Antje Roggemann Medium

Antje Roggemann Medium

Antje Roggemann is a Clearing Medium and Trauma Healer. Antje Roggemann is a Medium and a Channel. And she also helps women to plan and start their own business.

She is clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient and claircognizant. She works with Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters and channels their messages. She also connects to deceased loved ones, especially her own, including her 6 children in heaven. Antje has a background in Business, Marketing and Event Management. She is also a Certified Animal Naturopath for cats, dogs and horses, a Reiki Maste


A Family Clearing Session is meant to test and clear up to 12 closely related people from spirits, earthbound spirits, negative extraterrestrials and black magic, close portals in their energy fields and close their boundaries to protect from new entities coming in. It is also meant to release problems, patterns, past lives and past life dynamics. I do these sessions together with my work partner Alaya.

Duration: 2,5 hours
Price: 444€

Up to 12 people can be included in the session. They should be closely related.
Examples: parents, aunts/uncles, siblings and their spouses and children, grandparents.

All people will be tested as a group for entities (spirits, earthbound spirits, negative extraterrestrials) as well as black magic and portals in their energy fields. Portals are open doors through which beings from the spirit world flood into the energy field of people.

Portals will be closed immediately. All entities and black magic will be removed from all people as a group.

When people are clear, their boundaries will be closed which ensures that they cannot take on any new spirits, earthbound spirits, other beings.

Before the session we will ask for a list of topics/problems you have with each family member and problems you see in them. All topics will be put in a Cutting Circle and cut from all people’s energy fields. By handwriting out all topics, I clairvoyantly see the patterns, past lives and past life dynamics behind them and they will be cleared in the session too from everyone.

After the session you receive a protocol.

DM me to book your Family Clearing.

Here is the payment link:
Choose Euro as currency.
Choose “Send to friends”.

Photos from Antje Roggemann Medium's post 29/07/2024

GET YOURS TODAY! Learn about 33 Angels, Archangels and Guardian Angels and how they can help you in your life. —> SWIPE FOR REVIEWS.

„Is It Cool To Be An Angel? - Interviews with Angels, Archangels and Guardian Angels“ is available as an ebook and paperback on Amazon.⁣ Links are below.

About the book:
During a treatment in 2017 my osteopath asked me “Is it actually cool to be an Angel?” The room we were in was filled with Angels, and his Guardian Angel was smiling. So I decided to interview Angels and ask them that question.

For about 40 days Angels, Archangels and Guardian Angels volunteered to be interviewed.

Part one of this book contains 33 interviews with Angels, Archangels and two Guardian Angels. The initial question for each interview is always the same: “Is it cool to be an Angel?” While each Angel shares their own reasons why they find it cool to be an Angel, they also share much more about themselves. Each Angel explains who they are, what their tasks are, what they are doing on Earth, how they can help you and when and how you can call on them. Some interviews are also quite funny. Angels do have humor.⁣

Part two of the book contains a message from all Guardian Angels addressed to all humans on planet Earth.⁣ There’s also a special bonus in there for every reader.

During the time of the interviews I also received a lot of questions from people about Angels and Guardian Angels. I asked two Guardian Angels to do a Q&A with me. Because of the large number of questions I did three Q&A’s with them. These Q&A’s are part three of the book.⁣

More Reviews in Highlights.

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I have recently had more and more clients have birth trauma come up from the birth of their children or their own birth or both. And not just from this life, also from past lives.

I have noticed that a woman’s body turns significant pregnancy and birth symptoms and trauma into monthly period symptoms. When I release the trauma, the period normalizes.

Example: One of my clients reported 8 day periods with heavy bleeding and blood loss and feeling awful before and during. Angel Kombi Symbols pointed towards something in the pregnancy. She started talking about going into labor and suddenly hemorrhaging heavily and loosing a lot of blood. In that moment I realized that her body had turned the hemorrhaging and blood loss from the birth into monthly hemorrhaging and blood loss in every period since then. I released the shock and trauma and the period got lighter for the first days and she felt better. We did another Healing Session on this and now the period has shortened to 5 days and less bleeding.

