Stream Semester

Stream Semester

Your Online Destination For All Things Video Production curated for teacher and student filmmakers.

Stream Semester exists to empower novice filmmakers, producers, streamers, and gearheads with the tools they need to take on the next generation of media production. We’re a team of digital media and education professionals who understand that the newest filmmakers will set the future standard for video techniques, gear, and mediums. We empower video teachers with classroom resources, video studen


NEW AUTHOR ALERT!!! Welcome Mackenzi Hice to the StreamSemester family!

Check out her first article about getting comfortable in the classroom:


"Entering the year, I was clueless about the club. What it meant, what they “did”, and what I was supposed to do as an advisor." - Caleb Bailey

Bailey shares his thoughts and experiences after the completion of his first year as a SkillsUSA advisory as well as his time with his students at the SkillsUSA National Conference.

Read the whole story here:



Caleb Bailey shares his thoughts and experiences from his first trip to the SkillsUSA National Conference.

SkillsUSA Georgia Georgia Department of Education Georgia CTAE


Getting the right professional development is essential to your success. Sometimes it's hard to find the right people... sometimes you just have to create something... read more to see how to get started building your own professional development community:


If you feel like you are the only one out there that cares about video production, it may be time to look farther away or inside yourself and start to build a community. Read how professional development and a professional community of video production educators can help you take your program to the next level:


I love that I get to share my knowledge while at the same time learning new things in an environment that is low stress and safe. It’s too easy to get stuck in the classroom or work and the next thing you know the world of AV tech has left you behind. Check out my thoughts here ( - Tom


Want to make your spring 2025 easy? Take some time this summer to invest in yourself. Tom has some thoughts on what you should do to make your life in the classroom easier.


Make 2024-2025 your best year ever by investing in yourself this summer.


Tom shares 5 things you should do this summer. Take the time to invest in yourself.


There are a lot of vendors at NAB, and I mean a lot. Some have a huge footprint, while others are kind of harder to find. One of the vendors that was on the smaller side, that I found very interesting, was with a cloud-based rundown and automation solution called Cuez.

The colorful rundown coding options and cloud based collaboration made this a very user friendly and enticing option. And one aspect I found particularly exciting was the integration with Google Drive, which we use extensively in my program.

They also offer a web-based teleprompter option that would be ideal for student reporters learning to talk stories in the field. They could simply open the app and start reading, with instantaneous edits being made from the producers in the studio.

Cuez also prides themselves on their support time, with less than two minutes on average, using the in-app chat feature.

The service currently is widely used across a number of industries with several great connections at the university level, though mostly outside of the United States. You can see their list of clients on their website to get a better idea of who they are designed for.

While they offer a lot of functionality, they are on the pricier side for education. With a yearly fee of $3,600 you get unlimited users and the full suite of tools, but that is still a lot of money for most schools. That being said, compared to some of the bigger solutions, such as Octopus Newsroom, which was closing in on $100,000 for a 60-seat license, the sub $4K solution might be a good option for some.

The Best Mistake In Golf — Stream Semester 11/04/2024

Tom got a little inspired earlier today. Watching Masters coverage and scrolling through IG, He found a great BTS clip about the most famous chip shot in Masters history and how it almost didn't make it to air.... also how you can use the Masters to teach live production. Check out hte vocabulary list too!

The Best Mistake In Golf — Stream Semester Tom shares how the most famous chip shot in PGA history almost didn't make it to air as a lesson in live sports production. Make sure to download the free vocabulary list at the end of the article.


Right Now At, Tom shares how you can change the direction of your AV broadcast program... or at least how you feel about your program and yourself. Go check it out now and get the free Newspackage grading rubric!


Right Now At, Tom shares how you can change the direction of your AV broadcast program... or at least how you feel about your program and yourself. Go check it out now and get the free Newspackage grading rubric!


I admit that I am REALLY enjoying the Nickelodeon Super Bowl broadcast... but how can you use the broadcast as a tool in your classroom? Check out the article here ( - Tom


What is keeping you from using NDI? Fear of it not working? Your lack of understanding of how it works? Afraid IT will say no? Learn more about NDI here:

Don't Be That Teacher — Stream Semester 04/12/2023

'Tis the least wonderful time of the year for most teachers... You've worked hard all semester and now your students/parents/administrators demand one more thing from you... EXTRA CREDIT. Find out how to avoid having those conversations:

Don't Be That Teacher — Stream Semester Tom details why giving students extra credit is not good and how you can avoid it in order to have a peaceful holiday break.


