Marina Health Care

Marina Health Care

We are a "whole-istic" practice that brings together natural alternative medicine, ancient wisdom and current biomedical research.

Marina Orlova is a passionate advocate for achieving vibrant health through a natural and balanced lifestyle. She received her Bachelor’s of Sciences degree from the University of Central Florida, and although her main focus was in molecular microbiology and the health sciences, she balanced her heavy science load with creative minors; Dance and Spanish. Her constantly hectic and often overwhelmin

Update on Bone Broth - Nourishing Traditions 22/01/2019

Bone broths are often called the elixirs of youth and for good reason. But make sure, whether you make it or buy it, that it comes from organically fed or grass fed animals.

And here's why:

Update on Bone Broth - Nourishing Traditions "Broth is the new juice," is the saying on the street. Indeed, interest in genuine bone broth is taking off. Still, a few words of caution are necessary.

Acupuncture and Surgery - Together Again 10/01/2019

A surgeon performs the operation but it is the recovery period that determines whether or not complications such as adhesions and infections ensue.

Follow-up care with acupuncture helps to prevent scar tissue formation, clotting and osteophyte growth.

Acupuncture and Surgery - Together Again Acupuncture and surgery have been married for a long, long time.

What is Therapeutic Ultrasound? 08/01/2019

Hand held ultrasound devices are becoming a popular way to decreasing pain, breaking through scar tissue and speeding the healing process.

What is Therapeutic Ultrasound? Therapeutic ultrasound is a modality that has been used by physiotherapists since the 1940s. Ultrasound is applied using the head of an ultrasound probe that is placed in direct contact with your skin via a transmission coupling gel. 

Acupuncture Points Gettin' Real 03/01/2019

Researchers have discovered how to measure and validate the existence of acupuncture points and their meridians.

Acupuncture Points Gettin' Real The existence of acupuncture points and meridians has been proven.

Chinese New Year 2019 – Year of the Pig 02/01/2019

According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2019 is the year of the PIG!

Reds, oranges and pinks are the lucky colors to welcome in 2019.

Chinese New Year 2019 – Year of the Pig Discover the traditions and taboos, dishes and drinks that are part of China's most important holiday, the Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival.

Non-Healing Wounds & Cervical Dysplasia 27/12/2018

Acupuncture & herbal medicine combine powerfully to stimulate the healing of wounds and lesions.

Non-Healing Wounds & Cervical Dysplasia Acupuncture and herbal medicine combine well with biomedicine for cervical dysplasia and the treatment of non-healing wounds.

The Best Natural Drink to Strengthen Knees and Help Rebuild Cartilage and Ligaments 25/12/2018

Here are some practical recommendations to help build your body from the inside out!

The Best Natural Drink to Strengthen Knees and Help Rebuild Cartilage and Ligaments Joint pain doesn't have to be the cost of aging. This natural (and tasty!) drink recipe will strengthen and rebuild cartilage and reduce joint pain.

Acupuncture Benefits Premature Ovarian Failure Patients 20/12/2018

A combination of acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine, and HRT significantly alleviates premature ovarian failure symptoms, regulates hormone levels, and increases endometrial thickness.

Acupuncture Benefits Premature Ovarian Failure Patients Researchers find TCM effective for increasing the effectiveness of HRT therapy.

Watch the Video 21/09/2017

It's World Alzheimer’s Day today.

If you or anyone you know has ever been afflicted with this terrible disease, please tune in to GreenMedInfo's free video event. Over the course of 12 days, you’ll meet 14 of the world’s leading experts in Alzheimer’s and dementia and hear their most effective breakthroughs and discoveries:

Watch the Video Discover How to Reduce Your Risk, Restore Your Health, and Reverse the Effects of Alzheimer’s and Dementia Get Free Access to Watch the Awakening from Alzheimer’s Video Event September 21-October 2, 2017 🔒 Your Email is Safe – We Will Never

You will be amazed at how simple it is to stop sugar cravings 13/09/2017

Battling with sugar cravings? Learn why you get them and how you can stop them.

You will be amazed at how simple it is to stop sugar cravings I use to be crazy addicted to sugar. Like I would obsess about the candy in my home, I couldn't just let it sit. I had to eat it! It wasn't until I figured out why I was having sugar cravings that it finally stopped! This article explains WHY you are craving sugar, how to break that & the incredible...


It's can pay now or you can pay later.

Have a laugh! 10/09/2017

Haha, these medical jokes are pretty amusing. Check them out! 😆

Have a laugh!

Here Is How To Practice This Old Japanese Self-Relaxation Technique To Reduce Stress And Start Enjoying Your Life! - Living Wellmindness 08/09/2017

Use this easy technique to help bring balance to your busy, stressful days!

Here Is How To Practice This Old Japanese Self-Relaxation Technique To Reduce Stress And Start Enjoying Your Life! - Living Wellmindness Did you know that chronic stress is closely related to various emotional and physical disorders? This was supported by various

Timeline photos 15/04/2017

Healing art is a spiritual path, a transformational process, a way of being. Making art frees the body's healing mechanisms to heal; it unites body, mind, and spirit. In art and healing, no interpretation or therapy is necessary. The creative process is the healer; art is transformational in itself.

