Fluoride Free Pennsylvania

Fluoride Free Pennsylvania

It is time to reclaim the public water from fluorides, known bioaccumulative poisons and hazardous materials by law. Water liberty for Pennsylvania!


**Breaking News**

PRESS RELEASE - A landmark National Toxicology Program (NTP) report on neurotoxicity has confirmed what experts have long suggested: that fluoride is comparable to lead in its ability to lower IQ in children.


Abstract for MGRAPH-08 22/08/2024

The NTP report, finding large body of evidence of fluoride harm, is finally published.

Abstract for MGRAPH-08 Background Fluoride is a common exposure in our environment that comes from a variety of sources and is widely promoted for its dental and overall oral health benefits. Contributions to an individual’s total exposure come primarily from fluoride in drinking water, food, beverages and dental produc...

Fluoride-related changes in the fetal cord blood proteome; a pilot study - Environmental Health 05/08/2024

Tuomivaara, S. T., Fisher, S. J., Hall, S. C., Goin, D. E., Mattis, A. N., & Den Besten, P. K. (2024). Fluoride-related changes in the fetal cord blood proteome; a pilot study. Environmental health : a global access science source, 23(1), 66.

Fluoride-related changes in the fetal cord blood proteome; a pilot study - Environmental Health Background Fluoride exposure during pregnancy has been associated with various effects on offspring, including changes in behavior and IQ. To provide clues to possible mechanisms by which fluoride may affect human fetal development, we completed proteomic analyses of cord blood serum collected from....

Fluoride use by pregnant women linked to childhood behavioral problems, USC study finds 23/07/2024


Fluoride use by pregnant women linked to childhood behavioral problems, USC study finds The research, published Monday by the Keck School of Medicine of USC, is the first U.S.-based study examining the link between prenatal fluoride and childhood social, emotional, and behavioral functioning.


Another new study. They just keep coming! 😺😀👂
Ruehlmann, A. K., Cecil, K. M., Lippert, F., Yolton, K., Ryan, P. H., & Brunst, K. J. (2024). Epigenome-wide association study of fluoride exposure during early adolescence and DNA methylation among U.S. children, Science of The Total Environment, 174916,
ISSN 0048-9697,



It has to be said: is 🗑️.

Literally. It’s the waste product of phosphate (and other) industries. If your dentist is still pushing fluoride in 2024, find a new dentist, like a holistic IAOMT | International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology practitioner.


FAN’s Fluoridation Review #38 is out and here are the highlights:

* Former NTP Director Praises Recent Report on Fluoride’s Prenatal Neurotoxicity

* Surgeon General, Concerned Over Neurotoxicity Report, Failed to Sign Endorsement Letter in 2020

* Hotchkiss, Colorado Ends Water Fluoridation

* Brooksville, FL Ends Water Fluoridation

* Wilton, NY Authority Won’t Fluoridate Their Water

* British Fluoridation Consultation Ignores Chemical’s Neurotoxicity

* Only 14% of British Dentists Accept NHS Patients


RFK Jr.: Chronic Disease Is Bankrupting America 21/07/2024


RFK Jr.: Chronic Disease Is Bankrupting America I spoke with Todd Ault about one of the most urgent issues facing our country: the alarming increase in autoimmune diseases, chronic illness, and neurodevelopmental disorders. We’ve damaged and poison

PFAS Drinking Water Contamination Lawsuit 16/07/2024

PFAs/PFOAs are fluorides. There are many different fluorides. “Fluoride” (F-) (a negative ion) is a collective term of fluorine (F) compounds (i.e., F (gas) + other chemicals). Do you still believe the liars that say nonsense such as: “fluoride is a natural mineral”? Always check facts!

PFAS Drinking Water Contamination Lawsuit PFAS chemicals (aka.


We received a notification that our page will be deleted (due to our efforts to publish the truth)! Not sure if this is just a prank, but if not… please like our sister page:

Stop Forced Water Fluoridation This page advocates against forced systemic water fluoridation in violation of the Nuremberg Code ag

Exposure to excessive fluoride during hemodialysis 15/07/2024

Johnson, W. J. & Taves, D. R. (1974).Exposure to excessive fluoride during hemodialysis, Kidney International, 5(6),451-454. ISSN 0085-2538,
Abstract: The safety of fluoridated community water supplies for dialysate and long-term intermittent hemodialysis has been questioned since 1965 [1]. The only significant means of clearing fluoride from body fluids are renal excretion and incorporation into bone [2]. When dialysate is prepared with fluoridated water, fluoride ion moves along a concentration gradient from dialysate to blood [3, 4]. Because renal excretion is defective or absent in such patients, the fluoride administered during dialysis is incorporated into the skeleton. Under these conditions, serum fluoride concentrations increase progressively, and the bone content of fluoride rises above values obtained in persons with normal renal function who drink water that is fluoridated [3–6] (the serum fluoride concentration in normal persons who drink water with a fluoride concentration of 53 LM [1 ppm] is 0.7 ± 0.4 μM [mean ±SD]). Although it has not been established that fluoridated dialysate adversely affects the bone of patients maintained by hemodialysis, this possibility exists, particularly in patients who have been exposed to such a dialysate for many years. This and other problems associated with various substances in tap water have made deionization of water used for dialysate a common practice. Unfortunately, if the deionizer is improperly maintained, the fluoride content of the water may actually increase as the deionizer becomes exhausted.


