Dr. Kami Hoss

Dr. Kami Hoss

Dr. Kami Hoss is a renowned author, consultant, inventor, and speaker in the fields of dentistry and


Sleep is important. You probably already know that. But more often than not, there's something that always gets in the way of quality sleep: the TV, your next-door neighbor, a snoring pet, and sometimes even just the way your jaw is shaped.

I enjoyed contributing to this fascinating article on such an important topic. You can read the whole article via the link below:



I had a great time talking with Dental Startup Unscripted at the AADP conference! We chatted all things SuperMouth. Catch the episode via the link below.



While brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups are some of the most important things you can do to maintain good oral health, getting your daily dose of vitamins is just as important.

Here are 5 essential vitamins for healthy teeth and gums:

1. Vitamin C
2. Vitamin D
3. Vitamin K2
4. Vitamin B Complex
5. Calcium

In addition to attending regular dental check-ups and having an excellent oral hygiene routine, incorporating these best vitamins for teeth and gums can positively impact your or your child’s oral health.

Be sure to visit your dentist every six months, brush twice daily, and floss once daily to maintain your oral health.

Check out my best-selling book: If Your Mouth Could Talk to order your copy today!


There are a few things you should know about teeth grinding (often called bruxism by dentists). One is that it’s common for people to grind their teeth at any time of day. Some people grind their teeth during the day, continuously. Other people grind their teeth at night while sleeping.

Cedars-Sinai says that teeth grinding affects “up to one-third of adults in the daytime and more than 1 in 10 in their sleep.”

What causes teeth grinding in adults?

- Stress and Anxiety
- Medications
- Sleep Disorders
- Alcohol + Drug Use
- Abnormal Bite

Why do babies grind their teeth?

- Teething
- Exploration
- Stress
- Earache or infection
- Neurological conditions

In children tooth grinding isn’t anything to worry too much about, but it is one of the many reasons it’s good to establish dental care for your baby even before their first teeth come in.

In adults, a dentist may recommend one or more of the following:

- A mouth guard (often called a night guard)
- Muscle relaxants
- Physical therapy
- Therapy to help in reducing stress
- The development of better sleep hygiene to reduce nighttime teeth grinding
- Other lifestyle changes, such as quitting alcohol or drugs

If you are concerned about the causes of teeth grinding for you or your family, talk to your dentist straight away.

Learn more about oral health in my book, If Your Mouth Could Talk! Available for purchase on my website - www.drkamihoss.com/book


Tooth sensitivity happens when the enamel on the outer layer of your teeth gets thinner or gum recession exposes the tiny tubules (microscopic pores) in your dentin (the layer under your enamel).

The nerves inside these tubules are then exposed to external stimuli like heat, cold, acidic or sugary foods. This stimuli causes the nerves to fire off pain signals to your brain. Several things can cause the enamel to thin or gums to recede, including brushing too hard, teeth grinding, gum disease, cavities and aging.

- Use desensitizing toothpaste
- Avoid trigger foods/drinks
- Drink through a straw
- Rinse with warm salt water
- Use sensitivity toothpaste
- Have cavities treated
- Wear a night guard
- Improve your oral hygiene

While the above tips can help manage tooth sensitivity, it’s a good idea to see your dentist if you develop sudden, intense or persistent sensitivity that doesn’t improve with over-the-counter remedies. This could signify an underlying dental issue in need of treatment.

Make an appointment right away if sensitivity is accompanied by other symptoms like toothaches, cracks, chips or swelling.

All the finer details of how to care for your oral health and how to fix tooth sensitivity are discussed in Dr. Kami Hoss’s book, “If Your Mouth Could Talk.” Get a copy today!


Drool. Spit. Sputum. By any other name, it’s all saliva! But this often-joked-about oral substance is more than may first meet the eye or…well…mouth!

While some might think it “gross,” the truth is that saliva is actually one of your mouth’s unsung heroes.

Think of it like a silent guardian, serving the following functions:

Delivering essential nutrients.
Providing antibodies to ward off infections.
Depositing minerals into tooth enamel, like a mini superhero safeguarding your smile.

Good oral health is about much more than just brushing or even flossing.

Maintaining optimal pH levels of between 6.7 to 7.4 is super important to ensuring that your mouth doesn’t become a breeding ground for acid-loving bad bacteria that can wreak havoc on your oral cavity, causing everything from tooth damage, to cavities, to gum disease.

