OnRoute Financial, LLC

OnRoute Financial, LLC

Building wealth to make change for your life, your family, and the world.


IMPLEMENTATION and INTEGRATION are key components to long term financial success.

What good is all the visioning, planning, and strategizing if we don’t actually IMPLEMENT the plan?!

As you IMPLMENT your financial plan, you build wealth habits - like knowing your numbers, systems and organization, strategic financial decision making, saving, investing, etc.

INTEGRATING these wealth habits into who you are and how you show up will allow you to have the skills, confidence, knowledge, and resources you’ll need long term to fund your dream life, create generational wealth, and give to your community.

I believe in implementation and integration so much that I build it into my programs. This makes working with me that next level experience that clients aren’t getting from other financial professionals.

So what does this look like? I’ll give you the inside look 👀

🌟Small Simple Steps🌟

We don’t create a plan then say, “here it is, see ya later!”

We break it down into actionable steps that feel small and simple. We take the path of least resistance. This leads to actually getting things done and quickly adds up to big results!

🌟Reminders & Accountability Check-In’s🌟

Sometimes we procrastinate or forget financial tasks. This helps keep things top of mind for you.

🌟Co-Working Sessions🌟

Maybe you just need someone to sit down with you and complete a task together, or show you how. These sessions really help you get stuff done and integrate financial action taking habits into your regular routines.

Wouldn’t it feel magical to have that type of financial support?! Support beyond the plan and strategy. Support that generously supports you in implementing and integrating the work that we do together in managing, investing, and planning your money.

I love doing this within my 6 month or 1 year containers. It truly takes time because we’re going for long term sustainability and becoming the confidence, strategic, powerful and purposeful money manager and investor that you are.

DM me if you want this next level of financial support.


We don’t do wealth the old school way - hustle hard, care only about money not people, and be burnt out and miserable. No thanks.

We build wealth holistically. We become millionaires while making it about YOU and what YOU want - your values, your vision, and your own _unique_ definition of wealth.

How do you invest to become a millionaire while feeling fu***ng fantastic about money, still being a good person, and having a s**t ton of fun?!

I’ll be breaking it all down at The Become a Millionaire and Smash the Patriarchy PARTY.

You'll learn how to think like a millionaire, how to invest to build a million-dollar net worth (and beyond!), and how to elevate your energy around wealth so that you can feel like a millionaire while you build wealth.

Join us! It’s gonna be really fu***ng fun!!

Register at the link in my bio.

See you there, millionaire.


Hey loves, I'm throwing a party and you're freaking invited!!

This is why I created it:
-I want to help visionary women entrepreneurs go from being stressed and not knowing what to do with their money to investing and becoming millionaires.
-I want to support these millionaires in the making to live as their wealthiest selves, wealthy in time, freedom, health, relationships, whatever wealth means to you
-I want to see the ripple effect of the good that comes when good people have money.

This is perfect for you if:
*You're a visionary entrepreneur making money you don’t know what to do with.
*You want to build wealth through investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, businesses, etc.
*You want to become a millionaire and do what you want when you want.
*You want to support your family and create generational wealth.
*You want to give to causes and communities you care about.
*You want to expand your wealth mindset to welcome even more financial abundance.
*You want to shift your identity to embody the millionaire that you’re becoming.

Interested? Click the link in my bio to register and get all the deets.

See you there, millionaire.

# financeblog


I'm on a mission to close the wealth gap.

What is the wealth gap you may ask? Wealth is the value of your investments and things you own, like stocks, bonds, real estate, businesses, etc.

When you look at how much wealth men have, compared to women, and how much wealth white people have, compared to people of color, white men own the most wealth. Not shocking in our racist patriarchial society.

Owning wealth can make a HUGE difference.

Your wealth can provide an income stream for you - rental property income, dividends and interest from your investments, etc.

Wealth can multiply while you sleep and grow in value over time.

Wealth can support your family beyond your working years and your living years through the legacy you leave.

Wealth can be redistributed to communities in need and create more resources, options, and opportunities.

The possibilities are endless.

When women and marginalized communities have more wealth, the world will change for the better.

One of the most radical acts of making a difference in the world is becoming wealthy. You're a good person. So when you control wealth, you know it'll be used for a good purpose.

So let's get fu***ng wealthy and use that money to make the change we wanna see in the world.


Claiming my bold desires: I help women entrepreneurs become millionaires.