Women, heavy bleeding every month is not normal. 8 day periods or more are not normal. Painful cramps every month are not normal. Feeling awful emotionally every month is not normal. There is reasons behind this and with the Angel Symbols and my ability to read the energy field, I can find them and release them and your periods can change. No, you don’t need to suffer every month or tolerate this.

More examples:
I have a client who has been tired her whole life since childhood. Turns out it was iron deficiency anemia. I researched the reasons behind it and it’s pregnancy, heavy blood loss, heavy bleeding. None of that made sense for her in this life. And then I asked “Did she experience a birth in a past life where she lost a lot of blood and ended up with iron deficiency anemia that never got healed and she brought it with her into this life and it manifested right in childhood?” The answer was Yes. So, she got iron infusions and I released the trauma and we should not see the condition return.

The most mind blowing one was a male client who had a past life as a woman come up. And of course, he didn’t know. I recognize past lives by their energy. While being in the gym and doing deadlifts, he noticed that his lower abdominal muscles felt like they were separating. Later his lower abdomen felt really loose, like the muscles were not in place properly. I immediately knew what it was: diastasis recti, a condition where during pregnancy the abdominal muscles separate in the middle and drift apart. He also reported pain in his right chest muscle and I knew it was past life pain from breastfeeding. I never would have connected the dots, if I wasn’t heavily into pregnancy and birth trauma healing like I am right now. So, the Angel Symbols and my energy field released all that.

Book your own Healing Sessions to release birth trauma or period pains/heavy bleeding. Link in bio.


I have developed the Healer & Medium Training together with my clients and students over the last 7 years. It consists of Healing Sessions, Online courses, Reiki attunements and Mediumship modules.

The training is a path of personal development and healing. Whether you are or want to be a healer or work in another profession or are a mother/father or a combination of these, what you learn and the healing you experience can be a valuable support to you both in your work and in the rest of your life.

Basis Healing Sessions
The basis is regular Healing Sessions every 21 days, because it is important and necessary to work on, understand and release your own issues, symptoms, traumas and emotions.

The training also includes 3 online courses (email courses) and Reiki as well as approx. 13 Mediumship modules.

The online courses and Reiki:
- Energy & Clutter Clearing Course
- Working With Archangels Course
- Reiki Level 1, 2, 3&4 (Master & Teacher)
- Business Planning Course

The Mediumship modules:
- Prayer
- Meditation
- Aura & Chakras
- Energy Clearing & Protection & Boundaries
- Negative thoughts and thought elementals/energetic parasites & viruses/poltergeists
- Earthbound spirits & misdirected Spirit guides
- Clairaudience
- Clairvoyance
- Clairsentience
- Clairvoyance
- Channeling/Automatic Writing
- Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides & Spirit Animals
- The effects of Mediumship and Energy healing on the body (body functions, brain functions, metabolism, effects of work on the body, nutritional supplements)

The online courses and Reiki levels can be done parallel to the Healing Sessions. I teach the Mediumship content from a certain point in the Healing Sessions at the end and you will also receive the material after the sessions.

The costs are listed in detail on my website.

All in all, I calculate at least 2 years for the training, so that it makes sense for you and so that your abilities have space and time to develop and we can clear your energy field sufficiently.

As I said, I do this 1:1 on purpose, because everyone is individual. Alaya, who was my first student and now works with me, has been doing Healing Sessions with me since 2020, has done all the online courses and Reiki and Mediumship and now we learn and work together and I teach her almost daily or weekly. Other students have been with me for 2-3 years and have longer intervals between sessions. It is important to me to give everyone the space and time they need individually.

This training is available in English and German.

I would be delighted if you are interested in working and learning with me. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. I have plenty of positive feedback and reviews from clients and students over the last few years.


It is not so widely known that any issues with the knees often stem from trauma and emotions that get stored in the knees. I have personally experienced this in my own family. And this family of clients demonstrates it as well.

