Terapias alternativas personalizadas: conectamos con tus seres de luz para saber que necesitas trabajar/sanar en el momento.
Servicio personalizado y holístico basado en asesoría de imagen, aromaterapia, tratamientos faciales y corporales, masajes y demás terapias alternativas.
Al fin se reconoce el poder de las plantas curativas. El Aceite Esencial de orégano es uno de los más asequibles y con mayor número de beneficios. Súper bueno tener en tu botiquín de emergencias, y como ya vimos, mejor tener tu botiquín natural preparado para cualquier eventualidad….
How magical are all the creatures of our Mother Earth.
Nada como conectar con los 4 elementos. Siempre hay algo a nuestro alcance para sanar.
¿Sabes lo que es el micelio?
El que hizo la película de Avatar lo sabía.
Mycelium, o micorrysis, es un hongo que se expande bajo tierra creando una red de conexión entre todas las especies vegetales, algo así como el internet, que les permite no sólo comunicarse, sino también cuidarse, protegerse, alimentarse. Abastecerse en el agua
Cuando un árbol del bosque es cortado, este micelio comunica a demasiados árboles en el bosque que uno de ellos está muriendo y todos los demás árboles a través del micelio comienzan a cuidar el tronco restante para tratar de salvar esa vida. Lo alimentan con agua y lo protegen porque ese tronco moribundo es parte de la familia del bosque.
Todo tiene un idioma. Es el lenguaje universal.
Aprendemos a reconectar con este lenguaje no verbal, entendiendo que todos somos parte de lo mismo.
No somos ni superiores ni inferiores. Somos como niños que aún tenemos mucho que aprender de nuestros hermanos mayores, de los árboles y del bosque y sobre todo de Nuestra Madre Tierra. ”
Todos necesitamos aire limpio, agua viva, productos libres de químicos tóxicos, comida local y/o orgánica, dejar el plástico y poco a poco regresar a lo básico y natural para sanar, vivir plenamente Y ayudar a sanar a Gaia.
Compra plantitas que purifican el aire y ayuda a a cambiar la energía de tu hogar, también usa un filtro HEPA (mi favorito es el Kenko Air) y coloca en tu difusor aceites esenciales Young Living (asegúrate de que sean aceites de alta calidad, puedes checar su Seed to Seal y saber exactamente de donde viene tu aceite!).
Disminuye los tóxicos alrededor de tu casa:
✨no fumes adentro
🫧no uses zapatos en la casa (si no te gusta estar descalzo usa pantuflas o chanclas que sólo estén en el interior)
✨ procura no usar velas (contaminan más de lo que ayudan)
🫧 usa productos de limpieza libres de químicos tóxicos
✨ deja de usar productos con fragancia (todo lo que diga perfume o fragancia es tóxico)
🫧 abre las ventanas para ventilar la casa cada que puedas
En este link compras los Aceites Esenciales (dime que aromas te gustan y que buscas a nivel físico, mental o emocional y con gusto te recomiendo los mejores para ti.) y productos de limpieza plant based, clean, que huelen deli y en verdad limpian. #/signup/new-start?sponsorid=37882415&enrollerid=37882415&isocountrycode=MX&culture=es-MX&type=member
Las mejores Barbies!
Lo mágica y sabia que es nuestra Madre Tierra.
💞 ¿Sabes lo que es el micelio?
Es un hongo que se expande bajo tierra creando una red de conexión entre todas las especies vegetales, algo así como el Internet de las plantas. Les permite no solo comunicarse, sino también cuidarse, protegerse, alimentarse, abastecerse de agua.
Cuando un árbol del bosque es cortado, este micelio comunica a todos los árboles en el bosque que uno de ellos está muriendo y todos los demás árboles a través del micelio comienzan a cuidar el tronco restante para tratar de salvar esa vida. Lo alimentan con agua y lo protegen porque ese tronco moribundo es parte de la familia del bosque.
Aprendamos a conectar con este lenguaje no verbal, universal, entendiendo que todos somos parte de lo mismo.
¡Cuánto nos enseña nuestra Madre Tierra!
Libero a mis padres de la sensación de que han fallado conmigo.
Libero a mis hijos de la necesidad de traer orgullo para mí, que puedan escribir sus propios caminos de acuerdo con sus corazones, que susurran todo el tiempo en sus oídos.
Libero a mi pareja de la obligación de completarme. No me falta nada, aprendo con todos los seres todo el tiempo.
Agradezco a mis abuelos y antepasados que se reunieron para que hoy respire la vida.Los libero de las fallas del pasado y de los deseos que no cumplieron, conscientes de que hicieron lo mejor que pudieron para resolver sus situaciones dentro de la conciencia que tenían en aquel momento.Los honro, los amo y reconozco inocentes.
