Celebrating Christ - Living Well Springs

Celebrating Christ - Living Well Springs

Celebrating Christ - Living Well Springs is designed to educate, edify, encourage and enlighten rega

The Hal Lindsey Report | Hal Lindsey 20/05/2024

Galatians 6:14. “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.”

The statue stands on a pedestal of pink granite quarried in Salisbury, North Carolina. The front of the pedestal identifies Billy and his state. Carved into the left side are the words spoken at so many Billy Graham Crusades — John 14:6. “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” Carved into the right side of the pedestal are the words of John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

The Hal Lindsey Report | Hal Lindsey A news site dedicated to news analysis of current events from the perspective of Bible prophecy with Hal Lindsey


Happy Mothers Day! I hiked Old Caves Crater Trail in honor of all mothers! The snow lined Inner Basin of San Francisco Peaks in Flagstaff represent God's protection of babies in the womb.


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‘Inclusive’ S*x Education Puts Kids at Risk 27/04/2024

The most recent and flagrant example of this has been seen in Arizona’s Flagstaff Unified School District. Local parents obtained a video of school district staff discussing changes to the s*x-ed curriculum that included removing the boy/girl binary.

When parents shared their concerns at the next school board meeting, board President Christine Fredericks responded: “I will never apologize for being inclusive.”

‘Inclusive’ S*x Education Puts Kids at Risk The Biden administration's endorsement of unscientific s*x education puts students at risk of cancer and other serious consequences.

What Is Happening In Our Schools? | Ep 175 27/04/2024

Tony Kinnett is an investigative journalist. His recent work exposes what is happening behind closed doors at a school district in Flagstaff, AZ.

When concerned parents alerted Tony to a poster for a 'Name Change Clinic' for All Ages, elementary school children were encouraged to change their name even without their parent's consent. Tony sits down with Sean to share what he has uncovered. As qualitative data has preplaced quantitative data, school boards are updating s*x-ed curriculum by abandoning biology to focus on removing 'boy' and 'girl' from the curriculum entirely. If you're a concerned parent, this episode shows what's really going on behind closed doors in school boards.

What Is Happening In Our Schools? | Ep 175 Tony Kinnett is an investigative journalist. His recent work exposes what is happening behind closed doors at a school district in Flagstaff, AZ. When conce...

Redemption Cup & the Cup of Trembling - Celebrating Christ 30/03/2024

The Christian Communion cup remembers the salvation of Jesus through His sacrificial death on the cross and resurrection. Jesus instituted Communion at the Passover Sader meal or last supper with His disciples. This connection with Passover is all but forgotten by Christians because of antisemitism throughout church history. This article reveals the importance of the Jewish roots of Christianity and reflects on the current circumstances of global antisemitism against Jews around the world and Israel prophesied as a “cup of trembling” to the nations. Christians, churches, and nations are admonished to bless Israel and be blessed, to partake of the cup of redemption not the cup of trembling.

Redemption Cup & the Cup of Trembling - Celebrating Christ Jesus took a cup… saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew


Have you ever wondered what Christmas is like in Heaven? Imagine celebrating Christmas with Jesus Himself in person! Heaven’s saints no doubt congregate around the throne room of God to celebrate the Son’s earthly birth. This Christmas as you remember the birth of Jesus, imagine celebrating Christmas in Heaven with Him and all the saints and angels. Set your hope in Him and sing Hallelujah for eternity! Christmas in Heaven


Easter/ Passover: Where is the Promise of His Coming? - Celebrating Christ 08/04/2023

Easter/ Passover: Where is the Promise of His Coming? - Celebrating Christ In this year of Jubilee the sovereign God may reverse the global order! Pray for God’s justice and revival. Yet know times and seasons are in His control and

Prepare the Way: Good Friday 07/04/2023


Prepare the Way: Good Friday It’s difficult to imagine Jesus’ violent crucifixion on the cross. Never have love and brutality met with such force. Today, we focus intently on the series of hours in which Jesus revealed how much He values and loves us through His suffering and our redemption! Join Andrew Knox as we continue ...

Easter/ Passover: Where is the Promise of His Coming? - Celebrating Christ 06/04/2023

Wishing you Easter/Passover blessings of hope and grace!

Easter/ Passover: Where is the Promise of His Coming? - Celebrating Christ In this year of Jubilee the sovereign God may reverse the global order! Pray for God’s justice and revival. Yet know times and seasons are in His control and


Give the perfect Valentines gift! Transformational resources enable the person you care about to achieve their personal and professional goals. Soar in career and life: https://www.dawsonconsultinggroup.com/transformational-resources/

Prophetic Word on the Eve of 2023 - Intercessors for America 31/12/2022

Let your need to control everything die. Trust that God has a plan.

Abide in Him...

Prophetic Word on the Eve of 2023 - Intercessors for America Here in Texas we are not normally equipped for winter weather. Just before I wrote this article, we were seeing 80-degree afternoons. A few days later,

Christmas - The Greatest Reset - Celebrating Christ 24/12/2022

The greatest reset of all time was the birth of Jesus Christ. Even the calendar was reset from BC to AD! While Satan desperately seeks to impose his own global reset, he cannot thwart God’s kingdom plan. Without Christmas, the world is lost in the chaos of darkness, deception, and destruction. This Christmas beyond decorative lights, step into His light, receive His gift of salvation, and let the light of Jesus shine through you on all in your sphere of influence. Free in Christ through His Holy Spirit who dwells within, you shall overcome the tyrannical powers of this world.

