Warriors Worldwide Publishing & Holistic Healing Center PLLC

Warriors Worldwide Publishing & Holistic Healing Center PLLC

Wisdom & Alternative Healing modalities-including my own line of products, tools & activewear I will stand up with you forever.

To be a Warrior is to learn to be genuine in every area of your life. It’s not easy and may require you to leave behind that which you love most. Warrior’s are not always the strongest and/or the fastest people, strength and speed can be learned through training. Warriors are those who stand between the enemy and all that they love or hold sacred as “RIGHT and JUST” while saying silently to themse


Increase your necessity so you can increase your perception. When you are backed into a corner, you have no other choice but to stand in your power (other than cower and throw in the towel, which is the choice of 99 out of 100, to find an excuse) THEREFORE, your limitations OTHERWISE are YOUR POWER. You must be ready to adapt, be flexible, be open to anything and everything so that you can improvise and move THROUGH obstacles and challenges that place you outside your comfort zone.  You must LEAN into limitations and allow them to create a shift in the way you perceive whatever experiencing that makes you feel uncomfortable.
You see, when you stand in your power and speak your truth in being authentic, you enable others to show you their true colors, intentions, motivations. You can then CHOOSE to continue to engage in the experience, or exit it and free yourself from unhealthy elements and/or behaviors. The energy of true intimacy has high standards. It is an energy that is deep, aligned, and healing. It offers security, safety, vulnerability, and nurturing to your soul. It is loyal gentle, mutual, and understanding. It has NO expectations. Zero. So do not be afraid to stand in your power and speak your truth EVER, even if you may push someone off. That is their issue. Don't let others project THEIR ISSUES off onto you, drop them like a hot fu***ng tamale. When you come from a place of genuine honesty within yourself, free of expectation and motivation, the universe will clear people and experiences out of your life that are not for your highest good. Never be afraid of confrontations, ruffling feathers, showing your true authentic, vulnerable self, or speaking your truth. The power is within you to overcome all adversity. (Limitation) Bravery is valuing yourself, a goal or conviction enough, and taking action whether popular or not. It is always pointing the finger at yourself. Bravery is striving to be a better version of yourself every day by accepting your flaws and downfalls gracefully, and then going within to find a way to be better, do better. (Cont)


A lot of people do not believe in miracles when they do receive them, dissing them off as coincidental, motived by assumptions. I can usually tell if someone is, or has been mentally abused...
1. They continously apologize
2. They do not think they are attractive
3. They question themselves
4. They question acts of kindness and verbal compliments towards them by others
5. They need LOTS of reassurance
THE UGLY TRUTH IS: Often those people that tell others that they are only being "extremely polite" when the situation actually calls for tact and bluntness; these people are not actually polite people, or kind people EITHER for that matter. Instead, they hide behind the words “polite” and "kindness" or "optimistic" because they have low self-esteem or hidden agendas. (toxic positivity is REAL) Sadly, they impolitely confuse the hell out of everyone, send mixed signals with their gaslighting and manipulation trying to control situations, which then makes people question their sanity and motives.
Evil is almost always wrapped as pretty packages so never feed in to the physical. It feeds on the vulnerable and their weaknesses. Look beyond into the soul. There is purpose in patience. It is your job to be open minded enough to figure out what that purpose is teaching you.
Express yourself, say how you feel, love like its real, NEVER let anyone suppress you or make you believe your life isn't worth living! NEVER let them think FOR you by telling you what's in your best interests. Only YOU know what is truly in your best interests and what you need to learn in this lifetime. You have a destiny and a purpose that no one else on this earth can fulfill. They don't need to understand it. You are exactly where you are supposed to be! Ironic, we are all told be unique and different only to be harshly ridiculed and criticized by those who have too much time on their hands, when we do.
Never let other people hold you responsible for their own screw ups, beliefs, outcomes, or drama. If their thoughts and opinions about you are imposed ON you drop them like a hot tamale. Set boundaries to protect YOU, and you will have the "right people" in your life!  (Cont)


Do you scream?
Do you slam doors?
Lash out at others?
Do you say things you can’t take back?
Do you bolt?
Do you turn off your emotions?
Do you jump ship?
Do you self medicate?
Do you self harm?
Do you shut down?
Do you push people out?
Do you lose your peace?

