Kirsti Pratt

Kirsti Pratt

I teach busy individuals how to have more energy through consistent nutrition & lifestyle habits Struggling with G.I. I live in St.

In my early twenties, I learned firsthand the importance of an integrated, individualized exercise program. I competed as an athlete on American Ninja Warrior, and I was working 60 to 70 hours a week. Running on empty—literally and figuratively—I soon hit rock bottom and burned out. issues, self-confidence, worthiness, depression, anxiety, mental fog, codependency, and physical aches and pains, I


Setting boundaries in your world allows you to have more energy.

Most people have poor boundaries and are saying yes to too many people.

If you fall into this category, you are probably someone who has low energy, feels lethargic, and puts your needs on the back burner.

When you start to put boundaries in place, you allow others to be responsible for themselves, and you step deeper into your power.

In doing this, you start to have more energy.

Now, you might be one of those people where setting a boundary, everything in your body goes off. It feels completely unnatural, and you may even feel wrong or overwhelmed by doing so.

This is because you have been functioning this way for most of your life.

That’s okay! Take it slow and do it with love. In the end result, you will have more energy and better relationships.

Much Love
- Kirsti


Quieting your mind is a key player when it comes to having more energy.

When your mind is running, even when you are at rest, you are exerting energy and not really at rest.

One way I like to try to calm my mind is by getting out in nature and just noticing the thoughts but not following them. I even like to follow up with positive affirmations.

This wasn’t always a way of being for me. I used to need constant stimulation, whether it be watching something, listening to something, scrolling on my phone, or the need to talk with someone I didn’t want to be alone.

This affected my sleep and energy, leading me to exhaustion and a need for coffee to get me going.

So, if your mind is always racing, try this technique out.

Much Love,
- Kirsti


F**K isn’t life just so good??

Mhmmm, the first day at the property has been AMAZING!

LOADS of growth
LOADS of surrender
& LOADS of love…

YES! I have been learning SO MUCH!

I will continue to share as I can & life is also SUPER bonkers ALL at the same time :)

Recently picked up a new client who is SO READY for the work, and I LOVE THAT 🔥 & fly home next week to work with an existing client in taking a physical assessment and creating her a new individualized Mobilization, Stretch & Movement program✨💫

Finish my Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3 exam

& Fill out my paperwork for my coach .rise 🤓 I am SO EXCITED for that as I have some BIG dreams I am making happen and excited to share with you all as they come along 💫

Thinking I will officially have space in my world to do a live this Monday at 8 am PST. I can’t wait to connect with you all.

If there is something in particular, you wish for me to share around this journey, leave below 👇👇👇


Videos (show all)

Lack of boundaries equals lack of energy!
Calm Your Mind
Be on the look out for Midwest Muscle! 💪🏼