Enver Hoxha and Anti Revisionism Study Group
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Enver Hoxha has been one of the most underrated and misunderstood figure of the international Communist movement.
Thanks to the 'holy alliance' of the Maoists, Khruschevites revisionists and imperial lackeys!
"The bourgeoisie may allow you to sing psalms, but then it deals you a fascist blow to the head and crushes you because you have not trained the necessary cadres to attack, nor done illegal work, you have not prepared a place where you can protect yourself and still work nor the means with which to fight. We should forestall this tragic eventuality."
Enver Hoxha - To The Moscow Meeting of Communist Parties - 1960
Enver Hoxha on Soviet revisionists, post Khrushchev (in the era of Brezhnev), talks about the wavering stand of CPC in his book "Reflections on China, Volume I).
After rise of Brezhnev to the power, CPC declared that all is well now and even asked other CPs to go to Moscow for celebration of the October Revolution, without analysing what changes have been made in CPSU after dethrowing Khrushchev.
However, except PLA, most of the CPs joined Moscow conference but came back empty handed, happily or unhappily.
What happened immediately after CPs delegation left Moscow, see this : (By Enver Hoxha)
"And in confirmation of their (CPSU) resolute stand and total opposition to the Chinese line and "Chinese assistance", as soon as Chou En-lie boarded his aircraft, a massive delegation to the Soviet revisionists consisting of 92 Americans, including the biggest bankers and businessman, arrived in Moscow. All these were given a sensational welcome by Mikoyan, Kosygin and other Soviet leaders. They held many open and private meetings (TASS reports this), and talked cordially about the further development of economic relations between the Soviet Union and the United States of America, etc.
Naturally, this means an even more thorough pursuit on the part of the Soviet revisionists, of the treacherous course Nikita Khrushchev without Khrushchev. This was completely clear to us.
(Page 183, Peking's Reaction After Chou En-lie's Return From Moscow) on 23 November, 1964
This must be related, with other trends in the USSR, while Brezhnev was in power, or otherwise. Reason is, there are many communists who treat Brezhnev as the least revisionist among the USSR revisionists, from Khrushchev to Gorbachev, or even a communist. Firstly, this is erroneous and secondly, the comparison between the renegades and the revisionists is wrong as that doesn't give us any insight as to what was happening inside the social imperialist USSR and what is to be done today.
Secondly, with the fall or rise of individual does not change a social, economic and political situation or trend. They depend on the equilibrium of the various forces, like the working class consciousness and their leaders inside the party or in power, the revisionists tactics and strategy and their internal connections, etc.
Brezhnev era CPSU was a continuation of Khrushchev era CPSU and womb of what happened to the social imperialist USSR, under Gorbachev. The course of the Soviet history might have been different but it never turned back to Soviet power or back to the dictatorship of the proletarian class.
The Chinese Press is silent about our articles and publishes the speeches of Soviet leaders : Enver Hoxha
"The Chinese press has remained almost totally silent. Even those articles which it has written during this time since the fall of Khrushchev are spineless. It has published only the speeches of the new Soviet leaders and some quotations "without clear content" from the speeches by some leaders of the Communist Party of Indonesia. In regard to the printing of our articles, from the fall of Khrushchev up till now, nothing has been done, either in the official newspaper or even in the internal bulletins, or even as simple news. Nothing. Hence it is clear that in essence they are in opposition to our views, that they have a new line, that they have adopted a new a new stand following the fall of Khrushchev, and they have issued directives of the party and the people about this stand. Thus it is clear that they do not want to inform Chinese opinion about our views."
"..... If they are in opposition to us, then Mao's tactics of "We are not going to engage in polemics with you Albanians", will be used, and thus they will withhold our views from the Chinese people, because if they are made known to them, the contradiction automatically emerges. Thus, even their allegation that they "publish everything", both from friends and enemies, has now started to be applied with nuances,... "
On 18 November, 1964 from Reflections on China, Volume I. "The Chinese Press is Silent on our Articles and Publishes the Speeches of Soviet Leaders"
The above post was written by EH, when Chou En-lie visited Moscow, along with the representatives of the most of the CPs from other nations, when Brezhnev took over the power. As per CPC, fall of Khrushchev was the end of the revisionists in CPSU and everything was on track then after. The Albanian delegation, however, did not participate in this "grand celebration".
