Holistic Living Magazine

Holistic Living Magazine

Global Healing Exchange’s E-Magazine for Holistic Living FREE. https://bit.ly/39wfSUe or check out Holistic health is the way of the future.

We are a team of health and well being experts from around the world. Our mission is to educate our readers with reliable resources that address all aspects of our physical, mental and spiritual well being. We are passionate about changing the way we heal our bodies with a holistic approach. We want to support the healers and doctors of the future who show us how to heal without drugs. We aim to e

Ballina Massage Therapist - Sharon White - Holistic Approach To Health By Global Healing Exchange 08/12/2023

I have been a massage therapist for 28 years and have studied many styles of massage.

“If you are looking to relax, get out of pain, or completely overhaul your body and life, I can help.

I will tailor your therapy to suit what you need at the moment. You may need some TLC on your physical body and I will work with you and do massage.

You may need to work on your energetic body and Reiki may help.
You may need some emotional work or change your thinking around areas in your life where you feel stuck and hypnotherapy and NLP can help.

For true healing to occur we need to look holistically at our body, mind, and soul. I can help you to find your balance”.

Sharon White

If you are looking for treatment, message me. I also can arrange gift vouchers for Christmas.

Ballina Massage Therapist - Sharon White - Holistic Approach To Health By Global Healing Exchange If you are looking for a Ballina massage therapist our founder Sharon is the therapist for you. She has been a massage therapist for 25 years

The Emu Family Preview 28/04/2023

Are you as appalled as I am when you see what is happening to our children these days? Sexulisation of young kids is a grooming agenda.

If you want to teach your kids, grandkids, nephews and neices good values around community, self love, friendship, growing food, meditation, and so much more, this book series is for you.

Watch the preview and sign up, so we can let you know once the first book in the series launches on the 15th May.


Please share this post if it resonates with you.

Thanks. 🙏


The Emu Family Preview Preview of the first book in The Emu Family and Friends series.I'm very excited to annouce the book is ALMOST READY to publish.You will find the book once pu...


It has been a while since I posted and I have news. We now have a series of CHILDREN'S BOOKS.

The Emu Family and Friends series. It will launch on the 15th May.

I'm very excited to share this series with the world.

To watch a preview of the book click on this link:

Meditation Benefits 19/08/2022

🐒 Calm Your Monkey Mind 🐒

Is your mind like a monkey. Jumping about everywhere and never sitting still?

Do you know meditation promotes mental balance by controlling the 'monkey mind'?

Many people do not try meditation because it takes practise, but it is totally normal for the monkey to start swinging during meditation!

What Are Meditation Benefits?

Better focus and concentration
Improved self-esteem
Lower blood pressure
Improved circulation
Builds resilience to pain
Better memory and sleep
Reduces depression
Regulates anxiety and mood disorders
Reduces stress

The beautiful part about all of this is, it requires no equipment and no money.

You can do it anytime, anyplace or anywhere.

How To Meditate?

Make sure you give yourself some quiet time away from phones, children, etc. You can either sit or lay down comfortably.

Focus your attention on one thing. (You can concentrate on your breathing as you inhale deeply).

In through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Keep concentrating on your breathing and if your mind wanders, just bring it back to your breathing.

In and out, noticing your body relaxing. If the monkey starts jumping, simply notice it, and then focus back to your breath.

The more you practise, the easier it will become. Studies have shown that meditation improves self-image and self-worth.

When you meditate, you get a clear picture of your mind and become aware of the thoughts that drive your emotions and actions in the moment.

This helps you manifest what you want you want in your life. Once you can get into this state you will start noticing your limiting beliefs and emotions that hold you back in life.

Give this a go and if you need help with this, reach out for a one on one session. https://youtu.be/CtQK4DGLZuw

Meditation Benefits Is your mind like a monkey. Jumping about everywhere and never sitting still?Do you know meditation promotes mental balance by controlling the 'monkey mind'?...


Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

Psychological, social, and emotional well-being all falls under the umbrella of mental health.

It impacts your thoughts, feelings, and even your actions in your daily life.

How you handle emotions, stress, social situations, and decision-making is greatly determined by your
psychological state.

Most of the time, people prioritise their physical well-being at the expense of their mental health.

It’s essential to focus on being well mentally in the same way you work on your physical health.

Reach out if you need some help!

Treatment For Anxiety. 4-7-8 Breath 21/07/2022

Have you heard of the four - seven - eight breath?

This is a breathing technique taken from Yoga.

It is amazing for anxiety.

For this exercise keep your tongue in the yogic position touching the tip of your tongue to the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth.

Keep it there the whole time.

The exercise begins by letting all the air out through your mouth.

Breathe in through your nose to a count of four,

Hold your breath for a count of seven,

Blow air out forcefully through your mouth.

It helps if you purse your lips and make a whooshing sound while letting the air out.

Repeat this for four breath cycles.

This is what it looks like:

(watch video).

Do this at least twice a day. You can do it more frequently if you want but never more than four breath cycles at one time to begin with.

As time goes on and you get used to it, you can increase the amount of cycles.

You can also slow the whole exercise down as you practice.

What limits you is how long you can comfortably hold your breath.

As you practice, you'll get better and better at it and after doing this for 4-6 weeks you can begin using it in other areas of your life.

If somebody says something that makes you angry or frustrated, you can do this exercise before you react.

It can also help you fall asleep.

After 2 - 3 months of regular practice, there can be significant changes that happen in your body:

It can:

Lower heart rate

Lower blood pressure

Improve digestion

As well as being a powerful anti anxiety treatment.

Give this a go and let me know how you go.

You may realise after doing this regularly that this is more powerful than anti-anxiety drugs.

