Jessica Wynn - THM Lifestyle Coach

Jessica Wynn - THM Lifestyle Coach

Making Health A Priority is my Trim Healthy Mama coaching business that allows me to empower & educate those who want to start and keep a healthy lifestyle


If you’re into Trim Healthy Mama lore, you’ll know how excited I was to find this for 50¢ at the thrift store.

Making Health a Priority - Simple and Sane Coaching of the Trim Healthy Mama Plan

At 22 years old, I was obese, out of shape, and miserable. My sedentary desk job and poor eating habits had finally caught up with me. When I went to the doctor, and saw the number on the scale, I was mortified. I knew I had to make a change. I tried everything from counting calories, cutting out the "baddies" (soda, candy, and carbs) from my diet, exercising hours every day, etc. You name it, I tried it! Then, I decided to give this Trim Healthy Mama I'd heard so much about a try. Within 6 months, I had dropped over 40 pounds, began sleeping better, and regained my confidence. I had more energy, and all my clothing was suddenly too big. All this without crunching numbers, subscribing to insane exercise rituals, or depriving myself!

Now, it's your turn. I want to help you reach your health goals. Maybe you want to have the energy to enjoy playing with your children. Perhaps you've been advised by your doctor to start making healthier lifestyle choices. Whatever your health goals are, you can reach them, and I'm here to help! Getting healthy doesn't have to be a complicated or miserable time. You can easily establish good habits that can be maintained for the rest of your life. Whether you're interested in starting on the Trim Healthy Mama plan, and need some guidance and direction, or are somewhat seasoned, and just need some accountability and encouragement, I can help!

My completion of the Trim Healthy Mama Coaching Program has enabled me to better guide, encourage, and direct you on your Trim Healthy journey. My knowledge of the Trim Healthy Mama Plan coupled with my own weight loss and healthy journey gives me insights to any challenges you might face. I'm confident that you can and will have your own success story. Let's get started!

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Pancake cereal, but make it healthy
😂 🥬