Christmas - The Greatest Reset - Celebrating Christ For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Might God, Evrlasting

The Story of St. Nicholas - Breakpoint 06/12/2022

Of course, Santa Clause is real...

The Story of St. Nicholas - Breakpoint Today, December 6, is the anniversary of the death of St. Nicholas in 343, a leader in the ancient Church in the city of Myra in Asia Minor, or modern-day Turkey.


Have the last two plus years brought fear, loss and stress into your life? Jesus has compassion today just as when he was on earth. He weeps for the world in chaos. Yes, Jesus weeps. Not out of despair, but from the unfathomable depth of his love for humanity to bring restoration, healing, and salvation. Jesus will give you streams of joy, peace, and abundant life amid chaos and the overflow of your heart shall bless others around you. Read about the global pandemic agendas and narratives that played out in the last two and a half years from a spiritual perspective: Jesus Weeps: Amid Chaos Flows Rivers of Living Water https://celebratingchrist.com/2022/07/19/jesus-weeps-amid-chaos-flows-rivers-of-living-water/


Happy Easter! This Holy week whether you observe Passover or Easter, fix your eyes upon our salvation, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Messiah, and sing Hallelujah! Thread of Redemption: 2022 - Celebrating Christ https://celebratingchrist.com/2022/04/13/thread-of-redemption-easter-passover-2022/

A Merry Little Christmas - Celebrating Christ 26/12/2021

Remember the nostalgic song, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas? It is precisely the kind of Christmas everyone envisions, with troubles out of sight and gathered around family, friends, and warm festivities. Yet, in a time of overwhelming challenges how can we wrap ourselves in the glow of the season when reality tends to darken the vision? Whatever plans we make, songs we play, decorations we place, all seem contrived when we scan the global landscape. No Hallmark movie script or set can dissolve the foreboding feeling that chaos and disaster prevail!

…Our joy is sustained by faith, love, and hope in the One who came as a babe that amazing night so long ago. Because of Jesus, you can have a merry little Christmas wherever you are, whatever valleys you have traversed, and no matter how divided are your family, friends, or community. Look to the One who brings unity where there is conflict, peace where there is fear, hope where there is despair, light in the darkness and joy in dismay. This Christmas embrace the true meaning of the season, place your faith in the One who fills every valley with His JOY and rejoice in your Savior: Sing we the Song of Emmanuel https://celebratingchrist.com/2021/12/15/a-merry-little-christmas/

By Sheryl Dawson, 2021

A Merry Little Christmas - Celebrating Christ Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people... For unto you is born a Savior, which is Christ the Lord... And

Winter Wonderland - Mountain Vistas - 2017 - Celebrating Christ 09/12/2021

Enjoy Sheryl's video: http://ow.ly/3sXv50yC71n
Sheryl's custom & others with the scenes: http://ow.ly/qgxt50yC71l
Did you know you can visit Forest Peak for yourself? http://ow.ly/zmVN50yC71i

Winter Wonderland - Mountain Vistas - 2017 - Celebrating Christ https://animoto.com/play/y0jv7huMNS67mVWI4htt0A

Winter Wonderland - Desert to Forest Vistas - 2017 - Celebrating Christ 04/12/2021

Enjoy Sheryl's video: http://ow.ly/qVER50yC6Zp
Her custom & others from the scenes: http://ow.ly/QyxC50yC6Zq
Did you know you can visit Forest Peak for yourself? http://ow.ly/pren50yC6Zu

Winter Wonderland - Desert to Forest Vistas - 2017 - Celebrating Christ https://animoto.com/play/z3Codkmi0iuf01Ts0M7Guw

Thank You, Lord, For Everything! 22/11/2021

Wishing you and your family a joy-filled Thanksgiving, I hope you appreciate my Thanksgiving poem. The links to the hashtag Landing in 1620 and first reflect on our heritage of abundant blessings, especially encouraging in challenging times. https://celebratingchrist.com/2017/11/15/thank-you-lord-for-everything/

Thank You, Lord, For Everything! A Poem for Thanksgiving Followed by celebration links for the Mayflower Landing & First Thanksgiving Thank you for sun, sky and sea For sand and shells For brisk breezes and breaking waves – Thank you, Lord, for everything. Thank you for unconditional love For hope in our future For faith in thing...


After a year of turmoil, during and , it is to realize that we need not fear earthly trials and tribulations. Reflecting my passion for the season, I invite you to read my Easter message "White as Snow: Easter & Passover Reflections 2021" http://ow.ly/gLQS50EfkSF

This , don't forget our for all : http://ow.ly/b5LD50Efl9c


Taking a traditional on the I spied some small pieces of driftwood. I was inspired to pick them up, though I was not sure what I would do with them. I was not accustomed to shelling on beach as it is not the ideal location for finding pristine shells, however, having found the driftwood it occurred to me that they could easily form a . With that in mind, I began to pick up shells thinking I could create an image of on the cross with them... Full story here: http://ow.ly/eHpn50v1pP1

Find Beach Cross products for your own beach walks this season here: http://ow.ly/KJ3S50v1pP2

Videos (show all)

Embrace the beauty of autumn with our inspiring gifts, where every piece reflects the vibrant hues of God's paintbrush. ...
The beauty of Spring whispers God's promise of renewal and hope. Through the lens of faith, every spring blossom is a mi...
Embrace the journey of Transformation! #transformationtuesday #spiritualgrowth #higherself #divinechange #bodymindandspi...
Embrace the journey of Transformation!
Transformational Gifts for Mother's Day