The mother, the father, the son (youngest child) and the 15 year old daughter all started having knee pains at different times. The daughter injured her knee a few months ago and has had a hematoma inside the knee since which wasn’t healing. It was also known that the father’s siblings and mother had experienced knee pain which indicated that it was a topic that had been handed down in the ancestral line. And the mother was born with slightly deformed lower legs which indicated that it was also a topic in her ancestral line.

We tested that we were meant to start with the mother’s deformed lower legs. In total we found 5 different topics underneath the knee issues stemming from her ancestral line as well as one past life of hers.

The first cause was a separation trauma that originated from the great-grandparents. A partner had died young. The person left behind was suddenly alone with everything and has also lost backbone support. The topic here was “Falling to the knees” and a women’s issue of being alone with everything. We tested the necessary healing frequencies, tuned them into the whole ancestral line and released the trauma.

The second cause of the knee issues were self-created and externally imposed magician programs. This family has a history of performing magic, not necessarily to the wellbeing of others. So, I actually rolled my eyes when this topic came up again, because we’ve been working on these magician issues countless times before. In this case I set up a cutting circle with transformation symbols to cut the whole family and ancestors to magician programs and triggers and consequences. Alaya then tuned in more frequencies and with a Prayer to dissolve curses released those programs.

The third cause for the knee issues was a victim-perpetrator-soul relationship where in relationships one person always feels like the perpetrator and one like the victim. This came from the mother’s grandparents. In this case the man felt like a victim, the woman felt like a perpetrator. To release this, I first set up a cutting circle with Archangel/Master symbols for the whole family and ancestors to the perpetrator-victim soul connection in the family system. Alaya then tuned in more frequencies and released the perpetrator-victim soul connection from the whole ancestral line.

The fourth cause for the knee issues was
the topic of taking everything on meaning making everyone else’s problems your own which was very typical for the mother and the children. And it turned out that it was a theme coming from the ancestral line. So we first did an Unwinding between the family and the topics of the ancestral line which is like a cord cutting. Alaya then tuned in more frequencies and released the theme of "taking on everything" from the family.

The fifth cause for the knee issues and deformed legs was an experience the mother had in a past life that brought her to her knees. This manifested itself in her deformed legs at birth in this life. It was the living conditions in her past life, namely poverty, that created the experience of being brought to her knees by life. Alaya tested the necessary healing frequencies, tuned them into the energy field and released the experience of being brought to her knees by life.

In this session we were only able to work on the mother’s ancestral line. In another session we need to work on releasing the underlying reasons for the knee pains from the father’s ancestral line.

DM me to book your Life Clearing Session to clear up your family and ancestral lines from past trauma and experiences or have spirits and earthbound spirits removed.


June 2024. Another month of big transformation, healing and finally huge success.

Since connecting to Joe Dispenza’s work via the Formula online course at the end of May, I have implemented a daily meditation routine several times a day resulting in massive healing and changes within myself.

Pulling fight flight stress emotions out of the first 3 chakras with breath and redirecting that energy into the brain has led to me experiencing a feeling of security and safety in my lower chakras that I never had before. And it changes how I go through life and how I work.

My commitment to changing my finances, paying back the overdraft and bringing in extra money with several mini side activities in the past several months as well as shifting to a more abundant mindset and vibration have finally paid off. June was the best months yet for me financially. And my intention is to keep my income in that range.


Shortly after arriving in the Nußloch apartment, I started waking up at night and heard voices talking. That for me is a sign that spirits are around, because I can hear them talking. I also had a feeling that there was something going on with the property and with the town itself, because it started getting really loud at around 4am already. And I know now that I hear negative energies as noise.

We scheduled a Life Clearing Session for May 16 to address all this. We started with setting up a Protection circle with Archangel & Master symbols for the AirBnB apartment in Nußloch. Alaya then tested me and the apartment for spirits and earthbound spirits. I had none. The AirBnB apartment had 5 spirits. Our task was to release all spirits from the apartment.

