Healthy eating and better life

Healthy eating and better life

´Each of us can improve our lives.

From the beginning, it can be more difficult, but the relentless power in each of us and the desire for better life, are much more powerful, than our mind and ego.´


When an eagle lives 40 years old, his claws are too long and cruved, preventing him from hunting pray. The eagle´s beak is too long and curved, so he cannot eat. Feathers on the breasts and wings become thick and difficult, making him impossible to fly. The eagle must choose, death or painful regeneration.

So he will fly into his nest, which is on the top of the mountain, and there he beaks his beak on over the rocks, until its breaks and falls away. Then he waits until he gets new beak, with which he claw his claws. When new claws grow, he scraps them on his chest and wings. After 5 months of pain and suffering, the eagle is reborn with new beak, claws and feathers and can live another 30 years.

We often have to change in our lives. Sometimes these changes are accompained with pain, fear and doubt. Memories and customs from the past leaves and leave a new place. Liberation from the sins of the past allows you to live and enjoy the present and be ready for the future.


Why is good to eat nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashew, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts):

Eating nuts every day, has a lot of good benefits.

Improve our heart´s health
Reduce the risk of diabetes
Reduce blood pressure
Keep our blood vessels healthy
For example, only 10 g almonds per day reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. All nuts improving blood sugar level and insulin.
Nuts suppress chronic inflammation. They are very good cancer prevention. Very strongly support our digestion. They support our colon and they include a lot of fiber.

Nuts is well consumed in the morning hours of for lunch, no afternoon (if yes, not very often), because they offer us energy. Otherwise, nuts are good source how to lose our weight. We can be satisfied with 70 - 85 g nuts per day (approximately 1 handful of nuts). Nuts support the feeling of satiety, so we do not need to eat other sweets or salty. It is still better, sometimes (also afternoon), if you are busy, to buy a pack of nuts, instead sweets or chips or salty.
Nuts support our mental performance and include a lot of minerals, vitamins and many others beneficial elements.


Very good spread for breakfast or dinner 🙂 mashed avocado with mashed garlic, olive oil, hard boiled eggs, salt, oregano, chilli. You can give this spread on knackebrod and with lettuce. It is very healthy and very tasty 😋


The poor man asked the Buddha:
"Why am I so poor?"
Buddha replied, "Because you can't give."
Poor: "I have nothing to give."
Buddha: "You have something to give, at least five things:
1) FACE - You can smile, give joy, joy and happiness
2) Mouth - You can talk kindly, encourage people to improve their mood,
3) HEART - You can open your heart to others by sincerity and kindness
4) EYES - You can look at others with love and compassion
5) BODY - you can do something for others to help them ...

So you see - you're not poor at all. The poor are really poor people in the heart. "


Mental performance
The brain: central authority -> control everything. The brain consumes a lot of calories - GLUCOSE.
The brain contains BDNF substance, which support growth of new nerve cells.
The most active part of brain is HYPPOCAMPUS, which is used to store information and memory tracks - What I will remember???
Increase BDNF substance:
physical activity, green tea (2 - 4 cups per day), laughter, s*x, coffee (max.2 cups per day)
Reduction BDNF substance (reduction mental performance):
Physical passivity (if we sit, is it necessary after every hours walk, exercise for a few minutes), fatty foods, smoke, drogs
Our nerve cells need nutrition, substrates for renewal. The cells are regenerated from what we eat. The best energetic substrate for the brain is GLUCOSE. Glucose needs hormone INSULIN, which is contained it the blood. Insulin should be balanced in the blood. Sufficient blood glucose is 5g (1 teaspoon). For example: 1L Coca Cola consist 107g of sugar, it is 21 (teaspoon of sugar).
If there is a lack of blood sugar: reduction mental performance, low concentration) it makes us lRRITATED.
If there is high lever of blood sugar: risk of alzhaimer´s disease, damage nerve cells.

Food with high glycemic index: sugar (everything what consist it), white rice, white flour, potatoes
Food with low glycemic index: fiber, natural rice (basmati, jasmine...), whole-wheat flour, whole-wheat pasta, grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables

We need trace elements:
Low level of Magnesium (daily dose 280-420 mg/day): fatigue, sleep disorders, stress, voltage, depression, migraine.
Sources: leguminous plants, grains, nuts, tofu, fruits, dark chocolate, vegetables, mineral water
Zinc (daily dose 15 mg/day): protect our brain, the most zinc is in the retina of the eye.
Sources: pumpkins seeds, mill wheat germ, millet, barley, oats, chickpeas, lentils, beans
Fatty acids (OMEGA 3 and OMEGA 6): protect our cells membranes
Sources: GROUND flax and sesame seeds, nuts, vegetable oils, fish fat
Saturated fatty acids:
Damage our brain, inhibit the activity of nerve cells and performance
Sources: animal food, viscera, fried food, a lot butter, palm fat, hard margarine, hardened shortening, trans-fat acids.


Currently is not always easy to deal with what we eat. A lot of factors has influence on our quality of life, like stress, exhaustion, lack of sleep, frustration, depression, lack of exercise and relaxation and many others. All of these negative emotions, anxiety and bad habits of our life if also has a huge impact of what we eat. Therefore is very important for every one of us, to be aware of these influences and start step by step in change in our food.
Most of this population on this Earth is bombarded with various misinformation from media, television, radio, internet, etc. Therefore is really very important what we read, what we listen and what we really resonate with. Also when we were kids and we grew up, our parents, school, media, government, politics system, religions… etc., all of this ´interested groups´ created by people have formed and programmed us since childhood. Of course expect our parents, because they did and they gave us the best what they could.
Now we can start with one part of our life, and it is FOOD - what we EAT???
Usually people eat everything, mix everything together, we do not chew food enough, we eat fast….., so fast, that sometimes we do not breathe. All we can change and improve, just easy thing, we need to start :-)
The huge negative influence (expect of course many others) on our health has white flour, refined sugar and a lot commerce milk products. For beginning, how to improve our health and have more quality life is restrict these foods.
White flour (bread, pastry, pasta, ….) - we of course can eat these products, but very important thing is to replace white flour with whole-wheat flour, or spelled flour or maybe graham flour. It would be nice, if we do not eat all of these in huge amount.
Refined sugar - it is almost everywhere. Sweets, biscuits, cookies, cakes, chocolates, juices, but also we can find it in ketchup, mustard, various sauces. Each package should indicate, if sugar is added there. Therefore is important at least eat these things no very often, or replace milk chocolate with dark 70% and more cacao. Try to eat sweets from whole-wheat flour and mostly sweets with sugar substitution (stevia, honey, erythritol, xylitol,... etc.)
Milk products - is not bad to eat milk products, but again it is more better without sugar. We always can buy white yogurt and sweeten it with stevia or honey or banana or other sweeteners. Add there for example: oats, fruits like strawberries, blueberries…, nuts, seeds, cocos, cinnamon….whatever. We have a big fantasy, each of us :))

Beginnings are not always easy, but especially, when it comes to changing the diet. In this world, we have only one body and one health, no more. It is on each of us, how we approach each other. And start to eat more quality food, try it step by step, is very good start to have better life :))) Most of the population has a problems with food and what to eat, because we are trying to drive away our unpleasant emotions with food. It is really BAD way, how to do it. Every day we can start to change it, so a lot of determination, strength, motivation, wonderful feelings from changes to all of us :)))
