Get Healthy & Fit With Momma

Get Healthy & Fit With Momma

I woke up one day and decided I didn't want to be this way anymore, so I made a lifestyle change. I'm here to support and guide you through yours as well!

I am 24, a stay at home mom of 2 and an oilfield wife. After having my second child in June of 2014 I was the largest I have ever been in my life. In August 2014, there was a picture taken of me from the side dancing with my husband at a wedding, and that right there was my wakeup call. I knew I was big, but when I looked in the mirror I always looked from the front, not the side. That picture tor

Timeline photos 30/05/2017

It's been a while since I've posted on here!

Yesterday my hubby and I started the 3 day refresh! I can't wait to shed a few pounds and get rid of those nasty cravings!

Timeline photos 20/03/2017

1st workout of this post-partum journey completed! Thank goodness for a short workout because this little girl wasn't going to let me go much longer.

Day 1/30 of Core De Force ✔

Timeline photos 04/03/2017

As of yesterday, our family has now been completed. Welcome to our crazy, loving family, Ms. Bryleigh Jean

Timeline photos 19/02/2017

Hospital bags are now I've been challenged! I've been challenged to do 1000 sumo squats in an hour in a challenge group I'm in..yes, ONE-THOUSAND...if an almost 65 year old man can do it in 38 minutes, I think a 26 year old pregnant lady can do at least 500! That's what I'm aiming for anyways!

Timeline photos 08/02/2017

This is absolutely mind blowing to me. I always knew I was bigger with Brantley, but the more I look back at pictures I can't believe just how much bigger I actually was!

Baby #2 was nothing but pure laziness and filling my body with whatever I wanted, which mainly consisted of pizza, and several trips to DQ per week. It's a no wonder I was so dang miserable the last 10 weeks with him!

Now, with baby #3, completely different story! Eating a lot more healthy and exercising. Yes, my hips are sore and sometimes I don't feel the best, but overall it's a complete 180 from my last pregnancy. I have more energy and overall just feel better!

I didn't gain much with Brantley either, only like 8 lbs, but as you can see, it's not the number on the scale that told the story. I'm so thankful I got another chance to do this pregnancy the healthy way!

Timeline photos 03/02/2017

Less than 5 weeks left until baby girl arrives, and I'd like to host one more accountability group before then!

>>Starting Monday, for 21 days, we will be working out and eating healthy! We will all do this together and there will be tons of support!

It's the last push to get into shape before the real pushing begins :P

Who wants to get started on those summer bods? Let's do this together!!

**open to anyone that doesn't have a Beachbody coach or is a Beachbody coach.

Timeline photos 31/01/2017

Went and tried out the new Wellness Center this morning. It was so nice to be able to put both headphones in and not have to listen for kids fighting. Can't wait until after baby when I can go do cardio in the morning at the gym and then do my workout at home later in the day. 2017 is going to be my year to hit those goals! I swear by it 💪

Timeline photos 27/01/2017

Getting my coffee fix tonight with some Cafe Latte.


Had all 3 workout buddies today! And working out with a 2.5 year old boy isn't easy haha, but we got it done. And also hit 34 weeks pregnant today :)

Timeline photos 25/01/2017

So excited to welcome this beautiful momma of 3 to my team! I've known Amanda since high school and am so excited she is ready to commit to a new, healthy lifestyle! You are totally going to rock this and can't wait to see your transformation!

Timeline photos 22/01/2017

Same pre-pregnancy jeans, still too big even 14 weeks later. Consistency and hard work pays off! 19 weeks pregnant vs. 33 weeks pregnant

Timeline photos 20/01/2017

This is about the time of the month when New Years Resolutions are coming to an end. People are choosing to give up in only the 3rd week of the 52 week year. But this is not you, not this time. You stick to your guns and don't let anyone or anything come in the way of you hitting your goals! YOU are worth it!

Timeline photos 19/01/2017

Chocolate for breakfast normally isn't a very healthy option...but when it's Shakeology, it's the best option! Filled with over 70 superfoods gathered from all over the world, you can't beat that!