Alaya treated all spirits one by one. Each received the healing frequency it needed and was then guided into the light with the “Prayer to transition Earthbound Spirits”. When all spirits had been transitioned, the apartment was energetically clean and purified.

Next we moved on to the house and property. They received the frequency of the energy portal Awareness. After that Alaya tested that there were magician programs on me that the property had activated. They came from a past life that I have lived on this property. I then received the frequencies I needed to release the magician programs. My past self in that past life also needed healing frequencies and Alaya tuned them into that past life and then released the magician programs.

Last but not least the town of Nußloch near Heidelberg received the frequencies it needed: Archangel Uriel soul frequency, Master Essence Kamakura, Love flow water and energy portal The spiritual will. That ended this session.

A few weeks later I started waking up again and heard talking. We scheduled another session for me on June 8 and also included the house here.

The test for the house revealed 2 spirits in the house. The spirits belonged to the family here. It was the maternal grandfather of the sons and the paternal grandfather of the sons. Each of them received the healing frequency they needed and were then transitioned into the light with the “Prayer to Transition Earthbound Spirits”.

If you want a House/Apartment and Property Clearing for yourself, DM me.

Photos from Antje Roggemann Medium's post 25/06/2024

GET YOURS TODAY! Learn about 33 Angels, Archangels and Guardian Angels and how they can help you in your life. —> SWIPE FOR REVIEWS.

„Is It Cool To Be An Angel? - Interviews with Angels, Archangels and Guardian Angels“ is available as an ebook and paperback on Amazon.⁣ Links are below.

About the book:
During a treatment in 2017 my osteopath asked me “Is it actually cool to be an Angel?” The room we were in was filled with Angels, and his Guardian Angel was smiling. So I decided to interview Angels and ask them that question.

For about 40 days Angels, Archangels and Guardian Angels volunteered to be interviewed.

Part one of this book contains 33 interviews with Angels, Archangels and two Guardian Angels. The initial question for each interview is always the same: “Is it cool to be an Angel?” While each Angel shares their own reasons why they find it cool to be an Angel, they also share much more about themselves. Each Angel explains who they are, what their tasks are, what they are doing on Earth, how they can help you and when and how you can call on them. Some interviews are also quite funny. Angels do have humor.⁣

Part two of the book contains a message from all Guardian Angels addressed to all humans on planet Earth.⁣ There’s also a special bonus in there for every reader.

During the time of the interviews I also received a lot of questions from people about Angels and Guardian Angels. I asked two Guardian Angels to do a Q&A with me. Because of the large number of questions I did three Q&A’s with them. These Q&A’s are part three of the book.⁣

More Reviews in Highlights.

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Antje Roggemann is a Clearing Medium and Trauma Healer. She is clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient and claircognizant, sees past lives, trauma and karmic connections. She works with Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters and channels their messages. She also connects to deceased loved ones, especially her own, including her 6 children in heaven.

Antje has a background in Business, Marketing and Event Management. She is also a Certified Animal Naturopath for cats, dogs and horses, a Reiki Master and Teacher and Certified Angel Card Reader. She has been working with Ingrid Auer’s Angel Symbols for 18 years and has done most of the Angel Symbol Practitioner workshops. She has also studied for 1 year with indigenous Medium Shawn Leonard.

Antje’s personal healing journey involved healing from childhood trauma, depression, chronic pain, child loss and adrenal fatigue. Her personal experience and the skills and abilities she gained and refined help her today to help other women and men heal from trauma in her Healing Sessions.

Antje is a Clearing Medium which means her energy field is raising the vibration of every place and person she comes in contact with and transforms negative energies into positive ones. This also includes bringing people’s suppressed emotions, trauma and problems to the surface. During Healing Sessions and Reiki attunements her energy field does this for her clients, thus clearing their energy.