This may be a hard pill to swallow, but these and many more are all LEARNED behaviors. If you are doing these things, a part of your abuse is still living through you, whether you have escaped your abuser or not if another person was involved. We need to make ourselves aware of our every response with knowledge of where each comes from. This is how we heal by facing our inner demons, understanding them and then letting them go.
People tend to think that creating boundaries is the hardest part, I’m here to tell you that it’s not. Boundaries are a beautiful thing, they are the beginning of a new and better you, and they are absolutely mandatory. That being said, the hardest part of moving on is rewiring your brain to involuntarily react to life with healthy responses. As I say, the most painful part is resistance to change. Being comfortable being co-dependant on another. Being insecure and playing the victim for attention. The way out of confusion is surrender and you will go faster by yourself at times because that is when clarity comes in. Starting over will never stunt your growth either, your ego's just bruised which is most of the pain. Always see your part in the equation of any situation you put yourself in. Innocent victim or not you were still there by choice, or put yourself in a position to be in a bad situation.

To start, you’ll have to have the awareness to practice the pause. There is nothing in the world you can’t take a breath from before responding.

Start instituting the "pause." Take note of what your immediate natural reaction is, and whether or not it’s healthy. Ground yourself to processing whether you are REACTING, or RESPONDING, and adjust accordingly. There is a tremendous difference. This has been one of my biggest, and most hard fought lessons that has benefited me the most.

Over time, healthy response will become more and more habitual, and lead to a healthier you...


Your capacity to allow people to live a truth completely opposite to yours without shutting off your compassion for them, is a reflection of how unconditional & powerful your love is.
You see unconditional love is does not court physical attraction, that is the ego saying you need the best job, finances, attractive person, titles etc. Unconditional love sees with the heart.
No matter your history with someone (could even be a business entity, coworkers, or acquaintances-because for some these cause entanglements rather than in keeping business and personal life COMPLETELY SEPARATE)...you can tell if someone is TRULY a good friend, or are made of "good friend' material by noticing the sense of balance and equality they bring to the experience.
Some signs that they are not REAL friend material, or truly your friend include:
1. They take way more than they give back
2. They use 'brutal honesty' to criticize you
3. They don't respond well to feedback
4. They rarely initiate communication
5. They don't take 'no' for an answer
6. They gossip in a way that tears people down
7. They're not interested in your growth
So when someone displays any of these signs, never be discouraged. Move on. They are not worth the effort. At first it may seem hard, especially for those who are sensitive, but should you be someone that is sensitive change your perspective to your self-worth and focus on healing your need to be liked by everyone because it's NOT possible. This is self love. Love yourself. Find friendships in yourself. The more you do this and hold this frame of mind, more like-minded individuals and spaces, locations and experiences will open up for you. Let go, just 'be' in the moment and teach yourself independence and security-related courageousness from within. You do not need hundreds or thousands of pretend friends, just a handful of REAL ones that actually "get" you, reciprocate and allow for balance and equality, respectfully.



We are ALL constantly being tested, whether we are aware of this or not. ALL worthy goals meet resistance of some kind and the closer you get to success, the stronger the resistance, the bigger the obstacles! This is a FACT. There is NO smooth, easy road. If you are on one of those, get off, that's not the right road you are to be on. "All that shimmers is not gold!" We ALL go through periods of standstill. The "calm before the storm" right before being thrown into emotional chaos to see how we will respond and if one is paying attention, they can call it as they see it. They KNOW they are going through a particular situation for a reason, usually inner growth where one must turn inward and ask: Why is this happening to me? What do I need to learn from this situation? This person? Etc. A state of standstill is a state of decline. Confusion and disorder prevail. Inferior elements are on the rise, while the powers of clarity and creativity are waning. The wise take shelter in their own integrity and quietly remain faithful to their highest selves. I have learned retreat from public activities and common exchanges, whether OTHERS UNDERSTAND OR NOT, IS NECESSARY, until the time favors assertive action. Desiring to change a situation too quickly often creates extra conflict. By accepting hardship, while striving to maintain integrity, you are preparing for future growth. As I always say, "A seed of prosperity is often hidden inside the husk of misfortune!" TAKE A GOOD HARD LOOK AT YOURSELF! Because...sometimes we put ourselves in fu**ed up life situations to push ourselves to stand in our power to get OUT. MOST COWAR OR BLAME OTHERS AND SOCIETY FOR YEARS or FOREVER! Continue to ask yourself the hard questions: How can you make yourself a better person? How can you uplift those around you by bettering YOURSELF?! WHAT WILL MAKE MY HEART HAPPY?!!! LOOK in the mirror if you can...look past the physical appearances...LOOK AT YOUR SOUL. What is it telling you? This should be a daily practice to bettering YOURSELF.
Develop a strong mind and Will to carry you through confusing times. (Cont)