Later on, very soon, the characteristics of the new Soviet leaders were in open, though very subtle. They not only did not differ from the Khruschevite revisionists in quality, but turned out to be worse revisionists and more dangerous than their predecessors, very shrewd, hidden behind the mask of socialist construction and destroyed the base of the USSR. What Khrushchev and clique could not achieve, these renegade did very smoothly, with minimum outrage from the Communist leaders and the proletarian class.
The role of the CPC is not commendable and did not help PLA to expose the modern revisionists in time.
After the fall of Khrushchev and rise of Brezhnev, CPC delegation, led by Chou En-lai, went to Moscow, alongside various CPs from other nations, to participate in the 47th anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution. This was boycotted by the PLA.
After he wrote on the above event on 08 November, 1968, Enver Hoxha again wrote on the same issue on 15 Nov, 1964. He was clearer on the stand of CPC and Chou En-lai. It was very clear that everything was not correct with the CPC.
"Nothing is leaking out. To their Albanian comrades, the Chinese are maintaining dead silence. Naturally, this is not in order, neither friendly, comradely, nor Marxist. Meanwhile, the revisionists, for their part, have reported to one other, and are coordinating their actions. The Chinese comrades did not make the effort to inform us, even in a confidential way, about the content of the letter which the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China received from the Soviets in connection with the demotion of Khrushchev. This shows, of course, and we cannot interpret it otherwise, that the Chinese Comrades are maintaining reserve towards us to this degree."
"What Results did Chou En-lie Achieve in Moscow?" In "Reflection on China",
Volume I
Enver Hoxha on CPC's behaviour, after Brezhnev took after the command of the USSR, when Khrushchev was eventually removed as General Secretary of the CPSU and President of the USSR. The occasion was 47th Anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution.
"Astounding articles and speeches! I believe that even in the golden age of Sino-Soviet friendship, the Chinese could rarely have written article so enthusiastic about the Sino-Soviet friendship as this in the newspaper "Renmin Ribao" on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution. And these are written only a few weeks after the fall of Khrushchev and after a period of unprecedented public polymic. Matters have gone so far that they are saying, among other things: "Mao has taught the Chinese to follow the Russians", or, "We Chinese are amazed and enthused by the majestic success which the Soviet Union has achieved in these 47 years", etc. And they are writing all this when, only a few months ago, the Chinese were saying that the Soviets were shot of bread and buying it from the Americans.
From Reflection on China, Volume I. 08 November, 1964 (A Scandalous Stand, Everything They Say Is Hypocritical, With Dishonest Aims
"The construction of socialism is a great revolutionary process that involves the transformation of the whole life of society — the material life and the spiritual life as well. An important task of this process is also the carrying out of the cultural revolution as an ..... integral part of the socialist revolution. The classics of Marxism-Leninism have stressed in their works the need of the cultural revolution as a necessary condition for building the new socialist and communist society. Plans for building socialism involve, besides the ..... industrialization of the country and the collectivization of agriculture, the carrying out of the cultural revolution. The main aim of this revolution, according to Lenin, is to destroy bourgeois culture and ideology and to build up the new socialist culture, proletarian ..... in its contents and national in form, to make culture the property of the broad people’s masses and create the new intelligentsia coming from the laboring people and serving them."
— Enver Hoxha; 1966
Nje postim jo i rastesishem
i mikut tone te nderruar,
profesorit revolujonar Jorgo Mandili ,ku pershkruhet me
hollesi jeta dhe vepra e arkitektit dhe simbolit te tradhetise e shembjes se socjalizmit ne
BRSS dhe te gjithe Europen.