When women and marginalized communities become millionaires, the world becomes a better place.

Women use their money to live their dream life and make bold moves. They support their family and create generational wealth. They give back to causes and communities they care about.

So how does a big dreamer like you become a millionaire? Investing!

Investing in things like - stocks, bonds, real estate, businesses, etc.

Building wealth and becoming a millionaire is different then earning money. Different than scaling from multi 6 figures to 7 figures. (Although scaling is important because it’s typically easier for high earners to build wealth faster because there’s more money to go around)

It’s about maximizing the money that you earn to invest and build wealth so that it grows while you sleep.

Wealth is created by saving and investing. Wealth has lasting affects. Imagine having $1 million, $2, 3, 4, 5 million. Or whatever your number is. The number really doesn’t matter.

It’s about growing your money so that it aligns with your Wealth Purpose, your vision for what you want to do/be/have in this life. The legacy you want to leave.

Imagine what you could create if money wasn’t a question. If you had endless amounts of money and could do ANYTHING, what would it be?


What is the cost of success? Patriarchy tells us that success = money and productivity.

And if that's the success we're pursuing, that's gonna come with a cost. Hello burnout and lack of personal fulfillment.

This week on the podcast I chat with Mary Grace Gardner about the cost of success and how you can redefine what success means to you.

This is her page

Mary Grace shares her story about her pursuit of corporate success and her realization that she was lacking in other areas.

She did not have as much time to spend with loved ones, hobbies, or self care.

Through this realization, Mary Grace spent dedicated time defining what success looked like and meant for her.

This process is ultimately what led her to a life of multidimensional success.

It's so important to define what success means to you, reflect on areas that may not align with that, and make the changes to live in a way that feels successful, to you.

This episode is the reset for you to think through what this looks like for you. Listen to OnRoute to Wealth on your favorite podcast app!


For many of us, grief, anxiety, and trauma can hinder the way we run our lives and handle our money. Without the proper care or support, we can find ourselves in unhealthy spending patterns, forming unhealthy habits due to trauma responses, and not engaging with our bodies in a meaningful way.

Dorie Silverman ‘s work is inspired by the belief that self-love heals. She has 22 years of experience as a yoga teacher and teacher trainer and has empowered and inspired hundreds of people to connect with and express their greatest potential in their daily lives.

After 5 years of study, she is now a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner supporting women struggling with grief, trauma, anxiety, and chronic pain. Dorie is gifted at clear communication while sensing which core needs will unlock what’s holding you back.

Listen to the full episode as she shares insights about grief and trauma, how to overcome those difficult challenges, and start living a life of true wealth free from painful mental burdens.

Find OnRoute to Wealth on your favorite podcast app.


Last chance alert!!!

The Become a Millionaire and Smash the Patriarchy Party starts TODAY!

It's perfect for you if you're a visionary entrepreneur who wants her money to be working for her. Trying to figure out how to invest and finding the support you need to become a fu***ng millionaire is draining.

Join us, millionaires in the making, for this FREE 3-day Livestream event.

You'll learn:
-how to think like a millionaire so you can make strategic financial decisions that help make your vision a reality
-how to invest and build a million dollar net worth so that you can secure your future, your family, and your community
-how to embody the energy of the millionaire you're becoming so you can show up feeling good and get out of the negative spirals with money

We're having some BIG conversations.

Women getting wealthy and using our wealth to do epic s**t is a tricky concept for patriarchial thinking to understand.

Women should stay small and definitely not control money right?? NOPE. We're done with that. We're becoming millionaires. Period. Let's go.

Register at the link below.


Day 1 was amazing. Check out the replay! Can’t wait for day 2 and 3. Join us!

See you there, millionaire.


One thing I know for a fact when it comes to becoming a millionaire: you need to hire.

If you have a big vision, you can't do it alone. You need support. You need to focus on doing what you do best, and receive help on the rest from your team.

Hiring allows you to make more money, get more done, have more time, and shift into the role you really want to play in your company.

But it's challenging. There's figuring out what you need, putting together a job description, posting it, interviewing, and all the things that could go wrong along the way. Not to mention the trust issues and mindset hurdles that come up.

I'm so excited to share this podcast episode with Anna Papalia she breaks it all down for us and shares insights and ideas on how to hire smarter so that you can run your business effectively, sustainably, and profitably.


We don’t do wealth the old school way - hustle hard, only care about money, not people, and be burnt out and miserable. No thanks.

