A Guided Soul

A Guided Soul

Nurturing Self Discovery, Intuition, and Holistic Well-Being Through Spiritual Guidance and Healing
Courses, Workshops, 1:1 Spiritual Services


One of the biggest misconceptions about manifesting is that you need to be having "good feelings" all the time to get what you want.

Not true!

We need to accept and embrace the stickiness of our vulnerability!

Despite popular opinion, uncomfortable or "negative feelings" are NOT here to needlessly hurt us.

Instead, think of your darker feelings as alarms to help you resolve a misperception of unworthiness.

Unlike what many have come to understand from some New Age manifesting teachings you can (and must!) feel your feelings to attract everything you want!

Here's how that works...

We need to separate our feelings from the "I am worthless" story.

You need to challenge or question that funny, silly, absurd place that we call the mind! Have you noticed that your mind spins hay out of gold?

So what nonsense is your mind making?

Is your story that good things never happen to you?
Is your story that things are easier for others?
Is your story that you are always rejected?
Is your story that you are too different to get what you want?

The key to manifesting, especially when you have trauma (which is basically everyone) is to feel your feelings without being swept up in these old-as-dirt stories.

Like pouring gasoline on a fire, the stories compound our — I’m going to throw-up or die — unbearable feelings.

The key is to acknowledge and even label your feelings without the negative narratives!

Like this:

I see and feel my deep sadness.
I see and feel my anger.

I feel knots in my stomach.
I feel tightness in my chest.

Then the only story you want to tell yourself is....

It makes perfect sense that I feel this way!

When you empathetically witness your own feelings and physical sensations, you stop the cycle of rejecting your (inner) child.

Can you then meet with gratitude your body and emotions for helping you clarify what works in your life and what doesn't?

The love and intimacy (in-to-me-see) cultivated through tracking your own nervous system will transform your energy, creating space for REAL high vibes!!

This love (true self love!) is the heart opening needed to make your electro-magnetic field become super-attractor strong!


From our roller blading gang on Heights Road at fourteen years old, to our deep dive into all things spiritual, Kelly B. and I could have never consciously guessed this wild ride we would share together. The contract is real (+ long!) and I couldn't feel more blessed.

If you want to hear more about my health journey, my healing, "Why We Settle" and manifesting... listen to us chit chat on her awesome podcast. And did you know that her podcast Reclamation Radio is in the top 1% of podcasts worldwide?!


I hope you enjoy the conversation! Sending love to you all. 🙂


New website in comments. Visit to receive your complimentary morning meditation and see how we have changed! New look, same heart.


A guided soul is a sanctuary for spiritual growth, offering readings, healing sessions, and courses that blend ancient wisdom with modern practices. Here, individuals are guided towards self-discovery and holistic well-being, equipped with tools for a life of clarity and purpose.

Tahra is a creative, transformative healer, spiritual coach and medium, blending ancient wisdom with modern practices to empower self-healing and intuitive growth.


something new is coming—————a guided soul is a sanctuary for spiritual growth, offering readings, healing sessions, and courses that blend ancient wisdom with modern practices. Here, individuals are guided towards self-discovery and holistic well-being, equipped with tools for a life of clarity and purpose.
Tahra is a creative, transformative healer, spiritual coach and medium, blending ancient wisdom with modern practices to empower self-healing and intuitive growth.
relaunching (very) soon.


I hardly recognize this woman
she is sure
of herself and whispers
to a companion you
can not see.
She listens and bows to
the inner crumbling
after the earthquake
and let’s the aftershocks
raddle her open to
multiple awakenings.
I hardly recognize this woman
she thinks herself
bold and beautiful.
She knows that love
isn’t a scarce commodity
to grasp and secure.
She knows that love is
primary water.
An endless stream flowing
from inner earth and provides
a gushing reminder
between her legs
that she has everything
she needs.
I hardly recognize this woman,
six years ago she cried for
three weeks, straight.
A fractured sense of self
mirrored by a break up.
The earth opened
for her to revisit
the original sin.
The original wound
within the wound.
The seed of despair.
She dove into the darkness
A spider thread keeping her
tenuously tethered to the light.
"It doesn’t get darker than this."
She whaled from the caverns within.
All the things.

  (Read more of this poem --->
link in bio!)


A daily practice where you focus on the energy of your SOLAR PLEXUS will help inspire courageous action to make needed changes in your life.  

