

STEM Education resources for K-12 educators and parents. Be inspired by STEMspiration


Attention rising 6th, 7th or 8th graders!!!

NOAA's Mallows Bay – Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary is hosting a summer camp, and we are looking for students who want to learn about water pollution, conduct water quality tests, learn about marine and science careers, and more in one of our newest sanctuaries.

I am the education and outreach coordinator, and along with our intern Gabryelle, we are organizing an exciting STEM, hands-on, water quality summer camp. We are looking for 10 students who would like to participate in this unique and free program aimed at middle school students.

Students will explore the exciting world of marine science and chemistry while learning the importance of preserving and protecting national marine sanctuaries. As they use various instruments to test different characteristics of Mallows Bay's water, they will learn about the importance of sanctuaries, water pollution and its impacts, chemistry, marine science careers, and more.

The camp will be held at Port To***co Recreation Center located at 8190 Port To***co Rd, Port To***co, MD. The camp dates are July 25 - 27 and will run from 10 am until 2 pm. On the 27th, we will be taking the students on a field trip to Mallows Bay Park, which borders the sanctuary. Lunch will also be provided each day.

If you or someone you know has a student interested in participating, please contact me at [email protected].