We build wealth holistically.

We become millionaires while making it about YOU and what YOU want - your values, your vision, and your own *unique* definition of wealth.

We become millionaires while making it about impact, your community, and allowing you to serve and spread the wealth.

How do you invest to become a millionaire while feeling fu***ng fantastic about money, still being a good person, and having a s**t ton of fun?!

I’ll be breaking it all down at The Become a Millionaire and Smash the Patriarchy PARTY. A free 3-day Livestream event going down Nov 14-16.

You'll learn how to think like a millionaire, how to invest to build a million-dollar net worth (and beyond!), and how to elevate your energy around wealth so that you can feel like a millionaire while you build wealth.

Join us! It’s gonna be really fu***ng fun!!

Register at the link below.



It's a vicious cycle.

Things are going well in your finances, then something happens.

Beating yourself up or feeling shame/anxiety/embarrassment/fear. It creates a whole spiral.

You don't want it to feel so heavy, overwhelming, or frustrating.

You want to gain control.

You want to know your numbers and be the CFO of your life and business who can make informed and strategic financial decisions.

You want to invest and make your money work for you.

You want to become a millionaire so that you can live out your vision for your life, your family, and your community.

And in order to get to the next level, whatever that looks like for you, there are some shifts needed in how you're viewing money and thinking about money.

Shifts that will allow you to become the millionaire that you are meant to be.

It takes a lot to be ready to receive, manage, and be responsible for millions of dollars. It takes baby steps to grow your mindset, relationship with money, strategy, knowledge, skills, team, yourself, and all the things that go into being a millionaire.

Let's take that next baby step in your journey together, shall we?!

Come to The Become a Millionaire and Smash the Patriarchy Party - a free 3-day Livestream event.

Register at the link below.


See you there, millionaire.


Imagine being in a room with millionaires in the making, talking about vision, impact, and wealth.

Wheewwww that energy is FIERCE!!

It's going down at The Become a Millionaire and Smash the Patriarchy Party.

Are you coming??

It's perfect for you if you're a visionary entrepreneur making money but you don't know what to do with it.

You want to invest, build your personal wealth, and become a millionaire so that you can live your desired lifestyle, support your family now and for generations to come, and give to causes and communities you care about.

You'll walk about from this magical transformative event learning how to:
-think like a millionaire so that you can make smart decisions that move you closer to your vision.
-invest to grow your million-dollar net worth and beyond.
-embody the energy of what it feels like to be wealthy, your version of wealthy, right now, so money can feel light and exciting.



There’s a difference between a million dollar business and a million dollar net worth - and I love both!

We’ve seen the internet hype over the 7 figure business - love it, here for it.

But that doesn’t translate into personal wealth which is achieved through owning investments - in stocks, real estate, businesses, etc.

When the value of what you own (investments) minus your debt = $1 million, you have a million dollar net worth.

A million dollar net worth opens up the doors of possibilities beyond what you can do in your business. Because it’s about how you live your life, how you support your kids and their kids and their kids, and how you use money to uplift your community.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m all about the million dollar business. The more you earn, the more money you have available to invest and build wealth, which allows for impact on a bigger level, faster, while simultaneously being able to spend freely and enjoy your life. Making a lot of money is AMAZING!

So it’s about more than the million dollar business (and you’re already making some sweet cash, right?). It’s about how you leverage the money you’re making to invest, build your personal wealth, and become a millionaire.

We’ll be talking net worth, maximizing your business and income, and more wealth strategy at The Become a Millionaire and Smash the Patriarchy Party.

It’s all going down LIVE Nov 14-16.

Will you come? Register for The PARTAYYY at the link below!


This is perfect for you if you’re making money, you don’t know what to do with it, and trying to figure it out is driving you bonkers.

You’ll walk away with knowing how to understand your net worth so that you can choose the right strategies to invest and grow your first million and beyond.

Believe me, you don’t want to miss it!

See you there, millionaire :)


Do y’all wanna create a money-vision-board-type-thing with me so that we can all become millionaires and change the world?!

It’s not exactly a vision board cause I won’t be grabbing the scissors and magazines, or pulling up Pinterest, although I fully encourage you to do that after this Party you’re gonna be joining me for.

Yes, you’re invited to The Become a Millionaire and Smash the Patriarchy Party!! A free 3-day Livestream event!! Woot woot!!

