Running Nut Journey

Running Nut Journey

Running and weight loss tips, exercises, recipes, motivational words and much more!

Timeline photos 19/07/2016

Mini marathon for the kids at Vacation Bible School!!

Timeline photos 26/06/2016
Timeline photos 13/04/2016

Let's go for a run!

Miles vs. Minutes: Which Is A Better Training Method? - 11/12/2015

Minutes here.. What about you?

Miles vs. Minutes: Which Is A Better Training Method? - A closer look at two different ways of training for your race.


What percent of US population has completed an ultra-marathon?

Less than one tenth of one percent of the US population has attempted this physical feat successfully.

Photos from Running Nut Journey's post 06/12/2015

Views from today's EPIC run!

Timeline photos 05/12/2015

Beautiful sunset in the Great Smokey Mountains

Kx365 02/12/2015

Are you up for the challenge?

Kx365 The Kx365 Challenge To be active every day for a year In 2016 You could Run. Walk. Cycle. Swim. Or something else You choose what you do Just do a little something active. Every day. For a year....

Timeline photos 01/12/2015

I know I do!

Timeline photos 26/11/2015


75 Thoughts Every Runner Has While Running A Marathon 24/11/2015

75 Thoughts Every Runner Has While Running A Marathon Why would anyone do this to themselves?