Me desnudo el alma delante de sus ojos, por eso ellos saben que yo no escondo ni debo nada, más que ser fiel a mí mismo/a y a mi propia existencia que, caminando con la sabiduría del corazón, soy consciente de que cumplo mi proyecto de vida, libre de lealtades familiares invisibles y visibles que puedan perturbar mi paz y felicidad, que son mis únicas responsabilidades.
Renuncio al papel de salvador/a, de ser aquel/la que une o cumple las expectativas de los demás.
Aprendiendo a través y sólo a través del amor, Bendigo mi esencia, mi manera de expresar, aunque alguien no me pueda entender.
Me entiendo a mí mismo/a, porque sólo yo viví y experimenté mi historia; porque me conozco, sé quién soy, lo que siento, lo que hago y por qué lo hago.
Me respeto y me apruebo.
Yo honro la Divinidad en mí y en ti. Somos libres..
(Antigua Bendición Nahuatl, escrita en el siglo VII en la región central de México, que trata de perdón, cariño, desapego y liberación.)
As we are in the longest night of the year, where the darkness is ruling, we slowly see the light.
It’s time for us to go dig deep inside ourselves (if you haven’t done yet) and slowly start brainstorming, drawing, creating, for when the spring comes we will be ready to emerge. Take it slow, listen to your body, your soul… what are they yearning for? Is it to desperately connect to nature, to yourself? Or maybe just to rest and reconnect with your highest self.
Today, give yourself a minute or two, feel what is inside you and how will you manage to slowly start waking up from this dream that we were all in with this darkest of days. Meditate, light a candle, make a ritual (we are out of eclipse season so feel free to do it), and breathe.
Even though the Holiday season is right upon us it’s time to slow down, listen to ourselves and take the time to really feel the magic unfolding in front of us and make it a part of us.
Today I wake from my slumber, I am ready to come out of my hermit mode and back to the world, taking my time, accepting me with my flaws, my uniqueness and bringing the light inside me to not only shine my path, but help guide others so that we can all have a brighter world.
Picture from but no matter how I put it it wasn’t showing her name! Thanks for all the wisdom you share with us 🙏🏼
Today we have the Gemini Solar Eclipse, it occurs with Mercury Retrograde also in Geminis, along with a whole stellium in Gemini…
Gemini and Mercury are ALL about communication, how we express ourselves, communicate to others, means of communication, etc.
Today also marks the anniversary of the Salem Witch trials, almost 400 years ago women like Bridget Bishop were burnt for being strong, independent, rebelling against what society mandated, smart, everything that a woman is and can be an more.
They were burnt because they were different, and today we are still burning people, except that now, we call it cancelling. If we don’t agree with someone, if they don’t like what we like, if they act differently, if they don’t do what we want… cancel culture has been going around for hundreds of years, it’s time to stop the witch hunt that started so many years ago. It’s time for us to communicate clearly, to learn how to listen to others, to open our minds to what is changing and what is coming (hello Uranus in Ta**us and Saturn in Aquarius) and realizing that we are only a tiny part in this universe, stop being selfish and making a change in our lives to make a change in society, a change in Gaia and a change for all.
An immense energy shift has been happening and it will continue to increase, it’s your choice to flow with it or resist the change and suffer because “things aren’t going back to normal”. Let’s create our new normal, create your normal and the life that YOU want!
‘Today we remember those that lost their lives during the Salem Witch Trials, in Salem Massachusetts.
Bridget Bishop, having been convicted of witchcraft eight days earlier, became the first person to be executed during the Salem witch trials on this day in 1692.
Bridget Playfer was born in Norwich, England c. 1635. Though it is unclear exactly when Bridget traveled to New England, she was definitely living in the colonies by 1665. She was twice widowed, and gossip circulated she had bewitched her husbands to death. Some, like Samuel and Sarah Shattuck, believed she bewitched their child, leading to his declining health. She was also known to publicly fight with her second husband, forcing neighbors, and sometimes the courts, to intervene. By 1692, the years of gossip and suspicion made Bridget Bishop an easy target. She was the first to be tried by the Court of Oyer and Terminer, as this case seemed to have the most evidence against the accused.
As was the case for many of the women accused of witchcraft during the early modern period, Bridget Bishop was targeted because she did not fit within the social conventions of the day. Loud, aggressive, or unusual women were more often then not suspected of witchcraft. These women were not witches, but were the scapegoats of a community during times of fear or tension.
On April 18, 1692, when a warrant was issued for Bishop's arrest for witchcraft, she was no stranger to the courthouse. In 1680 she had been charged (but cleared) of witchcraft, and on other occasions she had ended up in the courthouse for violent public quarreling with her husband. Bishop had never seen or met any of her accusers until her questioning. While several of the afflicted girls cried out and writhed in the supposed pain she was causing them, John Hathorn and Jonathan Corwin questioned her, although there was little doubt in either of their minds as to her guilt:
Q: Bishop, what do you say? You stand here charged with sundry acts of witchcraft by you done or committed upon the bodies of Mercy Lewis and Ann Putman and others.