And we’re kicking it off LIVE, Monday, November 14th talking about your VISION, and specifically how it relates to money so that you can invest in a way that’s aligned with your values, desires, vision, and goals.

It’s gonna be super fun. We’re basically gonna take 30 minutes out of the day to daydream. I mean, when was the last time you did that?!

It may sound kinda fluffy, but I promise you it’s not.

Being tuned into your desires, vision, and values is going to allow you to set up your wealth so that you can focus on doing you and taking care of your family.

You won’t have to worry about the money, knowing that your vision can come to life in the biggest and best way because you have the resources to make s**t happen.

You’ll use your money to help your community for the better - to change this patriarchal society we live in and create opportunities, choices, and resources for marginalized communities.

Get your invite to The Party at the link below and be entered to win a free 1:1 session with me!


See you there, millionaire.


We don’t do wealth the old school way - hustle hard, only care about money, not people, and be burnt out and miserable. No thanks.

We build wealth holistically. We become millionaires while making it about YOU and what YOU want - your values, your vision, and your own *unique* definition of wealth.

How do you invest to become a millionaire while feeling fu***ng fantastic about money, still being a good person, and having a s**t ton of fun?!

I’ll be breaking it all down at The Become a Millionaire and Smash the Patriarchy PARTY. A free 3-day Livestream event going down Nov 14-16.

You'll learn how to think like a millionaire, how to invest to build a million-dollar net worth (and beyond!), and how to elevate your energy around wealth so that you can feel like a millionaire while you build wealth.

Join us! It’s gonna be really fu***ng fun!!

Register at the link in below.


See you there, millionaire.


Can you imagine a world without student debt?! Student debt in the United States is now at $1.6 trillion. And that student loan payment sets many people back from buying homes, starting families, getting married, or even reinvesting back into the economy in a meaningful way.

Dr. Faith Okpotor is a college professor and college admissions coach that helps students find the funding they need to fully get their college experience.

She was an international student from Nigeria, and learned how to be creative in fully funding her education, receiving $355,000 towards her graduate and undergraduate degrees. Now she works to help others do the same in her program Fully Funded.

Listen to the full episode as she shares her experience finding funding for her own schooling, how students struggle today with paying for college, what are some of the ways they can find the funding they need, and the things students need to consider before applying for school.


I am a millionaire. Say that to yourself right now. I am a millionaire.

Go inward - how does that feel?

On the spectrum of "no way, not me" to "hell yes, I claim it" - where are you?

There's this weird thing I see where we think we have to actually be a millionaire before we allow ourselves to feel like a millionaire. "Once I'm in this place, I can do this thing, which will make me feel this way"

I don't care what your financial situation is, I want you to be in the practice of feeling really fu***ng wealthy right now. And feeling wealthy doesn't require money.

This can be tricky because it's essentially an identity shift for many of us. We go from being people who "grew up poor, 1st generation to go to college, a kid with a dream" to "millionaire who does what she wants when she wants"

My call to you is to be in the practice of shifting how you view yourself and your money. See yourself as wealthy right now. Whatever that means to you. Wealthy in time, relationships, faith, love, support, impact, etc.

The more we can shift our energy to feeling wealthy, regardless of your net worth, the more we open ourselves up to receiving that wealth and making it a reality.

You may be wondering - What's this look like? How do I do it? Tell me more.

This conversation will be going down at The Become a Millionaire and Smash the Patriarchy Party, a free 3-day Livestream event.

It's coming up! Register at the link below to save your spot and be entered to win a free 1:1 session with me.


See you there, millionaire.


So how does a millionaire think?

The million-dollar question to ask!

A millionaire is comfortable receiving.

They hire, raise their prices, ask for help, delegate, and allow themselves to be fully seen, heard, and supported.

A millionaire focuses on investing/expansion, not spending/shrinking.

They mindfully budget and allow themselves to enjoy their money. They focus on growing their businesses and investments and using their money to carry out their vision.

A millionaire sees possibilities, not obstacles.

They don't let things they don't understand or haven't done yet scare them, too much LOL. They see solutions, and possibilities, and take action to make s**t happen.

A millionaire does all this and so much more!

I'm gonna be breaking down the Millionaire Mindset at The Become a Millionaire and Smash the Patriarcy Party.

Because when you think like a millionaire, you do like a millionaire, then you become a millionaire. BOOM. That's it.

When good people have money, good things happen. We're gonna be conspiring about how we're getting our millions and it's gonna be so much freaking fun!!