Antje is passionate about helping people heal from trauma and release past life karma and old patterns from their families to create a better future for humanity. She loves to connect people to Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Guardian Angels, so that they don’t have to do life on their own. She helps people to clear their energy, so that their sensibilities, clair abilities and healing abilities can come out, so that they can fulfill their life purpose. She also helps people to build their own healing business and teaches Reiki.

Since 2023 she is working together with her longtime student Alaya and offers Life Clearing Sessions, in which both together remove spirits and earthbound spirits as well as black magic and trauma from the energy fields of clients or from houses and properties. Antje offers a Healer & Medium Training of at least 2 years, where she personally trains interested people to become Healers and Mediums and passes on her knowledge and experience of the last 18 years.

Photos from Antje Roggemann Medium's post 13/06/2024

The Energy & Clutter Clearing Course was the first course I created together with Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters in 2018 when I started this business. I’m a Clearing Medium and this course contains what I’ve learned about Energy Clearing and what I use every day since 2009 until today.

Energy Clearing adds up over time. The more and the longer you do it, the stronger your energy field gets. The more energies you release from your energy field and life that are not yours, the more you become yourself and the more you feel yourself.

Many people have taken this course. You read some of their reviews here.

As a Clearing Medium I am passionate about Energy Clearing. It is part of my life purpose to do it wherever I am and to teach it.

The ENERGY & CLUTTER CLEARING COURSE in English as well as the first German version ENERGETISCHE REINIGUNG & ENTRÜMPELUNG KURS both start on Monday, June 17.

Please join either of the courses and allow me and Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters to teach you Energy Clearing and change your energy and life.

I just heard Joe Dispenza say “If you want to change your life, you have to change your energy.”

Course details and payment link are in a separate feed post as well as in stories.

DM me if you have questions.


I am the best example of Energy Clearing success. I’ve been doing these prayers and practices since 2009 when I asked Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters to teach me.

Back then all my abilities and sensitivities had come out. I got panic attacks and anxiety around people. My energy clearing field would take on other people’s energies and process them through my body making me feel sick.

I wanted change. And so I learned from Archangel Michael and others. I quickly noticed that it worked and I started to feel better.

Fast forward 8 years later my energy field was clearing places and people without negatively affecting me. Fast forward another 7 years to now, I can be around people, in large groups of people, do Energy Clearing in trams, buses, trains, houses and on properties, can pick up used books and trash without being affected.

The more old energy you clear from your energy field and life, the stronger your own energy field gets and the less you take on other people’s energies.

The more energies you release that aren’t yours, the stronger your energetic boundaries get and you will no longer attract the people and situations that now bother and drain you.

Learn Energy Clearing in the ENERGY & CLUTTER CLEARING COURSE. Starts June 17. Sign up now.

Details in feed post and stories.

Photos from Antje Roggemann Medium's post 06/06/2024

The Energy & Clutter Clearing Course teaches you how to clear out energies from all areas of your life with Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters. It is such a powerful course that past reviews say “This course has changed my life.” The energy of the course has the power to bring up and release whatever needs releasing in your life, often before you even receive the relevant course email.

All details are in the slides. Reviews are in the Energy Clearing Highlight.

Price for the 3 week course is 188 Euro.

Payment link:
Choose Euro as currency.
Choose “Send to friends”.

Der Energetische Reinigung & Entrümpelung Kurs lehrt dich, wie du mit Engeln, Erzengeln und Aufgestiegenen Meistern Energien aus allen Bereichen deines Lebens reinigen und loslassen kannst. Es ist ein so kraftvoller Kurs, dass frühere Bewertungen sagen: „Dieser Kurs hat mein Leben verändert.“ Die Energie des Kurses hat die Kraft, alles, was in deinem Leben losgelassen werden muss, hochzubringen und rauszuschmeißen, oft sogar bevor du die entsprechende Kurs-Email erhältst.

Alle Details findest du auf den Folien/Memes. Bewertungen sind im Energy Clearing Highlight.

Der Preis für den 3-Wochen-Kurs beträgt 188 Euro.

Wähle Euro als Währung.
Wähle „An Freunde senden“.

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