Adrianna Mason

Adrianna Mason

Helping you make room for good love ❤️


Here’s how you know you’ve found “the one.”

You find yourself doing things you said you would NEVER do and not because HE wants you to do them, but because YOU want to do them for him.

If my husband told me he misses Nigerian food I would find a recipe that would remind him of home. Not because he “told” me to, but because I want him to have the things HE wants.

If he told me he was stressed and has been having a hard time clearing his mind I would book us a vacation.

If he woke up at 4am and was getting out of bed because he was hungry I would tell him to lay back down so that I can make it for him.

These are things anyone would easily say IM NOT DOING ALL THAT HES A GROWN MAN, but the RIGHT man will make even the hardest of women want to be soft, nurturing, and loving.

If you still sit around and have conversations about all the things you WONT do for a man what you’re REALLY saying is that you don’t think you’ll ever find someone who loves, takes care of, or protects you sooo good that it will make you WANT to do those things for him.

If that sounds like you then I think you need me as your coach and we need to talk. Feel free to comment “Coach” or send me a dm if you’re ready to get out your own way’

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 19/08/2024

Your kids deserve to see their mom loved, adored, and protected, but you’re doing things that will never make this a reality for them.


Why are you going to allow your last relationship to be your LAST relationship?

Your experience with your ex isn’t worth you NEVER finding the love of your life.

Don’t let your past win! Your future has so much love and happiness waiting for you.

If only you allow room for it ❤️.

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 18/08/2024

After going through a divorce or major break up you will NEVER be the same. You will never the same woman, mom, and even friend that you were before.

And here’s the kicker: YOU SHOULDN’T BE THE SAME.

When you go through things that almost break you, you become a woman who knows WHO SHE IS AND WHAT SHE WANTS.

You gain a confidence and understanding about yourself that can never be taken away from you. This is why every single decision you make going forward matters.

You can’t do the things you used to do or you’ll keep getting the same results that got you here in the first place.

You don’t have to wait for a new year to create a new strategy that is fitting for the woman you are becoming.

You don’t have to use your kids as a crutch to not try love again.

You don’t have to let your last relationship be your LAST relationship.

You are worthy
You are a deserving
It is not too late for you

NEVER let anyone make you think otherwise.

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 09/08/2024

I bought my first home by myself at 21 years old as a single mom and you couldn’t have paid me to believe that my next home would have 7 bedrooms and I would be purchasing it with my husband!

After going through a divorce or a major break up it’s VERY easy to feel like your life is over, but when I say it’s just beginning … I truly mean it.

Your life can be even better than how it was before and even greater than what you’ve imagined for yourself.

Join me for my virtual Divorce Detox two day workshop where I will help you cleanse from your ex and make room for your REAL life partner!

“Comment DETOX” or visit the “let’s work together” option in the bio of my profile and join the waitlist for this amazing monthly event!

Please remember that your love life doesn’t have to be over if you don’t want it to be!

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 05/08/2024

Let me give you a glimpse of what happens when you’re intentional about becoming the woman who has it all in life and love with me as your coach.

You start attracting better opportunities and you’re able to choose better quality men.

I will admit that prior to my divorce I was NOT dating properly. I was not properly vetting men nor did I know what it was that I really wanted from a relationship so I accepted well …. anything.

My standards were low and so was my self esteem.

Every man that I picked when I had low self esteem and did didnt understand my worth ended up not being good for me because I wasn’t even good for me.

I missed all the red flags.
I made excuses for disrespectful behavior.
I mean the list goes on and on

It’s quite embarrassing, but had I not gone through that experience I wouldn’t be able to teach what I teach the way that I teach it!

When you do the work to really discover who you are at your core .. what you’re attracted to changes, which means the type of men you like changes too.

This is a beautiful thing.

It means you will start being attracted to what’s actually healthy for you and I can help you discover just that!

I have a very effective coaching guide - The Red Flag Reflection Journal and it will help you completely transform your personal and love life.

This chapter of your life should be filled with intention. Nothing should be done without it ever again!

