

Follow me on my health and fitness transformation journey! I promise to try to inspire and motivate others daily!


Sunday Funday!!! Spent the morning with friends crushing it in Kaitlynne’s class and then headed over to the gym for group strength training. Took John on in a rematch from last Sunday (he said he created a monster 🤣🤣) and worked on what I started working on on Tuesday. Check out my stories! Can’t wait for tomorrow and Phase 2 of LIIFT MORE!!

Photos from OlleyFit's post 28/11/2022

Going into the week feeling strong AF!!! Still a little sore from yesterday’s lifting but it’s a good sore…I live for that kind of sore! Back/Biceps done and hopefully heading to boxing here in a bit!

Working out, whether it be lifting or boxing (that’s my jam), that’s the time I focus, come up with a game plan and am able to clear my head so that I can focus on all the million other things that need to be done. Working out is far more than just a workout for me, it’s a reset. Yes, some days it is therapy because I’m working through things and it isn’t always pretty and that’s ok.

I came across this explanation when I was looking for something else, but felt the need to share it. To this day, I still catch a lot of crap from people about working out. I want to add that this is also why I respect the hell outta people who are seriously trying to get fit too. It takes a lot of grit and dedication. No, you’re not going to WANT to do it every day, but if you have a goal in place and people to keep you accountable, that’s where the dedication outweighs the motivation and that’s where the magic begins to happen. Happy Monday y’all!!


Out with the old and in with the new!! Yesterday was so much fun, I’m still trying to process it. I felt like a badass who actually had enough of a clue as to what I was doing to help the girl on the bag next to me (also, thank you Joel for teaching me rolls years ago!!) and just have some freaking fun!! Oh, and I got to pop one of my favorite instructors in the face!!! Double dose of legs too… LIIFT MORE W1 D2 in the morning and legs again while leveling up!! 💪🏻💪🏻


One month progress pics! Made the conscious decision every day to get up and focus. Can’t complain about what I’m seeing so far though!

Photos from OlleyFit's post 02/11/2022

Round 1 (gray/pink tank) of boxing definitely had better results than Round 2 (greenish shirt). What can I say….when you find an instructor that constantly pushes and challenges you, ya stick with ’em!! 💪🏻💪🏻


Thursdays are apparently for getting my ass kicked 🤣🤣🤣 loved every minute of it though!! 90 minutes of boxing tonight with candy eventually thrown at me! Too bad candy doesn’t motivate me 🤷🏼‍♀️ All in all, was definitely a fun night with a couple of my favorite trainers! Can’t wait for the Halloween box a thon tomorrow!!


Holy delayed soreness!! Decided to skip the weights altogether this morning and work on some slips and rotations. (I know what’s coming later 😝🤘🏻) Went back to 10 Rounds Week 2 Day 1 in Vegas. Yowzer, still worked up a full sweat but feel more as though I have a handle on slips…we’ll see how that goes in class later though

Photos from OlleyFit's post 27/10/2022

Photo and video dump…I swear, the more sore I got, the bigger my smile got. Started the day with Rey and Sagi doing Total Body Hammer. Then off to boxing where I found out that I was going to have a surprise ass kicking at the second class (the combos got the best of me…check my stories 🤣)


Well, it’s definitely been a minute since I was over here. I thoroughly needed that break to get my head where it needed to be. I do believe I will be here more often and just staying current on my fitness journey. So that being said, I plan on keeping myself accountable with sweaty selfies, workout clips, meals and recipes, and possibly sharing who I’m currently working out with. Happy Monday, I’m back y’all 😘


All those opportunities you thought you missed out on? Those weren’t made for you. Your opportunities and blessings are coming still. Keep your chin up, keep pushing on and have a bit of faith ❤️

Training Day 1 today!!


Deғeaтed. Loѕт. Ѕcared. Eмвaraѕѕed.

Those are just a few of the emotions I’ve increasingly felt over the last few months. I didn’t think I would still be home a year later.

I thought that I would be back at work or doing what I love full time and rocking it. Neither of which have happened. That’s not to say that as hard as this past year has been that nothing good has come from it. There have been plenty of good things too.

But the weight of responsibility and being the sole provider is taking its toll. On my body, on my mind, and on my soul. I know that there are other women out there like me struggling to figure out this new balancing act. Friend, you aren’t alone. If you need a shoulder to cry on or a friend to vent to, I’m here. Together, we can get through this. Just reach out ❤️


Slept till the last possible minute this morning due to kids coming in and out of my room all night, but decided my excuses to stay in bed were exactly that- excuses and I know I’m stronger than them. So I got up, got dressed and worked out. Breakfast was my shake and lunch was spaghetti. Feeling like I’m back on track and working on getting through 3 books this week.


Up and at ‘em early this morning to get my workout in. It’s another busy day today so I’m letting the kids sleep as long as possible so I can get things done without them under my feet. Currently drinking my shake and coming up with a to do list for today. Rey asked for pancakes for dinner so while they’re eating their confetti pancakes, I will be enjoying my Kodiak ones! Missed my morning crew today!!


So for , I decided to talk about my current favorite body part. And it's kinda funny because they weren't always my favorite. My favorite body part right now is my shoulders. I have worked so hard to get them where they are. The funniest part about all of it is that they just kind of appeared one day and popped. I had been so busy focusing on other areas that I hadn't noticed what was going on, I just knew that my sleeves on certain shirts and jackets had gotten a bit tighter. So yeah, my shoulders took the top spot from my former favorite...my abs. Those are still a work in progress and I have a feeling they will be forever.

What is your favorite part of your body that has changed the most or that you're most proud of?


Kinda forgot how much I love my hair when I let it air dry with just a little bit of product. Hello subtle beach waves 🌊


Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait, but worse to regret.

A few years ago, I felt so freaking lost. I was struggling pretty much everywhere. I knew something had to change, I HAD to make a serious decision and quickly. As some of you know, I began working out but I also realized that I needed to be bringing in more income. I met so many incredible women just by joining an online fitness support group and I KNEW that if I was struggling to take care of my family, there were others in the same or similar boat. The peace of mind knowing that I can work when and where I choose AND still be present in my kids lives and not having to miss out, there are no words.

So I'm extending a personal invitation to ANYONE who is seriously interested in not only growing a business and improving their lifestyle to join my growing team of warriors. It may not be an easy journey full of rainbows and glitter, but is anything worth having easy, really? It will be full of determination, support, love, friendships and spirit. I have all kinds of special surprises and big goals planned for this year, so if you're brave enough to say "let's do this," I'm ready to bring you along on this crazy journey. What do you say?

**take 2 min and fill out the app in the comments below and then post a 👍 so we can chat more about your goals**


I just wanna throw a shout out to everyone who decided to make 2021 their year! Whether they decided to start their own business, begin a fitness program, start a new job, start doing something that maybe they haven't done before or have done, but quit. That takes courage. Sometimes, the second and third days, even the second week are harder than the first because they aren't as new and exciting as that first day. It gets hard, I get it. I've been where you are. I've struggled, have quit, wanted to quit, but I also started again and finished. It does get easier, it does become routine, you get through it. Don't give up. Just don't. And I'll be here cheering you on!

Videos (show all)

Out with the old and in with the new!! Yesterday was so much fun, I’m still trying to process it. I felt like a badass w...
Holy delayed soreness!! Decided to skip the weights altogether this morning and work on some slips and rotations. (I kno...