Duke menduar ate qe ndodhi
ne Shqiperi mbas 11 prill te 1985,por edhe me pare,pa
asnje dyshim mund te themi
se ai, Hrushovi, ishte mesuesi
dhe burim i frymezimit te renegatit Ramiz Alisa dhe klikes
se tij te kukuruznikeve,te cilet
e mbeshten ate deri ne fund
per shkaterkmin gradual dhe shembjen e socjalizmit ne Shqiperi ,duke vepruar nen masken e reformave te reja
demokratike dhe demokratizimit te jetes se vendit.Duke lexuar
kete shkrim, konstaton nje ngjashmeri te madhe me cka ndodhi ne Shqiperi..Jane te shumta format, metoda,intrigat deformimet,krime,tradhetia e maskuar dhe te fshehta te Nikita kukuruznik,ne atdheun e socjalizmit,te ngjashme me ato
te qe u perdoren ne Shqiperi qe nga viti 1945 deri ne dhjetor 1990 ku u shemb socjlalizmi dhe fitoi kunder revolucjoni.Duke lexuar kete shkrim,ku lexuesit i vihet
ne dizpozicjon nje informa
cjon i bollshem e per shume ndoshta i pa disponueshem me pare, eshte e pa mundur te mos besh edhe ndonje nje riflekjon
tjeter te thjeshte :
- Roli e individit ne histori, ku verte
tohet dhe nje here, se ai eshte jo vetem i rendesishem,por ne rastin e fitimit te revolucjonit e ruajtjes se fitores eshte i domozdoshem.. Mjafton nje tradhetar renegat ne udheheje e shtabit pararoje te revolucjonit,qe te permbysen fitoret e tij te arritura me shume gjak e samrifica e te fitoje kunder revolucjoni e te rivendoset feudo kapitalizmi ,Sic ndodhi edhe tek ne ne Shqiperi.
-Kupton madheshtine e vertete
te Enver Hoxhes, i cili si askush
tjeter ne ate perjudhe te veshtire historike, kuptoi dhe demaskoi me guxim tradhetine e madhe te Hrushovit,dhe i vetem i rezistoi stuhise deri ne 11 prill 1985.
- Shembja e socjalizmit,nje tragjedi e vertete e permasave boterrore, shkaqet te ciles gjenden te tradhe
tia e jo tek deshtimi i sistemit ,sic kerkon te mashtoje sot borghesia dhe ciraket e saj ....
- Nje lekjon i vertete dhe
domozdohmeri per analize dhe reflektim per sot e brezat e ardhshem qe koha do u ngarkoje misjonin e e ri historik ,ate te triunfit e te ruajtjes se fitoreve te revolucjonit..Nderim e mirenjohje proff. Jorgo Mandili !
Enver Hoxha on American dominance over Western Europe :
The Eurocommunists do not want to see the existence of a major national problem, the question of A m e r i c a n domination in Western Europe and the need for liberation from it. From the end of the Second World War to this day, American imperialism has bound this part of Europe with all kinds of political, economic, military, cultural and other chains. Without breaking these chains you cannot have socialism, or even that bourgeois democracy which the Eurocommunists praise to the skies. American capital has penetrated so deeply into Europe, is so closely combined with local capital that where one begins and the other finishes can no longer be distinguished. The European armies have been so completely integrated into NATO, in which the Americans dominate, that in practice they no longer exist as independent national forces. An ever greater integration is developing in the financial and monetary field, in technology, culture"
Enver Hoxha
Enver Hoxha talks about the speech by Brezhnev and the hidden meaning about it. This he rights on 07 November, 1964 itself. However, CPC was extremely happy with him, saying that Khrushchev is removed and everything will be all right.
"Brezhnev's speech paid attention to this question (the future relation between the CPC and the Soviets and revisionists: by me), telling them : Nothing has changed, everything goes on as before; the 20th, 21st, and 22nd Congress are in order, our alliances are in order; with good or bad grace I'll relax my hold on you (until I strengthen my position and until the situation is more favourable; then the "ugly ducking turns into a beautiful Swan"). Hence in the direction of the Chinese, no concession. Let them be satisfied with the fact that we removed Khrushchev and let them live in hopes like that fox in the fable who followed the ram in the hope that his balls would drop off at some turn of the road."
From" Brezhnev is Trying to Fool the Chinese First of All" in Reflection on China, Volume I
After the fall of Khrushchev and rise of Brezhnev, the CPC was europhic and declared that everything was all right in socialist camp, including Tito (Yugoslavia) but PLA refused to tow the "new" line. See what Enver Hoxha had to say in Reflections on China, Volume I on 07 Nov, 1964:
" To placate the revisionist cliques outside the Soviet Union.....
The very fact that the revisionist cliques lost the" Polar Star", notwithstanding that they fought and qurraled with him, as well as they obeyed him, and exerted pressure on him, and in this way the light of their "Star" was being dimmed and they no longer have a "Polar Star", both pleases and frightens them. It pleases them because they are now free to think and act as they like. They can go to bed with the United States of America, just as they can with Britain, and possibly even with the two together. On the other hand it frightens them because Khrushchev, this brand traitor, is no longer for them, not because those who replaced the traitor are not like him, but because they are the same sort of traitors who are sitting on burning coals. Hence, from this angle, even that alleged Marxist-Leninst unity has died."