Saliva provides a protective barrier, acting like a “guardian” for teeth and gums, sure. But did you know that a diet rich in sugary foods and drinks, processed carbs, and acidic substances can upset not only the overall oral pH balance, but also the actual pH of saliva itself? Scary but true…

It’s important to practice good oral hygiene and eat the above foods that may contribute to suboptimal oral health by decreasing saliva’s pH in moderation.

It’s also important to choose your oral care products carefully because most have not been created with things like the oral microbiome or oral pH balance in mind.

Learn more about oral healthcare for the whole family by reading my bestselling book, If Your Mouth Could Talk. Available for purchase today.



I'll be sharing all about popular oral care products and debunking their myths on this live webinar. Join me and armor yourself with the latest knowledge and research in the dental health field.

register via this link: https://www.aaosh.org/webinar-series24


🦷💉 Understanding the Crucial Link Between Oral Health and Diabetes

Did you know that managing your oral health might help you control your diabetes, and vice versa? 🤔 Here’s why:

Gum Disease and Blood Sugar: People with diabetes are more susceptible to gum disease due to higher blood sugar levels providing ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive. In turn, severe gum disease (periodontitis) can make it harder to control blood sugar, creating a cyclical challenge.

Inflammation’s Role: Inflammation caused by periodontal disease can increase insulin resistance and disrupt blood sugar control. Managing gum health could help reduce this inflammation, aiding in better diabetes management.

Prevention Tips:

Maintain excellent oral hygiene—brush twice a day, floss daily, and consider using an antimicrobial mouthwash.
Keep your dentist informed about your diabetes and any changes in your condition.
Ensure regular dental checkups—at least twice a year or as recommended by your dental care provider.
👉 Stay proactive about your dental health as part of your diabetes management plan. A healthier mouth can lead to better overall health and improved diabetes outcomes!

The Super Dentists makes a donation to Rady Children's for new Resident Canine Therapy Program 05/06/2024

It was a great joy and privilege to support the Working Fur Kids fundraiser for a residential Canine Therapy Program at ! Thank you for hosting this give-a-thon. Myself and the whole Super Dentists team are always thrilled to support our community.

The Super Dentists makes a donation to Rady Children's for new Resident Canine Therapy Program Thanks to the Super Dentists for their support and donation to launch a Resident Canine Therapy Program to help ease the suffering of children at Rady Childr...


Not all mouthwashes are created the same! Did you know that most mouthwash you find in the stores is highly acidic and can actually harm your teeth. Here are some benefits of using alkaline mouthwash.

1. Neutralizes Acid: Alkaline mouthwash helps to neutralize the acids produced by bacteria in plaque and those found in foods and drinks. By raising the pH level in the mouth, it reduces the risk of acid erosion on teeth, which can lead to decay and sensitivity.

2. Prevents Tooth Decay: An alkaline environment in the mouth makes it less hospitable for acid-producing bacteria that cause tooth decay. Regular use of an alkaline mouthwash can help in preventing cavities by inhibiting these harmful bacteria.

3. Enhances Enamel Remineralization: Alkaline conditions are favorable for the remineralization of tooth enamel. This process involves minerals such as calcium and phosphate, naturally present in saliva, being deposited back onto the tooth enamel to repair damage and strengthen teeth.

4. Reduces Gum Inflammation and Disease: By neutralizing acids and reducing harmful bacteria, alkaline mouthwash can also help in reducing gum inflammation and preventing periodontal diseases such as gingivitis.

5. Freshens Breath: Many oral bacteria that contribute to bad breath thrive in an acidic environment. By making the mouth more alkaline, these bacteria are less likely to proliferate, which helps in maintaining fresher breath.

6. Soothes Mouth Ulcers: Alkaline mouthwash can help soothe and heal mouth ulcers faster. The alkaline pH helps to neutralize the acidic environment around the ulcers, reducing irritation and promoting healing.

20 Possible Ozempic Side Effects 17/05/2024

Being touted as a miracle weight-loss solution, Ozempic is a hot topic these days!

However, while the possibility of weight loss may seem attractive, there are a number of side effects to consider before taking Ozempic.

I shared about some of Ozempic's negative side effects on oral health in the article featured below.

20 Possible Ozempic Side Effects Learn about the 20 most common side effects of Ozempic, a medication used to treat type 2 diabetes and aid in weight loss.


🩸✋ Myth Buster: Should You Skip Brushing If Your Gums Bleed? Absolutely Not! 🪥💪

Seeing blood after brushing can be alarming, but it's not a sign to stop brushing. In fact, it’s quite the opposite!

Why Bleeding Gums Happen:

Bleeding is often a sign of gum inflammation or gingivitis, which occurs when plaque accumulates along the gum line. This plaque harbors bacteria that irritate the gums, leading to bleeding.

