Theracalm Stress Relief Cream

Theracalm Stress Relief Cream

TheraCALM Stress relief cream is made by Vita Sciences, leading manufacturer of natural supplements.

Heart Health Month: How to protect yourself from heart attack 27/02/2019

Heart Health Month: How to protect yourself from heart attack You may know that many people suffer from heart disease. However, you may not know that heart disease is the number one leading cause of death in the United States. Therefore, it's important to know what puts you at risk for heart disease. This way you can work to prevent such risk factors and in tu...

Could preventing or treating hypertension protect your mind? 27/02/2019

Could preventing or treating hypertension protect your mind? When you think of high blood pressure, or hypertension, your heart health may be the first thing that comes to mind. But what many may not realize is that blood pressure also relates to the health of your mind. It makes sense if you think about it. All the body's tissues and organs require oxygen fr...

Could fish oil lower your risk of stroke? 11/02/2019

Could fish oil lower your risk of stroke? Stroke continues to be one of the top ten leading causes of death in the United States. And even if a person survives a stroke, they may face permanent disability from a stroke. In turn, having a stroke could greatly impact a person's quality of life. This is why it's so important to keep learning m...

Could a vegan diet improve your mood and your diabetes? 11/02/2019

Could a vegan diet improve your mood and your diabetes? Vegan diets have seemed to gain popularity over the years for several reasons. First of all, a plant-based diet full of fiber and antioxidants seems to improve heart health risk factors. Secondly, it's a way for people to show they support animal rights. Also, it's an eating regimen that can be f**t...

A team approach may help diabetes health and your relationships 23/01/2019

A team approach may help diabetes health and your relationships Diabetes can be a difficult condition to tackle on your own. The diet changes, doctor's appointments, blood glucose checks, and other lifestyle changes that come along with treatment can be overwhelming. Also, in some cases weight loss may be recommended as part of treatment which can be more stress...

Eat less red meat in your diet for better heart health this new year 14/01/2019

Eat less red meat in your diet for better heart health this new year When you're planning your healthy diet this year, don't forget the protein. However, if you're following a low carbohydrate, paleo, or keto diet this year, be sure to plan your protein in a healthful way. Many people trying to cut carbs often just eat whatever protein they crave. This can sometimes....

Could sleep help you meet your New Year's weight loss goals? 07/01/2019

Could sleep help you meet your New Year's weight loss goals? As the new year begins, many of us may have weight loss goals on our mind. Diet and exercise are the key areas of focus for many in helping to meet these goals. And although healthy eating and moving more are important in weight management, sleep is important too. When you're sleeping, a lot happens...

Drinking less alcohol could help weight loss goals this new year 19/12/2018

Drinking less alcohol could help weight loss goals this new year When you think of celebrating the holidays, sweet treats, comfort foods, and holiday-flavored spirits may come to mind. Although it's definitely ok to indulge a little during the holidays, too much of anything can sabotage your healthy lifestyle efforts. And with the new year rolling around soon, yo...

Nuts can be your heart's best friend 03/12/2018

Nuts can be your heart's best friend From peanuts to pistachios, or almonds to macadamias, nuts can be a delicious, healthy snack any time of day. Nuts provide a plant-based food full of fiber, protein, and antioxidants that can add flavor and health to any dish. Not only that, but research shows that adding nuts to your daily routine....

Every step of exercise counts towards brain and heart health 03/12/2018

Every step of exercise counts towards brain and heart health Exercise is an important part of any healthy lifestyle. Along with healthy eating, managing stress, and sleeping enough, exercise is vital for heart health. However, starting an exercise program can be hard. You may think you have to start going to the gym every day and take intense classes each wee...

Is there a link between diabetes and depression? 11/11/2018

Is there a link between diabetes and depression? Depression on its own can be a very challenging condition to deal with. This diagnosis not only affects the mind, but can affect the body as well. It can make everyday tasks difficult to deal with such as sleeping, working, and even eating. Because of the effect of depression on eating behaviors, we...

Lower stroke risk with healthy living 04/11/2018

Lower stroke risk with healthy living It may seem like common sense that living a healthier lifestyle can lower your disease risk. but what exactly is a healthier lifestyle? With so much information on health and wellness in the media, it can be hard to know what healthy really is. From low carb to keto to fasting, each diet plan claims...

Could healthy fats help promote healthier aging? 29/10/2018

Could healthy fats help promote healthier aging? It’s well-known that healthy fats can help improve heart health. But did you know that they could also help you stay healthy all over as you get older? Omega-3 fatty acids are a form of unsaturated healthy fats. You can find these fatty acids in plant-based oils and vegetables like avocado. Howeve...

Can intermittent fasting help those with diabetes? 29/10/2018

Can intermittent fasting help those with diabetes? Diabetes can be a tough disease to manage. From doctor’s visits to medications to daily blood glucose checks, it can be a lot to juggle for anyone. Not only that, but having diabetes means diet changes that can make every meal or snack a challenge. Counting carbohydrates and reading labels can bec...