On April 3rd, 1922, Joseph Stalin officially assumed the post of the General Secretary of The Communist Party of The Soviet Union.
Stalin, originally known as Joseph Dzhugashvili, adopted the nom de guerre "man of steel" upon joining the Bolshevik revolutionary movement. His opposition to the Russian monarchy resulted in his imprisonment and subsequent exile to Siberia, where his convictions only grew stronger.
Upholding Stalin means upholding Marxism Leninism and socialist construction in the USSR, under the dictatorship of the proletarian class.
Enver Hoxha and PLA upheld Stalin in deeds and spirit, after his death, despite Khrushchev and clique started denigrating him. CPC, under the leadership of Mao, too, did not oppose Khrushchev's crusade against Stalin, except for the lip services and worked to establish Khrushchev, Tito and gangs.
Works of Enver Hoxha are spread over 70 volumes, many of them are not available in the market. However, his available works are weapons in our hands against the modern revisionism and path to reestablish Marxism Leninism and our political works in the proletarian class.
Long live Stalin!
Long live EH!
Al-Fatah must not fall into the trap of the Soviets: Enver Hoxha
“AL-FATAH” MUST NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP OF THE SOVIETS January 16, 1970 The struggle of the Arab peoples against Israel has been reduced simply to the partisan war which the Palestinians are waging against the occupiers of their homeland. The others, you might say, are only talking, delivering “fiery” discourses, holding conferences and meetings at every level, taking and rescinding decisions, but Israel and the United States of America learn what they decide immediately and thus everything is nipped in the bud. Israel is poised over the Arab countries like a hawk: the Arabs kill one Israeli, the Israelis kill twenty in reprisal, the Arabs damage one Israeli aircraft, the Israelis burn 50 aircraft on the ground, the Arabs capture one Israeli border guard, the Israelis capture twenty-two Arabs on the following day. A 7-ton modern Soviet radar locator on the shores of the Suez Canal was dismantled, loaded into helicopters and taken to Tel-Aviv. Nasser has placed himself under the orders of the Soviets just as the kings and heads of state of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc. are under the order of the British and the Americans. Hence, the only ones who are really fighting in the Arab world are the Palestinian partisans. They have become dangerous to all, therefore some want to fight and exterminate them, while others want to get them into their 2 clutches. The Nasser group is smiling at them but wants to run them, because by means of them it wants to show that it is fighting, but it also wants to dominate them because they may upset the opportunist deals which that group is making. The Soviets, who work to extinguish national liberation revolutionary wars, want to get tight control of “Al-Fatah” and the other Palestinian partisan groupings, and direct them, in the interests of their imperialist policy as they are doing in Egypt. This is what occurs wherever national liberation wars are being waged: when the aggressors are being smashed and defeated and the peoples are triumphing, the Soviet revisionist intervene with demagogy, promise alleged supplies of arms and other aid, but they do this to extinguish the war, to ensure that the victory is lost and to rescue the aggressors. This is what the Soviets are doing now with “Al-Fatah.” Allegedly they are on the side of the Palestinians, allegedly they want to help them, but without doubt they want to dig their grave. We must expose them in this anti-Palestinian activity. “Al-Fatah” must never fall into their trap.
We must leave nothing "for history to resolve". We must solve those things which are up to us, and solve them correctly, while history can give its judgement later about the solutions which our party give them.
We shall continue to collaborate and struggle in close co-operation, on the Marxist-Leninist course. We are confident that we shall clear up these matters and put them right, in the great interest of the Party and of strengthening our doctrine, Marxism-Leninism, which is under attack by the modern revisionists of every shade and by world imperialism.
("The Chinese have begun a Campaign of Approaches to the Revisionists of Europe who are in Power" from Reflections on China, Volume I; 13 October, 1964)
Enver Hoxha's Reflections on China (Volume I) is an excellent book, which outlines how the CPC wavered, leaving block by block, and finally followed a revisionist line. This particular article was written on 13 Oct, 1963. Here are few paragraphs to appreciate what I have said as well as how keen observer was EH as a Marxist-Leninist.