We need to train our minds more on our choices based on what we FEEL in our HEARTS. Social norms have pressured us into fears, trapping us in our own minds. Make a list of your fears. Where are they coming from? Work? Family? Social pressure? Coworkers? Friends? Your choices should only be coming from you and ANYTHING and ANYONE instilling fear in your life should be cut out....NO MATTER HOW HARD IT MAY BE. It is they that hold your power by instilling discomfort in any way in your life.
We all have insecurities. Know that you are MORE than you think you are! Without TRUST we do not truly collaborate; we merely coordinate, cohabitate or, at best, cooperate out of FEAR. Or CONTROL, WHICH, is fear-based. Even when we do not make a choice in bad situations, we are making a choice...based on fear. Our worst enemy is our mind, turning it into chaos, or self-imposed blocking with:
"What will my friends think?"
"What will my family think?"
"What am I going to do?"
"How do I get out of this?"
"How do I address this?"
"How is this going to work out?"
The answer to all of the "how's" is that we aren't in control of the "how's"...we just have to take action and trust the process. We could go on with a million questions and get ourselves all monkey-minded into paralysis and fears of the unknown created by ego. This ultimately stops us from action.
Each and every one of us pass through  our lives with profoundly limited appreciation for our true quantum potential. We are SO focused on the approval and acceptance of others (those at home, work, acquaintances) HOPING society will embrace our individual uniqueness, flaws and personal CHOICES THAT make OUR HEARTS TRULY HAPPY. We are SO absorbed with pleasing people that we lose perspective of what is really important: APPRECIATING OURSELVES AND MAKING OUR OWN HEARTS HAPPY. You DO have people who accept you for your flaws and all. You DO have people silently cheering you on in your corner who appreciate you for who you are only wishing to lift you higher! Keep them...(cont below)

Photos from Warriors Worldwide Publishing & Holistic Healing Center PLLC's post 18/04/2024

Made Pyet's fry bread recipe tonight and a heart-shaped Indian taco, and they were AMAZING. Light and crispy!


You can be a good person, take care of people, and also take care of yourself.

Here are some strategies to avoid having your kindness taken advantage of:

1. Clearly communicate your limits and what you're willing to do for others.

2. Don't feel obligated to say yes to every request, especially if it compromises your personal goals or well-being. 💡

3. If something feels “off” or manipulative, trust your gut and proceed with caution. ⚠️ Give yourself time to sit with what you are feeling if need be. Listen to the conversation going on innately. Never let anyone interrupt your personal reflection.

4. Respectfully stand up for yourself and assert your needs. If someone cannot handle your truth of your feelings and aspirations, you don't want them around anyway. Let them go gladly and without hesitation.

5. Consider the INTENTIONS and motives behind someone's request BEFORE agreeing to help. Should you be able to help and/or have the resources, DO SO, because your Maker is watching YOUR intentions and motivations in helping others in their time of need.

6. Prioritize your own energy and recharge regularly to prevent burnout.

7. Build relationships with individuals who respect your boundaries and reciprocate kindness. 🤝

8. Learn from previous instances where your kindness was taken advantage of and adjust accordingly.

9. If you are having a challenging time asserting yourself or in setting boundaries, consider seeking support from a trusted advisor or professional counselor.

10. NEVER seek out support from family members whom tend to say "no" more often than not, "keep score" on how much you supposedly owe them, or gaslight and gossip your need for help to anyone who will listen. That's not a true, caring, loving person OR FAMILY MEMBER. That is a blood enemy.