It's one thing to know you need to change, but it's another to get your body to go along with you! The body is stuck in the past and it will want to keep you in your old patterns for safety reasons. (I mean... your body reasons that you haven't died yet, so it must be doing a good job!)

Practices like this (below!) will move energy in the places in your body where stress and trauma is stored clearing your body and energy field. When you do this you have more access to Source energy already flowing through you.

Let me know how you feel after you do this! I suggest this practice be done at least 10 days daily for noticeable change.
1. Set timer for 10 mins.
2. Lovingly close your eyes lids.
3. See in your mind's eye a yellow sun at your belly button and watch the sun pulsate, getting progressively larger. Watch the sun pulsate from a pea to a grapefruit, to a basketball to a big yoga ball and then bigger and bigger.
4. Eventually, the yellow light surrounds you entirely and you can feel yourself suspended in the yellow ball. Hang out here.  
5. Let the ball bounce around and take you with it feeling the momentum and movement in non-linear space and time. 
6. When your alarm goes off collapse the yellow light back down to your navel, the size of a pea.
7. Now... you carry the strength and reslilence of the entire Universe within you!

Enjoy! ☀️

Photos from A Guided Soul's post 23/12/2023

What is your story?

No one will ever really see me.
No one cares about me.
No one supports me.
No one will commit to me.
No one cares about my needs.
No one listens to me.
I am too much.
I will never be enough.

One of my stories was that “men always reject me” and while I see now that there was so much evidence otherwise, I thought this nonesense was implicit truth.

No matter how many times we are shown the opposite of our story, we still keep it alive, always looking for evidence that the story is true…

So, how do we change our stories and finally heal?!

Actually, I don’t know if there is one magic solution, and will tell you what I have done and what my inner guidance has lead me to offer my clients…

READ MORE 📝 Dissolving The Stories ... link in bio. 💜

Photos from A Guided Soul's post 21/12/2023

Swipe right ------>

Photos from A Guided Soul's post 08/12/2023

I was going to say I grow mushrooms but the truth is I had little to do with it... like most things, when the environment is right, growth just happens. 🙏🏽


Have you never been to one of my "HOOK UP" workshops? Did you know I am doing these? :)

Sweetheart, I would love to welcome you!

USE CODE: HOOKUP25 to join next week for only $25 if it is your first time!

BOOK HERE: https://aguidedsoul.as.me/THEHOOKUP

Next Thursday, Dec. 7th 5pm PST / 8pm EST we gather for 90 mins on ZOOM for a night all about how to work with the self love/ self care tool known as boundaries!

The holidays are coming up, which can be a sensitive time so it's important to know how to navigate relationships with care. We will discuss how to use boundaries as a way to take care of yourself, while also not alienating or pushing others away.

THE HOOK UP workshop will include meditation, journal prompts, a transmission, community, connection, boundary practice, and energy healing!

Do you love THE HOOK UPS you have attended in the past and you are ready for another one? If so, get your ticket today!

Early bird price of $37. ends TONIGHT (Dec. 1) then goes up to $55. until Dec. 7th.

Can't join live? No prob, Babe. All ticket holders will get a recording to watch the replay. :)

Love to love you!

We are one,



If we commit to re-parenting the ourselves, I've found that something incredibly profound happens.

Like Russian dolls the relationship you have with yourself becomes the model for how the larger you treats you...

Father Sky and Mother Earth... God and Goddess energies emerge in this incredible way to show you a reflection of what's happening within.

The more I visualize pure love and radical all encompassing acceptance internally, either with inner child work or with affirmations, or just with tracking my own nervous system, the more I feel connected to my Highe universe) simultaneously tracking me and nurturing me.

Commit to yourself Dear Friend, rewrite the stories, you can do... you are doing it!

And... wow... the impact ripples... new Universes. New timelines. More love.

What do you think? Does this feel true to you?

With my heart,


BOUNDARIES http://aguidedsoul.com/boundaries/


Feel your feelings and then let this story of expansion ring true as the highest frequency transmission. Love you. 💜

Link in bio for a Discovery Healing.



🚨 You can't attract what you feel unworthy of! 🚨

How to know if you feel unworthy of your desires...

If tomorrow you were handed the thing you want, you wouldn’t feel safe with it.

you are scared you will lose it once you have it.

you feel like you can’t handle it.

you feel like you do not have all the tools yet to be really ready for it.

you feel like it isn’t meant for you.

you think you need to do something else to be comfortable with it.

you think “I am not the kind of person who gets XYZ"

If this ☝🏽 is you (no worries Angel) here's what you do...