A: I am innocent, I know nothing of it, I have done no witchcraft .... I am as innocent as the child unborn. ....
Q: Goody Bishop, what contact have you made with the Devil?
A: I have made no contact with the Devil. I have never seen him before in my life.
When asked by one of her jailers, Bishop claimed that she was not troubled to see the afflicted persons so tormented, and could not tell what to think of them and did not concern herself about them at all. But the afflicted girls were not Bishop's only accusers. Her sister's husband claimed that "she sat up all night conversing with the Devil" and that "the Devil came bodily into her." With a whole town against her, Bishop was charged, tried, and executed within eight days. On June 10, as crowds gathered to watch, she was taken to Gallows Hill and executed by the sheriff, George Corwin. She displayed no remorse and professed her innocence at her ex*****on.
Today, we remember the tragic death of an innocent, strong, and very brave woman.’
🌑☀️Gemini Solar Eclipse☀️🌑
This is a very special Eclipse for us, it is the ONLY Solar Eclipse that we will have with Gemini being the North Node, and we won’t have another one in another 20 years! 😨😱
It’s an eclipse that represents a change in the Gemini area of our birth chart. New opportunities will arise (may be double or two since Gemini is the twins).
This Eclipse is NOT a Total Eclipse is a ring of light will be present! The moon “covers” the sun, so it’s like the darkness is covering over the light. But instead of seeing it as something scary, it’s time for us to embrace our shadow! We all have this dual energy (Ying and Yang, Femenine and Masculine energy, etc) and instead of hiding it, it’s time for us to recognize them both and use them wisely. Basically, we are seeking balance and a certain shift has to be done to achieve it.
Some things have already started changing, there’s a new way of communication -> zoom, teams, and boom of social media to connect with others (pandemic), x2 in whatsapp messages, people using telegram more and more for massive group chats (another way of connecting between us), NewSletters have gone out more and more, at distance working, etc. We have also started changing the way we connect with our loved ones, express our emotions a little bit more, mental health awareness, etc.
It’s time to listen more to others, see things from a different perspective, be more empathic with others, care for others and their well being, focus on other things and not only ourselves.
Yes, there’s a lot of things that have changed already, but there’s a lot that still needs to be done.
Today, don’t worry about what you HAVE to do with the eclipse, focus on embracing the energy, write down what comes to mind, the signs that you get from the universe and see what is this eclipse showing you. . .
Continued in Comments…
Siempre confiando en ellos, las señales que nos mandan y en nuestro ser superior 🙏🏼✨👼🏻
Únete al reto de "21 DÍAS DE SANACIÓN ESPIRITUAL".
Consiste en realizar 21 meditaciones guiadas, una por día.
Inscripción: 19 euros
• Día 1: Limpiando tus pensamientos
• Día 2: Limpiando Emociones
• Día 3: Relaciones pasadas
• Día 4: Relación con tu familia
• Día 5: Traumas
• Día 6: Creencias limitantes
• Día 7: Relación con la madre
• Día 8: Relación con el padre
• Día 9: Relación conmigo mismo
• Día 10: Ex-parejas
• Día 11: Mi cuerpo físico
• Día 12: Mi aura
• Día 13: Mi relación con el dinero
• Día 14: Mi camino espiritual
• Día 15: Karma
• Día 16: Lugar de trabajo
• Día 17: Hogar
• Día 18: Negocio
• Día 19: Chakras
• Día 20: Dones espirituales
• Día 21: Descubrir mi propósito de vida
Las meditaciones guiadas ya están grabadas, luego de la compra se te dará acceso inmediato y de por vida a ellas.
Para hacer la compra, escríbeme al WhatsApp +17867537830
Te espero dentro 🙏
I usually tell my clients to make their everyday routines into rituals by adding a little extra magic to their life.
Today I did the same with my night time beauty routine... I used some valor essential oil (added little bit to my face oil) so it would smell all around (valor has Blue Tansy, one of the BEST skin oils you will ever find!) While I used my TIGER’S EYE face roller. I was constantly repeating myself the I AM STRONG affirmation from this morning and made special emphasis by reminding myself how strong I am on a daily basis and repeating the Sacred Code of Archangel Michael - 613- so he can guide me and dissipate fear whenever I encounter it.
Before bed I had a little golden milk with ashwaganda to strengthen my immune system and work in my inner strength. I also put on my nightstand an amber, sodalite and tigers eye to continue working on my inner strength at night AND I put under my pillow a card of Archangel Michael and the Strength card of tarot. PRO TIP - you can put tarot cards under your pillow to get its energy, as well as carry it with you; remember there are different types of tarot decks and they all have different energies depending on what you are working with. Today I chose an angel tarot because whilst I am seeking strength I also wanted a more loving and soft energy so I could rest while sleeping 😴
What rituals do you bring to your daily life?