Sometimes people try to take advantage of people’s kindness. But you can overcome anyone trying to bring you down with the truth and awareness.

Your action keep speaking louder than words. Good people are easily identified by their actions. What people give and are willing to give speaks volumes about their character.

(Cont below)

Photos from Warriors Worldwide Publishing & Holistic Healing Center PLLC's post 09/04/2024

🐍1965 Shelby Cobra 427 Roadster

The Shelby Roadster is arguably the most famous and relevant of all the automotive legends. In 1962, the Shelby Cobra (or AC Cobra, in the UK) wrote its storied beginnings as a collaboration between Ford and British automaker AC with the release of the first production Cobra known as the CSX2001 / Mark I.

In the early 1960s, Ford endeavored to build a car that would oust the Chevrolet Corvette as the USA’s most significant sports car. The American automaker was well prepared to take on their local rival and had already produced the engine they would take to the fight – a new, lightweight, thin-wall cast small-block 3.6L V8. However, they still needed a chassis to go along with the powerplant.

Here enters the charismatic Carroll Shelby – financially backed by Ford for this venture – who recognized the racing success of the AC Ace in the late 1950s and would end up brokering an agreement with the Britons who would manufacture a chassis based on the Ace, which Ford would then use its fledgling V8 engine to breathe life into.

Although the Ace was an aging design near the end of its life cycle, its lightweight structure would become the ideal complement in creating one of the greatest American sports cars ever made over the next few years. Thus, the Shelby Cobra was born; and the rest, as they say, is history.


Your life really begins when you show vulnerability and you become honest with yourself. It’s the ‘release’ that changes everything, little things that used to bother you that no longer make a difference anymore because you have learned your lesson from that experience. Let them little things (and other vices that no longer serve your best interests positively go, because you are blocking yourself from what you truly deserve. All those FLAWS you are trying to make good of by molding yourself to attract that right attention by hiding them, usually backfires...your flaws are usually the very thing that attracts the right people into your life. Your FLAWS are your GIFTS. How ironic. Your belief, self-determination and confidence in being yourself are what truly matters. Be humble. Let your masks fall off. Dare yourself to be YOU. There are people out there looking for exactly what you have to offer, scars, flaws, all fu**ed up and all. There are people out there that like you authentically messy rather than "showy" because true perfection can only exist when all of the imperfections are acknowledged and accepted. To have true organic love, happiness and joy in your heart and life, you do not need to hide the real you. You do not need to act a certain way, or please anyone. Work on being yourself. It takes A LOT of responsibility and inner work. Be PROUD of who you are! Be PROUD of your journey! Be PROUD of your individuality, your freedom to live! Realize, you are the WHOLE damn spectrum - GOOD AND BAD!
Owning your past, who you are, where you come from, and where you are going on your life journey holds the key!



Be the guiding light for others, but never prod or push. We are more prone to help people in need when we have both seen others’ bountiful endeavors met with success and have taken pleasure in watching the gratitude unfold of those lifted up into the light.
One of THE hardest parts of life is deciding whether to walk away or try harder. Some of the questions you need to ask yourself are: 1) will this allow me to grow as an individual? 2) does it open up further opportunities to me professionally or personally? 3) am I supported, appreciated~is my heart happy? Independent freedom and growth should always be present. Go with your gut, it's always right, never argue with it! Once you've made a decision, don't look back~keep rolling! You see, modesty stemming from recognizing your limitations is a fine quality, but it can be seen as weakness if it is not accompanied by conscientiousness. It is important to understand the demands of your situation, and not to expect success in big things immediately. Such is the case of a person whose resources are meager, but who, through modesty and perseverance, rises to accomplish great things. The wise person recognizes the nature of the time. So, know your own role, carefully attend to details and act with humility, and you can achieve your goal even with few resources.
So focus on setting and BEING an "example" of light and philanthropy so that others will mirror your respect, integrity and strength of character. We need never doubt that we, as individuals, can make a difference because we are following in the footsteps of a guiding light! Millions of people need mentor-ship, they crave leadership, and they also need a "hand up" not a "hand out" and in being a person who is willing to be a mentor to a motivated individual who is seeking to better themselves means more to the underprivileged person at times, than anything money could ever buy. Even though most hate the TRUTH which is a hard pill to swallow at times, our Creator puts us in a place to put others "in check" of their current realities. It's up to their free wills to bite the bullet and accept their flaws and become a better person, or not.