Join us. Register at the link below.


See you there, millionaire.


Becoming a millionaire isn’t about money or status.

It’s about how that money will serve you, your family, and your community.

In fact, forget the money for a minute.

Let’s start with your vision, desires, and the magic you’re creating.

What’s your *unique* vision of wealth? What's wealth look like and feel like to you?

It could be spending time with your family, outsourcing household tasks, giving generously, having new experiences, or investing in your wellness.

This gives us an intention behind getting those millions - to make your dreams and impact reality and change your life and the world in the process.

You feel me?

I'm hosting The Become a Millionaire and Smash the Patriarchy Party. It's a free 3-day Livestream event!!

Day 1 we'll be building your million-dollar vision. From there, we'll learn how to think like a millionaire and how to invest to grow a million-dollar net worth (and beyond!)

Will you come?

Get your invitation to The Party at the link below.


See you there, millionaire.


Hey loves, I'm throwing a party and you're freaking invited!!

This is why I created it:
-I want to help visionary women entrepreneurs go from being stressed and not knowing what to do with their money to investing and becoming millionaires.
-I want to support these millionaires in the making to live as their wealthiest selves, wealthy in time, freedom, health, relationships, whatever wealth means to you
-I want to see the ripple effect of the good that comes when good people have money.

This is perfect for you if:
*You're a visionary entrepreneur making money you don’t know what to do with.
*You want to build wealth through investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, businesses, etc.
*You want to become a millionaire and do what you want when you want.
*You want to support your family and create generational wealth.
*You want to give to causes and communities you care about.
*You want to expand your wealth mindset to welcome even more financial abundance.
*You want to shift your identity to embody the millionaire that you’re becoming.

Interested? Click the link below and get all the deets so that you can attend live and also be entered to win a 1:1 session with me.


See you there, millionaire.


My stylist and absolute GEM of a human Susan Padron is on the podcast!!!!

Susan embodies confidence, intuitive connection, and authentic self-expression, all while keeping it fun and showing tremendous love and kindness to those she comes across.

I love Susan's approach to helping clients navigate limiting beliefs and being bold in themselves, and teaching her clients that clothes can be functional and a tool to build confidence.

Susan believes that everyone deserves to feel like themselves, confident and beautiful, in who they are and showcase that in the clothes they wear.

She challenges the styling “rules” based on gender, patriarchal views of fashion, or body size. She helps her clients create a wardrobe that is exciting and feels good and boosts their confidence and self-esteem.

Susan's amazing, definitely connect with her! I'm in the middle of working with Susan in a 1 month intensive and it's been so so fun to revamp my wardrobe.

I felt like I was shedding old identities when I was cleaning out clothes that I had been holding on to for a decade. They didn't represent who I am now, and that stale energy they held when I wore them, left me feeling not cute or confident.

I'm loving the pieces I'm adding to my wardrobe and am finding getting dressed in the morning more exciting, like I actually have outfits that I want to wear and make me feel really good!

I'm also learning how to style or look at pieces in my current wardrobe in a whole new way which makes them feel exciting and opens up even more outfit options!

Get all up in this episode by searching for OnRoute to Wealth in your favorite podcast app. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode!


Spent some time journaling about my vision today - what I want for my life and business.

Connecting to our vision is so important.

It helps us figure out what we truly desire. It helps us make intentional decisions to support our desires. It gives us excitement and motivation to work towards a goal.

Without that, we may feel unfulfilled or like we’re doing all this work with nothing to show for it.

With so much going on, it can feel like, who has time to sit down and journal about their desires and what they’re creating?!

Sometimes we don’t allow ourselves to dream.

There is something magical about dreaming. It can inspire action. And the combination of having a vision and taking the action to execute on it will allow you to expand on so many levels - mental, emotional, financial, spiritual - and it makes the s**t you dream about an actual reality.

It’s funny, sometimes creating a big vision can feel scary “can I do this? Is this possible? Is it realistic?”

Yet every time I look back at my annual vision journal, I accomplish many of the things I wrote down a year prior. And sometimes things have changed, and I don’t want that thing anymore. Sometimes it’s a bigger journey that will continue for years to come.

It’s beautiful to think back on all that I’ve accomplished and dream about what’s to come, and have the guts to do what it takes to make it happen, even though it’s really hard sometimes.

Have you allowed yourself to dream recently? What have you been dreaming about lately?

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