The Danube Daily

The Danube Daily

The Danube Daily The Danube Civil Society Forum, DCSF, is a non-partisan and non-profit organisation.

No part of its net income benefits to any private organisation or individual.

10th Danube Participation Day, 2023 — Danube Civil Society Forum 23/10/2023

Dear EUSDR PA10 D-LAP members,

If you are not able to attend the Danube Participation Day this year, you can stream the event live in the morning under the following link:

10th Danube Participation Day, 2023 — Danube Civil Society Forum REGISTRATION OPEN! Please save the date and join the 10th Danube Participation Day: “Ukraine’s recovery towards EU membership” on the 23th of October 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, which will take place back-to-back with the 12th EUSDR Annual Forum.

C2Lab - Ljubljana/Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia | European Cluster Collaboration Platform 09/09/2023

C2Lab - Ljubljana/Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia | European Cluster Collaboration Platform Do you have a great idea for your next project? Or would you like to network and meet new potential collaboration partners from the Danube region?


Guten Morgen. Heute bin ich fest entschlossen, die Donauwege zu beschreiten. Meine Intuition sagt, dass es einen Sinn ergeben muss.


Brussels, 7 September 2023

Nature and people in Europe are increasingly suffering from a lack of water due to decades of water mismanagement and degradation of freshwater ecosystems, a new WWF study finds. River and wetlands are drying out, groundwater is being extracted beyond sustainable limits and reservoirs and hydropower plants are being constructed illegally and operated unsustainably.

The study “Water for Nature, Water for Life” focuses on four case studies in France, Spain, the Netherlands and Bulgaria, but outlines that virtually all of Europe’s rivers have had their flows regulated by dams or reservoirs, mainly for hydropower, drinking water, or irrigation for agriculture. It calls for a new climate adaptation agenda that prioritises nature-based solutions to protect Europeans against climate hazards like drought. It also urges the swift adoption of the EU Nature Restoration Law to keep water in the landscape through free-flowing rivers, and restored wetlands and floodplains.

"Svet i Dunav": Stigao odgovor iz Strazbura, dokazaćemo da je GUP nelegalno usvojen 21/04/2023

Stigao odgovor iz Strazbura!

"Svet i Dunav": Stigao odgovor iz Strazbura, dokazaćemo da je GUP nelegalno usvojen Organizacija "Svet i Dunav" uputila je saopštenje u kom zahteva hitnu obustavu radova "do usvajanja Strateške procene uticaja na životnu sredinu imajući u vidu izgradnju pomoćnog mosta prilikom& #8230;

Home | Dunavac Sodros 02/02/2023

Nedopustivo je dozvoliti dalje uništavanje ovako vrednog biodiverziteta.
It is unacceptable to allow the further destruction of such valuable biodiversity.
Bern Convention: Protecting Europe’s biodiversity

Home | Dunavac Sodros

Danube Region Platform on Centres of Vocational Excellence 07/12/2022

Danube Region Platform on Centres of Vocational Excellence Danube Region Platform on Centres of Vocational Excellence Platform, ongoing since 2021 Submitted by / EUSDR Priority Area(s): PA 9 People & Skills The Danube Region Platform on Centres of Vocational Excellence was launched by EUSDR Priority Area 9 in cooperation with the European Training Foundatio...

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 14:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 14:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 14:00
Thursday 09:00 - 14:00