Learn to get a new perspective on your fears, what's holding you back? When we talk of being "out of balance" there are signs. You will FEEL doubtful, uncomfortable, unhappy, perhaps like things are complicated, crazy, or that you are being muzzled. These are energetic signals from your body that you are out of balance and do not have the clarity of a situation, or the right perspective to correct it. Sometimes we throw ourselves out of balance energetically by putting others and obligations before what's going on inside, heaping our plates with unnecessary bs. Learn to detach from people, places and things, energetically. Learn to LET GO. Be there for yourself FIRST.
When you are guided by the insanity of your heart only those who do the same will understand!!! Close your eyes, still your mind from thoughts and be BRAVE in allowing yourself to listen to what your heart has to say to you. Your mind and ego will try to "talk some sense" into you, but silence them. It is a month to go inward and explore all the hidden dusty parts of your heart you have been neglecting out of fear, that have wanted to speak to you for such a long time! Listen without judgment. Listen with curiosity and understanding. Do NOT allow fears, worries or stresses to interrupt you. GROW some balls! Allow your heart to truly FEEL and show you what would truly make your heart happy. No one can disturb you or interrupt you in your mind space. This is the direction in your physical reality you need to go, no matter the opinions or obligations of others. Your heart never lies and always speaks the truth, whether you agree with it or not.
NEVER let the influence of the physical world affect your morals and who you are. A beautiful heart can bring things into your life that all the money in the world couldn’t obtain.



No matter your history with someone (could even be a business entity, coworkers, or acquaintances-because for some these cause entanglements rather than in keeping business and personal life COMPLETELY SEPARATE)...you can tell if someone is TRULY a good friend, or are made of "good friend' material by noticing the sense of balance and equality they bring to the experience.
Some signs that they are not friend material, or truly your friend include:
1. They take way more than they give back
2. They use 'brutal honesty' to criticize you
3. They don't respond well to feedback
4. They rarely initiate communication
5. They don't take 'no' for an answer
6. They gossip in a way that tears people down
7. They're not interested in your growth
So when someone displays any of these signs, never be discouraged. Move on. They are not worth the effort. At first it may seem hard, especially for those who are sensitive, but should you be someone that is sensitive change your perspective to your self-worth and focus on healing your need to be liked by everyone because it's NOT possible. This is self love. Love yourself. Find friendships in yourself. The more you do this and hold this frame of mind, more like-minded individuals and spaces, locations and experiences will open up for you. Let go, just 'be' in the moment and teach yourself independence and security-related courageousness from within. You do not need hundreds or thousands of pretend friends, just a handful of real ones that actually "get" you, reciprocate and allow for balance and equality, respectfully.



There are brothers fierce,
and sisters savage, offensive and cruel. Abusers who somehow believe
that they have rights over us.
CEO's bosses and managers who refuse to appreciate our efforts.
There are relatives who betray, who steal, lie, speak badly, gossip, gaslight and envy us.
There are relatives who want to see you well, but will never want to see you do better than them, who gather around to speak ill of you and console themselves by discrediting you
with such ugly and unGodly descriptives as the "lost," or the "bad one," the one who "abandoned"...even telling people you're the "crazy" one to make them feel better by giving their ego's a boost because they know they can't manipulate you. To me, when I'm called crazy, I see it as a compliment saying, "I'm hella articulate, intelligent and can't be I'd with.
There are children who do not love their own parents (although some are definitely justifiable), who are rude and disrespectful, who are only associating with them because it is comfortable for them and to perhaps get some profit. They are quite frankly spoiled, narcissistic, insecure and co-dependent.
There are relatives who are only with us when it is convenient for them to continue to use us in the NAME OF THE BLOOD that unites us.
It is important to reflect within ourselves and think, in order to stop romanticizing family, couple, parents, brothers and sisters just because of a blood tie.
We need to grow, develop, heal. Set healthy boundaries for ourselves. We need to see the SHADOW, the dark side of our family lineages
and have the power to get out of what has hurt us because anything that hurts us or tears us down is not love and is not "of God."
It should be our priority to stop our own suffering by disconnecting with relatives WHO ONLY STEAL OUR ENERGY. They are born into that family dynamic to suppress, oppress, confuse and control us from our true purpose and path as distractions. SEE THEM FOR WHAT AND WHO THEY ARE.
Everyone who cares about their lives, recognize them, but do not be part of their own wounds, anger, abandonment hypocrisy, their manipulation. That is not part of your journey to overstep boundaries by enabling