Comment “coaching guide” and I’ll send it to you a directly!

**Also, don’t miss out on my 2 day virtual workshop Divorce Detox: Cleanse From Your Ex & Meet The Love Of Your Life. You can learn more about it and join the waitlist by visiting the 🔗 on my profile OR shoot me a message!


Can I do all the things he does for me? Yes.

Do I want to? Noooooooooooooo!

It’s so time consuming and exhausting adulting all by yourself 😫😂

I know the last man probably stressed you out, but don’t let that experience keep you from having a man that you can depend on.

Because yes …. that type of man does exist.

The question is … are you ready for him? 👀

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 04/08/2024
Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 04/08/2024

When you’re ready to start dating again after divorce the last thing you want to be is the woman who is bashing and blaming her ex for everything that went wrong in the marriage.

Even if it’s true.

Over time the man you’re with will understand better than you can ever explain why your last marriage didn’t work because of what he witnessed with his own eyes between your encounters with your ex … or the lack thereof.

You don’t need to say too much.

In fact you probably need to listen more than you talk this time around.

Pay attention to EVERYTHING and stop over sharing so much. When you get back out there this time do it with intention and have FUN while doing it.

If you need some help on this journey I am accepting new clients and I would love for you to be one of them! I also have a $9 private community for women who are ready to jump into this next chapter of their life with support and encouragement.

Your options during this new stage of your life are ENDLESS!

All you have to do is decide to START!

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 02/08/2024

If you’re a woman who is ready to be intentional about her love life you need to grab the Red Flag Reflection Journal IMMEDIATELY!

With only 200 copies available this journal has been one of the BEST products I’ve created to help women stop making the same mistake OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

If you can’t afford coaching, but you are looking for something just as impactful to help you and hold you accountable as you do the inner work this journal was created specifically for you.

I don’t make a lot of guarantees, but this journal IS guarantee to help you completely change the way you date and even how you choose your friends.

It’s all comes down to what you say you want during this new season of your life.

If it’s a clearer set of eyes and more intention behind the questions you ask men and people in general when you meet them …. Then you need to visit

OR comment “journal” so that you can get yours before they’re sold out!

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 31/07/2024

Good husbands should feel appreciated on a regular basis.

The more you pour into him the more he will SHOWER you with whatever it is you desire.

If you know you have a good man … tell him!

Dont assume he doesn’t need to hear it because he’s a “grown man.”

He wants to know he’s respected, appreciated, and admired … just like you do.

Sometimes we give them a hard time and they take it. They take the attitudes, they take our frustrations, and they take even being ignored because of how busy we might get with the kids and work.

I don’t care if you just argued last night, I challenge you to pick a text message to send to your man starting TODAY!

Do you accept the challenge? 🥰

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 29/07/2024

You may not realize it but the things that have happened to you has already shaped you into being the woman you are today ..

You have valid reasons for protecting yourself and having those walls up, but I think you’ve forgotten that in order to get what you want in life and love at some point you’re going to have to let someone tear those walls down.

Better yet … you can tear them down yourself so that when you meet someone who wants to be part of your life they can actually love you instead of fight with you

Fight with you to let them in
Fight with you to show you how much they’re not like every other man that’s let you down
Fight with you to show you that you can trust them

If you don’t start doing the work you will never see the results you want, which we both know is a good love and a great life.

This is your gentle reminder to self reflect and assess if you’ve been walking around like the Great Wall of China.

Does what you want on the inside match how people perceive you on the outside?

If your answer is no then we need to change that … ASAP ❤️.


This is your reminder to embrace ALL of you.

Embrace your quirks, your passions, and all that makes you unique. Embrace your kindheartedness, vulnerability, and compassion. Those very aspects that were once misunderstood or even taken for granted will become the reason someone falls deeply in love with you.

The right one!

Until then keep being your amazing and beautiful self. Never change your most authentic traits because someone couldn’t appreciate them.

Keep being you. Unapologetically 🫶🏾

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 22/07/2024

Well he wasn’t lying about being a complex man 😂.