Doctors Now Prescribing Music Therapy for Heart Ailments, Brain Dysfunction, Learning Disabilities, Depression, PTSD, Alzheimers, Childhood Development and More - Didge Project 26/12/2016

"Music is a powerful balm for the human soul."

Doctors Now Prescribing Music Therapy for Heart Ailments, Brain Dysfunction, Learning Disabilities, Depression, PTSD, Alzheimers, Childhood Development and More - Didge Project Music has proven time and again to be an important component of human culture and is now being seen as music therapy in many medical environments.


Dr. Budwigs was a German biochemist with doctorate degrees in both physics and chemistry, who was able to cure cancer patients using a protocol of nutrition and sunlight. I have read some of her work and she is absolutely brilliant.


Superbugs destroyed without the use of antibiotics - could this be a breakthrough for drug-resistant bacteria?

The Infertile Scientist Tried Acupuncture - Babies After 35 08/09/2016

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine has a successful history of treating infertility.

The Infertile Scientist Tried Acupuncture - Babies After 35 ...when my personal infertility journey started, my professional AND personal worlds were turned upside down. After two failed embryo transfers with 5 cycles of IVF and one egg donor cycle, I began to question everything.

Why Low Cholesterol is NOT Good For You 22/07/2016

This may surprise you but cholesterol levels that are too low can also be a detriment to your health!

Why Low Cholesterol is NOT Good For You Is it possible to have too low a cholesterol level?

How to Make Sense of Your Cholesterol Level Infographic 22/07/2016

Here is a fun infographic about high, low and ideal cholesterol levels.

How to Make Sense of Your Cholesterol Level Infographic Learn how to make sense of your cholesterol levels – and the better indicator of heart disease risk than just total cholesterol through this infographic.

Link between gut bacteria, MS discovered: MS patients show lower levels of good bacteria 02/07/2016

The importance of a healthy gut flora cannot be emphasized enough!

Link between gut bacteria, MS discovered: MS patients show lower levels of good bacteria Researchers are now saying bad gut bacteria -- or an insufficient amount of good bacteria -- may have a direct link to multiple sclerosis.

Secrets of ancient Chinese remedy revealed 28/06/2016

Various compounds in Chinese herbs have been found to trigger a pathway that blocks the development of a harmful class of immune cells, which have been implicated in many autoimmune disorders.

Secrets of ancient Chinese remedy revealed For roughly 2,000 years, Chinese herbalists have treated malaria using a root extract, commonly known as chang shan, from a type of hydrangea that grows in Tibet and Nepal. More recent studies suggest that halofuginone, a compound derived from this extract’s bioactive ingredient, could be used to tr...


What an engaging way to learn about the human body!

Timeline photos 23/06/2016

Taking medication should be a last resort, not the first.

So, where did they go wrong...?

B17 (Laetrile) - Canadian Academy of Sports Nutrition 06/06/2016

Here's an interesting tidbit about a vitamin that is little talked about by mainstream medicine.

B17 (Laetrile) - Canadian Academy of Sports Nutrition

Why Gluten is bad for your health with Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly" 16/05/2016

Cardiologist Dr. William Davis, explains why dropping the grains and most importantly wheat products is so beneficial to health.

Why Gluten is bad for your health with Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly" Gluten Dangers. Why gluten is bad for your health and making you fat. Randy Alvarez, host of The Wellness Hour, discussing the book Wheat Belly with author a...

Perception Medicine: Journey to the Edge of Medicine 11/05/2016

Steve Curtis was diagnosed with a rare form of stage 4 terminal cancer at the age of 25 for which there was no treatment nor cure. He decided to re-evaluate his life and perceptions and work to change everything about his life, from his diet and exercise to his work load as well as his thoughts and perceptions. He refused chemo and took a mind-body-spirit approach which has led to him being completely cancer free, living a life of gratitude and joy, now 7 years later.

Perception Medicine: Journey to the Edge of Medicine What is disease? How can we learn to prevent and treat disease from the combined learnings of different cultures and fields of study? Why is western medicine...

Warning: This Common Pill Can Be The Recipe for Alzheimer’s and Dementia 16/04/2016

Think twice before relying on sleeping pills to get your Z's. They may potentially lead to neurological degeneration.

Warning: This Common Pill Can Be The Recipe for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Warning: This Common Pill Can Be The Recipe for Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Healing Techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine 16/04/2016

Chinese Medicine strives to bring balance and harmony to the body, in turn alleviating disease.

Healing Techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese medicine is a holistic medical approach used to diagnose, heal, and prevent illnesses. New York-based traditional Chinese medical doctor ...

Why Bone Soup? For Health Building 03/04/2016

Bone soup is very fortifying and a wonderful way to deliver nourishment to the body. It is also healing to the gut, helping to repair the "leaky gut" syndrome. Apparently our grandmothers know best! ;)

Why Bone Soup? For Health Building Ask any grandmother and they will definitely tell you that bone soup was their main staple…no bones about it! Ask any Chinese or Oriental Doctor and they will tell you that it’s been ar…