"In reply to the question of the comrades of our Party and Government delegation, "We trust that you will give us your answer to our letter in connection with the borders of the Soviet Union", Comrade Mao said: The future will prove whether we are right or wrong. We are not going to reply to you, because, if we did, we would reject your views as you rejected ours, and thus polemics will arise. Therefore, let us wait, perhaps, after many years we shall reply to you but now now."
What was the issue? CPC was supporting Communist Parties (In power or otherwise) on national boundaries disputes with the USSR and thus wanted to take their favors against USSR, like Japanese socialists, Polish CP.
EH further writes: Polish territories seized by the Soviet Union remains as it was (as Mao has said) This interests the Polish nationalists and at the same time, also serves the Chinese in their struggle against Khrushchev and in their approaches to the Poles. "Clever", "nationalist" tactics on the part of the Chinese.
It is clear that EH was fighting to expose the revisionists, led by Khrushchev, Tito and others. This task would be hindered if they tried to corner USSR on "nationalist" plank, which was to further weaken the CPs stand in their respective countries and the nationalists, that is, the reactionaries and anti Marxist-Leninists would strengthen. Internationalism is part of Marxism-Leninism and patriotism is different, use it while fighting against imperialist powers, national coercion or repression.
My idea is not to bring you all the articles of EH here but basically the trend in modern revisionism and need to combat it, if we are ourselves revolutionaries. Yes, I will invite you to contribute in our group, however small that may be.
A little big chapter in Enver Hoxha's book, "Reflections on China, Volume I", with the above heading (15 Se, 1964). Important because it shows how CPC was shifting away from Stalin and his works, though still not anti Stalin, but tilting towards Khrushchev. Few paragraphs from this:
"In Moscow Meeting, 1957. Comrade Mao publicly praised and supported Khrushchev; in fact he approved his action in denouncing Stalin, approved the condemnation of the "anti-party group of Molotov", etc. and advocated complete unity with Khrushchev group.
"..., when I met Comrade Mao in Peking in 1956, in our presence he criticized the "incorrect" activity of Stalin, and especially "Stalin's actions towards Yugoslavia", because according to Mao, Stalin "had made mistakes" and Yugoslav were "good Marxists men", and in order to support this "idea" it was precisely the Chinese invite the Yugoslavs to the Congress of the Communist Party of China."
Despite Mao's "modest tone" at the Moscow Meeting, still "his reasonable and correct speech" gave you the impression of a "farseeing", "infallible", "deirection-giving" speech.
"However, it is true that the Chinese Comrades did not take the question of Stalin any further. They quickly drew in their horns, and in the end (with reserve) maintained a stand pro Stalin and against Khrushchevite traitors. This change was good and correct."
During the long struggle against modern revisionism, the CPC gave slogan, "The revisionists take the first step and we the second."
Enver Hoxha was not at all happy with this tactics, which was to lose initiative and time. He says revisionists had begun the attack not just against our party, but especially against Marxism-Leninism.
Chou Enlai is making a grave mistake that he is inciting the Rumanians territorial claims on the Soviet Union. ... The ideological and political struggle against Khrushchev must not be diverted into delicate questions of territorial claims. ... the raising of claims and the way Chou Enlai has done it is not right, either in principle, or in tactic of the moment.
The claims of Chinese have been built on a dangerous platform and from a nationalist position, to the point that they themselves have pretentions to Outer Mongolia. This platform has nothing in common with the struggle against Khrushchevism and Khrushchev.
Mao has made great mistake in raising the question of claims with the Japanese Socialists.
Comrade Stalin was very correct, prudent, and principled in these delicate and complicated problems. At the period of the gravest crisis in relations with Titoite Yugoslavia, when hostilities between us and the Titoites had reached its culminations.... in a talk which I had with Stalin, he said to me, ... as a union of different republics, (Yugoslavia) was progressive. ... there is no reason for it to be broken up, but Titoism and Titoites must be fought ideologically and politically as betrayers of Marxism-Leninism. The struggle against them must not be waged from the chauvinist positions of territorial claims or against the peoples of Yugoslavia, ...
(Stalin further said) The question of territorial claims for all those countries which the Chinese comrades mention can be raised only when revisionism has been routed and Marxist-Leninist Bolshevik parties have come to the head of these countries. Then the problems of disputed borders can be raised and discussed, as amongst Marxist-Leninists, in the spirit of proletarian internationalism, and just solutions found in favor not only of simple national interests, but also of international communism.