There will never be a set of SPECIFIC must have conversations that you need to have with the person you’re getting to know, because not everyone is looking for the same things

BUT … based on what you’re looking for you MUST ask questions you need to know the answers to BEFORE getting too emotionally involved with that person.

It’s not that dating is hard, but we do make it hard by doing things backwards.

These conversations may have seemed very forward, but I went through a divorce and had three kids I had to consider. I didn’t have time to dance around the tough conversations and wait to see what he would show me over time.

The answers he gave matched his actions, which is how I knew he was just as intentional if not more than I was and that he was probably going to be my future husband 🤎.


You all have shown SO MUCH LOVE to my eBook “4 Changes I Made After Divorce That Brought Me The Love Of My Life” and I couldn’t be more appreciative!

Because of this I wanted to give you another gift!

I understand that there are complexities when trying to “try again” after divorce that honestly not many people talk about.

Most of my clients come to me unsure if even finding love again is possible because of what is being said on so many podcasts, blogs, and social media in general.

It’s absolutely CRAZY!

YES you can find love again as a divorcee and NO your value doesn’t decrease because you have kids.

I don’t care WHAT people say! Why? Because I did it and my coaching clients are DOING it!

Because of this I decided to create a private community for women who want a safe space to simply navigate life after a major break up or divorce free of judgment and in a healthy and positive environment.

Stop listening to what inexperienced people are telling you that you CANT do and go where you will win!

I’ll be sharing more of my ebooks, worksheets, engaging content, and resources that will allow you to heal, move on, and date … THE RIGHT WAY.

If you’re interested in more information just comment “Next Chapter” and I’ll inbox you the info OR if you already grabbed the free eBook keep an eye out for an email with the details between this weekend!

Please remember that what you want in life and love is within your reach and don’t EVER let anyone tell you otherwise!

Your life & love coach ❤️

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 17/07/2024

My husband was also a divorcee when we met. He didn’t ask me many questions, but the few questions he did ask stuck out to me because I could tell we were looking for the same things!

As a divorced mom of three I had become very intentional about who I was bringing around my kids this second time around.

Little did I know he was doing the same thing as a divorcee and dad of two himself.

We still had a lot of things we needed to work on as individuals who had gone through divorce, but when a man WANTS you please believe he will COME GET YOU!

I created a free ebook for ALL my divorcees and women who are ready to date again after a not so good relationship.

Feel free to comment “eBook” and I’ll send it to your inbox OR you can visit the 🔗 on my profile beautiful!

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 16/07/2024

Sometimes relationships fail … and that’s okay.

What’s not okay is letting your past hold you hostage from ever trying again.

The best thing I could’ve done and that ANY woman can do after a failed marriage or relationship is give herself grace and KNOW that her love life is not over.

I created a FREE ebook that I want to give to all my old and new beautiful followers who are ready to find love again after divorce.

Before you start doubting yourself I did it at 27 with 3 kids ages 2, 4, and 10!

You having kids isn’t what will keep you single after divorce … but you not knowing how to let go and move on will.

Please visit the 🔗 on my profile to grab and download the book OR comment “ebook” and I’ll send the ebook to your inbox!

Remember, you deserve a love that you don’t have to beg for.

Your love life may feel liked it’s over, but it’s just beginning … the right way ❤️

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 14/07/2024

You’re already a woman of value, but the decisions that you make don’t match your value.

You give the wrong people your time and are surprised when they waste it.

What are you doing?

Why are you keeping yourself in limbo?

Every other area of your life you thrive and you’re confident, but when it comes to love you give people your phone number that never earned it!

Be a woman of value …. ALWAYS!

Join me for 3 days next week so that we can get you out your own way and onto better things! The Mrs. Happily Ever After event only has 25 seats available and you don’t want to miss it!

Comment LIVE for more information or check out the 🔗 in my profile and it will take you directly to the website so that you can learn more before registration closes!

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 13/07/2024

Marriage is amazing when you choose the right person to spend forever with.

