Sun Qi Nutritionals

Sun Qi Nutritionals

Staying fit is a job unto itself! For most people that makes it a 2nd job. Add eating right - YIKES! Eating right is easier said than done.

We are dedicated to a complete fitness approach and that is why we strongly believe that in order to achieve fitness one must have the proper diet, exercise, rest and lifestyle habits. Processed foods, preservatives in foods, and fast food are, unfortunately part of our society and thus have become integrated into our lifestyles. There are an endless number of choices we can make when it comes to


We are completely out of stock of all products due to high demand from COVID-19. Please be patient; but we recommend you place one large order instead of the standard small orders. Your next order will take at least to 2 weeks or longer to fill especially if requesting international shipping. [email protected]

Sun Qi Nutritional Product Info 18/03/2015

Been upating the Sun Qi Fitness website to include information about each of our 5 products. We've been asked to link the handouts, well they are downloadable in word and pdf now at this link:

Sun Qi Nutritional Product Info Achieve fitness with one's own life energy called Qi using kung fu, tai chi and qi gong training

Sun Nutritionals 13/03/2015

This is a new product of Sun Qi Fitness. Not much to see here. Go to to see more. That page will be updated very soon also. The product is available now!

Sun Nutritionals Nutritional Products Fuel coming soon