Revealed Healing

Revealed Healing

Awaken your spirit • Revitalize your health My name is Brandie and I am a Health Coach at Revealed Healing.

It is my passion to help men and women struggling with difficult situations and imbalance in their lives (whether that be food, relationships, or career). It is my goal to reveal to them a new way of life that is just within their reach without turning to restrictive diets, medications, or unhealthy coping patterns. Do you or anyone you know struggle with overcoming unbalanced patterns and stepping in to the life you were meant to live?


Note to self — 🙋🏾‍♀️
Choose to believe you are accepted. You will never be rejected by those who truly love you.💜
That’s it. Every time you’ve been told you’re “too emotional” or “you have too many problems,” it’s been a lie. You can’t control what other people say about you, but you can choose what to believe. Today, choose to believe “you are accepted.” ✨

You’re accepted in spite of your mistakes and shortcomings. You’re accepted in spite of the trauma you’re working through. You’re accepted even when you cry every day and feel like you’ll never get the chance to come up for air. You’re accepted because you are who you are. Your feelings and your thoughts—the positive ones and the negative ones—are all worthy of being acknowledged. You are powerful and the work you’re doing makes you stronger.

Any coward can look at others and criticize. Champions are those who look at themselves and do their own work.🏆

“All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” John 6:37 (ESV)


Some days are harder than others and it’s ok to not have a good day. It’s *not* ok to give up on your beliefs and what you stand for. On those days, journal, pray, and reach out for help, even when you don’t want to admit you need help. Be yourself and stay faithful. God has you here for a reason and if you try to be someone else, God can’t use YOU and everything you have to offer. 💜


Standing up for what is right can be the hardest thing to do, especially when it comes to your own health. I’ve met with many women who struggle to advocate for themselves. They see their own physical and emotional needs as unimportant or not as important as the needs of others. I relate to these women because I too struggle with the same thing. When we put ourselves down and belittle our needs, we pave the way for others to do the same. What happens when we honor ourselves as much as the ones we love? 💜

Timeline photos 23/11/2018

Timeline photos 17/11/2018

Reminding myself of this today and wanted to share 🙋🏾‍♀️💜....


Timeline photos 26/06/2017

Timeline photos 15/06/2017

How Depression Changes Your Brain (And Ways to Reverse It) 15/06/2017

Great article on alternative methods to healing depression and restoring your mind and body to health.

How Depression Changes Your Brain (And Ways to Reverse It) Depression can actually change your brain. Here's how it happens, and what you can do about it...


What does your legacy look like so far?

Timeline photos 09/06/2017


Do other people leave your presence feeling like a BETTER version of themselves?


"You can't give to another human the responsibility of your happiness."


Trying to impress others will quickly depress ourselves.


What is waiting to be unleashed within you?


"Put your heart and mind in places where wisdom gathers - not scatters."
Lysa TerKeurst


✨ Live as if success is INEVITABLE. ✨


The way people speak to you shows how much respect they have for you. Listen carefully. Speak carefully.


Timeline photos 21/03/2017
Guilt, Shame, and Obligation vs. Self-Care - Revealed Healing 03/02/2017

New Blog Post!

Guilt, Shame, and Obligation vs. Self-Care - Revealed Healing We’re already done with January now, and I don’t know if anyone else feels the same way, but the post-holiday crash hit hard last month. I “resolved” to write a few “Happy Holiday/New Year” posts, but December and January were tough months for me, and maybe you can relate. I’ve heard many of my frie...

8 Signs You’re Not Following Your True Path 17/01/2017

"The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth."

8 Signs You’re Not Following Your True Path Are you following your true path in life or are you living someone else's life? Here are 9 warning signs that will tell you if you have lost your way.

Part 2: What Happens When You Relax? - Revealed Healing 30/11/2016

Hope everyone is enjoying the week after Thanksgiving! Here's last week's post, in case you missed it:

Part 2: What Happens When You Relax? - Revealed Healing First thing’s first – HAPPY THANKSGIVING! The big day is tomorrow, and I have 6 pounds of tofu waiting to be transformed into a homemade fowl-free turkey. 🙂 I can’t think of a better way to kick off the holiday season than with a follow-up to my last post about the importance of relaxation. (If you+...

Part 1: What Happens When You Relax? - Revealed Healing 08/11/2016

Part 1: What Happens When You Relax? - Revealed Healing Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What happens when I relax?” I definitely didn’t until recently. I’m usually asking myself, “How can I avoid being stressed right now?” I’m the kind of person who can easily go into information overload – especially when I’m using the Internet. Can anyone e...


Taste your own words before you spit them out. Who can you show kindness towards today?

6 Things to Know About Masterful Health Coaches - Revealed Healing 07/09/2016

6 Things to Know About Masterful Health Coaches - Revealed Healing 1. We are not doctors. Masterful health coaches don’t pretend to be doctors and therapists. Truly wise health coaches know that they are supplemental resources to doctors. Doctors have honed in on their skills of analyzing the body and prescribing medicines and practical solutions. Health coaches ha...


"Getting into the practice of spending quality time with yourself is more important than seeking the attention of another."
- Revealed Healing

Mirroring and Reflecting: My Own Reflection Process (Part 2) - Revealed Healing 17/08/2016

: Mirroring and Reflecting: My Own Reflection Process (Part 2)

Mirroring and Reflecting: My Own Reflection Process (Part 2) - Revealed Healing What makes you angry? What triggers you and gets you fired up? What brings you to tears and the depths of depression? What ignites any form of strong negative emotion within you? In Part 1 last week, I wrote about the importance of 1) looking in the mirror and honestly seeing who you are and 2) refl...