For the sake of peace many happily married couples don’t speak on their happy marriages because it’s being drowned out by social media platforms and podcasts that are focused on trauma dumping.

Thats why I am hosting the 3 Day Become Mrs. Happily Ever After LIVE event!!

You might have to become the example of a good love and marriage that you’ve never seen … and I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way!

For more information on the event comment LIVE or visit the 🔗 on my profile ❤️

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 09/07/2024

I finally understand what type of “work” marriage takes that doesn’t leave you feeling depleted, but instead anticipating seeing, touching, and talking to your man EVERYDAY.

The work is what you do on YOURSELF not necessarily with your partner. The more healed, self aware, and honest you are with yourself the healthier your dating life and relationship will be.

I won’t lie I KNOW I gave my husband a very hard time from the dating stages to the first two years of marriage.

And to think I thought he was the ONLY problem 🫣🫢

Why didn’t anyone tell me this two years ago? 😂😂

This is why I’m going to tell YOU everything I learned so that you can’t say no one ever tried to warn you! I’m inviting you to join me for THREE DAYS to teach you the 4 things that I learned that finally turn me from exhausted and frustrated to Mrs. Happily Ever After.

If you put what I teach you into action you will NOT need TWO YEARS like I did to get it right! Your love life will transform in ways that I can’t even explain to you …. But I can show you through my own life!

You can learn more about this LIVE 3 day virtual event by visit OR you can comment “LIVE” and I’ll send you the information directly!

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 08/07/2024

Hey there little Ms. Independent …

This message is specifically for YOU!

I know how uncomfortable it can be to actually allow someone to take care of you when you’ve gotten so used to taking care of yourself, but I want you to take a deep breath and RELAX.

Next week I’m having a 3 day event that will help you create room for a good man and stop pushing him away.

I know you’re not doing it on purpose, but it’s causing unnecessary friction and arguments in your dating life/ relationship isn’t it?

Put me on your calendar for three days and I will only be taking up 1 hour of your day, unless you want more and choose the DIAMOND VIP option.

Join me next week for the Becoming Mrs. Happily Ever After LIVE event so that I can help you get out of your own way and make room for that good love!

If you’d like more details visit

See you soon!

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 06/07/2024

Sometimes, the biggest obstacles in our relationships aren’t our partners, but ourselves. Fear of vulnerability, unhealed baggage, and unrealistic expectations can unknowingly sabotage our chances at a healthy, loving relationship.

💔 Fear of Vulnerability: Building emotional walls to protect yourself from pain might seem safe, but it also keeps love at a distance. Learn how to open up and foster genuine connections.

💔 Unhealed Baggage: Past wounds can cast long shadows over our present relationships, causing unnecessary conflict and mistrust. You must learn ways to heal and move forward with a fresh, positive perspective or you’ll miss out on a really good guy because of your really bad previous experiences.

💔 Unrealistic Expectations: Expecting perfection can set your partner up for failure, leading to constant disappointment. Find out how to set realistic expectations and appreciate your partner for who they truly are.

Ready to break these patterns and invite good love into your life? 🌹 Download my free “The Good Love Checklist” to start your journey toward getting out your own way and creating space for a good man and a healthy, fulfilling relationship.

Get your free checklist by visiting the 🔗 on my page!


Nobody taught me how to be ready for a good guy after dealing with bad ones.

The 4 things I learned that will save you so much time and energy in your next or current relationship is the importance of doing these things below:

1. Acknowledge that you’re not perfect and that you don’t expect your partner to be. Truly acknowledge your strengths & weaknesses & know that you are still lovable.

2. Heal the parts of you that may still be holding onto the hurtful things that were done to you. Choose to be free of that pain.

3. Rebuild your self worth, self esteem, and confidence. Know that you ARE worthy of a good love even if you’ve never had it or seen it before.

4. Attract the type of partner that you’ve finally become for yourself.

These 4 things will completely change your relationships. You can not have a healthy love come to you if you are not giving yourself a healthy love.

