Michele B. Fit

Michele B. Fit

Summer boot camp! The first step to a more fit and healthier you is motivation. Change your lifestyle and the rest will come. I'm here to guide you!

Photos from Michele B. Fit's post 27/09/2020

Never leave home without my resistance bands


Lats, shoulders, bi’s and tri’s, always ending with a little ab work. Loving this new full body gym board, still figuring out all the exercises that can be done with it.
What a summer this has been! With the gyms being closed and wearing masks in public it’s tough to stick with your training, but with all the home alternatives out there you can still find ways to sweat it out! What’s your favorite home equipment?!

Timeline photos 20/08/2020

Yesssss so excited my finally came in!! (Happy dance 💃🏼) 😬🥳👊🏻💪🏻 lets gooooo


Sorry all I’ve been MIA and slacking on the videos lately!! Make sure your staying motivated and healthy this summer, there’s so much going on and I know it’s not always easy but you only get one body, treat it right!
Here are some squat variations for you to try this week!!

1️⃣squat with calf raise
2️⃣sumo squat with heel lift
3️⃣curtsy squat (lunge)
4️⃣kneeling squat with glute squeeze

Timeline photos 11/07/2020

Every once in a while I get upset with myself and think I’m not skinny enough or cut enough, I start to blame COVID and gyms not being open, or it’s my work schedule, or that I don’t drink enough water because of my job, but the truth is these are all excuses, excuses to continue putting myself down instead of building myself up. I think we all need a reminder every once in a while that YOU ARE AMAZING, you are strong, you are beautiful how you are. We need to stop comparing ourselves to others so much and start celebrating and being proud of ourselves. Yea, easier said then done!! My goal this summer is to build on the inside and be happy with who I am and how far I’ve come. Thank you for the daily motivation 🙏🏼😌


Dedication is bringing your resistance bands to a “relaxing” beach day... killin it and absolute goals looking ripped💪🏼, this girl is my motivation!


Paddle board workout because I’m me and I do weird stuff 😁. Always looking for an adventurous way to workout!
There is nothing better than loving the life you live, and you only get one so make the most of it! I hope you all have a great 4th of July weekend, stay safe, social distance, but have fun 🤪👍🏻... oh and obviously find time to workout ☺️💪🏼


Here’s to hoping you not only worked on your physical core this weekend but also your emotional core! Working on your physical self is only a piece of the wellness puzzle, be cognizant of what food you eat, how much water you take in, who you surround yourself with, your stress levels, do you find yourself unhappy? If so, start making changes to how you approach each day and maybe you’ll find yourself feeling cleaner, lighter, and happier. Find what moves you 🙏🏼
1. Side lying bridge clam shell - this helps strengthen the pelvic floor, your gluteus medius (“side butt”) and core
2. Plank with cross kick through with half child’s pose in between reps - work your abs and obliques
3. Pike push up to plank with push up - keep your inner abdominal muscles tight and try to focus on not letting your belly “cone”
4. Body weight hip thrusts or glute bridges with shoulders off the floor - these work all the muscles of your b***y and are one of my favorite exercises. Also, good for your core if you keep your abs engaged.
5. Crab toe touches - full body exercise and great for core strength, stability and balance.
6. Plank shoulder taps - again focus on keeping your inner abdominal muscles engaged and don’t let your belly “cone”
7. Bicycle crunches - don’t do these too fast, focus on really contracting at the top of each rep
8. Plank with hip dips - core and obliques


Find yourself a workout partner that motivates you! For me it’s , lucky enough to have been born with a built in fitness partner 😂 .
Full body , no equipment workout you can do anywhere, anytime... so get to it!
This workout was just about movement, not targeting any specific area so there are no set reps or sets, just choose your favorite workouts and share them with a friend, try to do each one to fail, stop when you feel a little like jelly 😜🥵

Photos from Michele B. Fit's post 10/04/2019

Back at it! Stay tuned for my pre summer 30 day challenge!!


Winter is over and spring is around the corner, time to remotivate! Set a goal for yourself, try a new workout, take a yoga/spin/kickboxing/dance class, mix it up a little! As you can see in some of the videos, it won't always be perfect but let that motivate you to try harder!

Photos from Michele B. Fit's post 15/01/2017

Make every movement count, change starts when you change your habits. Nothing is impossible. Make your goal your priority and set time aside for it everyday

Photos from Michele B. Fit's post 11/01/2017

Working out doesn't mean you have to be at a gym. No excuses, have fun with it... life is an adventure go out and live it!


Working out with a partner makes for a fun way to get in shape


It may not be perfect and you may not look like the fitness models we see everywhere but your working towards your goals and that's all that matters


When the sun rises we rise... Stay motivated


Rise and grind, start the week off with a full body workout to get the blood flowing and recharge after the weekend. It's about always easy waking up early on a Monday, but you'll be glad you did! Stay motivated 💪🏻!

Photos from Michele B. Fit's post 20/04/2016

The world is your playground, never forget to have fun! I may not be perfect but I'll just keep practicing. Set a goal and when you reach it, set a new one!


Find creative ways to work muscles you want to focus on, it makes your time at the gym much more fun!


Have a set workout plan before you get to the gym for the best results, sometimes the amount of equipment can be overwhelming and more time is spent figuring out what to do next then actually working out. Push yourself past your limits!


Life can get really hectic and sometimes there's just no time to get to the gym... Here are a few at home workout ideas to get you started! Make sure to keep a strong steady breathing pattern and alignment. Focus on the muscle group you want to work and GET TO IT!! No excuses


Wake up every morning and set a goal for the day, keep pushing yourself, nothing is impossible!

Photos from Michele B. Fit's post 14/03/2016

Back on the grind! Stay motivated, stay focused, stay strong! Happy Monday everyone. Workout videos soon to come

Videos (show all)

Lats, shoulders, bi’s and tri’s, always ending with a little ab work. Loving this new full body gym board, still figurin...
Sorry all I’ve been MIA and slacking on the videos lately!! Make sure your staying motivated and healthy this summer, th...
Dedication is bringing your resistance bands to a “relaxing” beach day... @manza_fit killin it and absolute goals lookin...
Paddle board workout because I’m me and I do weird stuff 😁. Always looking for an adventurous way to workout! ..There is...
Here’s to hoping you not only worked on your physical core this weekend but also your emotional core! Working on your ph...
Find yourself a workout partner that motivates you! For me it’s @manza_fit , lucky enough to have been born with a built...
Working out with a partner makes for a fun way to get in shape
It may not be perfect and you may not look like the fitness models we see everywhere but your working towards your goals...
