Christina Ammerman, The Core Wound Healer

Christina Ammerman, The Core Wound Healer

I help smart, spiritual women heal their chronic health conditions and embody their highest selves.

Christina helps high-impact people heal the chronic health conditions that interfere with their purpose and profits, by clearing the deepest subconscious blocks and attachments at the root cause of their conditions, including the Core Wound. Underneath it all, Christina's personal “why” is Peace - World Peace as the result of more and more people finding Inner Peace. Her own experience with childh


Living with a regulated nervous system after all these decades is such unfamiliar territory. I'm doing an important thing in one hour and I keep expecting to feel nervous, but I'm not because I've totally got this. Which makes me realize all the other times that I was also about to totally nail the thing but I was nervous anyway because feeling nervous is just what we do, isn't it? Except it isn't - now I know.

Photos from Christina Ammerman, The Core Wound Healer's post 30/03/2024

Having uterine fibroids doesn't mean something's "wrong" with your body. It's responding exactly as it's designed, to creative energy that's stuck in your sacral chakra.

To heal your fibroids, you need to fulfill your soul purpose of transmuting shadow patterns so that you no longer stop the flow of creative energy. DM me the word "FIBROIDS" for program info to do that shadow work in a way that's easy and permanent.


Learn more by watching "How to Make a Decision That Aligns with Your Desires" at


Want to hear more about this? Watch the full video (9:20 total) at


To heal your body, you need to resolve the emotional triggers that put you into fight/flight/freeze/fawn response, because anytime your body's in this response, it can't heal itself.

There's a connection between this and your spiritual journey that might be holding you back. Watch the full video (9:20) about it in my post:


This first trauma, along with any traumatic experiences you've had since then, is the reason why your spiritual journey often seems to stop and start. Watch the full video (9:20) about this phenomenon in my post:


Curious about this phenomenon? 🤔 Watch "How Your Spiritual Journey Might Be Making Your Health Worse" at


Why your spiritual journey triggers your nervous system. Watch the full video (9:20 total) at


Let's shed some light and clear up misconceptions about what Core Wounds are, where they came from, and how they affect you.


I healed my BPD through a journey that culminated in healing my Core Wounds. I'd love to do the same for you.

If you're ready for this deep healing, Fearless Freedom is the program where we do it - much simpler and faster than the many years it took me to heal myself.


Do you struggle between having a business and being an entrepreneur? Here's a surprising way that your fears, worries, and doubts about your business may be manifesting to sabotage you.


Got questions about Core Wounds? Post them in the comments - I'd love to help you understand more about Core Wounds.
Follow me for more videos about Core Wounds - and share this video with your friends who love this kind of stuff. 💓


One of this morning's pleasures / triumphs: my perfectly steeped cup of jasmine green tea. 🫖

May we all transcend the things that have made us bitter - over-steeped green tea and so much more. 💓


Our desires exist so that we can expand into who we're becoming, step by step.

Follow me for more videos to inspire your spiritual journey. ✨🤍💜

Timeline photos 21/12/2023

Feeling peaceful and free of fear, guilt, and shame is really important in your relationship with money, especially if you want to attract more. What's one change that would help you feel more peaceful?

If you want help with that, follow the link in my bio.

Photos from Christina Ammerman, The Core Wound Healer's post 20/12/2023

"The Universe has your back" doesn't mean much if you don't know how it feels to be supported. Thankfully, you can fix that if you do the inner work to change the subconscious stories created by your past experiences.

Follow the link in my bio to learn how I can help you do that faster and easier. 💜🤍💚

Photos from Christina Ammerman, The Core Wound Healer's post 19/12/2023

Money mindset works differently for women, because we can't shove aside our feelings and just think the "right" way.

Removing the fear, guilt, and shame you feel about money doesn't have to be hard. 🙏 There are ways to permanently eliminate them from your mind and nervous system so that you can feel peaceful ease about money.

Follow the link in my bio to learn how I can help you do that. 💜🤍💚
(P.S. I'm offering a special price right now.)


I am PASSIONATE and COMMITTED to helping women clear their money blocks so that we can all stand in our practical and mystical power with money. Here's one story of a client who is doing that.

Follow the link in my bio to read her own words and learn more about the program.


This trigger angers me - how about you? Let's get rid of these old patriarchal beliefs that say women aren't good with money!

Follow me if you want to hear more of these subconscious money triggers for women. 💚🤍💜


Do you keep spending your money on others and not having enough for yourself? Or feel like others judge you because you're not more generous? Here's a subconscious reason why.

Follow my page to hear more of these subconscious money triggers for women. 💜🤍


Follow my page if you want to keep learning about these subconscious money triggers for women. 💜🤍


Within you, underneath your triggers, is all the divine power and knowing you need to bring more prosperity into your life.

Follow the link in my bio if you want to clear your money triggers and change your relationship with money.


The second of two major triggers that may have you working way too hard.

Follow my page if you want to keep hearing about these subconscious money triggers for women.


Are you caught up in Hustle Culture, always having to be busy? Here's one of the subconscious reasons why. (I'll share another in the next video.)

Follow my page to learn all the subconscious money triggers that women typically wrestle with. 💜🤍

Timeline photos 28/11/2023

Are you sick of struggling with money? This healing program, designed specifically for women, will erase the deepest subconscious money blocks that you struggle with.

Comment MOJO on this post and I'll send you the link.


The 3 affirmations your inner self most needs to hear are the ones that refill your Core Wounds (at least for a little while).

💜🤍 Follow for more Core Wound content

Videos (show all)

Making decisions based on desire instead of fear means changing your decision-making process. Watch the full video at ht...
Intrigued by this thought? Watch the full video at #spiritualjourney #decisions #intuition #alig...
022524_nervous system and the spiritual journey.mp4
This is why you sometimes stop and start on your spiritual journey, and why you feel like you're having more problems wi...
022524_first trauma.mp4
022524_nervous system and the spiritual journey.mp4
10 things to know about Core Wounds
I healed my BPD through a journey that culminated in healing my Core Wounds. I'd love to do the same for you. If you're ...
Core Wounds + Mompreneurs
10 things to know about core Wounds .mp4
winter solstice expansion.mp4
MMFW real example of results.mp4