I gave my husband a hard time because of things that other men had done to me which wasn’t fair to him. The moment I did those 4 things my marriage became HEALTHIER than it has ever been.

Whether you’re dating or in a relationship please know that you are deserving of a good man and a healthy love, but it can’t and won’t come to you if it doesn’t start FROM you!

Be the partner that you seek and be ready when they come and find you ❤️

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 03/07/2024

Women have been meeting their husband’s since black planet, tagged, and even MySpace was a thing.

There’s nothing crazy about meeting someone online. You have the same risk meeting someone online as you do meeting someone i the grocery story line.


No matter what they tell you or show you, you won’t really know them until you start spending time with them anyway. So why are you making this so hard?

Dating whether online or in person should be FUN! Not every man you meet will be the one and that’s okay. We don’t want multiple husbands! One is ENOUGH!

So why are you carrying such a negative attitude towards something you say you want? Why not be open and just see what happens? Don’t you do that in other areas of your life? Why is this area so difficult?

If you read these 3 reason and any of them were true be honest and let me know in the comments!

I challenge you to try dating site again with a different attitude and perspective and see what happens!

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 25/06/2024

You NEVER should lose who you are for any title. No title is more important than the title of “WOMAN” or “SELF.”

Not mom, not wife, and not business owner.

All of those titles mean absolutely nothing if you can’t be that amazing woman at your core who loves and values herself just the way she is while being those other titles.

Having balance is the key to having it all in life and love and most women struggle with having it all because it’s usually down without strategy and intention …. Until now!

The Evolving Woman’s Club has officially launched and this group coaching program is here for women just like you!

If you’d like more information please feel free to DM me or comment “EWC” and I will point you in the right direction so that you can learn more and decide if it’s for you!

If you’re a self starter like myself you can also visit the 🔗 on my profile to learn more.

Our first coaching session is coming up and I don’t want you to miss it! Be sure to join before enrollment closes for the summer.

And if you can’t join me inside the club join my free mailing list for more motivational and inspiring gentle reminders!

You deserve to have it all so have it!

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 23/06/2024

Thank you all so much in for all the birthday love. My birthday and birthday weekend has been amazing and I couldn’t have chosen a better time to launch the Evolving Woman’s Club.

The woman I was even 5 years ago had no clue that I could become the woman I am today. I realized that I don’t have to get lost/ lose myself in the titles of being a mom, daughter, friend, business woman, or wife.

I can be a woman that has a balanced, happy, and fulfilling life all around. The key to what I have been missing is believing that life was only happening TO me and not FOR me.

I didn’t believe I had any control over my life, but I couldn’t have been more wrong!

It took me years to learn what I am now teaching women MONTHLY in my group coaching program.

I recommend any woman who is ready to life a more balanced life and have it all in both life and love to join the Evolving Woman’s Club.

To learn more information about the EWC you can visit the 🔗 on my profile or check out

Our first group coaching session begins on July 6th and enrollment closes on July 5th.

To the ladies who have already joined I am so excited to have you! Your first trust worksheet just dropped and I highly recommend you complete it ASAP!

Thank you again for all your love and support ladies!!


Ahhhhh! It’s my 30th birthday!

I literally cannot believe it!!! Every single thing that I’ve experienced in my 20s has shaped me into the woman I am as I enter into this new chapter of my life.

I couldn’t be more proud of me!

I literally have everything that I used to wish for and my reality has become so much better than my dreams!

I am sooo excited for this new chapter and I want to celebrate it with you! In honor of my 30th birthday I want to invite you inside the Evolving Woman’s Club!

Summer enrollment is officially open, but ONLY until Friday, July 5th.

This amazing group coaching program is going to help you have it all in both life and love with a strategy and WITHOUT you losing yourself in your marriage, relationships, friendships, work, and even motherhood!

This program is for the woman who is READY to find balance in her life and get back to being that happy woman she once used to be!

To learn more information and see if this program is for you please visit

Let’s walk into this new chapter TOGETHER 🌱❤️


If you don’t think there are any good men left you won’t find any.

