My life as IC it

My life as IC it

Do you or a loved one suffer from an invisible illness? Become part of our community! Join together with others who suffer daily with autoimmune disorders.

My life as IC it

My name is Heather Fowler, I'm 28 years old. (cough***cough) 36. I am married with three beautiful daughters. In 2011 I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. Interstitial cystitis also known as IC, is a chronic bladder disease. Having interstitial cystitis is similar to having an acute urinary tract infection. The difference is with a urinary tract infection a round of antibiotics and you're cured. As of today, there is no cure for interstitial cystitis, partly because they do not know what causes it. Since that diagnosis I've also been diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency, celiac disease, and hypothyroidism. The journey I have taken to diagnosis and recovery has not been an easy one. In my blog I talk about trial an error when it comes to my diseases, as well as coping mechanisms. There are many of us all over the world that suffer. If we join together and fight this battle together, just maybe we won't feel so alone.