Fit mama of 3

Fit mama of 3

Weight loss journey for a mother of three kids. Hoping to inspire other mothers to achieve their goals! With both pregnancies I gained between 25 and 30kg.

I'm Marisa and I'm a mother to three amazing kids, two girl and a boy! After having both my daughter's I joined Weight Watchers to loose my weight. After having Lyla I got to 70kg in time for my wedding day. I loved how I looked however I never sat a goal weight so never made it

After having Olive in 2012 I joined Weight Watchers again. My leader Jo was once again there to assist me on my weig

Timeline photos 26/03/2016

Run complete, Ashy Bines b***y challenge complete, ready to spend the day with my family. I asked for a new mug and my husband got me this 👇🙈🐇🐣

Timeline photos 23/03/2016

After a month of mucking around I've finally got to goal again, celebrated the fact with trying out the Paleo cafe with my two boys (one who is sick).


Recommendations for podiatrist to have shoes fitted?


After a few weeks away from weigh in at WW I returned yesterday and was happy to find I'm 100grams away from being within my goal. Eating has been on point especially since starting back at work. Here's to giving it 💯% so that by next week I'm at goal!

Photos from Fit mama of 3's post 10/02/2016

Absolutely shattered!!! A beautiful run along the pipeline this morning followed by fitness testing at Fit Mama bootcamp! Anyone look for a great work out check out Fit mama on Facebook, she's amazing!

Timeline photos 07/02/2016

Nutribullet, who has one and do you like it? Thinking of getting one for my mornings when I need to get three kids out the door after a run before work!

Photos from Fit mama of 3's post 29/01/2016

Early morning run/walk with these two followed by a Saturday treat breakfast with the family, good old Chelsea Winters pancakes! Delicious. Finally starting to feel better


We all have these days however today I was happy to be able to exercise even if it meant taking it easy!


Over the fact that I can't exercise due to an infection! It's amazing how much you miss it when you can't do it

Photos from Fit mama of 3's post 21/01/2016

5 years on, two kids later and the dress still fits!!! Proud to say I'm the exact same weight as the day I got married even after two pregnancies where I gained at least 30kg per pregnancy!

Timeline photos 15/01/2016

Just finished our early morning run. Beau doesn't look impressed but rest assured he loves the pram! Such a beautiful day today! Put on 200gm this week which to some isn't much but I'm determined to loose it plus more this week !

Timeline photos 11/01/2016

Bootcamp for me, swimcamp for her! All done before half 10, great way to start the day


Super happy with a 1.6kg loss this week! Actually think I've needed to eat a bit more than I had been prior to Christmas (due to breastfeeding). So so close to goal

Timeline photos 06/01/2016

11km run tonight without any children! Prior to having Beau I would make Wednesday my night for a big run. In winter I ran with a harriers club which was awesome and in the summer I would set out as soon as my husband had got home. 11km isn't that big compared to what I was running but it's definitely a big run for me 5 months after having Beau!


I've had a few people ask how I'm loosing my pregnancy weight. With every child I've had, I've gone to Weight Watchers. It's worked every time hence why I have gone back to it! I found a great leader (Joanne) who I've had on all three weight loss journeys. She's definitely been a great motivator! Weight watchers has meant that I could eat the same meals as my family. I also like the idea that I'm still getting plenty of food while I'm breast feeding which is important. A lot of females struggle with loosing weight after having children. It's definitely not easy but it is possible. I get annoyed when people say that the weight just falls off me while I'm breastfeeding. I have worked super hard to get where I am. It is possible if you put your mind to it!

Timeline photos 05/01/2016
Serena Williams reveals struggle to love her body 05/01/2016

Such an inspirational women!

Serena Williams reveals struggle to love her body