If you don’t think you will ever be able to rest because your kids needs you, you won’t.

If you believe that it’s pointless for you to start that business because your niche “is saturated” then that’s what your reality will be.

Your life is a reflection of your current mindset.

If you don’t like your life change the way you think.

The Evolving Woman’s Club is a place for women just like you ready to shut down those limiting beliefs and have it all in both life AND love.

You don’t have to choose ….. if you have a strategy!

Inside this group coaching program I will help you tear down those limiting beliefs so that you can start seeing changes in your life!

You can join the waitlist by visiting my profile and clicking the 🔗.

There’s no better time to change your life than RIGHT NOW!

And the best part is that you won’t be doing it alone ❤️

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 13/06/2024

I hope every woman experiences what it’s like to be covered, loved, adored, taken care of, and protected.

There is something that happens to us as women when we are loved by a man that doesn’t play about us. It turns us into little princesses that know she has someone who will always and I mean ALWAYS make sure that she is okay and will want to solve her problems in every situation and scenario of life.

I am so spoiled and I deserve to be.

I am entering into my chapter 30 happy and fulfilled being able to have it all in life and love and not having to CHOOSE between being a women in business, wife, or mom.

To juggle being all three without losing myself is a BLESSING because it hasn’t always happened this way for me. Once I realized that I needed a blueprint that worked for me and MY life I was able to achieve what “having it all” looked like to me and I couldn’t be happier!

To the woman who wants it all but doesn’t know how to get it please know that the first step is BELIEVING you can actually have it in the first place. A man that loves you, a life you enjoy waking up to, and an identity outside of JUST being a mom.

I highly recommend visiting the Evolving Woman’s Club and seeing if this group coaching club/program is for you! If it is then you should join the waitlist ASAP as enrollment for the summer will be opening soon and our first coaching session is in July!

I can’t wait to see you all on the inside as we dive into all the things that will help you become the woman who has it all in life and love!

Feel free to message me for life & love coaching OR to join this amazing community when it launches!

Photos from Adrianna Mason's post 05/06/2024

The life and love you want is waiting for you on the other side of your transformation.

I know it might seem IMPOSSIBLE for you to become THAT girl and to have THAT life … but believe it or not, you’re already halfway to the finish line! The ONLY thing that is stopping you from fully transforming into the type of woman your heart desires and having the type of man you want is your lack of consistency, intentionality, and trust that it can ACTUALLY happen for you!

The life I live today came with SO MUCH work and strategy, but it was soooo worth it! If you’re looking to join a community that holds you accountable and guides you to creating a strategy that helps you have it all, feel free to join the Evolving Woman’s Club waitlist! We will be launching soon and you DONT want to miss when enrollment opens!

Videos (show all)

Having kids is not a deal breaker for every man that youre going to meet. What IS a deal breaker is you not knowing who ...
Nobody taught me how make room for a good man after being with bad ones, but now I’m going to teach you!
How long are you going to let life happen to you?If you’re ready to take control come join me in the Evolving Woman’s Cl...
Are you ready to become that well balanced woman that has it all? The Evolving Woman’s Club is officially open for summe...
You are way too pretty for your attitude to be so bad.The worst thing about it is you probably don’t even realize when y...
As women we get away with ALOT of things, but I believe it’s best to simply become the thing you ask for in other people...
I love my husband because even when he gets upset with me he leaves room to let me in. I had to work on conflict resolut...
It’s true that it’s much more likely for your second marriage to fail quicker than your first marriage did, but it’s ALS...
It all comes down to what you want. No matter what your story is there is love for you out there IF you know what it is ...
This message won’t be for everybody, but for the ones it is for …. You know EXACTLY what I’m talking about don’t you?I’v...
The power of having a strategy as a woman that wants it all ❤️💍#saturdayinspiration #lifecoachingforwomen #relationshipc...
This habit was EXTREMELY difficult for me to break, but it has helped me grow as a woman TREMENDOUSLY. As you evolve as ...