Repeat daily for 10 days into your water every time you take a sip...

"I am worthy of all that I desire."

Then, after 10 days change the sentence to, "I am all that I desire."

This sentence will retrain your subconscious mind from looking externally to looking internally.

When we direct our energy inward we activate the infinite GOD power within and that power gives us the ability to attracts what we want! 💥

This is self love. This is self healing.

Love you all!

🫶🏽please hit like if this helped you
💕share with a friend who is struggling too

A GUIDED SOUL 04/10/2023


As Zen Buddhist monk Shunryu Suzuki once said,

“Everything is perfect and there is always room for improvement.”

It's common to be so discontented with one’s current situation that we must strive for more, better, different. An insatiable desire foments out of lack and scarcity.

It's also common to feel as if one has finally arrived and nothing more or new seems necessary. To feel stagnant. Stuck. Unmotivated.

Which side of the coin are you on?

Too much of either side will bring dis-ease.

In order to feel flow, we must hold the feminine energy of everything is delightful with the masculine energy that drives us toward improvement.

Inspired by this concept, for seven weeks online together we will gather with an intent to hold gratitude for what is, and equally dream for what we wish to come!

Deeply healing and program rewriting meditations will be offered each week alongside a masterclass about the fundamentals of how this realm works!

Join us for the container FRUITION to get clear on what you want, to inspire peace with your life as it is now, and meet the creative genius within you! Do this alongside other people cheering you on!

I'm thrilled to be hosting this workshop and it would be my honor to co-create magic by your side...

Go on... say YESSSS! The doors are closing WEDNESDAY OCT. 4th!

A GUIDED SOUL TERMS OF PURCHASE: When purchasing a ticket you understand and agree that there are no refunds or credits available for this course for any reason and payment plans may not be cancelled once they are initiated. Thank you.


Dear Friends,

Two nights ago, I woke up in the dark of night holding the worst anxiety I've ever felt.

These waves of terror ran over me like a truck, leaving an aching tread down my torso.

Luckily, I had a tool.

I began singing to myself, like little baby Jessica in the well. (Do you remember her?)

Just like this little angel who sang herself into peace, as she waited for the fire fighters to rescue her from being stuck, I grabbed hold of a melody.

Sometimes we misstep.
Sometimes we fall.
But, we are never left alone.

I soothed myself with a song to remind my scared inner child that I am loved, cared for, and always held in God's gaze.

Here is the song.
🎶 I release control and surrender to the flow...🎶

Do you have a song like this in your back #
Memorizing a mantra like this can be a game changer. A song allows you to rest in your authentic feelings without getting caught up in the loop of the story.

A well lived life isn't about avoiding feelings. It's about bravely entering the dark cavernous places... bringing all of your tools with you.

The next morning I had a good cry and was hugged by my dear friend... further evidence of God(dess) love.

Never abandoned.

And, now I'm here, as messenger reminding you that you're loved too. If you're moving through it sing a song to bring heaven to your weary body.

If you have a mantra that helps you, tell me about it!

With my love💜



Once this integrates, we hold the secret sauce of life.

This cast of characters is inside you and outside of you, and perhaps all is a figment of the imagination.

Love is an energetic magnetic that links it all (us all!) back together.

Don't be fooled though, we like the separation because we are super, duper into the drama.

Drama is polarity /duality illusion and this is the tension that inspires the remembering... back to love.

It's all on purpose and perfect.

Ya know?! And, it ain't always easy.

I love you. I'm here for you. You're here for me. Heart open. Peace to you!


Photos from A Guided Soul's post 03/07/2023

Doors close Wednesday July 5th!! Be part of the next magical group!
🔜LINK IN BIO to get your spot!


HOW TO UNDERSTAND YOUR PRIVATE PARTS (But not the ones you think...)

I have a client who thinks her boyfriend can be selfish and it really triggers her. He gets himself food without asking her if she wants any. The nerve!

I have another client who gets upset when she is experiencing people expressing in unfiltered ways. For example, she cringes when someone is stretching and moaning in yoga when the room is quiet.

And then there is me, I have struggled with people who have diva energy and are always asking others to bend over backwards for them.

Why are we not tolerant and accepting of all people?

I mean… it would feel better in our own bodies if others didn’t “make us” feel so uncomfortable, right?

