Watchman at the Wall - Isaiah 62:6 Honest News FEED

Watchman at the Wall - Isaiah 62:6 Honest News FEED

We are men of God who feel the time is come where the world is entering the church and the church doesnt seem to care. We are here to STAND UP and warn.

Pillars of Wisdom (The Council of Heaven - Part 1) Elder John DiBartolo teaching 01/09/2024

From our resident professor ... so honored to have him

Pillars of Wisdom (The Council of Heaven - Part 1) Elder John DiBartolo teaching Adult Sunday School - September 1,

666, the Mark of the anti-Christ government- Revelation Pt 49(Ch. 13) - Tomorrow's newspaper, today 30/08/2024

Subsection ( A)

666, the Mark of the anti-Christ government- Revelation Pt 49(Ch. 13) - Tomorrow's newspaper, today CBC Weds. Night Bible Study - August 28, Scott stresses finding a good Bible church, use the following link to l...

CentereachBibleChurch 29/08/2024

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Tonight Bible Study
Rev ch 13 666 the Mark of the anti-Christ government

47+ Mins on Why the Bible can be Trusted 27/08/2024

47+ Mins on Why the Bible can be Trusted For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels ( Every Easter Ser...

8 Pieces of Evidence For God 27/08/2024

8 Pieces of Evidence For God For more information, read God's Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe ( READ: Cumu...

Help!, I'm Getting Scared (Psalm's 3 & 4) - Church at the Beach 26/08/2024

Help!, I'm Getting Scared (Psalm's 3 & 4) - Church at the Beach CBC Sunday Evening Service - August 25, Scott stresses finding a good Bible church, use the following link to lo...

Why does God allow bad hard things? - Foundations for Living Well series - Part 7 26/08/2024

Why does God allow bad hard things? - Foundations for Living Well series - Part 7 CBC Sunday Morning Service - August 25, Scott stresses finding a good Bible church, use the following link to l...


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All About ISRAEL'S Future(Part 2) - Revelation Part 48(Chapter 12) - Tomorrow's newspaper, today 22/08/2024

All About ISRAEL'S Future(Part 2) - Revelation Part 48(Chapter 12) - Tomorrow's newspaper, today CBC Weds. Night Bible Study - August 21, Scott stresses finding a good Bible church, use the following link to l...


Tonight 7:30pm REV ch 12B


Abide with me.. old great hymn

Fast falls the eventide
The darkness deepens
Lord with me abide

When other helpers fail and comforts flee!
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.

I need Thy presence every passing hour!
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power

Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me

Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies
Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee!
In life in death, O Lord, abide with me.

PSRK William Munk

Proof The Universe Was Designed 21/08/2024

Proof The Universe Was Designed For more information, read God's Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe ( READ: Cumu...

Peace of God when Facing Devestation - Matt Bjerk (Missionary to Croatia) 20/08/2024

Peace of God when Facing Devestation - Matt Bjerk (Missionary to Croatia) CBC Sunday Morning Service - August 18,


Why is this message so offensive and not desired in the preaching of our local Churches ??

From a new CBC peep who asked me to read this... all I could say is well done and said my friend...

Welcome to the CBC and why YOU GET IT !!!!

Why is this message so offensive and not desired in the preaching of our local Churches ??

Why we need to keep watch for the Rapture,and forget this world

Before reading this, please keep in mind that I am not saying
not to enjoy your life to its fullest. God gave us life to live,and
to give Him ALL the glory.

“The Blessed Hope” The resurrection of those who have fallen asleep in
Christ and their translation together with those who are alive and
remain unto the coming of the Lord is the imminent and blessed
hope of the church. Titus 2:13 says “looking for the blessed hope
and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Why is it when the topic of the rapture is mentioned or preached,
people, especially professing Christians shy away or get
disgruntled. Christians are told repeatedly in the New Testament
to be watchful for the Lords appearing. There are to many
christians today that instead of “ anticipating the rapture of the
church”, they want to enjoy this present life. Comments like: there
are still things I’d like to do or see.” This is not our home. Our
home is with our heavenly Father, where Jesus has gone to “
prepare a place for us.” John 14:2. Even Jesus tells us in Matthew
24:42- “ watch therefore for you do not know what hour your Lord
is coming, and verse 44: Therefore you also be ready, for the Son
of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Jesus in these
verses is talking about the future rapture of the church. Jesus also
uses the parable of the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom’s
arrival as an example of the rapture. Five were wise, prepared
and waiting for his arrival, while the others were unwise,

unprepared and missed his arrival.(Matthew 25:1-13) The Jewish
marriage ceremony also symbolizes the rapture. When the
bridegroom went to get his bride and brought her to the place he
prepared for her, she sits in a special chair lifted up and carried to
the bridegroom’s home. This lifting up or being carried symbolizes
the rapture of the church being lifted up into the air to meet the
bridegroom(Jesus) in the clouds. We are to watch for and
anticipate the rapture. Not, not talk about, or look for it. Luke
21:36 “ Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be
counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass,
and to stand before the Son of Man.” Again, Jesus tells us to

watch and pray.

Too many Pastors preach “feel good, everything is going to be
great” sermons because that’s what the congregation wants to
hear. The coming end times and the rapture need to be preached,
and studied more so we can accomplish the Great Commission
spoken to us by Jesus in Mark, chapter 16:15 “ Go into all the
world and preach the gospel to every creature”. This commission
is for us to share the gospel with unsaved loved ones, friends,
and those that we meet, and letting them know about the
Tribulation time that will happen after the rapture of the church.
In conclusion, let us listen for that trumpet to sound, for then the
dead in Christ will rise first, then we who are alive and remain
shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. As I
Thessalonians state’s, “ Therefore comfort one another with these



Disputing the Argument that All Religions are True 17/08/2024

Disputing the Argument that All Religions are True For more information about J. Warner’s books: Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels (UPDATED AND REVISED): http...


"Are you willing to be unpopular by standing for Truth - It is a choice today all must make"