And because of Shakeology, I don't even have to take prenatal vitamins this pregnancy because it has all the healthy benefits inside the shake. Definite win!

Timeline photos 17/01/2017

Got that high messy bun thaaang going on. It can only mean one thing...💩's about to go down in workout land! here I come!

Timeline photos 13/01/2017

Some days they want to sit by me :)

Timeline photos 12/01/2017

I absolutely hate Power Sculpt because it is kind of hard for me being 32 weeks pregnant, so I had a ridiculously bad attitude throughout the entire workout. I modified the modifier when needed, but I didn't quit! Still worked up a sweat and was 5 short of burning 500 calories, so it was a success! 💪 Day 18 is done!

Timeline photos 09/01/2017

I mustache you a question...

Monday procrastination at its finest.

Timeline photos 06/01/2017

We all have a fighter in us. Life starts when you discover what you want to fight for.

Timeline photos 20/12/2016

I'm so sore already! Last day at 28 weeks going out strong. Power Sculpt 💪

Timeline photos 20/12/2016

Doing this workout thaaaannnggg

Timeline photos 20/12/2016

Coffee, Christmas tree lights and peace and quiet. Happy Tuesday :)

Timeline photos 20/12/2016

After a long night since both kids were up with colds, time for some mommy crack! Aka pre-workout ;)

Timeline photos 18/12/2016

And this is the difference between taking care of yourself and not..

10 weeks after baby #2 on the left..seriously, did I even have a baby yet? My goodness...

28 weeks pregnant with baby #3 on the right..been taking care of my health for the most part! Working out and eating healthy is key!

Timeline photos 11/11/2016

A big shout out to all the veterans out there! Even though there are some people who are disrespectful by kneeling during the national anthem or by burning and stepping on the flags, I thank you for all you have done and will do and for all the sacrifices you have made so my family and I can live freely in this wonderful country of ours. I appreciate all of you. Thank you and God bless!


Day 4 of Core De Force today. This one was a little harder for me being 23 weeks pregnant since it had a lot of moves on the floor, but I modified and took it slow when needed and finished it! I am in love with this program!

Timeline photos 10/11/2016

I woke up today alive and healthy, so did my husband and my kids. The sun was shining here, it was a record setting high temperature day, and there's actually very little to no wind in ND! And for all that, I am blessed.

No matter how you feel about the outcome from the election last night, you have the power to make it a great day, so go out and do it! Every day is a blessing, take advantage of it.

Hope everyone had a great day

Timeline photos 08/11/2016

Today during the water challenge group, every time we have to use the bathroom we are to do a 15 second wall sit. I'm currently up to 2 minutes of wall sits now, ouch! I will more than likely hit, if not exceed 3 minutes by the end of the day!

Videos (show all)

Day 4 of Core De Force today. This one was a little harder for me being 23 weeks pregnant since it had a lot of moves on...
Brooklyn was upset at me the other day because I tried out a new workout without her. So today I did it again after she ...
I've had a lot of people ask what I mean when I say I "modify the modifier" at times now that I'm pregnant. So today I t...
Today's goodies. So excited!! I really don't know what I'm going to do once fall and winter come without fresh produce 😣
I remember again why I hate this workout. My legs are already sore. This shall be interesting tomorrow haha. But I feel ...
Holy smokes, chisel endurance today! What a difference a scoop of energize beforehand made! That was for sure the hardes...
Preworkout got me like!.....Let's do this thannngggg!! Iso Speed Hammer coming up! And if I'm feeling really ambitious I...
First time working out with the hubby again in months! I introduced him to Hammer Power. It is a power lifting workout. ...
Did you know that over 70% of people who start a workout program QUIT before they finish? I will admit, I have been a pa...
Exciting news!!!!
Maxed out today with little miss! You know what's cool? I get paid to stay home and workout. Pretty bomb if you ask me!
8 years ago today, my now husband decided he wanted to make things official by asking me to be his girlfriend. We've had...