Perhaps going inward (surprise, surprise!) and understanding yourself better would help you be the more loving person you know you are deep down.

But first, what exactly is happening?

It is my belief that every relationship we have serves the purpose to lead us back to the Self and when we are experiencing another person as intolerable, it is a projection of something disowned within.

Let’s back up and see if this might be you…
How to know you’re projecting your unhealed parts.

1. You’re annoyed by someone
2. You hate someone
3. You feel threatened by someone
4. You “can’t stand” someone
5. You’re scared of someone
6. You feel you need a strong boundary with someone
7. You have an instinct to run when you are around a person
8. Someone is “not your cup of tea”
9. You consider someone the villain, especially if you do not know this person personally

Wait. What?!? (Haha. I can hear you now.)
Are we really meant to like everyone? Aren’t some people just toxic?

Yes and… no. Depends how you look at. This is your life, you can play it anyway you want.

If you want to understand yourself better for reduced stress, more social ease and calm, you can see everyone you meet as here to reflect back to you something about you. Or, you could, instead, put your head down and move on, non the wiser. And in many cases ignorance is the best option and a form of self care.

When I have chosen “curious” my life has improved drastically.

If you know me, you know that I am a lover. I wasn’t always this way though… My open heart was cultivated by getting all-up-in my own business which included meeting and accepting my own shadow.

Listen. We can’t love what we don’t understand. When you know yourself there is then the opportunity to love yourself and when you love yourself, THE CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS realizes his/herself through you. And that feels ohhhh-ahhhh-wow-yes-I like this-kinda-good.

Interested? Then join us!

Is this workshop for you?

Perhaps you can relate to experiencing others as annoyingly loud or maybe like me, you have given the side eye to anyone you experience as a “diva”.
Unhealed simply means unintegrated.

It’s not that we aren’t similar to these people, au contraire my friend, instead we literally CAN NOT see how we are that which we judge, too. (Yes, that means I have hardcore disowned my inner diva!)

Very often, we have put the proclaimed undesirable trait in our blind spot. It’s like we took that one part of the self and said, you can come for the ride but do me a favor, be on a motorcycle to my back right side so I never have to admit that you’re here, too. Okay?

Do you buy it? Could this be true for you, and if something about this feels resonant, do you wonder how all this came to be within yourself?

Well… we will explore this and more at the next Hook Up (link in comments)!

It’s going to be a good one!

Bring a note book, and an open heart. The format is meditation, masterclass, journal prompts and energy healing.

Love you all,



Photos from A Guided Soul's post 23/05/2023

What is happening in your body, right now?
What is happening in your surroundings, right now?
Come home to this moment. Again and Again.
Take a deep breath. Let the spirits in your breath bring you back to yourself.
I love you. 💜

A GUIDED SOUL 03/03/2023

On March 15th YOUR STOMACH will finally get the attention that he/she is so worthy of!

At my self love series THE HOOK UP this March, we will be caring for your sweet underserved, under-loved STOMACH. Your belly has likely not received anything like this before!


Perhaps you are “so over” your belly fat and can't stop the negative self talk.

Or, maybe you have ongoing digestive issues.

Or maybe it's anxiety in your abdomen that is the real bummer.

There is so much going on in our mid-section that wants to be seen and transformed!

In this unique workshop we will discuss…

Trauma stored in your belly button.

How discomfort is stuck emotion, which is essentially emotion that is going unnoticed.

Your stomach story and why it matters.

Your navel as the Source of your life.

Why care of the psoas muscle and fascia are vital, not only to your structural well-being but also to your psychological well-being.

My personal “Dandelion Practice” to release and heal.

How your relationship with your belly is related to the Solar Plexus energy center and what this correlation is telling you about your life-scape.



With love,


A GUIDED SOUL Schedule your appointment online A GUIDED SOUL


THE HOOK UP: Self Love Event : Theme: OUR SACRED STOMACHS Wednesday March 15th 5pm PST


Follow the link in the comments to learn why!


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Have some serious(fun) upleveling with me, TAHRA, in FRUITION, a 7 week manifesting container! 📅Sign up by Oct. 4th! ✏️W...
THE HOOK UP: Self Love Event : Theme: OUR SACRED STOMACHS Wednesday March 15th 5pm PST
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NEW COURSE: YOUR SIXTH SENSE Doors close this Saturday!!! Course begins Tuesday Sept. 20.MORE INFO: http://aguidedsoul.c...