isn’t always true for everyone.

So if you can’t fill your prepared funds to the top and contribute each month do worry.

Good news... there will be some money there for when you need it so that you don’t have to use a credit card (you can’t pay off ).

Do you call this fund a sinking fund, prepared fund or something else?


Follow for daily budgeting tips.

Being “bad with money” is not a personality trait but it could be a character flaw if you choose not to do anything about it.

You can learn to be good with money.

You can learn to invest. (I am currently doing this)
You can learn to save.

You can use credit responsibly.

It takes some education and trial and error. But, it defininetly can be done.

Don’t know where to start? Try keeping a log on what you spend your money on for 2 - 4 weeks. I’ve made it easy for you….click the link in my bio to get your “free money diary”.

I walk you through how to use it, it’s FREE and it will get you to really pay attention to why you spend your money on…. so why not.


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The wealthy stay wealthy because they know how to manage their money.

You don’t get to keep staying wealthy by just stopping what you did to get there.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 28/07/2022

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Remember to live below your means but within your needs.

I have made myself a victim of lifestyle creep in the past because I always wanted to impress others with a cool phone, or going out to eat with friends alot or having a super nice things.

This lead me to still be living paycheck to paycheck and it sucked.

Fast forward to the last 3 years, I have done a TON and I mean a TON of self reflection and mental health work and I am proud to say I no longer have lifestyle creep.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 26/07/2022

I would also like to add summer pools passes (aka summer activities)

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Anything else I didn’t mention that you wish you had budgeted for but forgot?


How long have you felt like you know you can do more but just don’t know how?

How long have you been working on the same goals every year but not really getting anywhere?

How often you are buying stuff because you are bored or feel like your life might be better if you had it? Turns out it didn't.

Continue following me here and you will be able to DIY yourself out of these problems.

I will be here to point (and push) when you are done with DIYing or if DIY is taking you longer than you want.

(On a scale of A through Z)

When you need A through W help I have an approach that is extremely helpful (assuming you are ready to do the work and will come in finishing off the X, Y, Z)

Maybe you just need P through W help. I got you there too. Maybe you already have a great method of paying off debt but need a better understanding of how to reach your goals faster and a strategy that is tailored to only you? If so, I got you.

Either way, click the first link in my bio for a free consultation and we can figure what direction you need.

Either way, click the first link in my bio for a free consultation and we can figure out what direction you need.ejolene

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 24/07/2022

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My suggestions on when to do both are this:

Reconcile once a week. Maybe it is every Friday or maybe it is every Monday (like me). Whatever day you choose, do it!!!

Update at least once a month. Why do I say “at least”? Because when you reconcile and notice you overspent in one category then you will need to adjust another category to keep yourself within your budget. So in turn you will need to update your budget at this time. So at the very least update once a month.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 21/07/2022

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Achieving FI/RE looks different for everyone.

Some have high salaries and are able to invest a high % of their income. Some live frugally and side hustle to invest extra. Others spend comfortably and invest regularly.

At the end of the day, it’s just a number. I will go more into details about how it works next week.

Photos from Nicole Jolene LLC's post 19/07/2022

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Telling yourself you are bad with money or telling yourself that you just can’t keep to your budget no matter what you do…..

These are negative thoughts and to be honest you are subconsciously lying to yourself.

9/10 it isn’t your fault you are bad with money.

You just haven’t learned a way that works best for your mind and habits.

Anyone can budget successfully. And there are lots of ways to do it!

Trial and error is your bestie. No, really it is.

So just because you telling yourself something, that doesn’t make it true.

Give yourself some grace.

Have you found a budget system yet that works for you? Give me a yay or nah below.

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