There are brothers fierce,
and sisters savage, offensive and cruel. Abusers who somehow believe
that they have rights over us.
CEO's bosses and managers who refuse to appreciate our efforts.
There are relatives who betray, who steal, lie, speak badly, gossip, gaslight and envy us.
There are relatives who want to see you well, but will never want to see you do better than them, who gather around to speak ill of you and console themselves by discrediting you
with such ugly and unGodly descriptives as the "lost," or the "bad one," the one who "abandoned"...even telling people you're the "crazy" one to make them feel better by giving their ego's a boost because they know they can't manipulate you. To me, when I'm called crazy, I see it as a compliment saying, "I'm hella articulate, intelligent and can't be I'd with.
There are children who do not love their own parents (although some are definitely justifiable), who are rude and disrespectful, who are only associating with them because it is comfortable for them and to perhaps get some profit. They are quite frankly spoiled, narcissistic, insecure and co-dependent.
There are relatives who are only with us when it is convenient for them to continue to use us in the NAME OF THE BLOOD that unites us.
It is important to reflect within ourselves and think, in order to stop romanticizing family, couple, parents, brothers and sisters just because of a blood tie.
We need to grow, develop, heal. Set healthy boundaries for ourselves. We need to see the SHADOW, the dark side of our family lineages
and have the power to get out of what has hurt us because anything that hurts us or tears us down is not love and is not "of God."
It should be our priority to stop our own suffering by disconnecting with relatives WHO ONLY STEAL OUR ENERGY. They are born into that family dynamic to suppress, oppress, confuse and control us from our true purpose and path as distractions. SEE THEM FOR WHAT AND WHO THEY ARE.
Everyone who cares about their lives, recognize them, but do not be part of their own wounds, anger, abandonment hypocrisy, their manipulation. (Cont below)


There is ALWAYS a way out of challenges and saying "I can't," "it's impossible," or my favorite, "it's complicated" are ALL cowardly excuses to NOT look for answers or solutions but to rather lie dormant and stagnant focusing our own fears of the unknown in our minds of what we will LOSE should we take even the slightest forward action. Who is around us in our inner circle that we will set off by choosing to move forward with what makes us happy? Who will try to stop me? Should others be directly effected by your choices how can you create a safe bridge for you to continue moving forward that can be used as a buffer during specific transitions in bettering yourself, healing yourself, etc.? I will tell you, kids are not band-aids to fix relationships BUT so many do it without any care of the energetic damage they are inflicting on them. Do I have enough financially to make it until I am settled? I've been there over a dozen tumes in different traumatic situations and the best thing to do is "JUST DO IT" regardless of anything and everything. Sometimes it may take others to help brainstorm possibilities but there is always an answer for everything, even the most difficult challenges or one wouldn't be presented with them.
Remember, your Creator saves the most difficult battles for those strong enough to conquer them and if you need help, suck up your pride and ASK for help. There are people out there who wish to see you succeed and you ALWAYS have someone in your corner silently cheering you on who sees you as their hero so don't let them down! SOMETIMES, you have setbacks, losses, blocks, and challenges that are letting you know that path you are currently on is not the right one. You need to be vulnerable and stand in your power, speak YOUR TRUTH from your heart, and be courageous enough to heal your insecurities, fears of loss, doubt, worry, anxiety by healing your codependency and abandonment issues, knowing full well there is nothing to fear as you are protected. Have THAT much FAITH in your Creator to get you UNSTUCK from whatever challenging experiences you are going through. With regards to others, give them advice WITHOUT overstepping boundaries. Tough

Videos (show all)

THROWBACK: I made a mini movie of my first book tour over to the Galleries of Justice Museum on Halloween night in 2016 ...