Simple Anti-Aging

Simple Anti-Aging

Simple Anti-Aging Serum contains a revolutionary combination of clinically proven ingredients. "Simple Anti-Aging literally saved my skin!

Introducing Simple Anti-Aging Serum, the only skin-care line in the world based on natural fruits and a proprietary, age-defying blend of enzymes and marine botanicals that leave skin looking years younger. Simple Anti-Aging Serum works to combat the visible signs of photo-aging for radiant, smooth skin. This is the closest thing you can get to injections or surgery – nothing else even comes close


Start recognizing the signs so you can start to preserve your largest organ 🙂


As summer approaches do not forget your SPF 🌞


Healthy skin does not only come from what products you put on the outside but with what you eat. Here are the top 5 foods for healthier glowing skin.


Why is beauty sleep so important to your anti aging regimen.

• As we age, lack of sleep affects us more deeply and shows up more prominently on our faces (which explains why dark circles, fine lines, and pallid complexions aren’t a problem in our twenties despite the late nights, but can be later on).

• Sleep induces the production of collagen, a key ingredient in firm, youthful skin.

• The skin’s capacity to hold water is enhanced by sleep, thereby keeping skin moisturized and supple.

• Sleep deprivation can sting the immune system, leaving one vulnerable to rashes and skin-related problems.

• Growth hormone peaks during deep sleep, and this hormone plays a central role in initiating cellular repair.


Boosting your skins elasticity:

Youthful skin is taut and supple. This is because youthful skin has an abundance of collagen and elastin. These two proteins, collagen gives skin its structure, and elastin allows your skin to stretch. And as you age you produce less and less and this is why the skin looses its bounce and elasticity


What is the difference between Hydrating and Moisturizing?

Specifically, one of the most confusing topics is the difference between hydration and moisture. Dehydrated skin lacks water and therefore needs to be hydrated. Dry skin lacks oil and needs to be moisturized. It is important to distinguish between these two skin conditions because they can often be treated incorrectly.


Your Skin vs Free Radicals:

Absolutely everything in the world, from human beings to the air around us, is made of molecules. Molecules are made of atoms and atoms are made of pairs of electrons. But when an atom is missing an electron, that’s when we talk of free radicals.

Free radicals can damage the skin by trying to grab an extra electron from atoms in the skin. When atoms are taken away from molecules in the skin, it causes damage to our skin’s DNA that can speed along skin aging. This is called the "free radical theory of aging."

This little science lesson probably raises the question: And what does this mean for me and my skin? Here's a guide on how to better understand how free radicals work and how you can keep them from affecting your complexion.


Free radicals can be created from pollution such as smog, dust and cigarette smoke, as well as our good friend the sun.

What Does Free Radical Damage Look Like?
Skin damage done by free radicals may appear in several forms. They range from changes in skin color (brown spots and broken blood vessels) to weakened skin that looks loose and saggy as a result of damaged elastic fibers. Free radicals can also break down the skin’s collagen and create wrinkles.


What are parabens and how do they impact the body?

Parabens are synthetic preservatives used in foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and personal care products such as deodorants, moisturizers and shampoos. Common parabens include methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben and butylparaben. Parabens allow skin care products to survive for months or even years in your medicine cabinet; however, they also enter your body through your skin when you use these products. The body can absorb as much as five pounds of cosmetic chemicals every year. Parabens can mimic hormones in the body and disrupt functions of the endocrine system.


The things that affect your skin:

Our skin is at the mercy of many forces as we age: sun, harsh weather, and bad habits. But we can take steps to help our skin stay supple and fresh-looking.

How your skin ages will depend on a variety of factors: your lifestyle, diet, heredity, and other personal habits. For instance, smoking can produce free radicals, once-healthy oxygen molecules that are now overactive and unstable. Free radicals damage cells, leading to, among other things, premature wrinkles.

There are other reasons, too. Primary factors contributing to wrinkled, spotted skin include normal aging, exposure to the sun (photoaging) and pollution, and loss of subcutaneous support (fatty tissue between your skin and muscle). Other factors that contribute to aging of the skin include stress, gravity, daily facial movement, obesity, and even sleep position.

The key is to take care of yourself and your skin will help take care of itself!


Did You Know?

Wrinkles start to show in your 30's

Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. However, they typically begin to appear once you reach your mid-twenties to early thirties. This occurs due to changes in the skin.

In your twenties, the skin responds to antioxidants less, making it more susceptible to damage caused by oxidative stressors. If that wasn't enough, your skin also becomes drier. This is due to a levelling out of hormones...though you may still experience pimples and breakouts. Dry skin opens you up to fine lines around the eyes and mouth. A targeted skin care routine is essential to prevent premature signs of aging.

Once you reach your thirties, the creation of collagen slows. This makes the skin appear thinner and less full. Additionally, skin will continue to feel dry, it may become sensitive, and the undereye area will be more delicate. The latter opens you up to more noticeable lines around the eye area. You may also start to notice visible wrinkles on the forehead.

Products like Simple Eye Serum reduce the likelihood of premature aging.