Could more sleep help you lose weight? 11/10/2018

Could more sleep help you lose weight?   Sleep is a valuable commodity. And it is a whole lot more important than many of us may think. How many times have you told yourself that you can survive on very little sleep. Or maybe you have said that you have more important things to do besides sleep. Sleep is not only important …

Could diabetes increase risk of osteoporosis? 11/10/2018

Could diabetes increase risk of osteoporosis? If you have diabetes, you may or may not know that you are at higher risk for heart disease than those who don’t have diabetes. However, in addition to heart disease, you could also be at risk for bone health issues. This risk was discovered in a recent study that found those with diabetes were .....

Could intermittent fasting be your weight loss answer? 12/09/2018

Could intermittent fasting be your weight loss answer? You may have heard about the latest diet trend called intermittent fasting. When you hear the word fasting, feelings of deprivation, hunger, and fatigue may come to mind. However, intermittent fasting is a special kind of fasting regimen that simply reduces the amount of time you eat during the day....

Can alcohol intake increase your appetite? 26/08/2018

Can alcohol intake increase your appetite? After a long, hard week you may be reaching for a nice, cold beer or a glass of wine. Sure, an alcoholic drink can take the edge off and lower your stress for a bit. However, it could increase your appetite and make healthy eating very hard to do. A recent study shows that this …

Could it be that men have weight loss faster than women? 21/08/2018

Could it be that men have weight loss faster than women? Sometimes it may seem that over the same period of time, on the same diet and exercise regimen, that men lose weight quicker than women. Some say that men have more muscle mass, so their metabolism is higher. Others say that it has to do with hormones. So, what is the real reason behind this …

Could chocolate be heart healthy? 17/08/2018

Could chocolate be heart healthy? Could it be? Could the delicious sweetness of chocolate actually be good for you? The answer is yes, but in moderation. Chock full of antioxidants, this delicious treat may be able to help you combat heart disease. A recent study has shown that moderate consumption of chocolate can reduce risk of he...

Could turmeric help prevent glaucoma? 07/08/2018

Could turmeric help prevent glaucoma? Tunnel vision is usually used to describe someone with a narrow point of view. Taken literally however, it can describe the type of vision that results with untreated glaucoma. With eye injury prevention month coming to a close next week, it seemed right to talk about ways to prevent glaucoma. This....

Could you work schedule be hurting your gut health? 19/07/2018

Could you work schedule be hurting your gut health? Night shifts, or working from evening to morning, can be rough on your body and mind. Your meal patterns can become confused. Sleeping patterns can become thrown off course. And in turn, weight gain and sleeping issues can develop over time. A recent study has found that night shifts can cause diges...

Eat more vegetables to improve diabetes health 12/07/2018

Eat more vegetables to improve diabetes health Now you may be saying to yourself, “Another article telling me to eat vegetables.” :sigh: However, this is not just another one of “those” articles. There are more reasons to eat your veggies than you may think. Besides providing digestive-friendly fiber and antioxidants, a recent study has ...

Could exercise reduce inflammation in the body? 01/07/2018

Could exercise reduce inflammation in the body? Whether you walk, run, swim, cycle, or dance, exercise is a great way to keep your heart in tip top shape. Exercise is also recommended for weight loss, controlling blood glucose levels, and even for helping reduce stress by releasing endorphins. Recent research has shown that exercise may also be g...

The Top 5 Ways to Lower Your Heart Disease Risk 21/06/2018

The Top 5 Ways to Lower Your Heart Disease Risk Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. It accounts for one in four deaths each year. However, yo can prevent heart disease by changing some lifestyle factors to lower your risk. Risk factors of heart disease include poor diet, physical inactivity, being o...

Is eight hours of sleep enough for your health? 14/06/2018

Is eight hours of sleep enough for your health? When you don’t get enough sleep, it can affect your whole day. You may move slower, have less energy, your mind may have a hard time learning or remembering things, and you may be more easily stressed and irritated. In turn, these factors can affect your productivity during the day and the way you...

A lonely mood could be worse for your health than obesity 10/06/2018

A lonely mood could be worse for your health than obesity So much focus is placed on diet and exercise to stay healthy, that sometimes mental health care can be forgotten. However, the health of both mind and body is important to be in your best state of health. In fact, a recent report has found that being lonely may be a greater hazard to public …

Could your sleep patterns affect your mental health? 30/05/2018

Could your sleep patterns affect your mental health? Sleep. Work. Eat. Repeat. Does that sound like your day, or something like it? Sleep is often set aside as just something that a person does at the end of the day. It is often overlooked as a very important part of optimal health. A recent study found that it is so important in fact, …

Eat a healthier diet for a smaller waist, bigger brain. 27/05/2018

Eat a healthier diet for a smaller waist, bigger brain. Everywhere you look you may see an ad for a new diet program that promises to help you lose weight. Many people get sucked into the idea that they can lose weight fast on fad diets. However, these diets usually hard to stick with for the long term and may have long-term consequences. More and …