"I had never taught before and I had a lot to learn. The classes had no gear, no curriculum, and a teacher with about 15 minutes of experience. I did what I thought was the best option; I mimicked the teaching style of some of my college professors with mixed results. I was bored and so were the students." - Adam Logan

Adam has poured his heart and soul into a captivating piece where he opens up about his incredible career journey and the recent shift that has transformed both his professional and personal life.


On This Day In Streamsemester history, I broadcast my first high school football game. I was just over a week into my teaching career. I remember falling in love with the idea of being able to show people “pro quality” coverage of high school sports

I really fell in love with streaming later that year when parents started to tell me they watched.

From there it was on, a couple years later we did over 500 events as we covered every football, basketball, soccer, and baseball game for three high schools.

I’m not going to lie. I really miss the times on the pressbox with my students but I really enjoy being able to sit with my wife and watching my daughter perform in the band. I’ll still do games as I can but this picture took me down memory lane and got me feeling nostalgic.

- Tom

Teaching To The Test Pattern: Episode 129: Where Have You Been? 20/10/2023

This was so cathartic. I have been dreading talking about my transition to Amitrace on the podcast. As someone said “it’s just too convenient…” I am beyond excited for what I get to do every day!

Teaching To The Test Pattern: Episode 129: Where Have You Been? Tom discusses where he has been and why he hasn't been very active on or the podcast. Teaching To The Test Pattern is brought to you by Am...


Dear New Teacher... Read this and be ready to hit the classroom in the coming weeks...


A note for our experienced educator friends and family...


for a broadcast news program... Tom shares his pacing guide as well as a scoring rubric for broadcast news programs.

Learning With Your Students — Stream Semester 24/07/2023

Josh spent some time with the best in the business when it comes to scoreboard show production. Check out his thoughts on learning alongside his students.

Learning With Your Students — Stream Semester If you want your students to learn, you need to be willing to learn with them. I recently had a chance to attend a video scoreboard camp with my students, and these are the things I took away from that event.

Photos from Stream Semester's post 12/07/2023

Great group of AV teachers in the 9am session - Production Table Talk- at .


Check out the first episode of Ask The Engineer with Faraz from Amitrace. He and Tom talk about cables, cameras, and why you should only need one bag for your first live stream!


Espionage is often the key to success for your mission. Tom has been a spy for a year now and is sharing his findings with you on how to best run a newsroom and get the most from your students.


People tend to remember two disparate elements that don’t really go together: with food, there’s salty and sweet; in comedy, there’s David Spade and Chris Farley; and in the world of storytelling, there’s “but” and “therefore.”


In the age of digital media and social platforms, content creation has become a popular medium of expression and entertainment. Filming people in public is a common practice for many content creators, especially those who run YouTube channels. However, it is essential to navigate the legal and ethical considerations associated with this practice.

Say My Name: The Importance of Knowing Your Students — Stream Semester 21/06/2023

My all-time favorite TV show, Breaking Bad, has numerous outstanding moments, but one scene that comes to mind is the "Say My Name" scene, where the main character asserts his power merely through his name.

Or take The Princess Bride, my favorite movie, where the unforgettable moment happens when Mandy Patinkin, looking into the eyes of the man he's pursued for years, repeats, “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

Names have power.

Say My Name: The Importance of Knowing Your Students — Stream Semester In this article Josh relates some personal experiences where having a personal connection with his students made all the difference. He also gives a fun way that you can get to know your students more… beginning on the first day of school, so that you can create a classroom environment “where ev...

Videos (show all)

Here’s a little #bts of a livestream I’m running right now.I’m sitting in my truck, using my cell phone hotspot, connect...
@hollylandtech delivers a fantastic product for schools and universities. #production #wireless #camera #transmitter #re...
There were a few booths I was very excited to stop by at @nabshow this year. One of the top on my list was definitely @h...
If you’ve never been to @nabshow you might be surprised at just how big the @rossvideo floor space is. It quickly become...
For More Video Production and Education Tips and Tricks, go to
More from @nabshow -@annieglaudane explains why @hohem_global is the best gimbal brand for the budget. From cell phones ...
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It is always great to talk to a company that understands the value of education. Ross Video just plain gets it.Especiall...
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For More Video Production and Education Tips and Tricks, go to
Had a great time talking with the creators at @hohem_global at @nabshow this year. Always looking for budget friendly op...
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