Tips for reducing eye bags naturally:

1) Get Plenty of Rest
2) Natural Remedies Like Cucumbers Do Help
3) Stay away from botox!
4) Moisturize under the eyes with a serum designed for the t-zone


Here are some natural anti-aging tips that will help you look young.

1) Drink lots of water
2) Don't smoke
3) Exfoliate
4) Moisturize
5) Get Good Nights Rest

Of all the anti-aging solutions out there, these are consistently the most effective. Follow these golden skin care rules and stay beautiful!


How to Heal Damaged Skin:

Step 1
Adjust your diet. Doctors at Craig Hospital advise their patients to eat a diet of lean proteins, carbohydrates and foods that provide the mineral zinc as well as vitamins A and C. These food choices will provide your body with the building blocks it needs to promote healing, replenish elasticity and restore skin strength.

Step 2
Use sunscreen consistently. Overexposure to the sun can cause more damage to already damaged skin and may also prolong healing or cause hyperpigmentation scarring. Protect your skin by using a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 15 or higher every day; reapply as directed by the manufacturer.

Step 3
Drink lots of water. The body’s water needs increase when it’s in repair mode. According to the doctors at Craig Hospital, a body healing from a wound or open sore can use up to a liter of water a day. Because of this increased use, you need to drink even more than the standard 8 cups of water each day.


These are this tips for facial for oily skin:

1) Cleanse often and well!

2) Scrubbing is Good for Oily Skin! It is important to exfoliate oily skin at least once or twice a week!

3) Weekly Face Masks are a MUST

4) Use an Alcohol-Free Toner almost everyday

5) Do not Skip your Simple Anti-Aging Moisturizer!

So many in our skin care community think that it's a great idea to dry the face out when dealing with acne or oily skin, which couldn't be any further from the truth!

It's not about drying out your face it's about providing a good balance of moisture.


Do Anti-Aging Creams Work?

Many women just like you, wonder if Anti-Aging creams are actually worth what you pay for them, and if they actually work.

The truth is we can't speak for everyone but Simple Anti-Aging creams do work.

In many cases results may vary. Everyone's skin is different and your skin may need more of one ingredient than another, and so on. The way to balance this is to KNOW YOUR SKIN.

Some people can pile on pounds of makeup, moisturizer, and more, and yet have no acne, or negative reaction from their skin, others are more sensitive, but the fact remains that Simple Anti - Aging will make your skin appear more dewey, moisturized, and smooth, which over time has the effect of reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

As we get older our skin doesn't retain moisture the way that it used to. Simple Anti-Aging resolves this issue by replacing much of the moisture, and critical vitamins that are lost with age.


Today's Tip: Avoid Acne Cosmetica - Makeup can cause acne. You'll usually be fine if you're diligent about removing your makeup at the end of the day and immediately after exercise. However, certain oils in many cosmetics can cause or worsen acne. This type of acne, appropriately called acne cosmetica, is mild, common and characterized by blocked pores and reddened bumps on the chin, cheeks and forehead. Acne cosmetica occurs when oils from your makeup collect in and clog your pores, so thick liquid or cream products are more often culprits than are lighter products like powders.

Many are switching to just using anti-aging products and natural healthy alternatives for the skin. At Simple Anti-Aging our goal is not only to improve your appearance but also actually improve your skin!

Go light on the make up, and apply your anti-aging products, you will see that natural glow that you've been missing.


Today's Tip: Prevent baths and showers from making dry skin worse.

When your skin is dry, be sure to:

Limit your time in the shower or bath to 5 or 10 minutes

Use warm rather than hot water

Wash with a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser

Apply enough cleanser to remove dirt and oil, but avoid using so much that you see a thick lather

Blot your skin gently dry with a towel

Slather on the Simple Anti-Aging moisturizer immediately after drying your skin

Make sure to apply your moisturizer immediately after washing!


Want to keep your skin appearing youthful and vibrant? Follow these weekly tips

Today's anti aging skin tip is: Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Protect your skin from the sun: Sun protection forms the foundation of every anti-aging skin-care plan. The sun’s rays make our skin age more quickly. We have so much evidence that the sun prematurely ages our skin that there is actually a word to describe this effect. This word is “photoaging.” To help patients protect their skin from the sun and other harmful UV rays, dermatologists offer these tips:

Seek shade: Be sure to seek shade between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and whenever your shadow looks shorter than you are.
Cover up in style: Whenever possible, wear a wide-brimmed hat, pants, and long sleeves. Gloves help to minimize common signs of aging on our hands such as age spots. Sunglasses help reduce fine lines around our eyes.

Slather on the sunscreen every day before going outdoors: To protect your skin, apply sunscreen to all skin that clothing will not cover. You want to use a sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection, SPF 30 (or higher), and water resistance.


The many benefits of Simple Anti-Aging


Is the winter weather drying out your skin?

Here's my quick hit of easy skin care tips for cold weather:

Don't turn up the heat

Start using a humidifier

Take quick warm (not hot!) showers

Don't use harsh soap

Use a multitasking moisturizer.

Follow these steps and you are on your way to more balanced and beautiful skin!!