EH in Reflections on China, Volume I, 22 August, 1964 (Page 74-77)
(My comment: This is master tactic and strategy as per the Marxist-Leninist theory.)
In Moscow, yesterday, and today, Khrushchev's lackeys awarded him decorations from the "Gold Star" to the "Order of the Lion" on his birthday. This is like the story of the Bible which tells how the Three Wise Men of the East carried gifts to Jesus. The lackeys are trying to keep up the bankrupt's prestige. Telegrams of hosanna are reaching Khrushchev from all sides, but the most unpleasant and completely wrong one is that from the Chinese comrades. The Chinese telegram of congratulations was written with their feet and not their head. Whatever the excuse the Chinese may try to put up, none will hold water. Their act is a political and ideological mistake. We can never agree to this act of theirs and we shall find the opportunity to tell them so, if not directly, certainly indirectly. Today we shall strip Khrushchev of his title of "Honored Citizen" of the city of Tirana, with the motivation that a traitor such as he deserves. Thus, this important political act will be a "decoration" in our style for this revisionist and, at the same time, an answer to the telegrams which the Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, and others sent him.
(17 April, 1964. From Reflections on China, Volume I by Enver Hoxha.)
EH was very clear in his Marxist-Leninist ideology and was a great defender of the socialist construction under the dictatorship of the proletarian class, under the leadership of CPSU, headed by JV Stalin. We also must note here that in name of a 'diplomacy', we tend to wish the class enemy leaders on their birthdays or death anniversary, etcetera and if that masks the revisionists' hostile act against Marxism-Leninism or the proletarian class interests, politically that is blunder.
With this correct point of view, Comrade Enver Hoxha considers the defense of Marxism-Leninism as a corner stone of all the victories and successes of the people: “The boundless loyalty of our party to the immortal doctrine of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, its ability to apply this doctrine in a creative manner, in conformity with the conditions of the country and the complicated international situations, its determination to defend the purity of the principles of this doctrine from the attacks and distortions of many enemies, internal and external, have been and remain the fundamental basis of all the successes and victories of our people.” ( Report to the 8th Congress of the PLA)
(From the quote below)
Enver Hoxha Page Enver Hoxha Page The following article was published by the EMEP, the Labour party of Turkey: 100th Anniversary of Enver Hoxha We’re here to celebrate the 100th birthday of Enver Hoxha. He was the …
We must have theoretical works, especially related to works on modern revisionism by Enver Hoxha and PLA to make the working and revolutionary people to appreciate how the revisionists sabotaged the socialist world from within, physically as well as ideologically, in USSR and later in the entire socialist world.
EH and PLA continuously worked against Titoites, later Khrushchevites and Maoism. These were various trends in the socialist camp, who after the death of Stalin, usurped the state power, negated the proletariat dictatorship and socialist construction in USSR and other socialist camps.
Today, these revisionist trends, including that of Trotskyites, are still prevalent among the present communist parties, knowingly or unknowingly. Unless a party based on Marxism-Leninism (And the works of JV Stalin in theory as well as during socialist construction in USSR, as the leader of CPSU, are the milestones of the proletarian class revolutionary ideology.), leads the proletariat revolution, success is not possible.
The importance of EH can't be overlooked as he was not only the last known world leader of the proletarian class, but also the one who had interacted and worked with Stalin and other contemporary global communist leaders and saw the fall of the proletariat states one after the other, alongside the rise of the revisionists under the mask of unity.
EH upheld Stalin and his great contributions towards socialist building in USSR and allies. In addition, he continued the same policies in Albania.
Long live Marxism Leninism!
Workers of the world unite!!
Objective situation in France
There are massive continuous French economic, social and political upheavals, since long, which are objective reality.
Though it's not very clear, how well the French communists are prepared to lead the working class and the allies to overthrow the bourgeois class and its state. This is, however, a continuous revolutionary process.
Also, mobilising the proletarian class for class struggle and proletariat revolution in France seems to be inadequate, as seen in many resent movements.
Nonetheless, seeing the fighting spirit of the French proletariat, it's highly possible, that the weakest chain in the Western imperialist powers, EU or NATO, due law of unequal development, cracks in France.
Looking forward to a new success in the world proletariat struggle. A caution, be careful against the modern revisionist trends, opportunists, saboteurs
With international solidarity.