This is something you can do any time, any where and best of all it is FREE!


Treatment For Anxiety. 4-7-8 Breath Have you heard of the four - seven - eight breath?This is a breathing technique taken from Yoga.It is amazing for anxiety.For this exercise keep your tongue ...


Close your eyes and imagine the greatest version of yourself. The most positive, productive, creative, highest performing version of yourself. 🌟

Make that mental picture of you crystal clear. Feel it. Think it. See it. Embody it.

The more you practice being a better version of yourself daily, weekly, monthly, the more you will become it.

If you need a helping hand on your journey, you can contact me and find out how we can work together. 🌟

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3 Keys To Activate Your Inner Power 17/07/2022

What are three keys you need to know to activate your INNER POWER as you journey through life​?

Here are some things I have implemented into my life on my journey to feeling powerful and standing in my power.

1.​ Become Untouchable​

There are people, circumstances and experiences that are going to be ​your ​stumbling blocks​ if you let them​.​​

These things can influence your mindset and influence your consciousness, planting seeds of doubt and fear.

These things can hold you back from reaching your goals and manifesting your vision.

Protect your mindset so these things can’t influence you.

2. Become Your Own Cheerleader

In psychology there’s something called autosuggestion. This can influence your thoughts​, your attitude and your beliefs.

The definition of autosuggestion: ​the hypnotic or subconscious adoption of an idea which one has originated oneself.​

​This is also called self talk.​

It can also influence your physical ​body and how you feel at a subconscious level through your own mental programming.

Instead of speaking to yourself in a negative way saying things like​,​ ​"​I can’t do this​,​​" ​"​I’m not good enough​,​​"​ ​"​This will never work for me​"​, ​"​I’ll never ​reach my goal​"​, start talking to yourself in a positive way.

You need to start hyping yourself up. You need to start speaking to yourself in a positive way. Saying things like​;​ "I've got this​", "I can do this​", "That thing will work for me​"​.

3. See ​Yourself ​As ​The ​Greatest ​Version ​Of​ Yourself

Close your eyes and imagine the greatest version of yourself. The most positive, productive, creative, highest performing version of yourself.

Make that mental picture of you crystal clear. Feel it. Think it. See it. Embody it.

The more you practise being a better version of yourself daily, weekly, monthly, the more you will become it.

If you need a helping hand on your journey, you can contact me and find out how we can work together.

🌟 3 Keys To Activate Your Inner Power. 🌟

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3 Keys To Activate Your Inner Power ​​What are three keys you need to know to activate your INNER POWER as you journey through life​?Here are some things I have implemented into my life on my j...

Resolving Conflict 07/07/2022

Have you noticed the world seems to be getting crazier and crazier and if you don't agree with the person you are talking to, it is so much more common these days for a conflict to arise?

People seem to be more angry than ever before.

This has been my experience but I have never been one to simply follow the crowd. I question everything!

So what can you do to resolve conflict effectively?

Here are some simple NLP techniques.

1. Dissociation From Conflict:

We call this the third perceptual position of NLP or an observer position.

This is a place of non-emotion. Once you can see yourself from a position above yourself and see yourself as if you are watching yourself having the discussion on TV, you are no longer attached to the emotions you are feeling.

If the emotions were the things driving you, you will see things from a different perspective and have a clearer point of view, gaining additional wisdom or learning.

2. Build Rapport, Pacing & Leading:

When someone is shouting or screaming at you, you must remain calm.

You can match the volume, speed and tonality of the voice of the other person, WITHOUT matching the emotions or anger that they are projecting at you.

Stay at the same volume, speed and tonality for a few minutes, then breathe and start slowing your voice down to a more gentle, calmer way of talking.

By doing this you can lead the person into a calmer and more peaceful way of communicating with you.

3. Pattern Interrupt:

Most of the time during a conflict, it is best to stop the conversation spiraling downward, to do this you can use a pattern interrupt.

How do you do this? After making a calm statement: “It is important to me that we resolve our discussion, but I need a few minutes. I am going for a walk, and will be back to resolve this problem with you in 20 minutes/hours.”

This instantly calms down the situation and gives both parties time to think about what has been said, take some deep breaths and come back to the conversation in a calmer energy.

4. Step Into The Other Person's Shoes:

The saying “you don’t understand someone until you walk a mile in their shoes” is absolutely true.

This is similar to the first exercise I showed you.

Float your awareness into how the other person feels.

Imagine seeing yourself and the other person on TV again and float down into them and feel how they are feeling and try to understand how their point of view is different to yours.

Once you can do this it will make it easier to resolve conflict because you can understand where the other person is coming from and you may feel compassion for them rather than anger.

It gives a better understanding of what they want and need out of this situation.

Give these techniques a go and let me know how you go with them.

If you need help on your healing journey, you might need a helping hand, you can contact me and find out how we can work together.

🌟 How To Resolve Conflict Simply. 🌟


Resolving Conflict Have you noticed the world seems to be getting crazier and crazier and if you don't agree with the person you are talking to, it is so much more common these...


Do you believe in yourself and your abilities?

Do you know people who have self-confidence and believe in themselves are healthier, happier, have better relationships, and are more motivated and resilient?

Research suggests that the beliefs individuals hold about their abilities powerfully influence the way they behave and achieve. 💗

How To Gain Self-Confidence & Start Believing In Yourself

1. Make a list your past successes 📓

2. Ask for positive feedback from others 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦

3. Question your current negative beliefs and replace them with positive ones 🧠

Confidence is like a muscle. The more you practice, the more you become what you want. 💪

If you need help with confidence and to be able to stand in your power, PM me and we can discuss how.

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