Exposure to excessive fluoride during hemodialysis The safety of fluoridated community water supplies for dialysate and long-term intermittent hemodialysis has been questioned since 1965 [1]. The only …


There are several million people in the U.S alone with "moderate" fluorosis. In other words, all their teeth are fluorotic and afflicted with enamel hypoplasia (hypomineralization). This condition is an unsightly abnormality and an outward indication of fluoride poisoning. In addition, severe dental fluorosis Is most likely accompanied with significant neurologic or behavioral impairment. Fluorosis is permanent, irreversible, and lifelong. Such teeth will never be normal again.

Water Fluoridation – (PCOH) PA Coalition for Oral Health 12/07/2024

Let the Pennsylvania Oral Health Coalition hear your Input on Fluoridation. Scroll to the bottom.

Water Fluoridation – (PCOH) PA Coalition for Oral Health

Fluoride exposure during pregnancy linked to increased risk of childhood neurobehavioral problems, study finds 10/07/2024

The word is getting out! 😀💥

Fluoride exposure during pregnancy linked to increased risk of childhood neurobehavioral problems, study finds Nearly three-quarters of the United States population receives drinking water that contains fluoride, a practice that began in 1945 to help prevent tooth decay. But recent studies suggest that fluoride exposure can cause harm to a fetus if consumed during pregnancy, a critical period for brain devel...

The production of aluminum and its industrial use : Minet, Adolphe, 1854- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive 10/07/2024

Fluoride mafia and aluminum. See the archives.

The production of aluminum and its industrial use : Minet, Adolphe, 1854- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Book digitized by Google from the library of the University of California and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.


The first major US-based birth cohort study on fluoride neurotoxicity study was recently reported in New York Times, Newsweek, LA Times, NBC, Sydney Morning Herald, and DailyMail UK. These mainstream media articles were likely viewed by millions of people throughout fluoridated countries like the US, Canada, and Australia, as well as the UK, which is currently facing a threat of fluoridation expansion. The media couldn't ignore this study, as it was the first , it was affiliated with a major US academic institution (USC) that conducted outreach to journalists, and was published in a high-impact medical journal.....

MORE: https://fluoridealert.dm.networkforgood.com/emails/3331686

FLUORIDATION: SCIENCE & POLITICS Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network 09/07/2024



Hall, M., Hornung, R., Chevrier, J., Ayotte, P., Lanphear, B., & Till, C. (2024). Fluoride exposure and thyroid hormone levels in pregnancy: The MIREC cohort. Environment international, 184, 108442.

Fluoride exposure and thyroid hormone levels in pregnancy: The MIREC cohort Fluoride exposure may increase the risk of hypothyroidism, but results from previous studies are inconsistent at low-level fluoride exposure (i.e., ≤0…


Will the SCOTUS Chevron ruling have any effect on the ? FAN Attorney Michael Connett says it won’t.

"The Supreme Court's decision overturning the Chevron Deference doctrine will have little effect on our TSCA case. First, the Court has not rendered any legal interpretations of the TSCA statute that rely on this doctrine. Second, the central dispute in our case is a factual one for which Chevron Deference does not apply. Third, the TSCA statute already commands that factual determinations be made without deference to EPA's position."

Pregnant? Researchers want you to know something about fluoride 02/07/2024


Pregnant? Researchers want you to know something about fluoride Elevated prenatal exposure to fluoride was associated with increased risk of neurobehavioral problems in 3-year-olds, according to a study of children in Los Angeles.


Looking for administrators to contribute to this page!

The link between ancient microbial fluoride resistance mechanisms and bioengineering organofluorine degradation or synthesis - Nature Communications 02/07/2024

The link between ancient microbial fluoride resistance mechanisms and bioengineering organofluorine degradation or synthesis - Nature Communications Microbial degradation and biosynthesis of fluorinated compounds is a field of increasing importance, but is hampered by the significant toxicity of fluoride. Here authors discuss emerging ideas on microbial defluorination/fluorination and fluoride resistance mechanisms, providing guidance on how thi...

(PDF) Effects of Vitamin D3 against Sodium Fluoride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Male Wistar Albino Rats 02/07/2024

(PDF) Effects of Vitamin D3 against Sodium Fluoride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Male Wistar Albino Rats PDF | It has been demonstrated that vitamin D3 plays a critical function protecting hepatocytes and guaranteeing the life of healthy liver. Lack of... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Moral Action and Professionalism 01/07/2024

Moral Action and Professionalism As dentistry became a profession it crafted aspirational values to announce the highest standards for the relationship between individual practitioners and those who sought their care and of profes...

Wellness Wave Radio LLC Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network 01/07/2024

Wellness Wave Radio LLC Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Our goal for every show is to give you at least one suggestion that will make your life a little better. As a biochemist, I'm trained to find the "ROOT CAUSE"

'Forever Chemical' Lawsuits Could Ultimately Eclipse the Big To***co Settlement 01/07/2024

'Forever Chemical' Lawsuits Could Ultimately Eclipse the Big To***co Settlement Thousands of lawsuits remain pending around the country—a number that could grow to millions.


PFAS/ PFOAs are fatty fluorides. There are many different fluorides, all are toxic, all are compounds of fluorine (gas) and some other element or chemical. Some are less toxic than others. https://www.facebook.com/PFASExposureClaim?mibextid=LQQJ4d

PFAS Exposure Claim Lawyer & law firm

Maternal Urinary Fluoride and Child Neurobehavior at Age 36 Months 28/06/2024

Malin AJ, Eckel SP, Hu H, et al. (2024). Maternal Urinary Fluoride and Child Neurobehavior at Age 36 Months. JAMA Netw Open, 7(5):e2411987. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.11987

Maternal Urinary Fluoride and Child Neurobehavior at Age 36 Months This cohort study analyzes associations of specific gravity–adjusted maternal urinary fluoride with child neurobehavioral development at 36 months among a cohort of individuals in Los Angeles, California.
