Danielle Emmons, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Danielle Emmons, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist(RDN). Simplifying nutrition to fit your lifestyle.

Craving Freedom Workshop 29/05/2024

If you struggle food cravings (sugar, carbs, salty foods, etc), you might want to join my colleague, Keysa and I for a LIVE workshop we are via zoom next week.

Here are the details:

Tuesday, June 4th for a FREE LIVE workshop: "Craving Freedom: Taming Physical & Emotional Cravings"

Link to Register:


If you can't make it LIVE, don't worry - we will send out a Replay.
Just make sure register so that you on our list to send out the replay to you.

We hope to see you there!

Craving Freedom Workshop At times, our cravings can feel so out of control and like they are controlling our lives. However, by understanding these two craving types and listening to what they are telling you, you can face your cravings head-on to feel in control around food and build confidence in yourself.  This empower...

Photos from Danielle Emmons, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist's post 05/04/2024

13 going on 30 😆🩷.

Photos from Danielle Emmons, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist's post 05/04/2024

It doesn’t happen often, but I love when family come to visit - lots of great memories made 💕

Craving Freedom Workshop 08/02/2024

Are you someone who has a hard time losing weight or maintaining the weight you lost?

Do you think Food Cravings are part of the reason?

If so, you need to register for the FREE Workshop "Craving Freedom: Taming Physical and Emotional Cravings".

I am actually pairing up with my colleague, Keysa Amaro, an Emotional Eating and Mindset Coach and the host of the "Lose Your Cravings" Podcast.

On Thursday, February 22nd at 3pm EST / 12pm PST, Keysa and I are going to shed light on both the Physical and Emotional side of Cravings and how to overcome them once and for all!

If your cravings for sugar like chocolate, cookies, cake, ice cream or other comfort foods such as chips, bread, cheese or french fries, etc seem to constantly take over and all your efforts lead to nothing but a roller coaster of your weight AND your emotions, then you need to sign up for this Workshop.

Do you ever feel out of control around certain foods or have intense cravings that won’t go away no matter what you do?

Have you tried all the things to reduce your cravings and nothing is working?

If this sounds like you or “insert your comfort food or craving”, you are NOT ALONE!

There IS a reason those cravings are there . . . awareness is the first step towards any change!

You don’t know what you don’t know and it’s NOT YOUR FAULT!

That's why Keysa and I are getting together to deliver to you our combined knowledge to help you discover both the PHYSICAL as well as the EMOTIONAL reasons for your cravings and HOW you can tame them so that you can regain your health and lose the weight you’ve been trying so hard to do for so long.

You and your health are worth it and we hope you join us!

And if you feel like you have already conquered cravings and met your health or weight loss goals, that’s great, but we would still love to have you join us as there is always something we can learn, don’t you think?

Join us on Thursday, February 22nd for a FREE LIVE workshop: "Craving Freedom: Taming Physical & Emotional Cravings"

Link to Register:

If you can't make it LIVE, don't worry - we will send out a Replay.

Just make sure register so that you on our list to send out the replay to you.

We hope to see you there!

Craving Freedom Workshop At times, our cravings can feel so out of control and like they are controlling our lives. However, by understanding these two craving types and listening to what they are telling you, you can face your cravings head-on to feel in control around food and build confidence in yourself.  This empower...


Spending time with my girl 🩷


Starting today and ONLY AVAILABLE THIS WEEKEND (for FREE), you can watch any of the interviews you may have missed this week during the Weight Loss For Women Over 50 Masterclass Series(INCLUDING MINE!).

You can sign up here:


My friend Cherie Schwartz has brought together 30+ top weight loss experts for this complimentary masterclass series to activate your fat-loss cycle, and take control of your hormonal changes over 50 so you can increase your metabolism and energy.

You can watch ANY or ALL of the interviews from the Weight Loss for Women Over 50 Masterclass Series from this past week's event, INCLUDING mine! You might be surprised what I talk about :-)

It IS possible to balance your hormones, activate your fat-loss cycle, increase metabolism and energy, and take control of your health!

Sign up to find out how!!!!



Even though half the population spends half their life struggling with weight loss, it’s the most confusing topic on earth.

I want to introduce you to my friend Cherie Schwartz, a Holistic Weight Loss & Health Coach who works with women over 50. Cherie reached out to me to be a speaker in her masterclass series, Weight Loss For Women Over 50.