The Right Way to Handle Bleeding Gums:

- Keep Brushing: Skipping brushing can allow more plaque to build up, worsening the problem. Instead, switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush and use gentle, circular motions to clean your teeth and gums.

- Floss Gently: Floss daily, but be gentle. Slide the floss up and down along the curve of each tooth and beneath the gumline to dislodge trapped food and plaque without harsh scraping.

- Rinse Wisely: Use an antibacterial mouthwash to help reduce plaque and soothe inflamed gums.

- See Your Dentist: If bleeding persists, it’s important to visit your dentist. Persistent bleeding may be a sign of more serious gum disease that requires professional treatment.

Remember, gentle care and maintaining your oral hygiene routine are crucial in treating and preventing gum disease. Let’s keep those gums healthy and smiling! 😃


🚨 Myth Buster: More Fluoride Does NOT Always Mean Healthier Teeth! 🚨

Fluoride is a superhero when it comes to fighting tooth decay—it helps rebuild weakened tooth enamel and reverses early signs of tooth decay. But like all good things, balance is key. 🦷✨

Why Too Much Can Be a Problem:
While fluoride is crucial for dental health, excessive fluoride during the early years when teeth are developing can lead to dental fluorosis. This condition is often characterized by subtle white lines or streaks on the teeth, although more severe cases can include pitting and brown stains.

How Much Fluoride is Just Right?:

- Toothpaste: For kids under 3, a smear (the size of a rice grain) of fluoride toothpaste is enough. Children aged 3-6 should use no more than a pea-sized amount. Adults can use a standard amount but should avoid excessive use.

- Mouthwash: Kids younger than 6 should generally avoid fluoride rinses unless advised by a dentist, as they might swallow it. Older children and adults can use fluoride mouthwashes daily, following the label instructions carefully.

Remember, the best fluoride level for you might depend on your specific health needs. Always consult with your dentist to tailor your fluoride intake according to your oral health needs.


I recently spoke with CNET.com to share all about the latest tech with invisible braces in 2024. There are many options on the market. Do you know which ones are best for you?

Read the article here:



If there is one thing I want people to know, it’s that good oral health is paramount to good gut health. I was happy to talk about this with . Your microbiome matters!

Click the link to read the full article.



With so many toothbrushes on the market, have you ever wondered which is the best for your teeth?

Here are some things to consider when choosing a toothbrush!

Learn more about all things oral health for the entire family in my best-selling book, If Your Mouth Could Talk. Purchase your copy today on my website!



Charcoal has be touted as a trendy and effective oral healthcare product. But how safe is it really?

I was thrilled to join to share all about the potential dangers of charcoal toothpaste.

Click the link below to access the interview!



Myth: 'If your teeth don’t hurt, you don’t need to see a dentist.' This belief leads many to postpone or skip routine dental check-ups, under the assumption that pain-free means problem-free. However, this is not the case in dental health.

Many dental issues, including the early stages of decay and gum disease, can exist without any noticeable discomfort.

Regular dental visits are crucial for early detection and prevention of these conditions, which, if left unchecked, can lead to more serious and painful problems in the future.

Dentists do more than just address pain; they provide crucial care in maintaining overall oral health, preventing issues, and offering guidance for ongoing dental care.

Remember, proactive dental visits are a vital investment in your long-term health and well-being.

Don't wait for discomfort to see your dentist. Schedule regular check-ups to ensure a healthy, pain-free smile.



Understanding Gum Disease: A Progressive Concern 🦷

1️⃣ Stage One - Gingivitis: This initial phase is characterized by redness, swelling, and occasional bleeding during brushing. While these symptoms may seem minor, they should not be overlooked as they signal the onset of gum disease.

2️⃣ Stage Two - Periodontitis: At this stage, the condition escalates. Gums begin to form pockets around the teeth, leading to infection and inflammation. This is a critical point where intervention is necessary to prevent further damage.

3️⃣ Stage Three - Advanced Periodontitis: In this advanced stage, the integrity of your gums and teeth is severely compromised. Teeth may shift or become loose, posing a significant risk to your overall dental health.

The progression of gum disease underscores the importance of regular dental hygiene practices, including thorough brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups. Early detection and intervention are key to maintaining healthy gums and teeth. Prioritize your oral health to ensure a lasting, healthy smile

Learn more about how to take control of your health by reading my book, If Your Mouth Could Talk, available for purchase today!


Children's Dental Health Month! 28/02/2024

Throughout February, we celebrate and promote the importance of good oral hygiene in children. Check out the full segment from CBS where Dr. Kami Hoss, from The Super Dentists, dedicates this special month to raise awareness about the significance of maintaining healthy dental habits from a young age.

