Dad's Life Hacks

Dad's Life Hacks

A few insights and possibly some survival tips and experiments to help parents cope.


Hug it out - it’s like pure hacker magic

Finding compassion when you're stressed and running on empty. 15/01/2018

Stop, Drop and Maintain Control...

Emotional radiation is toxic for everyone in our relationships - Family, friends and certainly ourselves. Dr. Laura provides some great tips on keeping your cool through stressful times. Have a look...

Big breath in - and release ;^)


Finding compassion when you're stressed and running on empty. "I've been working hard not to yell at my kids. But sometimes I just can't help it. I explode, and then I feel so guilty. I know it isn't really what my kids are doing, it's just me, having a hard day. Is it really possible to stop yelling? What's the secret?"

Easy Ways To Improve Your Parenting, No Resolutions Necessary. 08/01/2018

This is worth a quick read. Use the tips as they are, or tweak them to fit your family style. Seriously, I'm sure we all remember how many times we heard the word, "no" when we were kids. We can do better.

Remember: Simple and Achievable...

Have a great week, Y'all!

Easy Ways To Improve Your Parenting, No Resolutions Necessary. Tired of resolutions? Here are 10 Easy Ways To Improve Your Parenting, No Resolutions Necessary. Put these on your fridge and read them daily. I guarantee you less drama and more love.


Just in time for Snowmageddon. Simple & Achievable Hot Chocolate!

Quick Tip: Easy Hot Chocolate 05/01/2018

Hot chocolate hit the spot today after Snowmageddon!

Quick Tip: Easy Hot Chocolate Make hot chocolate perfect every time without burning the milk or making so much your kids are bouncing off the ceiling.


Here's a Quick Tip for [not] Peeling Your Veggies - enjoy!


It's alive!


Connecting the BrickPi to the servos and starting to debug the robot.


Building a Lego Mindstorm robot with a raspberry pi and BrickPi motor controller.

Our Precious Photos 19/12/2016

I've recently been on an extended away mission from my family. It's been very challenging for me not to hear the sound of my children's feet running across the floor or their joyful voices, playfully awakening to the new day. I search for comfort where it can be found. During my away mission I spent some time binge streaming . I came across this little gem - … [ 604 more words ]

Our Precious Photos I've recently been on an extended away mission from my family. It's been very challenging for me not to hear the sound of my children's feet running across the

99¢ Dads Life Hack for Night Terrors 17/11/2016

99¢ Dads Life Hack for Night Terrors

99¢ Dads Life Hack for Night Terrors You’re like me, right; a working parent in an 10+ hour a-day job? You see your kids off to daycare and school in the morning, then come home at night just in time to bath, brush, book and bed…

A Few Parenting Resources 18/10/2016

Hi Y'all, Just sharing some parenting resources that have been helpful for me in my daily adventures and challenges as a "progressive[?]" Dad. If you do the podcast thing, listen to a few episodes of Zen Parenting Radio and you'll get hooked. I've met Tod and Cathy, listened to their show for over 4 years and continue to get great parenting tips and personal insight. [ 144 more words ]

A Few Parenting Resources Hi Y’all, Just sharing some parenting resources that have been helpful for me in my daily adventures and challenges as a “progressive[?]” Dad. If you do the podcast thing, listen …

HVAC over Minecraft…Uh-huh 23/09/2016

Seriously! Now granted, my 6 year old has just been introduced to Minecraft running on our home-built Raspberry Pi. He is just at the "whack away at anything" stage. And yet, both he and his younger brother were much more interested in talking about our newest project: Geo-thermal HVAC system expansion than spending time playing Minecraft. Imaginative Playspace My boys enjoy hours of imaginative play in our unfinished basement. [ 1,927 more word ]

HVAC over Minecraft…Uh-huh Seriously! Now granted, my 6 year old has just been introduced to Minecraft running on our home-built Raspberry Pi. He is just at the “whack away at anything” stage. And yet, both he an…

Smesh-up & 3d Print Aids Pirates 19/08/2016

3 & 5 year old boys make very demanding pirates. And so it was when they received a real brass telescope with leather appointments from their Grampa (who lives on the shore of Lake Superior, but that's another story). Tragically, they had no way to mount the new optics to their pirate ship. A pirate pow-wow ensued where we stated the problem and spit-balled some possible solutions. [ 419 more words ]

Smesh-up & 3d Print Aids Pirates 3 & 5 year old boys make very demanding pirates. And so it was when they received a real brass telescope with leather appointments from their Grampa (who lives on the shore of Lake Superior, bu…

Indoor Garden Sketchup 17/08/2016

Sketch up of new indoor garden plans I'm building with my 3 and 5yo boys. They call it the "Magic Garden".

Indoor Garden Sketchup Sketch up of new indoor garden plans I’m building with my 3 and 5yo boys. They call it the “Magic Garden”.

Timeline photos 09/02/2016

Daddy Hacker is responsible for all the party planning for our soon to be 4 year old. What would otherwise have been a chore becomes a fun project - party favors: Glow in the dark dragon printed on CEL Robox 3d printer.

The overall length of this dragon is ~60mm @ 3mm thick. Took about 10 mins to print 1 copy. Printing 4 copies at once took about 30 mins.

Estimated printing cost is $0.15 per copy (materials only).

My Cerebral Index Fund is Over Exposed 01/02/2016

My Cerebral Index Fund is Over Exposed why is it I forsee a conjugal tryst between Google Cardboard and Amazon Alexa getting all steamy in my basement? How do you decide which trends and technologies to track? Are you following multiple

Timeline photos 09/12/2015

My newest 3D print design: The amazing ScuFuMu. It's a Scoop, a Funnel and a coffee grounds Mucker.

Folks, you can't buy these in stores. But if you ask nicely I might sell one to you ;^)

REI #OptOutside 14/11/2015

REI #OptOutside REI is closing for Black Friday. Instead, we’re going outside and we want you to join us. Learn more and find ways to .

Timeline photos 13/11/2015

Prototype 1: Raspberry Pi - 7" touch screen controlled LCD. Full custom enclosure design, printed on 3D printer.


After losing 1 batch of seedlings to a voracious aphid infestation, we finally have a few that have graduated to grow cubes in the "magic garden".

Today we added nutrient to our cistern and used our 3d printed hose clamps to pinch off the flow to uninhabited cubes.

Photos from Dad's Life Hacks's post 24/09/2015

From problem statement through design and final solution --> micro-greenhouse

The Magic of Tinkercad and a Robox 3d printer.

Photos from Dad's Life Hacks's post 16/09/2015

Videos (show all)

Quick Tip: Hot Chocolate Made Easy
Quick Tip for [not] Peeling Veggies
It's alive!
Connecting the BrickPi to the servos and starting to debug the robot.
Building a Lego Mindstorm robot with a raspberry pi and BrickPi motor controller.
Seedlings "graduate" to the Magic Garden