She has brought together 30+ top weight loss experts for this complimentary masterclass series to activate your fat-loss cycle and take control of your hormonal changes over 50 so you can increase your metabolism and energy.

Women deserve an education that prepares them to remain healthy and know what they need to do differently once they reach age 50. There has never been a better time to take control of your health.

Register here for a free pass to this life-changing event →

And don't miss my interview on Tuesday, December 5th: Ditch the Diets and Lose Weight for Good!!


The Small and Simple; The Every Day


This is a MUST if you need some inspiration to turn your health around! Tim and Heather Kaufman have a story that will knock your socks off! And it's a FREE event they are hosting. They are one of the most kind, caring, giving and down to earth couples I know!!

Why is being healthy so hard these days? Shouldn't it be the norm?

The truth is: the odds are stacked against you. The food culture, medical system, ever-growing stress levels, environmental pollution... It seems like we're under a constant attack.
The good news is: your body wants to heal. You just have to give it a chance, and it doesn't take a monumental effort or tons of time...

That's why you're invited to join 36 of the world's top health experts and inspirations in Thrive Against All Odds. Over 9 free days, you'll discover the latest strategies, feel inspired, and get practical tips that you can implement right away.

It's FREE if you click here and claim your spot now: https://thriveagainstallodds.org/?tap_a=134526-ad4b91...


FREE Online Masterclass led by clinical hypnotherapist weight loss expert Rita Black:

How to Break Through the Weight Struggle Cycle so You Can Lose Weight Consistently and Permanently

This masterclass will include a light hypnosis session.

Learn how to eliminate the subconscious self-sabotage that keeps people from consistent weight loss. September 19th—SIGN UP TODAY - IT'S FREE!



Taylor Swift concert bound with my girl ❤️


Let's talk weight loss drugs! 👀💊

Join and tomorrow, July 6th at 7 PM EST on Kristin's page to watch The Good, The Bad, and The TRUTH about Weight Loss Drugs!

We'll answer:

✅ If weight loss drugs are effective & safe

✅ The long-term effects of weight loss drugs

✅ How weight loss drugs work

✅ Alternative weight loss methods

and MORE!

Join us LIVE tomorrow, and comment below with your questions about weight loss drugs!👇💊


Happy 18th Anniversary to the guy who is the glue to our family. I can’t be more grateful for you Greg Emmons. Through good times and some really hard times you have held up the fort and I can’t appreciate you more. I love you more today than ever and I feel so grateful for the life we have built for our family and look forward to many more years to come. Thank you for your dedication to me and our family no matter what obstacles we face. Can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight ❤️


Happy 18th Anniversary to the guy who is the glue to our family. I can’t be more grateful for you Greg Emmons. Through good times and some really hard times you have held up the fort and I can’t appreciate you more. I love you more today than ever and I feel so grateful for the life we have built for our family and look forward to many more years to come. Thank you for your dedication to me and our family no matter what obstacles we face. Can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight ❤️


Love buying local not just to avoid pesticides and know I’m feeding my family fresh food that was likely picked that morning with lots of healthy nutrients but also to support the local farmers.

Since locally grown food endures significantly less travel time from the farm, to the market, to the table, you can bet you’re getting the highest nutritional value available to you. With higher nutritional value comes more flavor.

You are also eating fruits and veggies that are in season which makes them higher in nutritional value and better for your gut health.

Typically they are less expensive than the grocery store with better quality.

And often they give out free samples so you can taste the quality and flavor before buying! It’s a win-win in my book:).


Do you know someone or have you ever struggled with anxiety or depression or just felt overwhelmed or stressed? Maybe you know someone who is suffering right now.

On February 23rd at 12pm EST / 8am PST in a free LIVE workshop, I will be sharing my personal story of how I went through the hardest year of my life suffering from severe anxiety and depression, my relentless pursuit to find a way out of a very dark place and why I became so passionate about the correlation between mental health and physical health and the part nutrition plays on our mood.

This is open to the public for free (you won't be added to an email list or anything like that) so please register with the link below if this is something that interests you, even if it just gives you or someone else you know some hope that there is a way out even when you may feel hopeless.

Feel free to share the link with anyone you feel may benefit.