Check out the full segment here:

Children's Dental Health Month! Throughout February, we celebrate and promote the importance of good oral hygiene in children. Check out the full segment from CBS where Dr. Kami Hoss, from ...


When do you start brushing your child's teeth? The answer is as soon as your baby's teeth start coming in! Here I am on the Localist talking about what kind of oral care your child should be receiving at ages 6-12mos.

I pull this information directly from my best-selling book, If Your Mouth Could Talk, which covers the proper oral care techniques for every stage of life. Everyone who has a mouth needs this book! Order your copy today via the link below.



Are you ready to floss like a boss? YES there is a right and a wrong way to floss. Watch this video to learn the proper technique!



Toothache Troubles? Let's Uncover the Culprits!

1️⃣ Tooth Decay: A primary cause of toothaches, tooth decay occurs when cavities form and progress towards the nerve of the tooth, resulting in discomfort or pain. Regular dental check-ups can help in early detection and treatment.

2️⃣ Sensitive Teeth: Sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages can indicate exposed dentin or weakened enamel, leading to sharp, temporary tooth discomfort. Specialized toothpastes for sensitive teeth and dental treatments can alleviate this condition.

3️⃣ Cracked Teeth: Small fractures in a tooth can allow bacteria to infiltrate, leading to pain. It's important to address any cracks, no matter how minor they seem, to prevent further damage and potential toothache.

4️⃣ Gum Disease: Gum health is vital to overall oral wellness. Infections or inflammation of the gums can cause discomfort that might be mistaken for tooth pain. Proper oral hygiene and professional gum care are essential.

5️⃣ Dental Abscess: A severe and urgent dental concern, an abscess is a localized infection resulting in intense pain. It requires immediate dental attention to prevent spread of the infection and to alleviate pain.

6️⃣ Inflammation: Inflammation around the teeth, often due to periodontal issues, can lead to persistent pain. It's a sign that your body is fighting an underlying problem that needs dental intervention.

A toothache is often a symptom of underlying dental issues that should not be overlooked. If you experience persistent tooth pain, it’s crucial to consult with your dentist promptly for diagnosis and treatment. Early intervention is key to preventing more serious complications and maintaining optimal oral health.


Seeing pink in the sink? 🚨

Bleeding gums are a sign, not a norm.

It could be a warning bell for gum disease or a sign you're brushing too hard. This is your reminder to be gentle with your gums and call your dentist if you're experiencing bleeding gums~

Ready to arm yourself with expert oral health knowledge that can impact your family's overall health? Order my best-selling book, If Your Mouth Could Talk. Available for purchase today!



Let's talk about flouride! It's controversial, but it's time to separate fact from fiction.

Did you know there's a safe flouride alternative out there? Introducing: Nanohydroxyapatite! Your new best friend.

I address the truth about flouride and its alternatives in the video below.



Not all toothbrushes are created equal! What works for someone else might not be the best fit for you. Watch this video for some suggestions to help you choose.



This is your reminder to not let those bleeding gums go untreated! They can be the sign of a much deeper systemic issue.

Ready for more in depth information that will safeguard your family's oral health? Order my best-selling book, If Your Mouth Could Talk today!


It's a common misconception that sugar is the sole villain behind cavities. While it's true that sugary foods play a significant role in tooth decay, they're not the only factor. Understanding the broader spectrum of causes can help in more effectively preventing cavities.

🔬 The Role of Bacteria: Our mouths are home to various bacteria, some of which are harmful and contribute to tooth decay. These bacteria thrive on the food particles left in our mouths after eating. They metabolize these particles, especially carbohydrates, and produce acids as a byproduct.

🍞 Beyond Sugar: It's not just sugary sweets; foods rich in carbohydrates, including bread, crackers, and cereal, can also contribute to the formation of cavities. These carbohydrates break down into simple sugars, providing fuel for the bacteria in your mouth.

🕒 The Factor of Time: It's not only about what you eat, but also how often and how long your teeth are exposed to these foods. Frequent snacking without proper oral hygiene can give bacteria more opportunities to produce harmful acids.

🛡️ Defensive Strategies: Regular brushing and flossing play a crucial role in cavity prevention. Brushing removes the food particles that bacteria feed on, and flossing gets rid of debris between teeth where a toothbrush can't reach.

💦 The Power of Saliva: Saliva helps neutralize the acids produced by bacteria and washes away food particles. Chewing sugar-free gum or eating fibrous vegetables can stimulate saliva flow, providing additional protection against cavities.

