MWM mastering services

MWM mastering services

MWM mastering services provides in professional mastering of your audio tracks. (Online, Vinylready,


mastering was a pleasure 🙏 Digital Selekta

Summer let out it’s last warm sigh as the cold, misty autumn days are marching in. The sun seems farther and farther each day. Under it’s pale light, at the feet of Feleac, a new concoction has been brewed. Through the falling leaves, carried by a chilling breeze, frequencies of a mysterious taste greet us and carry us into the unknown.

Put together by Digital Selekta after gathering the required ingredients, “Krond” delivers 5 moody tracks that effectively embody the specific chopped, atmospheric style of the Cluj-Napoca based producer.

Beginning with “Dusted”, an eerie head-spinning slapper, the EP progressed into it’s title track, “Krond” which breaks the atmosphere with more synthetic sounds and effects. The third track, “Migraine” pierces through with vibrant, crystalline synths which perfectly set the contrast for the fourth track, “Arbiter”, a dark, muddy stomper. “Dreams” closes the album in an eerie, misty-forest like atmosphere, making for a perfect epilogue.