Register below: https://zoom.us/.../tJMof-igrzgvHd0Dl8PHxto-Z1xXYWXcklhR

Or go to the link in my profile (link tree)

In health,



Go EAGLES 🦅!!!!!


Just Imagine this is what your life looks like 6 months from now . . .

YOU, truly enjoying your life with . . .

NO MORE frustration

NO MORE restriction or feeling deprived

NO MORE constant struggle with cravings for sugar, carbs, junk food, etc

NO MORE counting calories or macros





KNOWING how to fuel your body properly because you were taught the right way

KNOWING how to overcome ANY obstacle that comes in your way (setbacks, dining out, vacations, work travel, birthdays, holidays, food cravings, etc)

KNOWING that you have all the tools and the confidence to maintain your weight


KNOWING that you NEVER having to go on a diet EVER AGAIN!!

And with the WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS you have been trying to
get for SO LONG!

I am RELENTLESS in my pursuit to help you get you to your goal and to teach you all the tools you need to stay there

The only thing I ask of you is to trust in the process and be coachable.

If you do, I PROMISE you will be successful!

If this sounds like something you want to know more about, then Book a FREE call today!

Don't you owe it to yourself and your family to get healthy now?!

Since I work one-on-one with clients, I only can on take so many more clients right now before my schedule is full.

So don’t delay if you are ready to lose weight and reach your goal for the LAST TIME!

Summer is just around the corner so you need to start now in order to feel good going into the summer months, vacations, reunions, etc!

NOW is the time!

Book your Free Strategy Call TODAY:



I hope to talk to you soon!

In health,

Danielle Emmons, RDN
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist


Yep, sounds about right! It SUCKS to go though hard times and for those of you who know the tremendous struggle I endeared in 2021, you know I know this all too well.

If you are struggling with something now, it may feel like have no hope or that you'll never see the light and move past it, but you will! And if you need a ray of hope, reach out - I am always open to giving someone else that hope as I know I could have used it in the past.

Never give up hope and never give up fighting for yourself! It will be so worth it when you move past the hard times.

You will gain a different perspective on life . . . a better outlook and some amazing insight . . . it sucks when you are in it but it may just be the very thing you need to create a better, more balanced, more joyful life. XO!


Silly fun moments like this are what I love most about life♥️. Doing at home facials, Addison “teaching me” her skin routine (I definitely did not have a skin routine at age 11 and barely have one at age 46🙈😂). But the best part is our talks and her telling me everything on her mind. I mean EVERYTHING! 😂 And that’s not just on nights like this but on a daily basis.

I’ll admit, sometimes I am exhausted by it but mostly I am grateful that she feels she can talk to me about anything and everything. I just hope she continues to feel comfortable to be able to talk to me about everything as she gets more into her teen years and beyond.


Are you still struggling to reach that weight loss goal?

Or maybe you haven’t even started yet but you are frustrated and just don’t know where to begin.

You’ve tried every diet out there only to maybe lose a few pounds or even a lot of weight, yet when you went back to your normal eating (because, let’s be honest, diets are just not sustainable), you gained the weight back and more.

If this sounds like you, you are not alone!

That’s why I thought it would be a great idea to do a FREE challenge to help you all get a kickstart on your weight loss journey.

How does that sound to you?

And if you feel like you are already on track, that’s great, but I would still love to have you join us as there is always something we can do better at, don’t you think?

Plus, it’s a great way to stay motivated. We've done this before and everyone loved it and I know you will too!

Beginning on Monday, January 16th I will be leading you through a FREE 4-Day challenge to get you back on track!

Simply Click on the link above in profile to join!


A win for pennstate🙌🏻. Glad these two got to go!


When people tell you, “don’t blink because they grow up fast” believe them! I swear she was 5 just yesterday 😭

But to say I’m proud of how much growth Addison has had in the last few years is an understatement. She’s had to overcome a lot in her young 11 years but she fought and persevered.

She’s strong minded💪, empathetic, kind hearted, funny, creative, and my little bestie♥️.

It’s not her birthday but when I looked at these pictures tonight I can’t help seeing her in a different light - as a little young lady rather than a child.

Videos (show all)

#guthealth #homemadeyogurt
Go EAGLES 🦅!!!!!#phillyproud #phillygirlatheart