🩺 Regular Dental Check-Ups: Professional cleanings and check-ups are essential. Dentists can spot early signs of decay and provide treatments to prevent progression.

Ready for more in depth information that will safeguard your family's oral health? Order my best-selling book, If Your Mouth Could Talk today!



Did you know that your oral health can provide insights into your risk of heart disease? Emerging research suggests a significant link between the two, underscoring the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene for your overall health.

🔍 The Link Explained: Studies have found that gum disease (periodontitis) is associated with an increased risk of developing heart disease. The bacteria that cause gum disease can enter your bloodstream, leading to inflammation and arterial damage. This inflammation can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, where plaque builds up on the walls of arteries, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

💡 Preventive Measures: Regular brushing and flossing reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth, decreasing the potential for chronic inflammation. Routine dental check-ups are essential not just for oral health but for monitoring and mitigating risks associated with heart conditions.

🌟 A Holistic Approach: Taking care of your oral health is a vital part of your overall wellness journey. A healthy mouth can contribute to a healthier heart, illustrating the interconnected nature of our body systems.

Let this be a reminder of the importance of oral care in maintaining not just a healthy smile, but a healthy heart as well. Prioritize your dental hygiene as a key component of your overall health strategy.

Learn more about this topic in my best selling book, If Your Mouth Could Talk. Available for purchase today!



Did you know that maintaining the effectiveness of your toothbrush is a critical component of your oral hygiene routine? Dental professionals recommend replacing your toothbrush every three months. Why? Because even the best toothbrushes lose their efficiency over time.

🔄 With regular use, the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear down. Frayed and bent bristles are less effective at cleaning teeth and may harbor harmful bacteria. This deterioration can compromise your ability to remove plaque and food debris from teeth and along the gum line, potentially leading to tooth decay and gum disease.

🔍 It's not just about bristles. Bacteria, fungi, and viruses can accumulate on a toothbrush over time. Each time you brush, you're potentially reintroducing these microorganisms into your mouth. Regularly replacing your toothbrush is a simple yet effective way to maintain oral health and hygiene.

📅 The Three-Month Rule: Mark your calendar or set a reminder to replace your toothbrush every three months. If you notice bristles starting to fray or bend before this time, replace your toothbrush sooner.

Remember, a toothbrush is a tool for maintaining dental health, and like any tool, it needs to be kept in optimal condition. A new toothbrush contributes to a happier, healthier smile and invests in your overall well-being. So, take a moment to check your toothbrush – if it’s showing signs of wear, it’s time for a switch!


Dr. Kami Hoss

Dr. Kami Hoss is a renowned author, consultant, inventor, and speaker in the fields of dentistry and business. He co-founded and heads The Super Dentists, now of the largest and most awarded pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, and parent dentistry practices in San Diego, CA.

Together with his wife, Dr. Nazli Keri, Dr. Hoss also founded technology company AADvance Technologies and launched Howard Healthcare Academy, a dental assisting college. He is also the chief executive of Acceledontics, a revolutionary program for correcting smiles in a fraction of the time of traditional braces.

As an orthodontist and dentofacial orthopedist, Dr. Kami Hoss has decades of experience in the dental field. He has earned a reputation for making dental care accessible for families and fun for children. He is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists, American Dental Association, California Dental Association, and San Diego Dental Society, and is on the Board of Counselors at UCLA School of Dentistry. He has likewise served as faculty in the Howard Healthcare Academy and University of Southern California’s postgraduate orthodontic program.

Dr. Kami Hoss has published articles in numerous professional and community journals and has been invited by many news organizations to lend his expertise on the topics of dentistry and orthodontics.

Videos (show all)

With so many toothbrushes on the market, have you ever wondered which is the best for your teeth?Here are some things to...
When do you start brushing your child's teeth? The answer is as soon as your baby's teeth start coming in! Here I am on ...
Are you ready to floss like a boss? YES there is a right and a wrong way to floss. Watch this video to learn the proper ...
Let's talk about flouride! It's controversial, but it's time to separate fact from fiction. Did you know there's a safe ...
This is your reminder to not let those bleeding gums go untreated! They can be the sign of a much deeper systemic issue....
Did you know that your oral health can provide insights into your risk of heart disease? Emerging research suggests a si...
Your oral health is intrinsically tied to your overall health! Just like you would check which ingredients are going int...
Have you heard the myth that you should brush your teeth immediately after eating? That can actually damage your teeth! ...
What does thumb sucking have to do with airway obstruction? More than you might think? Thank you to The Localist for hav...